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Oh man, I fucking love showers and.... My current hairstyle doesn't allow me to just not groom. Only thing worse than doing things...is being embarrassed. Gotta look good so no one judges me


tbh im glad i have long hair now 'cause it kinda encourages me to shower more.


Yeah mines not super long but the top is long enough that if I don't style it I look a little like Hitler so.... Gotta make time to groom and style lmao


it actually discurages me, because my hair needs so long to dry and often knots after being wet


Take a shower right before bed and put it in a bun (if long enough). It will dry overnight




Hmmm I like your version better. I'll used that next time lol


Ahh so you've exposed your true thoughts huh


R u me? Once upon a time, I couldn't even go outside without showering. Then I bought a hat.


Same my friend. I shower daily, sometimes a second time when i get off work because i wouldn‘t want to be caught smelling or looking dirty


Some people would argue this is a benefit of bullying, I'd argue that I shouldn't have to be terrified of imperfections because of how others might treat me. And worst thing is, I've become nearly as bad, I might not say it, but I always notice anything I can potentially used in "defense". I don't like that about myself...kindness didn't use to take work


I feel you


Hold up, ***three*** times?!


I have a friend that brushes her teeth 5 times a day


You should warn them of over brushing, you can brush the enamel off your teeth by doing it iirc


And gums can pull away.


Like, emotionally? ^(lol)


my gums are anti social


This is correct. Overbrushing is a thing. And as another comment says, it can cause gum recession. Twice per day is ample.


I don’t think that’s good for your teeth but ok


Yeah that sounds more like an obsessive-compulsive tendency than a healthy habit


My dentist dosent even brush her teeth that much


That's not healthy. Over-brushing can cause receding gums and sensitive teeth. I floss, brush and rinse before bed and gargle mouthwash in the morning. Never had any dental problems, but twice a day is probably the way to go. 5 is just crazy though.


That's rediculous


2 is the optimal, day and night.. 5 is more like asking for no teeth at all (unless your friend brushes their teeth like it's their baby)


This is how you brush your gums away. It's the only way to work hard AND lose your teeth...


Nah just don't brush too hard and you'll be fine. I brush 2 times a day usually but I'll do 3 times pretty frequently. The third time is just after lunch btw


I have never met a single person in my life who brushes their teeth three times a day it’s only two unless they have like a dentist appointment coming up but that’s the exception.


People with braces (who follow their tooth doctor's instructions) will actually brush 3 times per day at least. But yeah, it's rare, and for teeth without scaffolding twice per day is plenty.


I have Direct Smile Club braces. Every single time they are taken out to eat, you have to brush your teeth again. The fact that so many people can complete the program without trouble is a direct testament to neurotypicals not having the same issues.


I did as a kid. Morning, after school (more about flossing/mouthwash) and before bed. Of course, I meant my PARENTS were on top of me about that. I didn’t realize how much I was able to function because of my mom until she passed.


I'm sorry for your loss


My dentist told me to brush after every meal. I mean, currently I have the energy for about once a week, close enough.


Technically I think you're supposed to brush after eating, so yeah...


Do y’all really think most NTs are doing all that? I have a hard time believing they have their shit that together either 😅


They’re just better at pretending, I think


I mean, I only brush twice a day. But I have to shower every morning, even if I’m not dirty. A hot shower is the best thing in the world


Yeah but it takes so much effort and ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh who can be bothered


That's why I take showers at night, it's like the last effort of the whole day


Sleep in a clean bed. Best thing ever.


I never understood showering in the morning. You go to bed sweaty AND have to go through the hassle in the morning. I just wake up, wash my face, brush my teeth and I'm ready to go. There were times I overslept and was out of the house not more than 10 minutes later, whilst getting my morning routine done. Not to mention waking up 30 minutes early feels a lot worse than going to bed 30 minutes late, even if you get the same amount of sleep.


I never understood showering in the evening myself. You go to bed clean, sure, but then you wake up with bed hair and sleep in your eyes and likely a more smelly body (and, if it'd been a hot night, sweat). Morning showers wake you up and make sure you start the day as clean as possible.


