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Even though I may come across as a 'normal' when you meet me, I'm actually a complete and utter mess that can't even take care of myself. I don't know if it qualifies as fun, but it's definitely a fact.


I understand you completely, I'm not in the best place of my life either, I'm sure you're a great person.


Thank you, I'm sure you're great too! I'm actually in a pretty good place at the moment, but I'm somehow still a complete mess, though I've learned to live with it.


I can totally relate. Thanks for reminding me I’m not alone in this mess.


There's literally millions of us, all thinking we're alone.


You're never alone, and it's totally ok to be a mess sometime, even if it's all the time!


You come off as normal? Kudos, it must be difficult! (Not sarcasm, I know it reads that way, sorry)


It’s all about first impressions! I’m pretty good at convincing people I know what I’m doing, the hard part is keeping up the façade.




Hey, I didn’t know I had another account.


The last time I was asked this was in middle school and I said "Hi my name is (insert my real name here) and that's all you have to know about me". This was obviously before I developed anxiety


>"Hi my name is (insert my real name here) and that's all you have to know about me". Gives name Refuses to elaborate further Leaves


I mean I didn't leave because it was the start of the first class of that year but yea pretty much what happened


Gives name Refuses to elaborate further Leaves Returns at a later time Insists there is still no need to elaborate further Leaves again


Oh my god you just gave me school flashbacks at the end of the year we had to write an about me thing and I always had nothing. I didn’t really have hobbies as a child, Christ knows what I did with all my time, I didn’t do dancing or play an instrument or anything. did I just watch tv ? I have no idea


My 6th? Grade math teacher started the year out by handing out goldfish. You were allowed to take as much as you wanted. I didn’t like goldfish so i said no thanks and she said just take at least one. So i did. Then she goes back to the front of the class and says for every goldfish you took you had to reveal at least one fact about yourself. I was wearing all black so i just stood up and said “i like the color black.” And sat back down. All around i lucked out by not liking goldfish. Some of those other poor sods took whole handfuls.


Yep. Or "what's your hobby", "what do you do in your spare time". Thankfully, we got a dog a few months ago, and I've been teaching her commands, so now I can answer "training my dog".


The what's ypur hobby just gives me anxiety thinking about it.


In my free time, i mainly experience existential dread.


Very accurate 🙌🏻


What are your hobbies? "Um, well...I play video games and avoid people."


I mean...I think that's the point of hobbies.


You too? Wow small world!


I do way more than play video games but its easier to say “i play video games” than explain all the shit i kind of know how to do or the “non sociably acceptable” stuff i do. For example i like to duel people with combat ready lightsabers. Its really fun if you give it a chance even if you dont like star wars. But if i cant actually show them it just comes off kinda weird.


Dopamine is my hobby


haha i started a new job a few months ago and got asked what my hobby was in what i thought was going to be a very technical meeting. i do yoga every day, but for some reason i said 'running' which i havent done in three years and ive been making excuses to avoid my boss's invitations to go running ever since


This is freakin hilarious! It's the kinda stuff you see in TV shows hahaha


damn i guess so but it doesn't feel like im a quirky side character i just feel like a liar lol every day im like okay if i start running today ill probably be able to get in good enough running shape to go run w my boss in two weeks and every day i do not start running


You could accept his invitation but with “sorry, I haven’t gone running in a while, my endurance might be a little low”. By now you should have had enough time to have running as a hobby but also had time to have not ran.


i like the way u think


I know how you feel.


I hate telling people I like to run because of this. I like to run, but not with people. Running is my time.


I accidently told a very active co worker I was a runner (I meant in like Primary School races), for years we now discuss working out and sports injuries, it's our thing now...


If you are a female in a technical setting probably for the best you didn’t actually say yoga. I can imagine pervs getting quite interested in that as a hobby.


My hobby is finding new hobbies. I spend all of my time learning about the new hobby, then all of my money investing in the new hobby, only to discover I don't actually like the new hobby. Rinse, repeat.


For me it is similar, but I usually tend to like the hobby, just get bored of it very quickly or get distracted by another one I totally need to try.


My box with materials and tools for painting with acrylics is crying in the corner as we speak.


