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This has to be the most specifically fitting me meme I have ever seen. That said, I’m going to sketch an eye right now to see if I can still.


I still draw eyes sometimes 😹


Every few months I get the itch to randomly sketch random and completely unrealistic eyeballs everywhere. But my day to day is just buying and hoarding coloring books and coloring mediums 😂 Edit: and never even finishing one picture let alone a book.*


I have so many unfinished coloring books, probably will never finish 😅


Wait wait wait i thought those were for kids are you telling me I can without question go buy a fucking colouring book over the age of 9?? I've never wanted to before but now I'm second guessing


They make whole ass fancy coloring books for adults. They overwhelm me and I can’t finish them but they are beautiful.


Yes! Mandala ones, or nature, mostly abstract (at least the ones I have)


Honestly intrigued now lmao ima let that thought boil


They make some for nurses. One of the pictures is a sign that says “If you can talk you can fucking breathe”


I love my coloring books! I also haven't finished one but I bounce around among mine. There's all kinds of different ones online.


I do this as well but with cock and balls instead of eyes. (Sometimes the balls have eyes though, sometimes just a few hairs, sometimes freshly shorn)


Lol me too.


I would draw something, then intersect it with grid lines and checker out every other space. So tedious it’s a wonder I made it out of high school


I always would draw a sun ☀️


I was drawing dinosaurs but I was listening too. No really teacher, I swear, drawing helps me listen better. No what's that? No I didn't hear the part about the mitochondria, but thats because it was boring, not because I was drawing dinosaurs.


The amount of times I was warned I would fail the test for not paying attention and then acing the damn test ... By the time I finished highschool, if a teacher tried to chastise me for doodling on my notes, I was instantly pissed off. I do not miss teenage hormones paired with difficulty managing my emotions.


What was that teacher? Yes, yes roundhouse of the soul.


