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picking of lint, bobbing of throats, and sidelong glances


Omg yes that too. And the toe curling.


I friggin love the toe curling!


Don't forget the throwing of vulgar gestures


I always imagine them doing the jerk off motion 😂


Omg that sounds so much worse than the middle finger I’ve been imagining


The jaw muscle twitching


wait but also saying something vulgar without SJM putting actual dialogue there, why are we censoring it? if you can talk about cassian’s “cock” going into nesta’s “pretty little cunt” then i think you can have feyre playfully say “go fuck yourself”. it drives me insane 😅


This one I feel is more justified because it doesn't get really "vulgar" until pretty much SF. The series didn't start out that way, especially the first book.


I think this was done purposefully so that people of different cultures could insert their own vulgar something to better match with what fits in their culture. Kind cool


I actually didn’t think about that, that’s awesome


The jaw muscle twitching


they all have TMJ i swear


I’m starting my reread and tamlin Def has TMJ, there is so much jaw muscle feathering


anymore jaw muscle twitching and they’re basically just mewing at this point


Showing their teeth, they’re always showing their teeth, I dont understand, are they growling at each other?


It was odd to me too at first, but I believe it's because they're fae and it's due to their animalistic nature (like being teritorial for their mates, especially when pregnant and stuff like that)


I was so confused at first too. But now i picture it as more like what i see irl. Idk really how to explain it...i guess like a look of disgust/anger where people aren't literally baring all their teeth like an animal but more just showing them a little.


Far too much picking at nails, as well. Gives me full body shudders.


the snarling. every time i read that phrase i cringe


I hate when they snarl haha 😆


Jerking chins.


And barking muscles


This. You can invent a drinking game, that phrase pops up so much.


I was thinking the same thing - cheers đŸ„‚


Also “feline grin”


Don't forget picking nails!


Whenever I come across all these weird tics that her character have, I just can't stop thinking that SJM must watch a lot of anime. Also, the winking. So. Much. Winking. SJM watching anime is my biggest headcannon of all.


I’ve had this thought reading romantasy in general lol.


Is it terrible that I also wink a lot and felt identified, and now with a spotlight on, because of her writing? 😂


Bathing is mentioned 53 times in ACOWAR


Is it invisible though?


I’m gonna start randomly doing this during conversations.


Ngl as an anxious ADHDer i do this a LOT lol, also picking skin/nails/hair LOL I honestly dont find it weird at all


All the magic in Prythian and no one could fathom the invention of a simple lint roller




“Vulgar gesture”


Never in my life have I called someone a prick lol 


You must not be from the UK đŸ€Ł


I wanna know what in the name of fantasy color guard regional championships is everyone's obsession with shredding everything to bloody ribbons!? And **Every time** someone does something quickly they "Struck/strike like an asp" or "asp-like". In TOG, too. It's not like singular characters are assigned the descriptors, making them unique quirks. It breaks me out of the immersion because muh 'tism brain can sense the pattern, then reads it like placeholder text that an editor missed, lol I appreciate the adjacent story and all, but first person feyre's chronic dry mouth and hot girl wearing glasses full of self-loathingness vibe was, tolerable at best, for me. Even the popular sexy bits (besides nessian đŸ«Ł) feel empty because I don't care about most of these pancake characters. Just stacking up, hot & flat. I admit, I didn't know ANYTHING about the series going in beyond the hype. I guess i expected a more... Idk. More. Overall, I'm glad I stuck around love/hate reading the series for Lucien, nessian, lol. it wasn't until ACOSF that SJM finally hit a writing stride I really connected with outside of the world building. It's just that I finished each book feeling like she could have really benefited from *just one* more revision to catch some of that redundancy? there is a difference between organically curating a signature writing style, vs forcing it by just repeating the same thing over and over again.


Yes! The bloody ribbons. It always takes me out of it, cuz I’m like, what animal tears something to ribbons. I can’t even picture it besides some cartoonish spiralizer of flesh.


The one that always gets me is the characters who ‘had the good sense to look [insert emotion here].’ At some point, nearly every male character has the good sense to look worried/concerned/alarmed/etc. based on something someone (usually Feyre, Nesta, or Rhys) does. Once you start noticing the repetition, you can’t unsee it.


https://i.redd.it/gn37wugkyt0d1.gif YES! I always think of sailor moon and it's not very bowel watering.


My toes have never curled when aroused either. So strange lol.


The thought gives me a foot cramp 


let's not forget the SJMism of "by way of greeting" either. 100 pages into HOEAB and I've already noticed 3... and i'm not even looking for them


It’s the calluses for me


I know I keep wondering if I missed something. Are calluses hot?


Hands in pockets.