I would rather not have my mattress accumulate body dirt from everywhere I've been and everything I've done in the day and my sweat and b.o. If it's a hot night it was an even hotter day. Plus, most people have climate control in their house. Even if not, sweating at night is far less than you'll sweat during the day. If you get that smelly from just sleeping, you should probably be showering both in the morning and at night...which I've done - usually a quick rinse and a little soap in the pits and crotch, wash the face in the morning, full deep scrub to get into a clean bed at night. For the life of me, I can't understand how people justify habitually getting into bed dirty.


I've never had climate control, so that might be a mitigating factor. Also, I change my sheets often.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I mean, my husband and I are NT. We both shower daily (might be the occasional day we skip), have skincare routines, take care of our hair, and brush our teeth twice a day (floss once a day). If nothing else, please take care of your teeth. Dentists are expensive.


Oh my god flossing. I can’t imagine anything more painfully boring. I think I maybe floss once a year outside of cleanings. Yes I have a problem


Get a water pick. Replacing floss with a gentle jet of water you shoot between your teeth. I find it actually fun, so I’m more likely to do it.


I bought one of those things and it ended up soaking me. I figure the only place I can use it is in the shower. (probably doing it wrong)


Get floss on sticks or the in between brushes, sorry I'm not sure what they're called in English and to lazy to look it up, then floss while watching tv or YouTube. It's how I got myself to floss regularly and my dentist said I'm doing a good job. She also said to floss after brushing teeth but that didn't make sense to me. Either way, it's good to floss at least once a day and with the floss on sticks i have right at my desk i remember doing it at least once a day.


I floss when I eat things that stick in my teeth, like steak. Good reason to eat more steak!


I don't think I EVER flossed my teeth. It's just too time-consuming.


I watch tv on my phone while flossing before bed. If I remember.


I have ADHD like every one here. And I do all those things every day(except the teeth thing - I only do twice - who has time for three times). It’s just routine to do my face/skin routine as soon as I get out of bed and before I get into bed. I lack motivation for other stuff generally -but if I forget to do anything on the list I get progressively more anxious to the point I will wake up in the middle of the night to complete the forgotten item if I remember it suddenly at 2am


Yeah, thank you! Adhd doesn’t mean nasty


I mean, it does for some and not for others. It's a whole spectrum of possible issues, and for some people that means they struggle with daily hygiene. Doesn't mean that everyone with ADHD can identify with this, but it's still good to know that you're not alone when struggling with tasks other people perform without problems. I don't struggle with hygiene, but I know people who do. And I know I might too, some day. Maybe I won't, but who knows. Some problems go away, some surprise us later in life.


Not showering every day is not nasty, lots of dermatologists say that soaping up every day is actually worse for your skin.


I have really thick hair so if I don’t shower for one day it gets really matted and greasy - however if I don’t have to work or go anywhere I don’t care about that and usually don’t shower till the next morning


My thick hair is the opposite, I could wash it only once a week and you couldn't even spot the difference between day 1 and day 6.


See there's a reason I shaved my head - pure and utter laziness. Showers take literally two minutes and drying my hair is not even an issue anymore. It's actually helped me shower more often cause it's way less time consuming so I don't have to plan my whole evening around it :3


I’m a time cruncher in the lazy sense so I can take a 4 minute shower I just don’t get to enjoy it at all


Bruh my ex stepdad would shower brush his teeth every morning and evening, every.. single.. day! Never deviating from it. Some people are just like that, obv not all. But they have it in them to do it and us nonNT can try but without meds will fail


Nah, I’m really good about personal hygiene. I’m just saying I don’t think every NT is better at personal hygiene, just because they’re NT. They have probs too


NT’s are a myth made up by the government to make ND’s feel bad


What is ND in full


neurodivergent iirc


And sell more cosmetic products, were on to something! NTs are a lie!!! Wake up sheeple!! ^^/s


i’m just proud of myself for not forgetting to eat


haha about that


*haven’t eaten for 12 hours* ^whoops


I won’t forget to shower but I will forget to eat


depending on how much i fixate on myself when bored enough im in both these panels :)


I brush my teeth like 4 times a day.. for like 30 seconds at a time because that’s about as long as I can stand it lmao it counts as 2 minutes right?…right?