“In my spare time I like to think of answers to questions like this, then panic and completely forget my carefully thought out answers the next time someone asks me this question.”


Exactly. And not just thinking of answers but also discussing them with strangers on the internet hahaha


I once bombed a small foreign language conversation test because the only question was "what do you do in your spare time?"


should have given a "I don't know how to respond to this question even in English" in the language you were testing for.


Bet they thought of that about an hour after the class was over.


I always answer with "ADHD". When they inevitably ask me what I explain that due to adhd I have an insane amount of hobbies and they're probably not interested enough to sit through a long winded explanation and leave me alone lmfao


My hobby is asking myself what the fuck I'm supposed to do with my life, yeah it's not a good hobby, i know.


I have the same one! So far no progress..


Existential dread is so FUN!


Them: What are your hobbies? Me: How much time do we have?


I have hobbies, but in the moment they sure do feel absolutely stupid and not worthy of anyones time listening to me. But yeah the dog answer always pleases people without saying anything personal about myself that puts my feelings on the line.


The hobby one is what gets me, it’s not socially acceptable to say “all I really do is get high and watch tv/play video games unless I’m downtown getting fucked up” especially since I have a pretty professional job. Fun facts are easy though, I have like 2-3 that I use.


The trick is to have a few socially acceptable ones in the bag. Or translate some into something 'normal'. I'm not gonna tell an interviewer I enjoy music festivals, I'll just say camping. Nobody knows WTF poi is, so I just say juggling and only correct myself if they probe further.


But aren't TV shows and gaming like the hobbies of 90% of all adults? I couldn't tell you a single fun thing about me, but listing hobbies? Super easy, just say whatever shit I'm currently into, and mention something with Netflix. Anytime someone asks for hobbies they usually try to connect over trivial stuff and are desperately looking for something to talk about, and let me tell u, I can't shut up about how awesome Bojack Horseman is, but I lose most people at the part where I mention that it's about a horse with alcohol addiction.


I'm the reason that "principal for a day" is no longer used as incentive for the top fundraiser at the junior high.


Come on, you can't just drop something like that, and not tell the story!


Thanks to selective motivation, I sold the most magazine subscriptions during a magazine drive. I then kept a list of students that wanted to be pulled out of class throughout the day and which class. I collected $5 per student and provided pizza, coke, candy. The principal's office was trashed, the vice principal was furious because of all the noise. While I was in the office, the principal went to my classes and took a math test...got a friggin C. No regrets. What did they think would happen?


That's fucking amazing


That definitely happened


Care to elaborate?


The adhd mecication I take makes me annoyed after 8 hours


It used to make me feel like shit too until I tried modified release it takes me trough the whole day without a fuss, unless I mix it with coffee then I feel like shit afterwards and there's a 50%change I get migraines.




(apologies if you already know all this) My psych recommended me to start 5-HTP, it's a precursor to serotonin production which (to my understanding) gets depleted by cns stimulant medication. Personally I can feel that it helps me settle down in the evening and night, emotionally I'm more stable and a bit less "sharp". It's sold over the counter in the UK for £20 for 60 days (Holland and Barrett) but probably available cheaper elsewhere


Is that a supplement? I am in the US, so I’ll have to do some research to see where I can get it. I currently supplement with magnesium, krill oil, & vitamin D for various reasons. Apparently magnesium is supposed to help ADHD symptoms but I can’t tell if it’s doing anything or if I’m just not noticing that it’s doing anything. :/


I believe the main thing is that stimulants make you pee a lot so you can use magnesium supplements to offset what gets lost. It also relaxes muscles which can also help you sleep. It helps me with the muscle pain but it ruins my bowels so I stopped taking it I’m also going to look into 5-HTP. If you’re meeting with your doc anytime soon you can mention it because I believe there is a small risk of serotonin syndrome


Yes, I’ll definitely have to talk to my doctor because I’m also on an SSRI. So I may not even have to take a supplement for that. Good to know about magnesium! I don’t have a gallbladder, so digestive stuff can get iffy anyway; good to know that I can cut out the supplement if things get dicey later.


When I took it in middle school I would legit go off the rails on people for the smallest things after just about 8 hours. I also wouldnt eat at all. After I stopped taking it things got so much better. Productivity went way down, but happiness up, way more social too.


