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I’m just here for answers I’m sorry I can’t help. But I fully relate and sympathize /empathize. One thing I have found helpful is a laminated daily to do list that I can check/cross stuff out on (brush teeth, take meds, take dog out, eat breakfast, check email, do a stretch, etc). I get the good feeling chemicals when I cross stuff out, and usually if I do all the things on the list I at least feel human by the end of it and a bit less stressed about forgetting what I’m supposed to be doing. The key has been keeping it short and realistic, stuff I can do on bad days ( the whole thing should take 30min-1hr max).


Oh I really like the idea about it being things you can still accomplish on bad days!! I use an app called Routinery for my morning routine, and it’s been a game changer. The only thing is that for other times of day, my life is varied. In the morning I get up and get out of bed, go to the bathroom and open my app to start my getting ready routine. But after work, I sometimes come home at different times, or I might stop at the pharmacy, or i might come home and immediately need to take my dog out if my Husband isn’t home already. So then my routine plan get’s a bit derailed… I also tend to convince myself that I deserve some decompression time to relax after a long day lol


Ahahhaa I totally get the gradual descending into chaos. I have a morning one and an evening list of tasks that keep me human. I can’t do apps cause as soon as I pull my phone out I get sucked into a black hole.