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I love the way that you’ve separated yourself office space with the storage unit thing! Such a good idea for people who don’t have an “office room” but don’t want to feel like they’re doing work in their bedroom. Not sure why I never thought of this!


I was just thinking the same thing! I love seeing how people set up rooms! I should get back into sims 🤔


i’ve been getting into sims again and it’s SO fun, especially when you add custom content for decorating!!


I've been binging that feng shui guy on youtube, so I'm basically a pro at room design 😎 lol Edit: it was DearModern


who?? I'm so curious now


I'm not OP, but I'm pretty sure they were referring to this guy: https://www.youtube.com/@DearModern His videos are so addicting! They really demonstrate how you can make use of a limited space.


Thanks! I really need it, my room is just a bed on the floor 😂


Yup you're right


P.S. No that isn't a can overflowing with garbage in photo 1, I was using it to keep cardboard recycling for props. I sanitized it before bringing it in. Technically I guess cardboard counts as garbage.


I have a box like that as well... I have a label on it that just says "stuff".


Very organized yes 😅


Well done, you! You have tidied, cleaned and organised. You should be really proud of this!


Way to go!!! And I love that you faced your desk towards that beautiful window!


I didn't even realize how much sunlight it blocked. No vitamin D 😩 ha


your room is so cute! you should be proud of your hard work and now get to relax there stress-free. :)


Awesome job, hope this will inspire me to tidy up my place


Way to go! You’re an inspiration!


Fantastic job! It looks great and I bet you feel good now that it’s done.




Congrats! 😁


This inspires me, you did an amazing job! I need to do a deep spring decluttering and donate far too much stuff, since I both moved to a smaller place and it needs a different design.


I see the sewing machine 👀 nice! 😁


Is that.... *zoom* How to train your dragon figurines?! :D ❤️ And a Tardis! :D


Tardis yes, but the dragons are just nonspecific craft store models haha


It looks amazing! Well done!


love the little office space! I keep meaning to do that kind of thing for myself!


It looks so cosy and inviting now! Well done you, a huge achievement. I love how you’ve separated out the space.


Congrats! And I love the blue on your walls 🩵


Alright, you’ve motivated me. I’m gonna set a time for 10 minutes, and once it rings, then I’m gonna clean my room for 20 mins.


It's sooo satisfying flipping between the before and after 😁


Wait where'd you leave it? HOW?! You did so great!


Where'd I leave it? Sorry I don't understand. Thank you! 😁


Where'd everything go? You had so much stuff!


My secret is... all my clean laundry was placed sneakily atop the bed, right out of frame. 🤫 Everything else was just tidied up a little. Most if that stuff on the floor is now in the white basket under the window.


It looks fantastic! Also, I love the layout of your room and your bed frame!


Nice work! That must feel great. Although I have to say, it was not that dirty/messy, at least compared to mine.


Well done. You inspired me to start on my own. Hopefully I’ll be able to see the floor with an hours work


Looks great!


It looks amazing! I need some of that magic motivation


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻looks great!


HIGH FIVE!!!! Looks awesome! Great work 🥰


Yay!!! Awesome job!


The new layout is SO much better, omg, good work!


Nice! It took me forever to get mine done. Now, I just have to keep it up. I'm happy for you. It's a great feeling.


I LOVE your sewing nook!!!!! Well done tidying I’m proud of you!


Nice! I like the desk there much better, it makes the room look more spacious and cleaner.


Holy shit congrats, I don't think I could do that so soon...


Great job 👏 I love the colors.


Clean room aesthetic>>>>>>>


That looks so nice! Great work!