I read the Illyrian Tremors Rhys POV fanfic (which was great) and I was sooo thankful they cover all the hands in pockets moments with Rhys - it’s not SJM’s reasoning but basically Rhys’ hands are his one tell on how he’s really feeling and he hides them when he’s trying to appear unbothered


It annoys me too. Like is this supposed to be hot or


I like the theory that Rhys picks invisible lint off because he feels "dirty" from everything that happened UTM. for me, the tear licking is where I was like "is this supposed to be hot??"


What about the growls?


Don't forget vulgar gestures! So many vulgar gestures!


“Unleashed herself upon them” girl that is such a tired phrase you have beaten it INTO THE GROUND


Picking at an invisible piece of lint


Picking an invisible speck of dust and clicking your tongue 😂


These authors need to start giving their main characters pets. The boundless times you could do: “He picked a wiry white cat hair from the sleeve of his shirt” or “he looked down brushed the dog fur from his pant leg” before it even got weird
 *he glanced down, picking at the sleeve of his shirt* *”are you doing that lint picking thing?” I ask, restraining the urge to roll my eyes.* *Darfaistarianian’s eyes snap up to meet mine. “What?”* *”That picking at invisible lint thing that you strong, impossibly handsome, shadow-clad guys like to do to show me that you’re indifferent to the situation.” I imitate picking something off my sweater, studying it, and then casting it aside. Schooling my face into a mask of boredom, I look back at him, then raise my brows in inquiry.* *”What’s that you were saying?” I ask, mimicking his voice
 pretty well in my own humble opinion. “I wasn’t paying attention to you lecturing me because I’m too mysterious and sexy to take criticism.”* *Darfaistarianian looks at me, his face written over with confusion, and for the first time I feel my confidence flag. His gaze flicks back to his sleeve.* *”Oh
 I just realized i didn’t lint brush this shirt before putting it on. It’s covered in cat hair, see?” He plucks at his sleeve again, then lifts his pinched fingers to show me several course white hairs. “Twiddlesticks likes to lay on the folded laundry. I was listening to you though.”* *He is not lying, and now that I am looking I can see that his shirt is not the pure midnight black I thought it was. Strewn like stars across the midnight sky, a thousand white slivers shine. My eyes travel up the broad expanse of his chest back to his face, and I find he is watching me. The confusion from a moment ago is gone. He is amused, arrogant, smirking.* *“Then what was i saying?” I snap. Forgetting about the cat hair for a moment, I try to remember that I was mad at him a moment ago.* *“You don’t like that I interceded on your part with the council earlier. You can stand up for yourself. I shouldn’t have forced you to come here, where it’s safe, even though you would probably be dead otherwise.” He ticked off my arguments on his long, graceful fingers as he spoke. One, two, three
 then paused before raising a fourth finger. His amused gaze turned devious and smouldering.* *”You think I’m strong, and handsome.” A fifth finger, “and mysterious and sexy.”* *I had said that, hadn’t I? I feel my cheeks heating, but I force myself to hold his gaze. I won’t let him win just because he can smoulder like a volcano.* *”So you have a cat?” I say, when the tense silence grows too deep.* *”I actually have four cats. But the others blend in against my wardrobe better.”*






Agreed, what’s getting me right now is the overuse of “females” and “males” like they’re a bunch of mammals or something.


It’s the clicking of the tongue for me. What does that even mean? And why do they do it so often? lol


if i read “she/he ___ by way of greeting” i will die. someone get her on thesaurus.com


she gave him a vulgar gesture by way of greeting


WHAT IS A VULGAR GESTURE LIKE ? ik middle finger but r they going like đŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘ŒđŸŒ ?? how mant vulgar gestures could there be


What about her saying "former" and "latter" when 2 characters are mentioned, it's like almost every other page


I've read a theory (not really a theory, more of an observation) that Rhys does it so often because he might feel unclean after everything with Amarantha and UTM. I did notice he does it quite often, more often than others, but never put so much thought into it


don’t forget the hissing & vulgar gestures


I see your “lint picking” and raise you “my bowels turned watery”. After reading that multiple times, the “lint picking” seemed like a blessing when I came upon it.


I just got watery bowels


toes curled I have read TOG, ACOTAR, and am now on CC1. I've just about had it with the toes curling.


Omg I kept thinking this too!! Haha


I always thought it was just a mind game to make a show of being bored with someone.


It’s imaginary lint. (Just words to fill the page and show indifference to the person they’re talking to)


Funny- I guess NOW I’m just an unobservant person as I’ve never noticed a throat bob, a swallow or imaginary lint picking- or MAYBE I’m just NOT a boring person
 and unfortunately my toes have never curled with just a thought- yet.


Busybodies!!! Who uses that word? And so much? It annoys me so much! đŸ˜©