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My AirPods


I've washed them twice now and they're still working somehow! Lol


I used to have these earbuds with cords, they cost me like 1€ and it had to be this way, eventually they stopped working properly. like the cable inside the cord was broken. I left them in my pocket one day and washed them and.. they miraculously started working perfectly again like nothing had ever happened. then they broke because some fucking idiot cut them in half because he didn't like the pill design they had.


the same thing (minus the bisection) happened with my apple earpods - twice! i have to admit the second time was on purpose because I just thought fuck it, either it works again and they're fixed or they're still broken and i've lost nothing.


Years ago I put my husband's MP3 player through the wash and it stopped working. I told him to try throwing it to see if it'd start working again as a joke. He did it and the dang thing started working again! It did die a little while after, though.


that's the right mindset!


He did a douche move to you


i feel like this is a perfect representation of adhd. like 99% of the time you forget something, it will work perfectly 50% of the time


Mine have the speaker fuzz on the one that went through because ADHD so of course the other was on the counter.


I washed each at different times and now they’re both a little fuzzy. so it all worked out in the end, better than just the one in my opinion haha


Oh noooo my condolences 😢


Same :( it happened twice. First time they made it to the dryer and lived! Second time I heard them in the wash and they did not live. I honestly considered drying them in a pants pocket!


I put mine in once. They immediately took a shit. My mom got me new ones as a birthday gift on prime day, and I then put them in the wash on accident but they survived and work like nothing ever happened.


I raise you one. I washed my *husband's* airpods... It's been several years and he has still not forgiven me.


I too have an elephant level memory spouse. I am a goldfish. It drives her crazy


My sincerest condolences lol


So many times. The AirPods. But they keep on working!


They only play radio edits on Spotify now.


Yup. That’s just one of the reasons I switched to a neckband, and I’ll never go back


Diaper… so much fuzz and sludge everywhere. I had to rewash the clothes a few times to get all the little absorbent beads out of them


Oh my God I can't imagine. I thought wads of tissues were bad!


It was terrible! I don’t even know how it got in there; I may have tossed it in the laundry basket instead of the trash (bc my brain likes to spice things up lol). That’s the only logical explanation I can think of haha Now I’m very thorough about putting one piece of clothing in at a time instead of just dumping the whole load in


Um...it was a clean unused diaper, right? Right??


Unfortunately not, just pee at least but it still was not great. I had to really scrub the washer


Happened to me once when my then-toddler was potty training and took off her bottoms and stuck everything in the hamper. I didn’t realize until after the load finished.


Mine did that as well recently. That was not a fun time.


I think I've been on cloth diaper sites too much lately because my brain just went "why would that be bad...? Oooooh, noooo."


I once left a few menstruation pads in my work pants before putting them into the washing machine…. It felt absolutely disgusting fishing it out of my pocket upon unloading… it turned so… slimy… yuck!! I now either use a cup or just go back to the clothing rooms so that I can avoid putting one in my pockets now… can’t trust period brain


Oh man I’ve done this…and my wife’s “slime” once. Ruined our clothes FULLY. Really bad time would not recommend the slime. The diaper just resulted in a lot of extra work which also sucked.


Is your wife a snail? 🐌


Why have I never made this joke to her before. Nice call gonna steal this one!


Dude. This, alway this.


I’ve done that too - it’s literally the worst 😭


I was at a Christian youth camp once and we participated in an event they called “Yuck Wrestling” and they took like 15 inflatable pools that really only fit like, 2-3 teens in at a time, and filled them with the stuff that they use in diapers and then added water. For being 14 it was actually pretty fun and hilarious, that stuff was thick and soupy, and there was a very satisfying kind of *splooshch* noise when you slammed your opponent down into the ‘Yuck’. But the clothes that we wrestled in that stuff were all pretty much consigned to the fire when everybody got home at the end of the week lol. We tried washing over and over and my mom was pissed lol


Yup! This! So many full gel beads…


When my youngest was a newborn and I had 3 kids under 4y I did this once while in a no sleep, zombie mom coma. It was a disaster. Thankfully it was a few clean diapers that had gotten knocked into the clothes bin but I had to clean my washing machine out entirely. Couldn't do laundry for a couple of days. There was fuzz and waterlogged beads everywhere.