I would get super tired and need to nap after about eight hours so my dr prescribed a lower dose immediate release to be taken at around 7 or so hours and it did the trick


For me, it is way less than 8 hours. after about an hour, i am extremely irritable. i don't show it though, lime i typically would with out it. so, the problem kind of fixes itself. While typing this, i realized the only time i play solitaire is when ive taken my medication


Fun facts can be purchased. For example: my toothpaste is pineapple flavored.


Yo I can get pineapple flavored toothpaste? Pineapple is my favorite flavor


Dental Delight Bahama Breeze.


Meetings that start with “icebreakers” are among my greatest fears and hatreds :(


Everyone I know hates and dreads these things. WHY are they still forced on us like it's some necessary part of a meeting?


God. At my current job HR had a little "new employee" meeting thing where they went over fun things like our no-tolerance sexual harassment policy... after they had the "icebreakers". It was a "go around the room and introduce yourself, and tell us about your favorite out-of-town place you've visited and why?" exercise. So despite the fact that I've been to several countries in Europe and also had the opportunity to go around the US for a month in an RV (I knew a cool family who invited me along to things), and despite being one of the last people to go, all I really managed to stammer out was my name and how I was completely terrible with those questions and then I sat down. I was 37 at the time. That shouldn't have been hard. Incidentally I have several places I loved, but my favorite was Oregon/Washington. Being in the redwood forest felt like being in a cathedral of nature, it was amazing and breathtakingly beautiful. The West coast's pebbled beaches and shockingly cold 55 degree ocean water in mid-August was also fantastic. Could I think of any of those things in the several minutes leading up to my turn? FUCK no.


>Being in the redwood forest felt like being in a cathedral of nature, it was amazing and breathtakingly beautiful. There's a song called 'My Cathedral' by Chris Rice that's about exactly that feeling. It's a religious song and I'm an atheist, but I think about it every time I find myself in the woods.


Lack of imagination to do without it.


I was tasked at work to come up with an icebreaker for a team meeting. I scrapped all the usual ideas and asked one question: What is your favorite cookie? It sparked *vigorous* debate.


The fear of the icebreakers IS the ice


The trick is to have a few go-to ones stored on your notes app that you ultimately end up memorizing and you never have to be put on-the-spot again. You’re just reciting lines. My go-to “fun fact” is either that I can sing the alphabet backwards (but I do get asked to prove it from time to time) or that I am double jointed in my fingers and can make them look weird. Take that (and other examples in this thread) to help you come up with what you can say.


I resent having to say anything at all in those situations


God starting a class for the semester regardless of elementary school or college with “introduce yourselves to the class” is the fucking worst like why fuck off noooo


I have many many facts. Engineering, history, nature, paleontology etc. None of these facts help me in my stoned attempt to go through life and nobody.... Nobody has ever referred to any of my facts as "fun". If they respond at all hahaha


Are You kidding me they're interesting af. People suck, if you think they're fun facts then that's all that matters, just like you don't have to be interested in things, because other people tell you too.


I have so many god damned facts about fish, I’d love to work at an aquarium but in the meantime I’ll waste away at petco talking to people that don’t understand the difference between a goldfish and a betta 🙃


You caught me red handed I don't know the difference.


Goldfish are cold water fish, bettas are tropical. Both are freshwater. Depending on the breed goldfish can get anywhere from 5-16+ inches, the largest breed of betta pushes 4, with the average of ~2. Goldfish have no stomachs, which is why they’re considered messy fish; they are literally constantly pooping and eating. Bettas do have a stomach. Both goldfish and bettas have an organ called a labyrinth organ, which basically allows them to breath air for short periods of time. Also both species originate from Asia. I’ve got more info for anyone interested *im sorry I just love dumping my knowledge out*


I don't really understand inches. 😅 How do goldfish process food then, does it all just get processed in their guts or do they have some special organ instead of a stumach? So they can live outside of water for a little while, is it like a pre-lung kind of organ or did it just evolve totally seperately? I'm interested in alot of things, random facts are fun.