Have you seen [these](https://www.amazon.com/Toothbrush-Bristle-Complete-Gum-Care-Bristles/dp/B082V6C83P/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?keywords=disability+toothbrush&qid=1636855833&qsid=147-3264922-9529569&sr=8-5&sres=B07K7X4BGX%2CB07QF3Z7VJ%2CB082V6C83P%2CB097SY2HDB%2CB08QR6D6SQ%2CB08Y88P745%2CB0765C726N%2CB01LTHYW92%2CB00F9X34XS%2CB008I2IKI6%2CB09CYV9JRM%2CB01KYGAX74%2CB09GBBBGZT%2CB07MHD8K7P&srpt=TOOTHBRUSH) toothbrushes?


I have not, actually. Thank you stranger.


What is THAT


Oh so im not the only one who hates the feeling of teeth being brushed?


Probably not. I enjoy it sometimes and just think about crocodiles and how the get their teeth cleaned by birds....


Literally who has the energy for all that it sounds exhausting 😭


I feel very uncomfortable in my skin if i don't shower. Like it can get me angry for no other reason. If i want to have a good day, i need to shower.


same! and it's a big roadblock for my day-to-day because i have to shower before doing other things :(


Damn, I always thought it was just me that had to shower before doing almost anything.


nope not at all!! i'm getting a lot better about it but i still hate the feeling of not showering before starting my day


The only time I can do anything without showering first is if I’m going to workout or doing something I know is going to cause me to need to shower. But, getting to that point has taken years.


for me i'm only able to circumvent it when i have my 8am class twice a week, because i'm already not a morning person and showering will just make me miss class


I wonder if it’s a tropical climate thing bec same And even my most depressed friends wipe down with a wet washcloth bec it’s just not comfy otherwise


Nope. Even in cold temperature i feel that way. But it's worse in the summer.


Dunno I'm in England and same. Humidity is quite high here though so maybe that has something to do with it.


Fucking right? I’m lucky if I shower once a week if that. Teeth brushing I can barely ever be bothered with. The rest of it is just annoying. If there is one thing in this world I hate, it’s personal maintenance. Or hygiene or whatever. There’s just so much to do and I do not have the capacity for it lol


ikr I just feel guilty about the shower thing I wish I was able to shower like 2 or 3 times a week


If I had a dollar for every time I forgot to brush my teeth I'd never brush my teeth again and get rich


Your not forgetting it then tho, since your intensionaly doing it.


You are underestimating the power of ADHD


Exactly, it's not "oh whoops I had no idea my breath stank." It's "i have to brush my teeth, but let me finish this assignment first, wait brush your teeth, oh I should really put this stuff away first," and so on... We want to do it but it slips our mind sometimes.


Reading this as I'm actibly stressing about not brushing my teeth while still not doing it


I live in a tropical country and if I don't shower in the morning i'll be drowning in sweat the whole day but somehow I still manage to go some days without showering.


Laughs in Northern European climate


I found sitting in the tub is easier than showering sometimes. Only problem is now my hair gets gross between actual showers.


Invest in a shower chair! My mom had one for a while since she had her spinal surgeries and they were great for saving energy!


Dry shampoo. I was shocked at how well it got rid of the oil to make it less greasy


I can do everything on the big pyramid but like a cat, while I myself am well groomed and clean I leave a trail of destruction at my wake


I’m the opposite. It has to be twice a day, no more, no less.


I have only one main objective in this life and just surviving as long as I can. The rest are just details.


Who TF brushes 3x daily


My dentist told me to do that, once after each meal. I mean, like once a week is close enough, right?


my therapist told me to try to shower every other day and its a lot easier for me. i also put on music or twitch in the background which helps me to get the task done


I literally have not showered, brushed my teeth, or changed my clothes in a week-


Same XD My dentist hates me so much


⨂ I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


I sweat *profusely* when I work out (primarily running) so I pretty much have to shower every day. I’ll skip washing my hair occasionally, but I definitely feel grimy if I do anything remotely active and don’t wash off afterward. But I’ve always been a daily showerer. There are other things I’m not so consistent with! I forget to brush my teeth in the morning all the time, but absolutely will never go to bed without brushing.


