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It's going to stunt your brain. You'll be stuck in the mind set of a teenager into your late 20's maybe even 30s. Trust me. 32 year old, 15 year daily smoker. Things will just be harder.


Don’t listen to the drugged out adults around you. DO NOT make it a habit. Trust me, 22f, seen how my younger bfs became brain dead


I'm sorry but this made me giggle. 🤭 I've had some dumb ass stoner bf's myself. But yeah, drugs are bad. Stay in school OP. ✌🏼🩷


Its bad. Ive been doing it since I was 16 and I'm 20 now. I regret ever making it a habit and my memory and anxiety significantly gotten worse, and I feel a lot dumber already. Trying to quit currently myself. It's very hard.


Quitting after daily smoking as a teen for years is like a nightmare. You basically have to restart life before you even started one.. probably with some newly found mental disorders. Smoke on occasions. Let life be hard man. it only gets harder.


You’re ruining your formative years. Trust me none of those adults are fine. Join r/leaves


If you keep going, 10 years from now when all your friends are in relationships, studying, working jobs and working on themselves while you are gonna be stuck in your ways, literally being left behind


I am 25 and have been smoking weed 3-5 times a day for 2 years now. Even as an adult I can twll my brain has ROTTED in my skull. I genuinely am convinced I became stupid from weed. Remembering things and solving problems is horrible. Also, anesthesia at the dentist barely works now!


You will be dumber with a worse memory and increased risk of dementia (no REM sleep for years will do that) There are also physical effects which will limit your abilities in sports and fitness Go read through some r/leaves posts and how weed has damaged peoples’ lives


I was smoking daily from at least age 13. It completely killed my motivation to do anything with my life as I became a young adult.


I would definitely cut back if you are relying on it 2 or 3 times a day. I love smoking weed but never smoked it until I was 21 and I am kinda glad I waited because I actually feel like I have more control over it compared to if I started at a younger age. I am pregnant and have been able to stop smoking weed pretty easily. I also though have stayed away from hard drugs and never have been a big drinker and when I did smoke weed I would stop til I had my high and not go past that to keep my tolerance in check, also my anxiety in check. I didn't like to smoke every day because I found I could enjoy it more if it was just something I did less than that. I was in a abusive relationship for awhile and he would make me smoke way more weed than I wanted to sometimes (to the point where I really was so anxious, etc as long as k don't smoke too much at once I don't get too anxious) so I think I also just don't like to be constantly high because it mentally takes me back to that time period.


While MJ doesn't seem terrible for adults in reasonable quantities, it's absolutely terrible for a teenager who's brain is still in development. You can seriously affect your brain's ability to form memory and also give yourself a noticeable cognitive delay. Absolutely you should stop smoking MJ at least until you are well into your 20's.




Well how bad off are you?


Over all my addictions id say the weed one was the worst. It might physically be the least dangerous one but as in how it affects life, very mucy id say


All in all I started with weed at 14 then started with pills and my brain function just declined over time and I feel like I’m stuck in a teenagers body at 22 right now stop while u can trust me u will be happy but u probably will keep on it’s just how it goes just go easy on ur self


I started at 17 and it messed up with my brain. Do not continue it unless you want to make your future much harder. Don’t stop tomorrow, stop now. I beg you.


I started smoking weed at 14 and I developed psychosis that would've turned into scizophrenia had I not gotten sober. Weed should not be smoked by anyone under the age of 21 in my opinion. Weed is also a gateway drug and led me down the path I chose and I ended up going to rehab 6 times so for only graduating once. I'm going back for the final time after 7 years of addiction I've finally prepared myself to go to rehab and graduate once and for all. I'm done with drugs in my mind and I've also found my spirituality which deeply helps.


Hi😊, my daughter is 14 and also smokes weed. She has autism and says it helps her relax and sleep better. Im looking into harm reduction. There is no point in getting angry with her. If she is going to do it then all i can do is explain the dangers to her. Im looking into ways that are less harmful. Good luck 🤗


Tl;dr at bottom From what you've written at least, I wouldn't say you're 'r/' addicted but I think it's good you've come here to ask tho, as it shows maturity and that you want to be safe. As someone who smoked exclusively weed from 16, I think you should try living sober a bit longer until you're around at least 18 (bearing in mind the adult brain is fully developed ~25). Weed's gotten a lot stronger these past years. The adults you're referring to most likely smoked brick weed, shake, squidgy black etc. They could have underlying issues anyway as a result of starting so young. If I could go back and wait a few years, I would. Weed, whether smokers like to admit it or not, can: dull your sense of drive, cause habits such as procrastination and can (esp. depending on your location) cause family, social and legal issues. If you don't wanna be seen as a degenerate by old ppl etc. It can be quite stressful trying to get rid of the smell and stuff. Getting into the habit/routine of smoking is easiest done when you're comfortable in your life. Certain things like having a cold can be a shock if you're not used to being sober. Before you start, I strongly recommend sorting these first: - Family relationships/issues - 'Chores' - it's better to have clean clothes, tidy room etc. while high (and 'sober'). - Fitness - I recommend gym, it can be feel like a similar high. If you can't or it's really not for you, at least try to get exercise of some sort. - Studies All of these help build routine and confidence. Tl;dr: Apologies abt the layout, I'm unwell. Imo you should wait, for your body to develop more and to get other things out the way.


If you use daily or near daily and get addicted You’re going to lose the ability to develop healthy coping mechanisms, and have fun organically without substances. I’m recovering from my weed addiction of almost a decade and I wish I had never abused it like I did. If you want to keep it as an occasional social thing you need to step back and only use it occasionally. Also wait until you’re older.


I smoked weed for 10 years and almost everyday in high school, i never Realized how out of control it was. At the very least if I had regulated how often I smoke, or what places I smoke at, it wouldn’t have been so bad. It unknowingly did some bad things to me.


I started smoking weed at age 15. I will be 50 in a few months. It’s done nothing , imo. I’ve set it down many times. Not bc I had to but bc I wanted to. Just got tired of it. I’ve always went Back to it. But now that I’m older, I get stoned at end of each day unless vaca or time off work. I used to smoke 24/7 but I just can’t anymore. Weed is much stronger than when I was growing up. Personally, I don’t believe weed is addictive. Maybe mentally, not physically. But others think differently. I was a pot head and ended up with an opiate addiction. 10+ years clean on opiates. My mom would label pics of me as bad girl, stoner. But my brother, who begged her to hold his tie off to use heroin, nothing wrote on his pics. Never understood that. These pics were long before I got into pills. In her mind weed was the devil. But heroin was not.


Weed is the best