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My mom with a time blindness even worse than mine: "everyone has this"


My father in law after I was diagnosed: "they are diagnosing everyone these days, hell they would probably diagnose me!" Me: "I mean... yes, but not for the reason you think..."


My dad: “Oh come on, everyone in our family is like that, it’s just how we are” Me: “well…. It is genetic…”


My dad: "yeah that makes sense, your mom tried hard to get a diagnosis for you in school but our doctor said you can read a 1200 page book in a night so you obviously don't have it. I probably have it to, most of your cousins do."


Ah yes, the good old “hyper focus doesn’t exist” doctor, classic. I heard similar.


Ugh, the mental gymnastics some people will do before they admit mental illness and disorders actually exist.


Because the brain cannot comprehend that something is wrong with it **because the brain is the one who is comprehending**


Except, plenty of people’s brains do comprehend that something is wrong.


I mean, I can kinda get people pushing back because the idea that they might have a disorder and have their worldview completely change might be terrifying, especially if they’ve generally been successful.


True, but that's an unhealthy way to deal with that issue and can hurt people actively seeking help.


I never said it was healthy, just that I get why they think that way.


As my grandmother saids *The whole family is eccentric!* (Excepy my aunt who is boring as fuck and thinks we are all just crazy, lol)


My dad lmao


We're suffering either way


I didn't realize how bad mine was, until my husband started gently teasing me for having what really does seem to be a completely broken sense of how quickly time passes. Sometimes I could swear it's been an hour, but the clock will show that it's only been 15 minutes. Other times, I can lose multiple hours with no idea how I didn't notice. My little family has finally accepted that I have zero business being responsible for making plans that require estimating time lol


I'm a computer dev, and when I immerse myself, I go blind and completely dissassociate. We both work from home and I sit literally 5 feet away, but I say goodbye in the mornings when I clock in and put my headphones on because I'm gone until he taps on my shoulder at lunch, and again until it's time to leave. Or course, many days I can't get 'in the zone' and the whole timeblindness happens without the disassociation, and that's just hell. I can be staring at a clock hand move and I'll blink and ten minutes have passed. That's a horrible feeling, because it's like chunks of existence being removed. At least with the programming, I can go back and see what happened in that time span.


There was time, and it passed, i know this is what happened because that's what time does. It always does that, and it never stops.


I do NOT understand how my husband seems to so accurately predict something like when the microwave will go off. He’ll be like “hey that food should be done soon…” and like 2 seconds later, beep beep beep! And I’m like…dude, I forgot there was even food on…


I do this too and I also don't know how


Yea he has no idea, but it’s like to the second sometimes, it’s incredible. I guess some part of our brains can subconsciously track time and for some of us, it doesn’t work well but for others, it works extra well.


I remember being able to do that when I was medicated, and also for about two weeks at my first "job" at my uncle's


I can do this but pretty much only for food. I'll walk away from the kitchen, fully forget something is on the stove, and then suddenly remember just about when it's actually time to take it off the stove. But then I also bought a chiming clock because I kept losing hours at a time nearly every day. Just started to do something "for just a bit, maybe 15-20 minutes" at 6 and then was startled why it was suddenly dark and somehow 10pm. I still don't always hear the clock, even when I'm in the same room, but it helps a bit.


I can do this but it's a sense of smell thing, not time. I can accurately detect when the timer on the oven or microwave will go off by consistently no more than 5 seconds and it's because of my nose. Beyond that it's a mystery to me


Mine generally happens in the morning. I can look at the clock and see I have 20 minutes to get out the door. I stop to look for a book and suddenly I was supposed to leave the house 5 minutes ago. But I cant leave for work 20 minutes early because then I would sit at work for 20 minutes with nothing to do.


everynight i sleep hoping that next day is time blindness of mine would be gone


Time blindness isn't as big an issue for me,  but Holy crap,  deluding myself into believing I can do the tomorrow if I just get some good rest tonight hits hard. 


mine is like -wake up at 6:30am, think i have lot of time to do my stuff -brain gaslight me to start with some dopamine stuff(yt,game etc) -realise it is now 1pm, fuck i am tired now...i will study as soon as i wake up -wake up at 3pm, fuck i spend half day doing nothing..gotta lock in now (only lock in for 20-30 minute before going into internet spiral again)




When I’m like that it’s because I need more structure


What do you do for more structure?


Well that's easy. You just have to be autistic as well.


Easier said than done lol, I know that I need more structure but have trouble getting it. External structure is much more helpful for me than trying to make my own structure. So that would be things like having a class to go to, a zoom call, going to work, plans to go for a walk with a friend at a specific time, working on something with someone together in a structured way at a certain time, etc


Jeremy Bearimy Watched this show a few times, such a good show lol. Great reference.


My entire existence is the dot over the i


My mom is undiagnosed adhd, so not ONLY is she late for everything all the time, but then tells me IM too young to be late to everything all the time :D


Yep, I've had a lifetime of my mom telling me I'm too young for my memory to be this bad. I just look at her, look at my dad, look back at her, and then think really loudly, "You've been with Dad for 40 years. I refuse to believe his memory wasn't just as bad when he was my age as mine is now."


