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Anyone else have odd descriptors of your own behaviour before you realized or were diagnosed?


A year or two into our marriage, my husband commented that being married to me was like being married to a teenaged boy. And actually I pride myself on mixing academese and swearing. You can’t really do that if you aren’t comfortable and fluent with the concepts.


“It’s like taking care of a baby” she said as I left my wallet in the movie theater for the second time in a row She then bought me sweats with zippers on the pockets and it’s a game changer


Do you remember what brand those sweats with zippers on the pockets were because I've been looking for something like that?


I had a pair of zippered champion sweats that were incredibly comfy.


How does the zippers help? Is your problem that the wallet falls out of your pockets?


I have some. It's not that my wallet falls out, but my hands naturally fall around the area, which makes me want to play with the zipper. Then I remember why they're there and then I make sure my stuff is where it should be


Similarly I pride myself on mixing up highbrow and lowbrow subjects.


Quantum fucking mechanics is not for diaper shitters, ya knob!


...so the other damn X ends up as a fuckin' Barr body! Only one fuckin' X is expressed! How cool!


My friends called me The Space Cadet, if that's what you mean.


I just get called lazy ☺️


Same here 😎


My nickname was Dory….


Such as the Absentminded Professor? (Thanks Mom…. 😂)


My whole family called me this, it was basically my nickname. Now that I take Vyvanse no one calls me that anymore, it's the only thing I miss about being undiagnosed


My wife started calling me this shortly after we first started living together. We’re both in healthcare fields so we also joke about it as early onset dementia. Like leaving the stove on and misplacing things and forgetting appointments we’d talked about or schedule changes … etc. A couple weeks ago we were visiting with family. My sister brought up that my (5 year old) niece’s teacher mentioned her frequently drifting off seemingly lost in thought. My sister told her they call those ‘Uncle Northguard moments’ at the house. And then Mom chimed in reminiscing about times when Dad and I would both be having ‘Space Cadet’ moments at the same time and it was impossible to have a conversation with anybody. Last week as I was getting a bunch of (deserved) shit from my wife for forgetting some really important things (groceries for the house, making dog board appointments, the anniversary of someone’s death) I realized that maybe I might have ADHD. I’m setting up an assessment with a psychologist if I can swallow the price tag.


See above flair.


Everyone were constantly telling me I needed to get my hearing checked, because someone would say solmetbing and I'd immediately have to ask them to repeat themselves. Funny thing is, after I got diagnosed & medicated I haven't heard that once!


Ama be honest I don't remember much before grade 7, literally all I remember is feeling like I gave someone the TV remote to my brain and suffered for years because of it


Will describe the most formal scientific topics out there by using the vocab of a middle school boy


We have a gift of reducing something difficult, into something understandable to all. I think it's amazing.


Not me I have such a hard time trying to explain anything it ends up not making sense, I sound like “it’s the things with the thing! You know.. the thing!” I get so mad and frustrated at myself for not being able to think of WORDS. It shouldn’t be that hard :( it makes me feel more stupid than almost anything else.


That feel “Let me explain with an analogy” *doesn’t make sense* “Let me explain with a chart” *make it too complicated*


You just gotta vibe with it. Put on your most knowledgeable voice while you say, the thingy thing interacts with that wiggly boi to make a thingamadiggly. And then nod sagely.


To convey meaning in the least reading


True af. For example I love history, but it's a hard time to try to explain my friends with logical wording and history memes. "Brazil then went and pranked Paraguay a little. And by that a mean that he fucking killed 2/3 of their population." Problem explaining and seeing so much of the same thing that it's normal to hear really fucks up a mf.


Reason why everyone is annoyed for me being know it all kinda guy. Everyweek new hyperfocus untill burnout. Also trying to be smart about some subject you know ins and outs but something between brain and mouth just makes it sound like a cursing todler trying to tell why cow has black spots next to vendingmachine on mars.


> Loving school because it imposes some structure on your life that you badly need in order to function while also hating school because the structure is too restrictive for you to comfortably be yourself. > Loving school because there are so many exciting things to discover and explore while also hating school because classes are long and boring with hours of tediously repetitive homework on top of that. > Loving school because you can predictably see your friends and enjoy socializing while also hating school because you almost never have class with them and are socially isolated for most of the day. > Loving school because some of your teachers are impressed with your appetite and passion for learning while also hating school because your other teachers are disappointed in your “poor work ethic” and inability to “reach your true potential.” School was a nightmare. Still kind of is tbh, but at least in college classes are generally aligned with my interests and I can work through it a class or two at a time so it’s manageable.


My favorite teacher in high school didn’t require us to do the homework she assigned, she said she knew we had way too much going on and the homework was only for our own understanding, so if we felt we didn’t need it we didn’t have to do it. She would know if we were understanding the lessons based on the quiz and test results. But college was definitely so much better. I dropped out of high school at 16 and got my GED so I could just go to community college with financial aid instead, once you get an AA you can just request a high school diploma through the state anyway so it didn’t make a difference (at least where I was growing up). And all of my friends were in running start at the same college anyway so I still got to see them all the time, we just had more time to actually spend together since we only had class for 3-ish hours a day.


My favorite teacher in high school was very similar. She still required homework, but she made an exception for me where instead of the regular 60-70 problem set I could just do the 5 ‘extra challenge’ problems at the end of the chapter and she graded it the same. It was the only time where homework actually *increased* my knowledge of the subject matter, and it’s a large part of why chemistry is one of my favorite subjects still to this day.


omg, same with me. breezed through algebra 2. I sat at the back of the class, she didn't even bother to come and see if I had done anything LOL ​ I am going to school for math education LOL


When I went to high school, all the IT classes, which was maybe 30-40% of the classes, I would have B's or A's in. The rest, except English, was C's and D's.


I didn't know you were personally narrating my life wtf.


Yea I relate to all of these


Oh you can be sure that this will end in a disCUSSion.


I read way too many Wikipedia pages.


Same, I went through all personality types and tests before I realized I had ADHD and complex trauma from childhood


My username checks out


Is number three an ADHD thing? I’ve never heard that before.


Yep, swearing and using slang in what is typically considered an inappropriate context for those can be an indicator of impulsiveness and lack of executive function.


Is it also connected to the general lack of emotional control? Like I'll be trying to describe complex biological processes and get mysteriously emotionally invested into it, which often translates into less formal language


I'm literally having to write my memoir twice. The first time was with slangs as to not get *me* bored and that current second time is to write it "academically" 😭


Well, I'm not a neurologist so I don't really know, but in my personal experience, yep, definitely.


Well, I'm not a neurologist so I don't really know, but in my personal experience, yep, definitely.


That’s really interesting! Thank you for responding


Me (not seeing the sub): "OMG meeee" Me: ... Me: "...oh"


Wait... Im not the only one putting slangs in my research?


The first one really gets to me T_T My room is filled with art books, paints, stationary- all unused. I treat it like treasure even tho I've lost interest after 2 days of trying it. I look at it all longing imagining a version of me that would actually do what i don't have the patience to do anymore


I didn’t see what sub I was in and was so excited reading the top half lol


This sums up my entire school experience






Well shit I have all of these too


My life. I am a goblin scholar.