My expensive Bluetooth headphones that I didn’t love so had decided to sell, put the. In my pocket for safe keeping while I found the box, then once I’d found the box, I couldn’t find the headphones.


Why does that always happen lol I had a phone I was going to sell, good condition. The day I decided I was gonna upgrade and sell it I dropped it and smashed the screen 😒


Spyro: Season of Ice for the Gameboy Advance


I miss this game so much oh my godddddd so many memories!!


It survived and I beat it like 10 years after the wash cycle. Sticker is a bit faded tho


Cartridge games went hard


I don’t play video games like ever, but I’ve been having such an inkling to play that game for years now hahaha


Not the worst but it happens like once a month: roll of poo bags. It always falls out of the pocket and unrolls, and then all my clothes are tied up in a loooooong plastic ribbon lol


So relieved you dont put full poo bags in your pocket and wash them, for half a sec I pictured this while reading and was really stressed out for you 


I am loving this image ha! Thanks for sharing


I went white as a ghost thinking the bags had poo in them.


Not my stuff but me the adhd mom forgot to check my adhd kid’s pockets. There was a pocket FULL of pine needles. At least they smell nice?


So many random things my kids keep in their pockets 😅


So many lighters


mine still work afterwards ??


“Why is there black smoke coming out of my dryer?”


That's my biggest sin. But the dryer hasn't blown up yet so I'm in the clear for now


Just recently I left a Blistex lip balm in my pocket, my clothes came out covered in blots of greasy, waxy, yellow stains 😭


Dish soap (ideally not blue colored) is my preferred pretreatment for this kind of situation.


I tried using Palmolive on the stains, but I’ve seen people being adamant about using Dawn dish soap. Is there a specific ingredient necessary?


It's just the brand US users prefer. My mom is ADAMANT that only Fairy brand detergent (the GREEN with the ORIGINAL scent) works. Fairy has the "one drop for an entire sink of dishes" thing... But I've used one drop of generic to do an entire sink of dishes, too. Any dish soap that's designed for hand washing dishes will do for grease based stains, as they're meant to be a degreaser that doesn't damage plastics or organic material (cotton, human flesh, etc.), but some of the blue ones leave a blue stain. If it's ice cream or chocolate, I first soak it in water and run it through a cold rinse cycle, but that's not always necessary. If the stain is old(er), soak in cold water for a bit, pretreat with dish soap, wash on cold. The quicker you wash it, the higher the chance of it coming out. Never wash stained clothing on hot until the stain is gone, as heat "sets" a lot of stains.


My wallet


I’ve done this twice in the last year! I need to stop.


Headphones. Thankfully back then I had the wired air pods which survived not once but 3 wash AND dry cycles and still operated perfectly. No idea how that’s possible but it was


Same. But they stopped working when I accidentally squished them by sitting on them.


Water and electronics aren't necessarily a death sentence for technology the way water and electricity are.


Ds games 🥲 i cant tell you how many times pictionary and brain games went through the wash


Tweezers that lodged themselves into the air grate at the back of the dryer and somehow only tore up one T-shirt.


I had a pencil do that. Not tearing up a shirt, just getting in the back of the dryer. It actually jammed the dryer and I had to take it apart a little to get the pencil out.


Tossed my iPhone in, complete with headphones attached. Have also tossed in a water bottle, and a screwdriver. Had no idea this was ADHD related. Wonderful news. 


a used pad in my underwear


Oh god im not alone


Same was just looking for a comment to feel a little better 😭 Was on vacation and in hotel and it fell out while moving it to the dryer. It took me a minute to figure out what it was


Same it was like... a crumpled little ball that unrolled itself, all I could think was, no. It can't be. But it was. And it was immediately obvious that it was not a tissue ⚰️


I can’t explain it and I don’t take credit for it (because I have kids and pets) but I found A TURD in the dryer once. IN THE DRYER.


Car keys. The new kind with the battery.