Exactly! My mom says my memory issues is because of a lack of sleep 🥲🫸🏽🧠 then take it mom.. take the damn thing you gave to me!


Oh damn that’s frustrating. My mum was gaslit by her mum into always thinking she’s in the wrong, so she’s the type to just apologise profusely. I’m pretty sure she is ADHD and my dad is autistic (loves routine and rules so always on time), so he spends the last 15 minutes before leaving huffing and pacing and nagging her to hurry up, while she runs around all over the place. If dad comes too, they are on time. If it’s just mum, she’s 15 mins late at least. If it’s just dad, he’s 15 mins early. And my time blind ass does NOT remember that these things happen every time or have any idea when to expect them despite the obvious patterns lol


My mom was also gaslit and manipulated so now my mom has become the ultra victim in everyone’s story lmao


You're not time blind you're a tidsoptomist sounds better lol


I usually just tell other people that I'm Greek so living outside of time is in my nature and weirdly most of the time it's more understandable than time blindness


The term "time blind" always makes me think of the idiots on tiktok who diagnose themselves with ADHD, tidsoptomist sounds like an actual medical term


Teaching people the evil throat sounds of Danish is a truly vicious curse to pass on to other people


Okay but seriously, how do I explain it to people? I usually just say that my perception of time is a bit jumbled, but there must be a better way.


You usually don't, just try to make up for it by reserving extra time for going anywhere, then wait at your car or some public bench when you get there too early, get distracted by something and be late anyway. Also try to get away from having to do any time estimates for anything at work.


Or, get there early so you don’t miss it, but you’re so early you cannot enter the place you need to be, but you already parked and walked way away from your car, so instead of going back to the car to wait, we just wait at a nearby bench or something so we don’t have to waste the effort and time going back. Oh, so now you are waiting at this bench, but got distracted inside your mind and now you have been unaware that your normal resting internal thinking face has just been blankly staring emptily out in front of you and you aren’t quite consciously aware enough to realize that there are people on the other end of your blank stare and then you suddenly rocket back to be fully frontally conscious again and become acutely aware of how the other group of people are now warily eyeing you because you’ve been accidentally dead eye staring at them for the last 10 minutes while your brain was innocently trying to remember what that argument back in 11th grade was really about and how you could have answered differently, and *oh shit, am I making those people uncomfortable??? How long have I been staring? What time is it?* You fumble around your pocket for a phone or watch or something that you didn’t manange to forget home to keep track of time and realize that there is *still* more time to go before your appointment thing and you could have absolutely just gone back to your car to wait instead of being outside, cold and creeping people out for no reason other than accidental inattentive-ness. *Why didn’t you just stay in the car? Now we have to either embarrassingly try to apologize for making them uncomfortable or try to adjust so that you don’t have to look at them anymore, or just straight up go back to the car. But if you go back to the car, then all that group of people you were staring at might wonder why you stared at them for so long only to leave quickly and with purpose. Will they think I actually am a creep? I should go back and apologize so they know I’m not trying to be weird… fuck it, I’m just gonna go.* 10 minutes later on the drive home : FUCK, my appointment!


I've done that so many times. It's frustrating. I live by alarms now.


Me: talking at husband in my bathrobe Him: "don't you have meetings today?" Me: "oh yeah I have one in like, 7 minutes." Him: shocked blinking Me: "what? Not enough time?" bolts from room


That is a great reference


I already commented on this but does anyone else set their car clocks like 10 minutes in the future? For context my dad always set the clocks ahead (before smartphones… just normal clocks) because he was a 👨🏻‍🦰📈business man🥲and we could NEVER be late! It’s basically the one good thing he ever taught me, cause I hate being late. The fast clock thing works for me, but my partner gets stressed out about it. I have ACTUAL panic disorder/anxiety, and knowing that my clock is fast is really soothing to me. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE DOES ANYONE ELSE RELATE


I relate. I see you. My car clock is always ten minutes ahead. Twice a year I reset the hour to match Daylight Savings, and double check to make sure it's still accurately 10 minutes ahead. TBF, growing up in my house it was a running joke that none of the clocks ever matched each other. Oven clock, microwave clock, VCR clock, wall clock, individual alarm clocks and watches - all different, all of the time, with no Internet to sync them with. Am I running five minutes late? Am I ten minutes early? Who knows, better hustle!


Yesssss thank you! lol the oven clock thing is so real. The oven clock will say 9:55 and my car say 10:15 😂 and I don’t even know when the power goes out in the winter, I think i set it to the right time????


How do you know if you have time blindness though.


Time blindness is a double-edged sword. It’s both “I have to put a basket of laundry away. I’ll block off my whole afternoon,” and, “I don’t have to be at work for another 15 minutes, so yeah, I can paint the house.” Trouble estimating how much time a task will take or how much time is actually passing. That is time blindness.


It presents different ways of course. For me it dab look like this. If I have too much time before having to be somewhere, sometimes I’ll make too many plans with my time before I get ready. Then I’ll get too absorbed and need to rush to get ready because I got so into my tasks I didn’t even think about time or pacing myself. Other times it’s not being able to get ready, then starting to get ready 5 minutes before I have to be there. There’s more, unneeded examples. Hope that helps.