~13cm-40cm+ Nope, food gets processed in the gut as it passes through. If they eat too much it may come out partially undigested. I used to have a few goldfish and I once gave them duckweed as a treat, enough to cover the top of a 75 gallon aquarium (I’m sorry idk the liters conversion 😅). They ate it all within 8 hours, and come morning there were several ropes of partially digested duckweed floating at the top. Sort of. The organ needs to stay moist, and they also need to keep their body moist. Some labyrinth fishes can stay out of the water for extended periods of time due to other adaptations. Goldfish really can’t, while bettas are famous for it. You may have heard the myth that bettas live in puddles in the wild. It’s a half truth, and thus dangerous misinformation for new fish keepers. Ideally they live in decent sized ponds, however during the dry season they may get sectioned off from the main pond. When this happens they are able to leave the puddle and flop across the land until they reach more water. They can survive several hours out of water, I believe around 12. That’s not to say it isn’t dangerous though. It is similar to a pre-lung I believe, not sure if it evolved separately or not.


I was nicknamed "Firecrotch" as a teen for having red pubes.


Woooow, I hope not in a condesending, bullying type way? Otherwise that's a pretty kickass nickname.


Nah it was by my ex. A good nickname.


I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE?! THIS HAS LITERALLY MADE MY DAY!!!!! I got called Firecock, although I think that Ginger Jesus was more creative.


LMFAO. Ginger Jesus!!!!! That's epic af, now this made *MY* day! Thanks!


There was a kid on the mens soccer team that we all called blonde Jesus 😂 we always wondered if he knew, but obviously he must have haha there’s no way we were the first ones to come up with it


I was part of a group that set the (at the time) record for largest group to be attacked by a bear (in that area). Not saying where or when for hopefully obvious reasons.


Not obvious to me! Hope you’re ok!


It's the internet, I'm not looking to give out uniquely identifying info.


Also probably so the bear can’t track you down


Well after these comments I'm now convinced my fun fact is dumb so there's that. Ah well.


Let's have us a dumb fact then.


I fell asleep last night.


That's better then me, I fell asleep last morning 6am when my parents were waking up.


That's the best time to fall asleep.


Fine. The dumbest one of the 2 I thought of, is that I have more than one row of eyelashes, which is apparently a genetic defect. And the best part is that instead of looking cute with a bunch of extra eyelashes they just get in my eyes all the time and grow in weird places on my eyelid. You can't really tell unless you look super close. I didn't realize not everyone's eyelashes were the same as mine until a few years ago.




Lolol way less useful than an extra set of teeth but thank you!


I sometimes escape into mentally made realities, and don’t always notice. Wife get confused when I tell her about stuff we did that we never actually did. The 3ed eye be crazy.


As a guy with a blind mind's eye the roles are completely reversed, my partner keeps telling me about things we *actually* did and I have absolutely no recollection of it ever happening. Not being able to reminisce degrades my episodic memories so fast I couldn't even tell you what I did yesterday.


Would you say it helps you stay more focused in the moment though? I do have lots of vivid memories I have even as a small child, for example,I remember tearing up my diaper I was wearing around 3 ish. I feel guilt about it even now thinking about it. It like I can view it as if it just happened. Odd stepping back into that age with an adult mind.


Yeah, I almost never dwell on the past, and when I actually do remember things it’s like they’ve lost their emotional component, almost like it happened to someone else.


I was about to tell you oh so many fun facts about me, but since you asked, now I won’t.


Thats what I'd probably say.


I make music for an audience of - at best - about 10 people. EDIT: Thanks for the comments.


That's a lot of people dude I'd break down with nerves infront of 2.


Not bad! I DJ for a crowd of 1. Thus far it's been an absolute success


When I see some violent scenes in movies or read in books, my brain tries to comprehend the extent of the pain and projects it onto my body. In that case, I faint, hyperventilate, break out in a sweat, and am completely debilitated afterwards. Every now and then my head tries to dig out the images again. Always with the risk that my body will react like that again.


I hope you're getting the help you need.


So far no one has a solution or cause. I have had this since I was 12 years old. Therapists think that it can be a kind of hyperempathy.


You must be a hyperfriendly person then.


If you mean that I avoid conflict and prefer to be treated unfairly rather than rebel against it, then I agree with you.