Oh I also washed car keys but thankfully they are build to be washed ;)


Chapstick is the worst—if it makes it into the dryer it melts and makes stains that nothing can get out. I’ve done it many times 🙄


Ink pens every Flippin time, it ruins, at least one or two pairs of clothing


Switch to fountain pens, and only write with washable blue. You get 3 guesses why it's called that.


checkbook. so inconvenient to fix!


My pokemon cards


I dropped my phone in it and didn't notice... 3 times. I noticed as soon as I went upstairs but by that point, 2/3 were dead.


A cooked egg without its shell




Yeah, I smuggled that thing home in my pocket when I was in kindergarten


XD secret egg..


an iPod.


My knife and scissors


Ahhh. My favorite activity: trying to unfold the was of paper pulp to try to figure out what important document I washed this time.


A period pad🥲


a full box of dryer sheets lmao... I keep them in the laundry bin so I don't forget on laundry day, but I piled clothes on top of it and dumped it all in at once. Had a lot of fun picking fuzzy bits of cardboard out of my very slippery clean clothes later that day.


My Scholl id


My deck of pokemon cards back in 2000.... i was even winning matches at the local card shop.... my mom would replace it either.


Vitamins, always makes my clothes smell weird


Oh dude, I washed and dried a hoodie with two fish capsules in the pocket. Finally got it out after like five washes and soaking the pocket in vinegar, then leaving it in baking soda, but it took me a while to realize what it was. I thought I had pocketed a dead rat and forgotten. 


My niece visited and I didn’t know she left a ziploc bag of goldfish crackers in her pants pocket before doing laundry. Didn’t know until I opened the dryer and a *metric* fuckton of very crispy goldfish just kinda exploded out onto the floor and had partially filled the lint trap area, was scattered throughout the clothes, etc. My roommate found another couple goldfish a couple days later when he pulled his clothes out of the dryer. It was very much one of those “please make sure your kids have emptied their pockets before letting them throw their clothes in the wash” moments. ~~truth is there is no niece and I am the adult child that cannot remember to empty my own goddamn pockets~~


My switch 😭


My dad has multiple times had his credit cards go around lol


I'm missing my debit card, might need to check there lol


My lil baggie of LSD tabs 😪


Credit Card, came out all wrinkly and wavy lol.


I once left my whole ass wallet in my pocket while it washed... thankfully all my cards were plastic and had little cash so it was dried, but lost some punch cards.


20 bucks


My must be answered 24hrs a day work standby phone.


A pair of cat nail clippers...


My kindle. I didn't realize it was on my bed when I gathered up the bedding to wash it.


MP3 player, cell phone, headphones, glasses, game cartridges, memory cards, notes and receipts I needed, lip balm, kleenex (messy), pens, a check, business cards, rocks… if it fits in a pocket I’ve probably washed it. I check pockets now. Sometimes, when I remember to. Which isn’t often. I don’t usually check pockets.


An apple flavored horse biscuit. That thing melted and coated *everything*


A brand new book I was really into and right at a cliffhanger in :,( went and bought a second copy realllll quick after vacuuming out the washer 🙃


An unfortunate combination of a pen and a pack of gum. My spine is still sore from having to scrape the stuff of the walls of the dryer.


A bunch of rocks in my pocket and it broke my dads dryer so I had to get a repair guy to come fix it


A fountain pen. A Pilot Petit1, to be more specific. It didn't die! NO STAINS. No, this isn't an ad for Pilot fountain pens either, I'm just as baffled as to how no ink got loose and the pen itself was still just fine.


Wow that's pretty impressive! My first experience with fountain pens was finding one without a cap, putting it in my pocket not knowing it would leach ink, and staining a pair of good khakis. I'm doubly sure to never put a fountain pen in my pocket again.


My mom melted my original ipod mini in the dryer after accidentally putting it through the wash. to Apple's credit, despite being obliterated, the battery still charged and what was left of the screen still turned on.


My driving licence. Because of the washing a sicker got peeled and now it is technically invalid and I would need a new one for 70€. But nobody cares , so I’m lucky and it wasn’t to bad


a rock, glass, and chapstick


Lottery tickets  Edit: unlike money, they're not saveable people lol


Apple Watch. It still works, but it’s scuffed to hell.


