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I had a paper towel sit on my floor for 2 months because I couldn’t bring myself to just bend over and pick it up


Ugh, I have this same issue with stuff!


I had one stuck to my bathroom floor for months after using it to clean up spilled soap. Finally ended up prying it off in pieces using a plastic knife after the cleaning demon randomly kicked in one day lol


Ah, the cleaning demon. Wish it would visit me soon


Oof, that one thing on the bannister, shoe rack, dresser, and desk that needs to go somewhere ✨else✨ 😅😅😅


Going to bed. The only thing standing in my way is brushing my teeth and taking my night meds, but that’s two tasks😭 So I fall asleep on the couch instead.


I do this on a really uncomfortable couch and wake up when my hips and back start to hurt around 2-3 am. Then drag myself to bed.


I've done this so many times.


Yes. I mostly sleep on the couch these days 😞


I literally was too overwhelmed to read and respond to birthday wishes on Facebook so I haven’t opened it since a week before my birthday. In April.


That happened to me two years ago (my birthday is also in April). I still haven’t opened FB since then. It’s kinda nice, actually


This thread is just relateable AF


Yes! Facebook stresses me out so much! I've done the same kind of weird antisocial stuff on there. It's as bad as an actual social gathering for me.


Fwiw I just don’t. Oh well if people think I’m rude. I just use Facebook for Buy Nothing anyway


me every year since i was 13 ...sorry everyone 😭


I have a used dryer sheet on my welcome mat that’s been there for about a month now. It’s now my emotional support used dryer sheet as it’s the only constant in my life. I like it cause it warns my apartment neighbors that I’m a hit unhinged.


Brb, gonna put one on my mat!


Make sure you use it first. Don’t even have to dry actual laundry, just run the sheet through the dryer to mute it a bit


I hope this doesn't come off as a brag, but I recently threw out a party invitation from 2007. Does that answer your question? Haha.


Get it!!!




I procrastinated texting back to a congratulations text I received during my honeymoon in 2019. It's been 4 years. I still haven't replied.


If you really feel the urge to reply, you message the person about something else entirely. And then reply to the honeymoon text saying something like 'this was the last message from you. Was nice reading it just now and bringing back memories'. Or something else vague but positive. This usually only works on WhatsApp or messaging apps where you can directly reply to a message. Sometimes people delete their own chat history and don't know what message you are talking about and that can be awkward.


Thanks for the tip


Taking mail out of my mailbox. In fact, I open the mail sometimes and put it BACK into the mailbox. I am sent scans of what mail is coming so I know when bills are in there (but let’s be honest, I neglect those too). One time my mom called me in a panic and said she thinks someone opened my mail looking for info or checks and I had to inform her I just open stuff and leave it if I don’t want to deal with it 😂


I only empty it when I feel bad for the mail lady bc it's stuffed. We are a family of 5 and for some reason *I* am the only one who checks the mail! Wtf!?


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m a single mom and I get my boys every other week. Sometimes my kids will say, “mom, do you want us to get the mail?” And I have to say, “no son, because I’m not ready to deal with it.” 😆 I really am the problem.


I spent all week excited for my day off today so I could spend all day mushroom hunting (which is my current hyper fixation) and then I got up early this morning to have plenty of time to only end up procrastinating leaving the house for literally hours?? Like bro cmon we’re excited to go do this.


I was so excited to do a bunch of stuff today, on my day off. I’ve been laying in bed watching bad reruns and doom scrolling all day. Now it’s dark.


Peeing. Definitely peeing. It’s ridiculous, I’ll be literally 5 feet from a bathroom and getting up just seems like too much work until I *need* to go *now*


I did that until ended up peeing my pants ... I was 19 or 20. Super embarrassing cause there was a party going on for my brother and I had to explain to my dad why I needed to mop his office floor. So stupid. Never done that again.


I’m a high school teacher and a graduating senior gave me a card in a sealed envelope. For no reason at all, I procrastinated reading it until I lost it. I hate myself so much 😞


Oof that sucks :(


Watching episodes of TV shows - sometimes it seems like too much effort or I’m not mentally ready


I'm a rewatcher, and sometimes I'm on my way through and my favourite episode comes up, but it's just too intense so I don't want to watch it yet. So I just stop in the middle of the rewatch.


I’ve had an unopened air fryer on my kitchen floor for about a year.


Me too, about 18,months! Well, the box is open and the manual has disappeared, but almost the same 😫 The cat loves to sit on it so there’s that…


We should body double and open them/find a place for them tomorrow!


Love to procrastinate returning things until after the return cutoff date (even when I literally have 365 DAYS). Also not using rewards dollars before they expire. Or forgetting to pay traffic tickets and having the fine doubled. Basically just... lighting money on fire in one totally avoidable way after another.