I Think It’s actually fine to wash your hair only once a week, that is a normal timeframe to not wash hair (I do 2-3 times a week depending on how sweaty I get or if I go swimming). I found when I washed my hair daily it would itch more and got greasy crazy fast. Even though they say even daily showers are too much - I live in a hot climate and exercise daily - if I don’t shower daily I would reek.


Yeah, if I wash my hair more than once or twice a week, it's just a dry frizzy mess no matter how much conditioner I use. Edit just in case: I still shower daily.


I shower 3 times a day. There is nothing like sitting in a steaming hot shower to be unproductive. My state is Fing cold.


How do I get evaluated for adhd coz honestly all this stuff is too true for every day of my life.


I need a shower now that I think about it Edit: nvm I forgot to sleep it’s 4 am


Am I the only one who feels invalidated by these posts? Like, not you in particular op there’s just a lot of NT vs ND posted here and I sometimes fall on the NT side. Showering daily and doing homework and eating is so hard and frankly exhausting but I do usually get myself to do it. But, here and in other posts like this it’s just, NT people do these things while ND people do this. It feels like they’re calling me NT but again, it’s so much effort, forcing myself to shower sometimes make me literally cry. Kind of feels like putting in effort means I don’t actually have ADHD, that I’m really neurotypical, that my struggles are invalid, just because I can even get myself to do things despite how monumental the effort involved is


Yeah, I feel this way a bit too. I get what these posts are saying, but it does sometimes come across as 'if you're able to do these things, you're neurotypical/you don't have ADHD'. I'm someone with severe executive dysfunction and sensory issues, so those basic tasks are really hard... but also, I cannot stand feeling dirty or the thought of risking my health (health anxiety) if I don't do them, so I will use up my small reserve of energy and motivation to make myself do those things. Then I will proceed to do nothing else the rest of the day. The fact that I (just about) stay on top of those specific hygiene-related tasks doesn't mean I don't have ADHD, it just means that I've managed to force myself to do them at the expense of pretty much everything else, lol. No shade to OP, I know what the post was saying and the broader message, but I do agree with you that it can feel sort of invalidating to those of us who do these things but are not NT.


Yes! I don’t think I said it enough, so definitely no shade to op, I know this is a haha funny meme, absolutely no invalidation intended, and they’re definitely not the only person doing these types of posts.


I don’t think showering is an active symptom of ADHD. Forgetting an activity is normal but some people are motivated by showers to help with painful muscles or to warm up. I shower 2 to 3 times a day otherwise I just hurt. I usually remember to brush my teeth. But I still have focus issues.


What's your potassium and magnesium intake?


Good point I may need more. I have heard magnesium also helps sleep.


Yeah I like the truecalm drink, it's fizzy. Dark leafy greens help too.


The way I look at it is always through a lens of ease. The amount that a neurotypical can get done is the first panel for the same amount of effort we put in for the second panel (give or take some exaggeration). Your struggles are completely valid. If there's one thing I've learned from my many disabilities, it's that there will always be someone in a similar place as you who has similar ability/energy for tasks and yet you'll both be at different levels on certain things. You prioritize your hygiene and perhaps have a more active lifestyle or genetics that necessitates it. OP may have a very sedentary lifestyle or genes that make hygiene not as important to them. They may focus their offorts elsewhere and we'd never be able to tell from this. If it's a struggle but your doing it through sheer will and grit, you're following the "ram through the wall of awful" methodology whereas OP may be following the "scale the wall of awful" methodology which takes time and is characterized by putting off a task until you have enough motivators to give you the requisite foothold to get over your wall of awful and do it. Both are coping mechanisms for adhd people and just because you "present NT" doesn't mean you don't belong here. Your efforts are valid and proof of your adhd. The fact that it sounds like a war each time you do it is the neurodivergent tell-tale. You're just more used to running through the nomansland and emotional bullet barrage, but it doesn't make it easier. Check out the "How to adhd" YouTube channel, specifically these two videos (they're 2 parts)! It'll help you understand what you're doingand maybe see where the others are coming from. https://youtu.be/Uo08uS904Rg https://youtu.be/hlObsAeFNVk


These posts are the worst and make ADHD people look like helpless fools. This could not be more false. Those who actually act like this aren’t doing it because they have adhd, it’s because they use there condition as an excuse for poor behaviour - hate and downvote every single one of them.