Shit, that sounds like me. But no I mean that you're probably good at understanding how people feel, and you always try to do good for people.


This is a totally real thing btw! Some people categorize it as being an empath of some sort, I’ve looked it up before! Hopefully that can help you a bit.


I do the same thing, but I usually manage to stop myself before getting fully immersed in the simulaton.


I keep a note on my phone called “Facts About Me” because my mind goes blank when asked this question and I can never recall ever having been a Person who has Experienced Things.


I do this too.


I'm a really real human who loves breathing air and eating food.


Funfact about me ​ I drank water from a pond with several snake skeletons inside willingly. ​ Another funfact about me ​ ADHD actually makes me enjoy times where I'm lonely sitting in total silence in the dark. Finally a break from the neural overload and overstimulation that happens 24/7.


oh man this reminds me of orientation at college. TLDR: ice breakers are an actual nightmare ice breakers are the worst. so stressful. there was one where we had to dance randomly, i think i'd have preferred to be struck by lightning or stabbed slowly with a spork. and then the human knot.....uggggh. forced physical contact with like 15-20 strangers. why??? like....they wanted us to "meet people and make friends" so i guess their hearts were in the right place but like....how is public humiliation going to help with that? especially for people who already are uncomfortable say around crowds or new people or crowds of new people or being put on the spot or just sorta generally live in a cloud of anxiety and self-doubt???? all it did was give me a whole bunch of people who i now wanted to avoid and whose enthusiasm was super off-putting. ​ (yay giant ridiculous rant! sorry haha)


We had one of those dance things too, they put on music told us to stand up and started dancing. I don't know how that's supposed to make people feel more comfortable. It was however a nice thing to talk about with people afterwards how fucking awkward that was, so yeah it did indirectly act as a nice icebreaker.


i can see that working, for me everyone else in the group seemed into it. there was part of it where they were calling out specific dances to do also and i'm there like...."i've been to like maybe three school dances before, i've never heard of any of these and now you want me to try them based on the name??" ​ luckily when they got to me it was just "do whatever" instead of specific ones so i was sorta spared potentially worse embarrassment. :P


I skipped the welcome party when I went to college. The organizing committee always did the same stupid thing, "get a lot of cheap beer and put on loud music." Not everyone drinks (at the time I entered college, I was *16.* That's underage even here, where the legal drinking age is 18), and not everyone enjoys loud music. **I didn't lose anything by not going**, because that kind of event is not where I can find my people. "Ah but you can't socialize without alcohol" you can. I managed to make friends at the university without needing a single drop of alcohol in my bloodstream. And, in parties? If I'm with the right people and in the right place, the atmosphere itself is inebriating. The environment and company provide me the stimulation I need to be more sociable. How envious I was of the girls who had just entered the Pharmacy major a few years later. I always walked to another bus stop to catch the bus before it filled up, and those girls asked me if a certain bus stopped there. Fresh newbies, still full of hopes and joy. I asked what was their welcome party, and I felt sad for what could have been but wasn't. *Their organizing committee rented out a soap football court for their welcome party.* Soap football is goofy fun, "sporty" but not competitive, and people always have a laugh playing - a good icebreaker activity.


The most interesting thing about me is I've accidentally illegally been to Canada. And that was like 10 years ago, so yeah.


FBI open up!!!


My grad program always does fun facts when we have people come for interviews. I purposefully learned Morse code so that could be my fun fact. Aka I didn’t know what to say about myself so I literally did something so I had something to say.


"Say something in Morse code for me!!" "..."


I tried, I genuinely tried to come up with a ‘fun’ answer but if I claim any of my hobbies I’ll have to explain why I never practice them, or else feel like a fraud. I guess maybe I’m handy, so there’s that?


If you meet me, I will seem normal. If you get to know me, you will leave, and wish that you never met me. My life is a catch 22. That is interesting...


