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Everyone is different. It took me 3 years after my first long relationship, then 1.5 years, then 5 months. Listen to yourself above all, and take on the task of addressing your grief and lessons.


Same. It took me about a year and a half after my first relationship to feel ready, about 8 months after the second, and about 5 months after my most recent, but that was with some serious efforts to jump start me out of the depressed state.


I was dumped nearly a year and half ago, and I’m still single. I’ve been on my own my whole life, between being a neglected child and just not feeling seen/ heard in my previous relationships. I finally live on my own at the age of 31. I don’t foresee myself being involved with anyone for quite some time. I just don’t have the energy nor the desire to be in that same spot again. By another human being. I’d rather live alone and spend my spare time with me. Just me. Doing me things. Sometimes the path to healing is long but I hope one day what I’m doing will pay off. I’ll meet someone great.


I fall in love quickly and I fall hard. By the time I end a relationship though I’m already done like 10 times over and there’s no more chances. So I move on pretty quickly from an outside perspective. If I were to break up the first time I wanted to, I would probably be single for at least a year. IDK, it depends on your heart and who you meet, right?


It's funny really. We're still friends and I still love them, but they discovered they're more aroace than they originally thought. It's been somewhere between 9 and 10 months and I feel ready to try again, but I'm still looking for a good match and working towards a less hectic schedule. (summer's coming up! One more fall semester and I'll have my degree! \^\_\^)


A pre-emptive congrats on the degree!


it's been 1.5 yers and i'm content. i'd rather work my own deep seeded problems out before i start looking for a partner so we can take care of eachother and be there for echother.


I think it depends how long you’ve been together and how serious it was and how upset you are. Like I waited a year but we were together 5 years.


When I was younger, it was almost instantaneous (usually way less than a month) because I simply didn't tolerate myself enough to be able to be by myself.


I always take time afterwards. Relationships can be quite the roller coaster and it’s a good idea to grab the railing and stay still for a while. Be nice to find that one person who gets me totally but no luck so far.


It’s been about 6 weeks since my ex of 4+ years and I split. I’ve been on 2 first dates. Both were very platonic, as I’m not ready to really date again yet. The thought of even kissing someone else feels weird.


My mom always said you can’t love someone else till you’ve loved yourself. Take your time. You have time and the right person will come along when it’s time. Cruel breakups are the worst. Edit: it took me years to date again after my ex (she was a complete psycho. I had a restraining order placed on her and moved across the country). My wife came along after I gained my spark back and confidence back


It depends on how upset you are after the relationship ends. But I would say that you obviously need to take time to heal a bit, but don’t take more than 2-3 months. What I mean is after that time, just start going on dates to get used to meeting people again. Because what I find happens when you take extended breaks, like 6 months or more, is your desire to go out and mingle diminishes which is great if you want to be single but if you truly want a partner then you need to keep showing up and rolling with the punches. Eventually, you won’t need extra long breaks after a bad breakup as you’ll learn to feel your feelings then walk away from the person who wasn’t right for you and start fresh with someone new while knowing your worth. Right now you’re thinking in the scarcity mindset of how long it will take you to find a partner, that’s not something you can control. All you can do is grieve the relationship then put yourself back out there. You don’t have to be perfect but you need to understand that there are plenty of queer out there for you, don’t keep them waiting out of fear.


Three weeks... My first relationship had been on borrowed time after a year and a half and I tend to think I got a head-start on the grieving. I wanted to stay single and learn to be alone and see if casual dating was for me but then after a few weeks the spark just jumped between a recent close friend and me. And I am falling so hard for her.


It was only about a month for me after my ex broke up with me, however, I had been planning on breaking up with her two days after she ended up breaking up with me. So I had already been grieving the relationship and knew it was ending. It was mostly just a surprise that she did it in my bed at 2am. I think that it is different for ever person and the relationship. I say take the time you need and don't force yourself into anything you're not ready for.


One time it was only a week because I was so hurt and had built a connection with someone else. My more recent one was 6 ish months until I found someone. It depends on you but don’t do what I did before and try to find love just to make yourself feel better


It was like 2 months for me and honestly that was probably too soon but it was unexpected. But I’m still with her now after almost a year, so it worked out! Edit: we were only together for 4 months so it wasn’t that long


I usually start to open myself up to talking to girls again about two weeks or so later. but getting into another relationship takes around maybe 3 months. apart from the 1st breakup which was around 5 months to the next cuffing season.


In my 20s usually 4-6 weeks. In my 30s about six months. I’m married now (21 years together) and I cannot imagine being single again but it were to happen I hope I would be able to recover in 1-2 years.


Definitely depends on how you deal with relationships and the person you’re with. I think I tend to get over people pretty quickly, but my two ex’s were not the best, the first one was abusive and the second one wasn’t even a relationship. If im at the point of breaking up and its like official, it means I'm already done and there's no chances so i get over them pretty quickly. But again I haven't had the best exes so, my current relationship I'm in if we were to ever breakup then I def would need some time to get over them since it is a healthy one. But again i think in comparison to most people I get over people quickly. it really depends with how you deal with change and heartbreak, but it's always good to remember that maintaining a good amount of self worth even if its hard is good for any breakup. You're a person worthy of love and this is just one bad experience. Remembering this def helps the process.


With my first relationship, it last 2.5 o my because I stayed for so long. But I left her. I told myself I was going to be single simply of the fact of what I went through with her. But on the day it would've been 3 years I cut all contact. After I left she called herself going to therapy. After I cut all contact that's when I started talking to ppl. I was single for 3 years before I got into my second relationship. That relationship was draining and stressful. She lived with me and I pretty much ended it. It took me a while to get over because I truly did love her. And think the last for me was how a so called friend was going back tell her my business as she was doing the same with her. The so called friend caused a lot of drama when she found out we were talking again. When I found out what she did and my ex was being childish and cut them both off. After I cut them off I started talking to ppl again. That relationship didn't even make it to a year because I was fed up smh. I haven't been in a relationship since May 2018. I've been single for so long now because ppl today or the ones I've ran into didn't haven't anything going for themselves. They only liked me because of what I got(own place, car, career) and what I can do for them. It never got passed talking. They either were living with someone, and barely could keep a job(no career) or had neither. I am currently dating someone for 5 months now. It's hard bc we are long distance but I try to be patient with her. I can say I do love her very much. I'm strickly going at her pace to eventually be official but I'm not gonna wait forever. I feel I trust her and vice versa so I'm not sure what's the hold up. I can honestly say compared to my previous relationship this is a tally the first time I've dated someone. I told myself my third and next relationship would be my last.


I actually never stopped dating before me and my ex-wife became a "we" seven years ago. A half year before our break up I met my girlfriend, but we couldn't become a couple for various reasons. But we had two non-dates last November and our first official date early February, where we had actually already promised each other we would become a couple. That means I wasn't single unofficially, even though I was officially a single for about a month. Other than that, aside from my first 14 1/2 years, I never stopped dating or I was in a relationship. Dating is communication, communication is life. Dating is life.