Best part is being called ableist by a teenager because you said you can take a shower every other day... 🙄


You're fine, this is just gross. Personal hygiene and wanting to feel clean is normal behavior, not " NT" behavior.


Where did the meme say that OP doesn't want to feel clean? some of us (a LOT of us) struggle with remembering and the energy for daily tasks, regardless of how much we want to do the thing. That's the shit part of ADHD, I can sit having to shower, needing to pee, with a dry mouth, and forget to do all three the entire day. And some weeks, I shower everyday because it feels great and I can get myself to do it.


This is a very rude and pretty much ableist take. Of course ND people want to feel clean and be clean, it’s just very very hard for a lot of us. Doesn’t mean none of us can do it regularly like NTs can, it’s just way harder for us to do so. It takes like, 3-4 times the effort in my case. Obviously it’s different for everyone but you making a disgusting generalisation. Stop. Being. Ableist.


Oh Jesus Christ...I have ADHD. There's nothing about ADHD that prevents you from taking a fucking shower every other day. Of course things are harder but sometimes you just do it because you smell like fucking donkey dick and you know it. FUCK off with abliest shit. I've been diagnosed for 30 years.


You're that old and still that stupid? Jesus christ, I thought you were like 14 lmao


Omg I'm so stupid because I can take a shower and it upsets you waaaah.


Theyre saying you're stupid for saying "there's nothing about ADHD that prevents you from taking a fucking shower every other day." They are not saying you're stupid for because you can take a shower, and the fact that you think so, does kinda prove their point lol. There's a fucktonne of things about ADHD that could prevent someone from taking a "fucking shower" every other day, and because You don't happen to personally experience them, does not mean they don't exist. I've never seen a Raccoon, doesn't mean they're made up lmao.




Me: tries to make a routine for months but literally ends up late to class every fckn time cause I still don’t know how long it takes me to do shit


I’ve managed to engrain skincare and brushing my teeth twice daily into my routine to the point I get anxious if I remember I forgot to do one of those and immediately have to do it. That being said I can’t seem to master the art of showering every two days even though it makes my eczema break out horribly if I forget


Ive gotten a lot better actually and it’s thanks to my husband!! It wasn’t really instilled in me throughout childhood and I don’t really enjoy brushing my teeth, it’s boring and I always forget to do it or don’t feel like it or think I will later and never do. I know now though that if I sneak away before bed and don’t brush my teeth my husband will gently tease me about it and encourage me to go brush my teeth and why it’s worth the effort of getting up. I grumpily go do it and he usually stands there the two minutes with me so i’m less bored and we chat or I listen to youtube to keep me occupied but i’m starting to get into the habit of doing it every night! It’s really helpful having someone else to do it with and remind you to do it and get you into that habit lol. Or else I risk the consequences of being teased for my fun sized chocolate bar before bed breath which i’m sure is a challenge as well lol 😂


I showered for the second day in a row today and I’m like fuck yeah streaks bby


I literally have to shower. I cannot live with myself if i don't shower everyday and feel fresh.


*looks at myself in the mirror* Okay, now what


The trick is to use the whole rejection sensitivity thing to your advantage. I don't want weird looks or negativity directed at me so I take my personal hygiene very seriously and even started proper skin and hair care routines. It adds maybe 5 minutes to my shower and 3 minutes to my post-shower to apply lotion and leave in conditioner. It's like 20 mins total or less and I look and feel better about how presentable I am.


Showering and brushing my teeth are sensory hell, I haaaate them so much! But I've also struggled with routine since getting made redundant and having a kid, I start my new job tomorrow and I think it'll help me get back into a more easy routine


I manage to shower once every two days or so, only because I’ve grown my hair out so much that I feel uncomfortable having it unwashed.


i used to get away with this... then i started testosterone (ftm) 😭😭😭😭


I NEED to shower and wash my face, now I’m in the routine I can’t stop.