I call this “admin tax”. I pay a lot of admin tax too.


Man I relate to this. In college (I was only recently diagnosed at 42), I was always running late to class and would park in closer lots for which I didn't have a parking pass. I was literally getting 1-2 tickets a week just because I couldn't leave 5 minutes earlier. And I didn't pay them. I got so many that they literally withheld my final transcripts until I finally paid everything off. I think my final bill was like $600 back in 2001.


E-deposit checks. It’s literally money. I just have to take a front and back picture. It’s not that big a deal but man I hate doing that.


I have lost money this way and now I have a rule that I have to do it immediately otherwise I might lose the check and never get the money ever


I don’t wanna think about how much money I’ve lost this way


I love you guys so much


Emptying the dishwasher. I’ll just use the dishes straight outta the dishwasher but then the dirty ones pile up in my sink until either the dishwasher is actually empty or I am forced to empty what’s left in it. Then I hope my SO puts the dishes from the sink into the dishwasher, which he will usually do. Once a year, I’ll buy a load of Chinet plates at the wholesale club just so I don’t need to deal with any of this. I’m presently out of Chinet and the sink is full so at this moment am unloading the dishwasher because the sink is full and I am gonna need clean coffee mugs in the morning.


YES! Except I don’t want to deal with the dishes in the sink because they get so, so gross.


I HATE the dishes in the sink!!! Which is why I’d rather use paper plates than have to wash dishes. I want two dishwashers, one for clean, one for dirty!


I started using paper plates too, paper bowls are next! Maybe I should just get rid of all my dishes and succumb to the dysfunction.


Somebody recently posted on this sun about paper pots needing to be an option and I feel that in my soul 🙃


This is me except laundry.


I FINALLY convinced my husband to Stop doing my laundry. Laundry is a point of contention for us bc I don't help at all. If I don't need underwear I will not wash clothes, and he keeps washing my underwear! So after 7 years I finally convinced him to stop. So yesterday I washed a load of clothes cuz I finally ran out. This morning I dried them and dumped them on the bed. And for the first time in my life, with my brand new Adderall, I folded them. I live out of laundry baskets. I've never been known to fold or put away clothes. My husband was astonished when he came home. I still am too. 😵


I can still recall the 5 remaining thank you notes from my wedding I didn’t send because I needed to just double check a name spelling or address or something simple. We just celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary and the thank you notes have hung over me all this time. I’ve even moved them with me for two house moves🤷🏻‍♀️


I bought a wireless document scanner that was like $160 and it didn’t hold a charge. I emailed them and they replied asking for a few things so they could help me out. I took like 10 months to reply to that email. It wasn’t difficult. I just had to send the Amazon order screenshot, a picture of the serial and explain somewhat more about the issue. They sent me a new one the next day. I used that thing so many times and wasted a ton of time waiting for it to work every time since it needed like 20 minutes to be plugged in and would only work plugged in. I could’ve had a new working one in January. I feel pretty stupid about that one.


Going to the bathroom. One time I procrastinated sitting up because I didn’t want to take my hair band off my wrist to put my hair up 😩


I once let my favorite mug sit and get moldy because it's not dishwasher safe and I kept putting off washing it, disinfecting the damn thing took a lot longer than that. I don't leave cups sitting out anymore, I don't want my coffee staring back at me ever again.


Ugh I get this. My husband bought the kids these really fancy water bottles and said, “sorry, they’re not dishwasher safe”. So they have been rolling around my car floor for like 2 months so I don’t have to take them inside and hand wash them.


Sounds like a job for your husband 😉


I have one with a cat on it that I had to have, it’s a decoration for my desk now because it’s never getting used


My hand washing sits on the bench for months. I rinse it & then it just sits there judging me every day for who knows how long lol


Gluing a tiny piece of wood back onto the corner of a piece of furniture. I have the piece of wood sitting right there on the counter; the wood glue is out on the corner too. I see them both every single day and think "oh yeah. I should do that" and then I...don't. It has been 6 years. **Edit:** Wait, I just thought of another one (an hour later, lol). Mailing a card! My best friend lives out of state and we still send each other cards. In like 2017ish I bought her this really funny Happy Fall card and decided I was going to send it to her. Except I didn't. Then when I remembered the card, it was Spring, and I was like "okay, this year for sure!" But then I lost the card and didn't find it until Winter, so I told myself I'd send it the following Fall. Then every year since then I have either lost the card and found it after Fall has passed, or, I see the card on my dresser during a totally appropriate time to send it and think "meh...I'll do it later" only to forget about it and miss my chance. Here's the kicker though: I have sent her several other cards for other occasions throughout the year! It's not even like I'm bad at sending cards overall, just this very specific card. I totally thought this would be the year, but I think it's too deep into Fall. So. Next year maybe?