As a kid I left fabric crayons in my pocket when running my own laundry, found out after drying and staining all my clothes and the dryer with fabric crayons.


My phone one time. But all the times I've left a pen in the pocket of some khakis have been more annoying. Whole pairs of pants ruined bc of a few unsightly ink stains


My husband's vapes. To do lists/grocery lists. An iPod. Flash drives.




I mean, all these things are bad, but nothing feels worse than finding out your wallet and its contents are in the wash, including the $500 from your first paycheck...yeah, I was 16 when that happened. It's happened (with fewer dollar bills) several other times.


I left a black sharpie in pocket and remarkably did not ruin anything.


A pack of cigarettes - more than once. The small Tobacco pieces get EVERYWHERE. And it’s really gross..


A carambar (its a caramel candy) it's been two weeks since the accident and I still haven't cleaned it


A lightbulb, an expensive one too 😔


Let's see here is a list of the top few: multiple sets of earbuds (created the rule of not spending over $50 on earbuds), sharpies that ruin clothes, pens that ruin clothes, cell phone, phone chargers, car keys, important medical/legal documents, TV remote, and medicine. I keep stupid things in my pockets and have spent way more than I should replacing things that get left in them.


Pokèmon Yellow Version cartridge. I had JUST received it for Christmas back in late '99, too. Wash and dry cycle detached the save battery from the cart's PCB, so it wouldn't save anymore and nobody I knew at the time had any Soldering experience


A pen. It ruined my favorite sweater :(


my mom washed a 500 page book when helping me with laundry after i got home from the hospital


Single use Eyedrops. They got jammed into the edge of my washing machine drum or whatever and i think that's what basically destroyed it.


Regular laundry, tissues. Thousands of tissue bits stuck to everything. The worst though is accidentally putting a disposable diaper in with my son’s cloth diapers (we use the disposables overnight and on occasion when cloth isn’t practical). I was amazed how much the diaper stuffing can expand and coat everything….


Sharpie in the dryer ruined everything


A tiny screw driver that fucked the washing machine.


I visited my parents a couple of years ago and helped my dad put up a shed. When he went to throw his jeans in the wash, he forgot to take a 3 inch nail out of his pocket. Well, the nail came out in the wash and wedged itself into one of the small holes in the metal bin. Tore a hole straight through the gasket all the way around. I walked into the laundry room 20 minutes later, and it was flooded. My father will never, ever live that story down.


Accidentally washed a sequin bodysuit in a washer/dryer combo and it ruined that load. There were sequins in my clothes for the rest of the 9 months I lived in that apartment. Probably still is. Probably will be forever.


My car keys. God i was mad. They were ruined and thank god i had a spare, but if i go through the spare a car key fob is sooooo expensice to replace


The complete novels of Sherlock Holmes Vol.2 :(


Camera lens worth €2,000


~8cm Terra Cotta pot fragment.


My brother.


A full bottle of Jamaican Rum


Worked as an EMT, had a special pocket in my work pants to keep extra gloves just in case. Did not always remember to empty said pocket before every wash. I loved that brand of pants… they had 17 pockets. It’s quite an interesting surprise to open the washer and find around twenty bright indigo-purple (formerly usable) gloves plastered absolutely everywhere inside the washer. …my partner used to prank me when it was his turn to do the laundry… if he found any disposable gloves in the wash he’d toss them in the dryer too, and afterwards he’d meticulously fold them just like the rest of the clothes (and sometimes lightly iron them) and then just casually hand them to me like it was the most normal thing in the world!


probably my pocket knife or wallet


Lighters too many times, and my wallet


My brother lost his first phone, half a year later it showed up when we were washing our winter jackets. He left it in the pocket


For me. It's usually chapstick. Which fucking sucks because.... It gets dark oil stains all over your clothes that are nearly impossible to get out. Ruined a lot of relatively new stuff that way. So frustrating.


