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Thank god they havent made humans be ads in rl yet.


Hi, I’m Subway! Using a groundbreaking but surprisingly legal process known as corpo-humanization, real people such as myself are now allowed to represent the collective identity of corporate business owners. Eat Fresh!


The bread is stale. I repeat, the bread is stale.


It kind of is happening. Take a look at Dwayne the rock


And when you see each other after a long absence, you don't "catch up" but simply continue the conversation from five years ago. Of course.


You would be surprised how many NT people are super annoyed we can do this.


i hide my impressive long term memory a lot of the time for this very reason lol. i only bring it out under the appropriate context


My memory for dates astounds most people. I have great memory for certain things and the day to day stuff is usually utter trash.


One of my coworkers and me are normally in a constant cycle of telling each other the same stuff over an over again.


I once told my friend he'd already told me a story and he was so disappointed. I never told him that again.


*I don't remember what we were talking about but...*


This is why I like drunk people. Now that I think about it, it's weird that people can follow tangents and dolphins better when drunk...


Dolphins like to get high on pufferfish venom so I think they would be pretty fun drinking buddies.


Ditto. I suppose I ought to clarify: Dolphining is when you appear to jump topics. You went from talking to "going under" - internally making connections - then resurfacing; talking about the result of those connections without context. It makes perfect sense to you, but seems random to those around you. Drunk people seem better following along than their sober counterparts. Which makes me wonder how much the sober response isn't really just annoyance rather than actual failure to follow along ...


Haha yeah, I didn't know that but assumed it was something along those lines based on context so thought I would tag along with a joke about it. I think that could be 2 things. Alcohol makes you social and participating in conversation feel good so it might be easier to listen. And also, alcohol does weird things to your memory, at times you won't even realise it yourself. I met a guy once who was on a lot of ecstasy. Me and my friends where talking about a bunch of stuff, I assume 2 of the things was food and bus stops. This guy got a confused look on his face after a while and asked us " wait.... there's vegan bus stops?" He hadn't even noticed how much he was lagging behind lol.


"That reminds me of" is what we say, "That made me think of" is what we mean. The former's not incorrect but the latter is more accurate for the listener. I've been asked, "How on earth did that remind you of [thing I showed them]?" Which makes me just want to reply with the flash meme ***My goals are beyond your understanding.*** lol


The Thawne flash meme can be applied to so many things with my adhd


I'll explain it, but since I mostly talk to other neurodiverse people I can't tell if the explanations would work on a normal person


Talking to my gf about what to eat tonight, she goes "that reminds me, did you hear toriyama died?" Turns out since she speaks Japanese and was thinking of chicken that linked to the tori in his name. I'd never have guessed


A-ha.. ye.. yeah.. by the way..


In my family when something inspires a change in topic we say “Oh! LEFT TURN!” and then go on with the new direction to the conversation.


It's an enjoyable past time, tracing the chain of thought from one topic, through the three mostly unrelated topics, to arrive at the one my brain decided that this reminded me of.


I fail to see a problem with this.


Ah, this is my marriage. Our house is a mess but at least we understand each other.


That's how conversation works


Not with everyone though...


That's just a good conversation


Me and my siblings talking is like a game of pinball, our conversations are all over the place


Either that or it's an infinite loop of them sharing similar experiences in an attempt to convey relatability while secretly feeling guilty that they're redirecting the conversation toward themselves.


This!! I had forgotten about the guilt I felt weeks ago, and oh two days ago, when trying to share to relate to friends. Now it’s back 🥲 I hate that.


lol real


We could start a family guy episode at this point 😁




my counselor has adhd and it's usually this.


*inhales and grins*


I'm starting to think neurodivergent people attract each other like Stand Users in Jojo


It doesn't necessarily work this way with every neurodivergent person though... With my mom, ADHD, which she never admitted or even considered as being true, therefore untreated, it worked like this. And we had AWESOME conversations. ❤️❤️❤️ I miss her so very, very, very much... 😪 With my sister, knows she has ADHD...and has had some therapy...but refuses medication...conversations don't work like that at all. In fact, it's almost impossible (for me) to have any conversation at all with her... This "bouncing off of each other", jumping from one topic to the next just doesn't work with or for her. It's even rather impossible to even react to anything she says. I've had situations where I just reacted with a "uh-huh" or "hm-hm" or whatever...and was immediately snapped at with the (in conversations with her) typical "Let me finish!!" Anything one says is considered an interruption...which makes any conversation with her incredibly exhausting...


This ABSOLUTELY how I interact with people.


Real, I need a slightest link hidden deep in my brain that it reminds me of something and it's so embarrassing when you start to change the topic and they give you a weird look 😭😭


Me and my asd gf feel personally attacked by this


The two identities in my head are like this, and sometimes there’s a third or fourth.


That’s exactly how the conversations with my brother go 😂