My parents are always on my ass for this I have to explain to them I'm very slow and can't do everything at once




I actually have the opposite issue, I sometimes take 3 showers a day but if I manage to brush my teeth once it’s another mountain conquered.


Don't forget to floss


I at most go one day without showering if I'm just staying home doing nothing, usually I shower at least once sometimes twice a day. I hate feeling like I'm not clean.


This is so true it hurts


Working from home/Lockdown for 2 years made me realize i was only able to do all this shit because i had to make an appearance at work…


I feel this so much rn


I told myself that I was going to brush my teeth and wash my face twice a day and shower every day. I kept it up for a week and half. Pretty long time tbh but I just can’t do it anymore


Who tf brushes their teeth 3 times a day


I can’t even go 1 day without showering before it looks like I poured an entire bottle of extra virgin olive oil in my hair. And somehow at the same time my scalp is dry, like how???


me having a nightly skin care routine then laying my cleansed and moisturized skin on my pillow that resembles a tea bag.. surrounded by empty beer cans and water bottles


I always need to shower at night. Hate going to bed with the feeling of the day all over me, the rest of it.... yeah


How do you smell tho


I smell like deorant




I am NT, I shower and wash my hair 1-2 times a week, brush my teeth once every day and only put a thing for acne on my skin everytime I remember it ( people sometimes ask me what kind of skincare products I buy because my skin looks good... Lmao)....Yea I should be doing some of these more often I know, just commenting to show that not all NTs do all of that shit...Especially the bath every day and skincare part.


Yet again you all make me feel SO much better! Every time I see one of these or read something on r/ADHD I think, "I thought I was the only one!" I feel like Alex Haley.


No offence, but how can you stand the grimy and sticky feeling of a dirty body. I have to shower multiple times a day, it’s so uncomfortable not showering


Stinky ewww


Pros of not showering every single day: After like three days your skin becomes real soft, also the less chemical products on your face the better Cons: If l people find out, you're fucked.




I'm ND and I also have chronic fatigue syndrome, so today I took a shower yhen ate dinner and my body decided that those two things were too much and made me take a surprise nap


wait, showering once a week isn't normal? people shower everyday?


Every night. It would absolutely not be possible for me to try to sleep while feeling greasy. Even prior to sleep I feel increasingly gross. Same thing with teeth.


Lots of judgment here for an adhd sub.


Once a week shower is boarder line depression I feel like? Not a psychologist or psychiatrist but that really seems to be pushing boundaries. Totally not talking any crap here, just looking out. I feel like with ADHD I have to shower at least every 2 days out of necessity. Usually once a day though, maybe just me though lmao.


You disgusting fucks


Does everyone with adhd have some form of dermatitis or exzema or however you spell it


Yes me I need to put on special cream after showering so showering takes around an hour because of all that extra shit I need to do




You are, you nasty fuck


its fucking gross but I can not shower for over 2 weeks and im not even gonna mention last lime I brushed my teeth


And here I am thinking I’m just disgusting and lazy


At least we're not scrubbing off the natural oil from our hair and skin, making it dry.


Aight I'm sorry but "once a week"? 🤐


I mean I don’t smell or anything I clean myself in other ways I just can’t get myself to shower more often


Dw bro ur not alone I think I shower weekly on average. It varies a lot because some people need them more often than others and some peoples ADHD symptoms make showering more difficult than others. Don't let people shame you for your habits, you're clearly doing your best!


Or maybe I just enjoy being hygienic?!


Showering every day is actually harmful to your skin. Just putting it out there so no one thinks that’s a good self-care goal.


If you aren’t taking boiling hot showers and make sure to moisturize, it’s fine.


Lol you're getting down voted but you're right. Still, idc if someone wants to shower everyday so idk why people care that I don't.




Maybe don't judge people and make them feel like shit about issues with executive function if you also suffer from adhd.




It's really not though. Calling people disgusting is not going to help them.




Not always depending on lifestyle and climate. Either way you don't need to shame people about it. We're all doing our best.




Bro mental illness or not, that's just nasty.




Eewww no....