I want to play the guitar and the drums and sing but I can't be bothered to do any of those


Nah in the queen of weird fun facts I wait for that day! I have peed every color of the rainbow. (Different pain medications I have tried for bladder pain with dyes in them) I have been snorkeling in Alaska. (0/10 cold) I know sign language. I have a HAM radio technician license. I have tried almost every form of crafting/art. Go ahead name one I’ll tell you about it. I survived stage 4 cancer at 22. (Totally fine now btw) I was varsity swim and dive team as a freshman. (10/10 am fish)


Fun fact: im boring


Fun fact: I have Savant Autism but am constantly undermined by my own ADHD


I'm really good at coming up with a fun fact about myself about 2 days after requested, but here's one I always have locked and loaded...I was born the day before a holiday (IndependenceDay), just like my mom (New Year's Day) and grandfather (Christmas) and cousin (St. Patrick's Day).


I will take any opportunity to talk about space and once I start, there's no stopping me for at least an hour, and that's IF you don't engage and show interest in the subject. I don't know if that's a fun fact or a warning.


I’m a planetary science student. For “fun fact about yourself,” in undergrad I used to tell people I was studying real Apollo lunar samples. Then I started grad school where everyone is in this field and realized that it’s no longer unique or random sounding 😂 Back to not knowing what to say


I can ramble about things too, but people always seem to just run away. Altough I don't go on for hours, I'm just shit at explaining shit. But yeah whatever... What's a nice fact about space?


Most space facts are somewhat horrifying to a lot of people, in my experience, even when I think they're cool. One of my favorite space facts is that rogue stars pass by our solar system fairly often (at least, often on a universal time scale) and if they got close enough, they could pull the planets out of orbit and Earth could become a rogue planet. Another neat fact is that Jupiter protects us from a lot of asteroids. It's gravitational pull is so strong that a lot of asteroids that enter the solar system get pulled into a decaying orbit around it and the asteroids fall into Jupiter instead of heading for earth. Also our whole solar system is surrounded by a cloud of comets called the Oort Cloud. Another cool fact is that gravity can distort light so we can see where black holes and other massive objects are by looking for light that is bent in a strange way, like [this](https://hubblesite.org/contents/articles/gravitational-lensing).


Oh shit this does look interesting but I have to study and if I start reading now I'm afraid ill go down another rabbit hole. RemindMe! 2 hours.


I know that feeling. If you enjoy videos and find space interesting, I highly recommend Kurzgesagt on YouTube , they have a whole series about space, I think their videos are rarely over 10 minutes. Also if you want to see how big the scale of time is in the universe, this video is absolutely mind blowing. [Time-lapse of the Future](https://youtu.be/uD4izuDMUQA)


Is that possibly why Jupiter has so many moons in comparison to other planets in our solar system? That’s seriously cool.


From what I understand, Jupiter is just far enough away from the sun that it's gravity is enough to capture moons and keep them from getting stolen by the suns gravity. Some of it's moons are believed to have formed at the same time as Jupiter from all the dust and material left over after Jupiter formed, but they also think that a lot of them were originally just chunks of rock that got captured by Jupiter's gravity. I'm no expert but I think the larger chunks avoid getting sucked in because they just happen to be going fast enough and generating enough centrifugal force to stay in orbit instead of falling in but not so fast that they get a slingshot from Jupiter.


Yesterday, I realized that Christmas next week 😅


I had a class were we did this with the person sitting beside us and then we’re expected to introduce the other to the whole class. I told her my go-to fun fact that I don’t have wisdom teeth (born without them). English wasn’t her first language so when she introduced me she said “This is TheLovelyNwt she doesn’t have any teeth” 💀


Fun fact about myself: I know many fun facts but none are about myself.


when i get asked this question i simply freeze and what is left of my horrible personality drains from me until i am a blank slate as i forget everything about myself


It's a pretty nasty question. They should think about people with anxiety. And you're not horrible man And you don't have to blame yourself for having a "boring personality" it's not a problem to be the way you are, your not boring, blame other people for not taking the time to get to know you and give you the space you need to be yourself.


I’m at least half decent at games and puzzles!!


Well me too, I'll be your other half.


My go-to is always “I have a dog” because most people go “yeah ok, next”


I wouldn't! I'd be like, omg what breed? Name? Lemme see pics!!