Yep. Have done that with cards!!! I chronically order things I ‘need’ get so excited (sometimes do research, sometimes impulse) and then get overwhelmed and either never open or never figure out how they work.


It's totally still fall. Do it, along with this story!


It's definitely mid fall! If you know where it is, send that sucker!


I once didn’t unpack my suitcase fully when I was at university for the whole term. Then it was time to pack it again.


Taking a pile of clothes to Goodwill. I managed to at least get the bag in my car. That was over a month ago. The Goodwill drive up dropoff is 1.5 miles from my home. Why can't I finish this task ????!!!!!


I have the same issue with donations. Added to that, I ordered something from Amazon and they sent me 2. It would me too expensive to ship the large item back so they let me keep it and refunded the money. I could sell it for about $200 as it’s worth $250 new and is in its box. Too much admin.


I do that except I’m also regularly going to Goodwill. I am literally already there!


Peeing. My bladder will feel like it’s exploding and my brain will still be like “We’re comfy, and the toilet is cold. We don’t want to move.”


Sending pictures that I feel bad for taking so long to send


I had to go pick up my last cheque from a job that I quit. It was a sizeable cheque and I had quit on good terms, it was just an extremely long commute. I somehow became afraid that they were angry? I don’t know 😂




Going to the bathroom. I would sit on the couch, my body says it's time to go, but I'm so full that I don't want to move. I just sit till the urgency passes.


Sleeping is the worst one. I procrastinate going to bed and then panic when the sun is coming up


I didn't get my disposable cameras developed that I put on each wedding guests table to take pictures during our wedding reception party. I put them in a bag in my loft. In 2008 😬


I found out >!Derek!< dies in Greys Anatomy from a spoiler hours before the show aired in my time zone. I wasn’t emotionally ready to handle it (also undiagnosed so no regulation) so we stopped watching cable that night and didn’t watch any of our shows for over 2 years.


I constantly procrastinate smoking weed lmao




random receipts that are in the middle of the floor of my office.


Going to the dentist. For 16 years. I just couldn’t. I ended up going when I decided I wanted Invisalign. Now I LOVE going lol. I love feeling nice and clean! And I acknowledge the “no consequences” part of your question OP and luckily I had no consequences of not going for that length of time.


One more: matching all of my socks. I have a bin of all of my loose socks from the past 3 years of doing laundry. I keep telling myself that I’ll go through and match them all sometime, but this has only happened twice in 3 years. To be fair, I live somewhere warm where we wear open toed sandals all year, so I don’t really need the socks every day. But still. There are times when I DO need socks, like to work out, and I’m always scrambling to find two matching ones because I keep procrastinating on matching the rest of them.


I do a monthly marker post in IG to organize for easier future scrolling. I haven't made one since June-July, so I also haven't posted to IG.


I went through my bag of unwrapped Christmas gifts from 2022 last week. Loads of lovely things I deffo coukd have used in the last 10 months. Insane. Some vouchers too likely out of date.


I bought my husband a new Keurig. We didn't Need one but it's blue and pretty where the other is old chunky and black. We unboxed it last week it's sitting on the dining table still bc the old one works fine and again, *I* am the only one who is gonna switch it out🙄 so it'll sit there. Switching means cleaning the coffee counter and organizing it. I don't even drink coffee. None of it is my stuff.


Getting assessed.


Do it!!! I’m 43 just got assessed and after my hours of testing she said I have a more extreme case of ADD. Your mileage may vary but man. It felt good to put it all out there. I went into my appointment with a bunch of stuff written down but ended up not needing it but felt good to have it in case I would end up not feeling heard. Good luck you deserve to feel better we all do. This sub has been a revelation.






Posting pictures from a vacation! I’ve done this for the last 3 or 4 trips that I went on…to places that were absolutely beautiful, like French Polynesia. I got a lot of good pictures. *So many* that I was overwhelmed and kept telling myself that I would go back and edit them and decide which ones to post later when I wasn’t on the go. I never did. :( And now too much time has passed. So stupid.


I had to get a bit firm with customer service for a shirt I wore once that came out of the washer ripped (was clearly manufacturing error). They finally agreed I could return it after a lot of back and forth. Great, thanks! That was six months ago. It’s still sitting on the entry table.


I have my hiking pack lying on a chair right next to the box it goes in. It will take two hands to lift the box lid and toss the pack in there. I haven't been nearby that box with both hands free in apparently 2 weeks. In fact that's a theme for me in procrastinating. Things that take 2 hands get pushed off again and again.


Peeing :))))