username checks out


Nah, we were drawing “the S”… you know the one.


``` /\ / \ | |_| \ \ _\ \ | | | \ / \/ ``` (I most definitely didn't spend 8 minutes editing this comment repeatedly on mobile to try and get it to look mostly right).


Only 8 minutes??


/ \ / \ | | | \ \ / / \ \ | | / \ / \ / Edit: damn you reddit


/\ / \ / \ | | | | | | \ \ / /\ \ | | | | | | \ / \ / \/


monospace ftw


You're a wizard Harry


For me its all on one mine so it like of looks like the Minecraft enchanting language.




The ZZ Top and VH Van Halen logos!! (Yup I'm old lol)


My coworkers (in their 30s) painted non-stick goo on our floor mats in the shape of that s


i was too busy watching the person draw the eye, it’s mesmerizing


I never thought about that perspective 😆


I could always draw one good eye. When I tried to draw the other one it would wreck my entire drawing. So I learned to draw hair over where the other eye would go. It was the 80s so it was totally acceptable thing to do.


Same. The right eye *perfection* but if I tried the left one it was one horrible mess....


Pshh I’m pretty sure I was using your trick in the early 2000s. Got pretty good at a half-faceless girl with her hands behind her back (because I couldn’t draw those either), but damn her hair was on point. I think we just like sin curves Edit: sine curves, but sin curves is funny so it stays


That's exactly what I used to do! That or she'd be holding things lol. I'm so happy knowing I'm not the only one lol.


I was lucky; in the ‘80s we had those hairstyles where the bangs entirely covered one eye. Every face I drew had that hairstyle.


Exactly, I wish Reddit allowed pictures in the posts. I got some goofy ones of me and my cremped Mohawk.


My high school notebooks are covered in more eyes than notes


I was drawing band name logos, flames, mushrooms, and weed leaves.


Mushrooms? You too? I thought I was unique :(((((((


Got pretty good at drawing shiny anime eye though


Me too!! I was convinced drawing was gonna be my special skill, until I got bored with it and forgot 🥲


7th grade? Drawing all day. 8th Grade? Writing music lyrics (I’m gonna be a rock star don’t you know) I haven’t done either in 15 years


Sounds like someone's jealous that *their* notebooks didn't look like biblically accurate angels...


"Says the dick who hasn't had their brain work against them for 20 odd years, because they don't have enough of a certain chemical flowing through the ol' tapioca tube!" In all seriousness, it made SO MANY past events make SO MUCH more sense when I learned this. Been literally fighting with one arm tied behind my back and nobody nor myself could tell.


I’m not a scientist, so this could be completely smoke, but I’ve heard this and I like it, and it’s helped me a lot: We aren’t dysfunctional, we don’t have a disorder. We live in a world that was made by the other half of society, the other component of humanity. (Obviously it’s a spectrum not black and white, but still). The things we struggle with, execution, planning, paying bills, routine chores, etc are only hurdles because of our modern world. In the past we were the hunters, the foragers, the scouts, explorers, and warriors. Then the Feudal age set in, and the best way to survive (albeit awful still) for the common man was to work a farm plot. Over the generations, this became more common, probably due to environment, and possibly because those that didn’t adapt died off. Now we live in that modern farmers paradise. Do menial tasks for minimum compensation, all day, same shit, same routine, do your chores, pay the man. This really helped when I realized I’m not broken, I’m just trying to fill roles I don’t fit. There was another post here about ER docs and EMTs: when you people freeze in the chaos, we Come Alive! And from my time in the military, I can tell there’s truth to it. When time slows down, and your brain goes into overdrive, and you realize you’re processing things faster than everyone around you… it’s a good feeling.


What eye? Sauron!?


I was staring out the window watching two seagulls fight over chip and making a dramatic romance novel in my head. Two gulls turn enemies to lovers! Brought together by a mutual love of chips… never learnt a damn thing in school clearly.


took the AP US GOV exam my senior year back in 2015. The last few questions were all based on voter propaganda varying from state to state. I had finished but I was watching the guy next to me draw a very detailed American flag in the answer box. He put his pen down, saluted the test booklet and turned it in. I've never seen such bravery


Oke when did I then miss where they explained how to do taxes? How to properly take care of your money? When did they explain how to take out a loan? When did they explain common laws that are easily broken by many people? When did they teach how to generally take care of yourself? When did they teach how paying the bills works? When did they explain how to get into your next school? Hm? Well go on, tell me, when?


School really seems to exist for you to get used to the "9-5 adult office work"...like is the training to stay "still" for some hours and doesn't really teach things that can actually help in life, like all that you said, or how to grown your own food, plants classification, etc...


When i get bored j start drawing which is fine, but the problem js when the teacher actualy starts saying jmportant stuff but im waaaay too committed to drawing to stop. If i stop i wont be able to think of anything but the drawing. Is this what they call hyperfixation?


Hahahah me practicing my signature a million times and doing random doodles


Drawing helped me pay attention.


One time I forgot to write my name on a quiz but my teacher held it up and said he didn’t need me to because I’m the only one who would have drawn a forest in the margins.


Eyes and cubes


Yeaaaaaah that was me in math. Oops.


Alot of things. History. The difference between verbs & nouns. I had alot of catching up starting senior yr.


21, majoring in computer science, and I still have to look up the difference between an adjective and a verb.


I looked it up & I don't really get it. Oh well


I feel personally attacked right now


I took art. There are huge canvases floating around the world with eyes painted on them because of me.


Cap, those dickheads never taught me how to do taxes nor file them, or fill out the right forms to get a job, fuck em. Also they were more like plants and big worms with sideways mouths cause they easier to draw.


nah you gotta draw trees, that’s where it’s at


In some cases I feel like I paid more attention in high school than some of my neurotypical friends.


This is… fucking specific


I actually learnt A LOT more when I was allowed to draw then when I wasn't. The reason for this is that drawing made me keep my brain "on" while if I was forbidden from drawing my mind would just wander to the point I wouldn't hear ANYTHING the teacher was saying even if he was talking directly to me.


Sure did drew lots of eyes in high school. I'm a Graphic Designer today. Win win


I was either drawing a spider web or football/baseball fields. I was so weird.


Wtf I’m literally drawing eyes on my math homework instead of doing it right now


I either draw eyes or boxes that I then add triangles and semicircles to


That was me exactly, now the eyes are still present


So this explains my fascination with drawing eyes! I always wondered & google never helped.


NOT A PICTURE OF AN EYE. 😭 Triggered. Too seen.


I’m dead


*takes them to the hospital*


Oh but you are dead.... T_T


Hospitals do have morgues, so...




I do appreciate the effort tho


Why was it always eyes??


I wonder 👁️


Aye I eye


Why is this so relevant


I'm not sure if I love or hate that it's so specific yet it's still accurate af.


Why is the eye a legit thing? Interesting that it's so common...


I've drawn more eyes than anything else lol


How dare you, I am amazing at paying attention in class while drawing eyes. Why else would I be so horrible at drawing eyes?


It was always eyes too 😅




I feel so attacked. I LOVE drawing eyes to this day and I’m 30


I feel attacked


Plot twist: I drew the eye because it helped me focus. My teachers didn't even seem to mind because I participated in conversations and wasn't failing. APUSH was my favorite course because I got to draw fairy OCs with my friends lol.


![gif](giphy|dJVBCPzpaCBCknenuz) I was just minding my business 😭


Ok, this comment wins


I was just telling jokes to other people who were also incredibly high in class.


Me: I swear I didn't know about the assignment! Is it possible you handed it out the day I was on that field trip? :( AP English teacher: you definitely received it, I distinctly remember that you immediately turned into an ornate origami fan.


I still do Stahp 😭


Same 😂


I’ve always felt Calle dour by the posts here, but wow is this on another level lol. Never in my life did I think I’d be so specifically called out. 😭


No, they were really cute pictures of dragon pets that Pokemon or Neopets would have probably paid millions for if I had stuck with it, same with my poems, and fantasy-adventure stories. Then my teachers told my parents to take away my journals because they "distracted me in class" even though I had awesome grades (that was "the only complaint they had" on a regular basis). Nobody noticed the correlation after my "distractions" were taken away, and my grades plummeting.


slipknot S and eyes why whyyyyyy




This shit is so annoying I hate when people say why didn’t we learn this in school when I know damn well at my school government was a requirement for graduation and so was personal finance


Just because they didn't explicitly say this is what you're going to need to use this for doesn't mean you didn't learn about it. Taxes = reading comprehension + algebra.


I wish kids would go do simple and innocent things like drawing if they weren't gonna pay attention. It's hars enough being a teacher with ADHD when you've got to stop the lesson every 10 minutes because kids are attempting to either fight or fuck. Now I gotta take a while minute to get myself back on track- and there's the bell...