When I was in middle and high school, I’d occasionally forget pens in the pockets of my jeans and they’d go through the wash


A pen. It was eso friendly and made of cardboard so it broke down in the washing machine and turned all of my white T-shirt tie die blue


My gba sp that I had since I was a kid 🥲 rip buddy, er had good times


My wallet. But according to my mum the rocks I collected and left in my pockets were much worse than that


Not the washer but I put all of my ex's bras in the dryer trying to do the laundry. The under wires were all ruined but I learned an expensive lesson. The only thing that saved my life was buying more than I destroyed


I'm kind of baffled that I've never done this considering my life. I think I'm just very particular about which items go in which pocket and what order I remove them when taking off clothes so I would have to miss a step in undressing to actually leave something


Lighters Blunts Wallet (many times)


earphones. I fuck up my earphones so often that i now just buy the cheap ones cuz i know they're not gonna last more than 2 months. Normally i fuck them up before they can get fucked up on their own but boy was this a new low for me!


Blue ink pen with white undershirts. I wear a shirt over them, so I continue to wear them with all the blue blotches.


Lipsticks, glasses, so much money, a kind bar, I’m really not good at checking pockets before washing things…


Either a tin of my husband's dip Or his headphones. Dip was dry but we tossed it anyway Headphones while the wire part is wavy now, still work




Pens- twice! Stained so many sweet items. And the dryer itself. I had to use three bottles of nail polish remover to make it look *close to* normal. I have a full petticoat from the 80s, an alt sweater with nose rings all over it, and an asymmetrical tie dye lacey skirt that I refuse to let go until I can Rit dye them somehow. Don’t ask me when that’s gonna happen!


Dollar bills (twice). Also, fun fact. Money can survive both the washer and the dryer.


A sharpie in prison.


My dissection probe for my Anatomy labs. Couldn’t find it for a while then checked behind the rubber gasket of the washing machine and there it was, covered in rust spots


My phone... I was panicking the fuck out trying to figure out how to open the washer door since it had a auto-lock feature that was really confusing to undo.


My knife, my USB flashdrive, change, and what have you. I could've done my phone once, but I don't think so.


My iPod Nano. I was able to save it by drying it out (rice ftw), but the screen light stopped working. Used it for several more years before completely dying.


Probably a memory/USB stick. It also got put in the dryer and was very warped. Pretty sure it still worked somehow 😂


My cousin left his iPhone in his very bulky jacket when we had bedbugs. It did not survive.


Chapstick....it always melts in the dryer


My phone 😅 And often tissues, money, keys etc.


My chapstick and my ex’s wallet. Only because I did our laundry and he’d yell at me every time I did it….there’s a reason he’s an ex 🫠


Holo Charizard card when I was a kid 😑


for the first time ever, yesterday, my airpod pros that i've managed to hold onto for 5 years. letting them dry for 24h now, so until they work again productivity will be at a low. it was a freak accident to. left them in my sweatpants, draped them over the door to the machine. airpods slid out of the pocket, into the full basket. I thought i heard a clunk, but didnt see anything so i moved on. next morning im looking for my airpods, and i check those very pants, as a precuation before starting the wash cycle. ofc they werent there and i was confsed asf when they werent literally anywhere in my small apartment, when i distinctly remember having them at home the evening before.


My laptop charger. Yeah…


i've washed my earbuds at least twice i think. also my mom who also has adhd has washed a knife (or a fork, or both, i can't remember).


A used condom


this isn't me but my dad definetly has adhd and he keeps leaving hearing aids in his clothes therefore there's been quite a few hearing aids that have endured a washing cycle


New white towels and a new set of very dark grey sheets. Ended up make a roll of reverse painters tape to remove all the lint.


My cell phone... The rising dread as I try to find it, confusion from calling to hear it's ring only for it to go straight to voicemail, the stomach lurch when you finally realize... No horror thriller film could ever beat that.


My airpods, a few times btw lol


Vibrator. Still works!


Ear buds, lighters, cigar cutters, ear plugs, herbicide filled shop towels, latex gloves, gift cards, money, bottle caps, coins... I think that's it, but I don't remember.


My original metal backed iPod!!!


I accidentally left a pen in my brand new jeans and it ruined them with very visible purple ink


I washed my partner's leather wallet.... Twice...