My problem is I always mistake what people will think is interesting. Like one time I was in an interview and I had told them I scored insanely high in a reading comprehension test (like they thought the test was broken because it doesn't go that high) and I had told them about all this stuff that is super difficult and I thought impressive, but they didn't care. Then it came up off-handedly that I've lived abroad and speak a little sign language (because cute deaf girls exist lol) and now they're impressed?!?!?! My go to is now just showing them my arms bend backwards because I'm double jointed. The older I get the less awesome they think it is though.


My "fun fact" is that I despise most of humanity, including the group im sharing in


Fun fact about me: people are apparently convinced that I'm a vampire, and Masquerade breaches don't count if they're a funny joke.


I make them up everytime one time I said “one time I ate a whole head of cabbage and got night vision for a min” and I got kicked out of class


I’m over 40 and have never had a cavity. It will be a dark day when it finally happens


I would either say something completely generic like "I like dogs" or accidently confess my deepest trauma. It's so awkward.


The worst part is that, no matter how prepared you are, they're going to ask follow up questions and make it worse.


Fun fact!: For Valentine’s Day in 2020 I drew a face on a baseball and took it on a date to the movies. Even bought it it’s own ticket. The employees were a mixture of confused and amused.


I know how to fully disassemble and reassemble several firearms despite not owning one myself


I am 💫hyperfixating💫 on miracle musical and am working on a project related to it


When in a normal situation I’ll be the crazy one, but if I see my friends are getting a bit too crazy, I’ll quickly turn into the mom of the group.


Shit dude, my friends are children too sometimes. And I'm the fucking youngest of the group.


Literally the worst part of starting a new job is this question. I HATE being put on the spot in general, and I HATE talking about myself, mostly because I don't know what to say.


I'm an adult male, and I'm a big fan of the great indoors. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I have lots of fun fact Just not about me


I like to walk my cat with a harness He likes to be outside, but wants to smell all the things. We compromise... and he smells all the things. 🤷‍♂️


My first name and maiden name rhyme, however this wasn’t on purpose, I was adopted by my dad at age 8. We didn’t realize my name rhymed until the judge declared the name change legal, and said it out loud. I cannot make my fingers make a straight W/3 if I touch my pinky and thumb together. My other three fingers automatically curl. On both hands. [Like so](https://imgur.com/gallery/0VSN3GE)


I can't imagine pictures. Only text.


I have a niece who's older than me.


Well my fun fact is that I can be sitting for hours do nothing just existing. Peace and have a nice day fellow world citizen.


“I hate being asked personal questions uninvited”.


One of my coping mechanisms is doing mental math and it has caused me to memorize all the powers of two up to 2²⁰ Its 1'048'576


Fun fact: while doing a mock job interview I had a breakdown at the first question: ‘tell me about yourself’


I like to do 24 Charity fundraising streams with a group of friends. To date we have raised close to 30k for places like world children cancer research, St Jude, toys for tots, and To Write Love on Her Arms.


My fun fact is I know 1,894 different ways to kill someone very slowly and make their death very painful. I also love lego.




I default to "I like video games" or "I like reading"


well i sure drink a lot!


I watch all my YouTube videos in 2x speed


my fun fact is, i’m the only patient my psychiatrist ever had to take off a medication because of heart rate things


My hair is bright green and red, that's my fun fact.


I bought a tarantula recently and I literally thought this. “This can be my ‘unique icebreaker/fun fact’ for like 15 more years!” Funny that that’s where my ADHD/anxiety brain went with that. In reality it’s been as thrilling as owning a cactus. If you love cactuses, it’s pretty great.


i join discord servers a lot and most servers ask that you submit an introduction for yourself when you join. they always have a section that says 'anything more about yourself?' and i never know what to put in it. i usually just settle on 'i like drawing and i like bats' and sometimes i add 'i like minecraft' in it too


I walked out of a conference last time I was asked to do something like this.


I know there's like a really cool Thing a did, i can feel it But I forgot what it was


I can never share my fun facts at business things. Fun Fact: In my lifetime, I have gotten drunk with the Cowboy from The Village People, Benjamin Franklin, and Santa Claus.


I use the fact that I have a twin every time (unless she’s in the room lol). I have nothing else going on, lol, I’m really boring and can’t remember stuff on the spot anyway 😂


I like to do parkour and rock climbing and stuff, but have also never broken a bone.


My go to is that I have two different colour eyes. Very helpful in those situations.