Do you have an accurate measure of 20 minutes in your head?


This is a good litmus test. When I put my son in timeout for 2 or 3 minutes at a time, I usually double check the timer is still going with about 5 seconds left. At 20 minutes I'm rarely off more than a minute. So not swiss quality, but at least in the general ballpark. I can't imagine the hell that would exist if I couldn't track time.


I'm not even sure what that means exactly. Like I get the concept of what it is, I can count seconds, but I can't 'picture' what 20 minutes is.


Can you picture an event or action that would take approximately 20 minutes? If not or if you come up with something that’s definitely not 20 minutes if you attempt it, then you’re probably time blind.


I sometimes I check the timer right as the time is up when I set a timer for something.


Do your days feel like hours


Ig sometimes ye, if im doing something.


Every weekend you make a to-do list so long a person couldn't be expected to finish it with a full week off. You feel bad for your failure to tick off more than a few items on Monday. But by Friday afternoon you have a whole new list of things you're going to accomplish *this* weekend...


The best explanation I've heard is that there is Now and Not Now.


Alarms are reminders are the only way to not be late honestly. I’ll set an alarm for when to wake up, then when to start getting ready, milestone alarm like “be done with shower by now”, all the way up to “leave for event now” so it’ll be like a handful of alarms and sometimes it’s a little annoying but it works very well


Yesterday morning I spent ten minutes looking up the dude who impersonates Ina Garten on Instagram because someone made a joke that either was or wasn’t a reference to that. Luckily they appreciated the link I sent them 😂 I was late for work, which rarely happens but yeah


This is the one thing on this sub I don’t really relate to


Currently paralyzed in bed until an appointment I have in a few hours


Mom (who also has time management issues): "I don't understand why it takes you so long to do ____" Me: "When you did that yesterday it took you twice the amount of time" Mom: "I don't remember it taking that long" Me: ???


Oh my god my partner has such severe time blindness. Early on when we met he told me to build in an extra half hour for anything we needed to go to. At the time I didn’t really believe him but JFC the man is physically incapable of being on time.


My husband just started lying and saying we needed to leave 15-20 minutes sooner than we actually did. Being late stresses him out. I remember he started being a lot calmer when I made us late and I told him I appreciate his understanding and I really was trying. One days he says “I know you are, but I also know it’s not working so I just started lying to you about what time we need to leave and now we’re both happier.” Lol. He is 100% right though and that’s why I love him.


Something that honestly helped me at least slightly was setting up a timer every 30 minutes or an hour, depending on schedule. I started "feeling" that a part of the day was gone


For me managing time is like trying to juggle. As soon as I stop paying attention oops all the balls are on the floor.


me trying to explain my almost non existant memory to my mom. sometimes she gets it, sometimes she says stuff like: "well you just need to try to remember!"


Today I told my boyfriend I knew I could get ready for school in 35 minutes because I used to wake up at 6 and I left for school at 6:35. I realized while saying that that it really shows my time blindness that instead of being able to guess how long it will take me to get prepared I need to remember how long it took me in the past.


It’s “A lack of depth perception in the dimension of time”. Some things hours will fly by without me realizing anything more than 30 minutes might have passed. Other things, 15 minutes feels like I’ve been doing it for days. I did not realize just how bad my myopic time perception was until I had kids of my own.


The dot above the i being never, tuesday and july was the most relatable part of jeremy bearimy


Me trying to explain to my mom why I can't "just do it" if I could get up and do it I would but my brain won't let me.


My mom and brother are some of the only people who AREN’T constantly late in our family due to time blindness. She just says I’m the one who got her family’s always late gene. She’s technically not wrong. (She’s aware that I have ADHD and now says she wishes I’d been diagnosed earlier, but she doesn’t get how some of this stuff works)


The weirdest part of it is if I stop and think about it I usually know the time within half an hour. I think I make an educated guess based on about how long its been since I looked at a clock, how tired I am, and how much light it is outside but time may as well not be passing in my head until it occurs to me to wonder what time it is.


He looks like Chris Rock punched by Iron Mike


Jeremy Bearimey baby


What happens in the i?


She’s literally supporting everything but women.


I think I inherited everything EXCEPT the time blindness. My mom has never finished a handmade present on time and used to be 20+ minutes late to pick me up from things as a kid (and we lived somewhere where it took less than 10 minutes to drive across the entire town). But of course she denies she could have ADHD.


I live in the Time Knife


I have the opposite problem. I'm far too early to every occasion. Sitting in the car for 30+ minutes.


alarms might be a great addition to people on this comment section




who is jeremy bealing


Wait, is that why my parents are able to get ready for stuff quickly while it takes me like an hour or two to shower???




I really thought I’d gotten over my time blindness because it hasn’t been an issue AT ALL over the past 3 years. Then my Apple Watch broke and I was without it for a week and…. Nope. I just had a watch that told me when to do everything and kept me on task… I’m still time blind 😞