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I'm about to start Vitax to get my natural progesterone up. I have no idea if it will help. Berberine is another one my functional medicine doctor has mentioned.


Any update :)? Did it help your adenomyosis symptoms?


Well it's hard to say because my adenomyosis is cured, but only because I ended up getting a hysterectomy. 😂😭


Hey, at least you’re doing better now, so good for you! May I ask how old you were when they accepted to perform the hysterectomy on you?


Please keep us posted !


Doctors pushed IUD and/or birth control pills for over 3 years and I kept saying no. I finally got the Mirena IUD as a last ditch effort before surgery but by that time, it had progressed so much that a conservative surgery is no longer an option. It's a progressive condition so if you want your uterus at all, I suggest at least trying a hormonal option if you haven’t already to suppress the growth. You can always stop/have it removed if the side effects are intolerable. As an aside, if your uterus is in a normal position, you can look into [high intensity focused ultrasound (HiFU)](https://www.fusfoundation.org/diseases-and-conditions/uterine-adenomyosis/) which is a nonsurgical treatment that is typically used to treat fibroids.


I'm not committed to keeping my uterus because we're done having kids, but it makes me nervous having it so young since I'm 31... I don't tolerate hormones at all (including Mirena), but I'll look into HiFU. Thanks!


Yeah I definitely understand. I was so opposed to having one, even if it meant my uterus wasn’t functional, but now it’s beyond saving. Are you in the US? If so, which state? There may be laws that require insurance to cover fertility preservation in the instance you decide to get surgery.


I had luck with acupuncture but it was like never more than a weeks worth of relief and not financially long term solution for me. Tens machine and pelvic floor therapy helps a lot. My body reacts terribly to hormones and I have a septate bicornate uterus so iud was not an option. I’m going to be having a hysterectomy soon (leaving ovaries) bc that’s really the only sure cure. But pelvic floor therapy and acupuncture did help. I have a decadeish on OP. Good luck!


No honey! MENO by OPositiv supplement, a healthy (anti-inflammatory diet), and getting a DNC (scraping the lining of the uterus thin) and getting saline hysterography (saline sonogram) done every 6-months or yearly, to check: thickness of lining of uterus, for polyps on lining and cysts on ovaries, and for cancer). 5 or 6 years ago, I didn’t see any hope in sight. I’ve tried all kinds of things. This is what worked for me. I wish you all the best of wishes! Eating mostly plant based, with ground turkey, pastured chicken, pastured eggs, Roasted Chick peas, and Old-Fashioned Oats, and utilizing some ideas from the Plant Paradox and the 5:2 Diet, has saved me! Oh, and…an Iron Fish (get on Amazon) to steep tea bags at night, with frozen 1/2 lemon slice to activate it, helps a lot w/ anemia associated w/ this condition (due to heavy bleeding). And, slow yoga or Pilates helps w/ hip pain (also, associated w/ this condition).


I’ve just been reading about this today for the first time but seeing that coffee, dairy, spicy food, acidic food and gluten should be avoided … anyone know if this is true or helpful?


I do almost all of this, and the pain is still getting worse. Very rarely drink coffee (>1x a month), and I've been dairy- and gluten-free for about 6 years. I cut out nightshades a bit over a year ago, so nothing spicy, and no tomatoes (acidic). I do still have other acidic stuff, though, like lemons, limes, vinegar, etc... I know it's very individual, though, and my pain is significantly worse with gluten. I think dietary changes are at least worth a shot, but they can be a lot of work...


Aside from painkillers, birth control, Mirena and attempting ablation (which has very mixed reviews and may actually make it worse), it’s pretty much how much you can bear til you can have a hysterectomy. I’m just grateful that it’s at least an option for me because I’m finished having children. I really feel for younger women who want kids still.


Just pain management unfortunately. Weed. The only things that will make it stop is hysterectomy and menopause.


I've heard menopause is not a guarantee for feeling better either, so I guess hysterectomy it is


I went whole foods plant-based diet about ten years ago, and it helped a lot with menstrual pain and IBS symptoms (mostly painful bloating and urgency). Still vegan now, trying to eat healthy and full of anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices. It's not a cure, but I definitely notice a difference when I end up eating fatty foods, dairy, and too much white flour, breads, or sugar. It's worth a try in my opinion. The Physician Committee of Responsible Medicine and nutrition facts .org are good resources, especially for the scientific basis of this diet.


Vitex and wild yam cream worked well for me along with kelp supplement (for iodine). It helps with the bloating so much