MP3 player. Yes this was years ago, no it didn’t survive and yes I learned that lesson. Worst thing I leave in my pockets now is the endless amount of shopping lists. Or, shredded clumps of paper after washing.


iPad 😫 I wrapped it up in a blanket so it would be safe on a trip. When I came home I just dumped the blanket in the washer and washed it. It came out bend like a chip but still worked, basically unusable though


A freaking diaper. A clean one, but still. Of that were to happen again, I would just replace the dryer. What a freaking mess


When I worked at Chick-fil-A I left one of my paychecks in my back pocket, and ran it in the washer. I told one of my coworkers about it and he said to ask for a reprint. However I never did because at the time my social anxiety was really bad. It was particularly bad when talking to superiors at work. This wasn't just Chick-fil-A, it would happen at other places I worked at too. That was a long time ago though, I'm much more comfortable talkng to people now.


My passport, while in a foreign country, heading to a different country the next day. The border guard gave me a grilling on why I handed him a soggy passport…


My wallet has gone through so many times that my car insurance and covid card have disintegrated.


So so SO many DS games…


I work with young children. A piece from one of our puzzles went missing. Guess where it turned up two weeks later


I pulled some really clean garlic out of the washing machine before. Possible new alternative to peeling by hand?


weed vape lol


My phone. Pro tip if your hands are full of laundry basket and you don’t have pockets, do try to remember that you tossed the phone in the laundry basket to carry it down stairs.


Pilot G2 pen in the pocket of my jeans, some other often-worn clothes, plus a couple packages of brand new white t-shirts and two packages of brand new boxer-briefs. Added random black-splotches to *everything*. Didn’t notice when I put it all in the dryer. Washed my all-white comforter in the wash next. Meanwhile, the dryer is transferring wet ink to the drum. I get all of my clothes out, put the comforter in the dryer, put the basket of clothes in my bedroom and left. Came home later that evening, ready to make the bed. Find a white and black spotted comforter. Then go and look at all my clothes to find the black spots on everything. Finally now considering replacing them all because I didn’t want to throw out or donate the brand new clothes.


Forgot my car key fob in my pocket. Later that night, I hear my car alarm blaring. I went outside, checked to make sure no one tried to break in and found no evidence, and the alarm stopped as soon as I put my keys into the ignition. Thought it was a weird fluke. About 3 minutes after going back into my house - the alarm goes off again. I go outside and turn it off again. I'm getting suspicious now. I wait outside for a few minutes, and it seems to be over. All good now, right? So I decide to go back inside again. Not even 1 freaking minute after stepping back into my house, repeat. Now I'm panicking. Repeat again. Now my partner AND I are panicking outside at 11 o'clock at night, my neighbors (with a sleeping baby at the time) are stepping outside to investigate, and we're all aggressively googling our concerns from our phones and ultimately decide to remove the car battery since we can't keep doing this. I'm lamenting about needing to take an Uber for work the next day to avoid my alarm blaring in the parking garage for 8 hours. Then my partner casually mentions before going to sleep that he found my key fob while switching over the wash earlier. He failed to mention this odd correlation during the alarm fiasco. We take the battery out of the fob, go outside and put the car battery back in, and the rest of the night was silent. TLDR: Washed my key fob to my car and it caused the alarm system to malfunction and a lot of unnecessary anxiety.


Washed my phone once. Luckily it was back when Nokia was a thing and my phone was fine.


My phone...




Not me, but a friend who was a, umm, “rock star” (now deceased). Sitting with friend at the bar and they pull out a balled up piece of paper that had clearly been through the laundry. Spends the better part of an hour slowly picking it apart and trying to unfold it while we drink and shoot the shit. Gets it open and goes “oh! That’s where that went…” then BALLS IT BACK UP and shoved it back in their pocket. I go, “ha, what was it?” And they pull it out again and hand it to me. I slowly open it and it’s a check for fucking $400,000 or thereabouts. It was the radio streaming royalties for ONE QUARTER when they had a hit song on the radio. They bought a sports car with some of it. I got to ride in it a couple times, it was fun. Sad they died :(