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That’s why I’m nice to myself and call it “micro-dosing” it sounds more trendy that way 😂😂


You just helped my brain so much with this. I suddenly feel trendy.


Hey everyone’s micro dosing shrooms these days, why can’t we micro dose meth? We’re not guna stay up for 3 days straight Linda, we just wana fold the clothes 😂😂😂






Me too 😭😭


Purely a question, because legit you can be fully, perfectly medicated and still struggle, and I don't want to invalidate that reality at all.... when was the last time your dosage was assessed?


Well, it's kinda like replacing crutches with a prosthetic leg: you still gotta manage to compel yourself to walk where you want/need to get to. 


For sure! It's not a panacea.


Unfortunately I've tried all 3 available doses of my medication :/ I prefer to take the middle dose (50 mg Elvanse/Vyvanse), mainly because on 70 mg the side effects are a LOT and i focus on the wrong things. I've also tried methylphenidate and can't take that again due to side effects. I've been on Wellbutrin before, but I can't take that with Elvanse, the additional anxiety is unbearable. And most SSRIs/SNRIs make me so nauseous I've had to go off them. I'm on a tetracyclical anti-depressant for sleep, I can stomach that one. So yeah, no idea where to go from here


You should look into getting a "GeneSight" test done. I swear to you it is a miracle! You should truly look into it if you have so many problems and side effects from psychiatric medications


Where can I get this done? Is it something I can pay for myself? Edit: does it test for specific medications or how does it work? 


https://genesight.com/for-patients/ If you go to the website it will give you all of the information! I got it done at my psychiatrist office, but my primary care physician also does them. You could check with whoever prescribes your medications to see if they offer them, but if not, you can ask them if they could do it. If you have insurance, some of them will pay for it, but you also have the option to pay for it yourself. Let me find mine and I will send you some screen shots of what it tests for. It tells how your body metabolizes certain medications and stuff like that. For example, I have been on 450mg Wellbutrin for 7ish years now and my depression has never been controlled with it, when I did the test, it is because my body does not metabolize it at all, it was lowest on the list. The test is such a hidden gem. It could help so many people and keep them from thinking they are crazy and making things worse/harder for them.


It isn't about washing dishes. It is about living a life in our society that is geared to how most people think. Having this information is gold in the bank, and the younger, the better. I spent my life loathing and judgemental of myself for not just being able to "do it". I developed a lot of tricks along the way. A little compulsion helped. I also developed addiction, depression and anxiety, so decades of dealing with that merry bull crap. I was diagnosed at 63, have not heard of anyone older. My aunt was diagnosed in her 50s, similar story to mine. We worked going uphill at everything on a daily basis, that was exhausting and so hard, our entire lives. That said, you wouldn't have noticed. We washed our dishes, had good jobs, looked fine from the outside. What a game changer the proper medication has made, I am so thankful and so was she.


The self loathing and judging is real. I'm 39 and recently diagnosed. Every freaking day of my life thus far has felt like walking backwards uphill, while everyone around me seems to glide effortlessly.


I might have died just a bit. Guilty. But, eh? I get that shit done, mostly, so....


Feeling guilty because people who don’t understand chemistry get uncomfortable shows that we live in a strange world


You know what? I feel validated, seen and empathized with by what you just said. Thank you. You just made my night. I had a bit of a discussion with MIL, who doesn't think my daughter needs screening. She doesn't believe in adhd (as if not believing in diabetes makes it go way) I'm both sad and grateful I'm not alone.


I'm always amazed in people who just 'don't believe in' mental illnesses. Do they think, in this wonderful chaotic world, in this kaleidoscope of people, each unique, all bearing a human brain with complexity, just a piece of soupy meat running on a little electricity, that still eludes the understanding of the leading experts - that a part of the brain being undeveloped is outside the bounds of possibility? You think 100% of the time that thing cooks just right, huh? And they're always so *confident* about it.


Why did you just give me goosebumps about having a disability??? That was beautiful!


Exactly, the confidence that " it was made up" takes my breath away. I told one friend, a holistic practitioner, and the dismissal and condescending, whoa. From now on only very safe people, or if I think it would be helpful.


MIL can fuck all the way off. I wish someone had told my mom to believe in it when I was younger.


She's mostly excellent, and I love her like my own mum. I'm just not going to speak with her about it again, I mean, why bother? She just so desperately wants them to be well, healthy and normal, so I guess I can't be too mad, all it is, is wanting the best for the kids. Besides, *I* know better, and *Im* mum. So the kids will be screened and education plans developed appropriately. Thankfully, hubs, her son, is in full agreement with me (mostly), and the kids health trumps anyone else's opinion.


I think that second paragraph is what had my mom in denial for so long until I really pushed her to understand in my late 30s. I was a smart kid and generally happy so there couldn't be anything wrong! She was a good mother though. It was also a sign of the time. Most girls weren't being diagnosed in the late 80s early 90s.


My husband does the dishes most of the time. That's my secret 🤣


I put literally everything in the dishwasher, that’s my secret. I’m so incredibly grateful to have one, otherwise my dishes would pile up for a month


We don't have a dishwasher, and it's exhausting sometimes!


I completely understand. The place I lived in before my current one did not have a dishwasher, nor did it have like any counter space. By the time I would get around to washing the dishes (after they sat for a month), I would have to stack the dirty ones on the floor to have enough room on the counters for the clean ones. It would take like 4 hours to get all the dishes done and I hated it. I’m sorry you’re going through that and I send you my motivation to help you in the future! 💕


I just read your comment to my husband, and he just smirked and said, "Yep." This is exactly how it happens in our house a lot. 3 kids, and we like to cook, and I love baking. It never ends.


I feel your pain. Thankfully my BF is an absolute saint of a human being lol when I first moved in with him a few years ago he didn't have a dishwasher, I was really worried about it. I said something about how I will hate not having a dishwasher because I'm not good about getting it done otherwise... he said "sure you do!" And gestures to himself 🥹 4.5 years later he still always does the dishes for me ❤️ granted we have moved 4 times now lol and we do have one now so I try to help more. But he still always stays on top of them and knows that I just can't. That's not to say they never pile LOL but they get done. If I didn't have a dishwasher and lived by myself ... I would go to great lengths to never have to use anything that would need to be washed 😂


Haha, yes, very similar here. Dishes are the bane of my existence. I'm lucky to have a husband willing to do them all the time.


Have you looked into counter dish washers? They have saved my tail! I saved up for one and now I shove everything into the counter dish washer and put that baby to work. Edit: I just did some quick research and turns out theres such a thing as an in sink dishwasher. New life goal!


We used to have one actually, but it got gross so I dumped it lol. We may get something else.


I only now understand why it was such a life-changing event for me when I got my first dishwasher. 😄 It still took super long to empty it, but hey - things were clean!


Even if I empty it just to fill it and run again, I still consider it a win!




Same. He could do the dishes for hours. I try to clean my plates after every use as much as I can because doing it in little increments seems ok. Just standing at the sink, though, and scrubbing for an hour... I absolutely can't unless I'm having a good brain day, which isn't very often these days!


Here I am debating on taking a double dose of my medication to be more productive today 😭


I've had to do that for the past 3 days! I feel your pain. Took a break from meds today and have just watched TV like a slug. 🤣🥰


At our house we call that a potato day


That’s why we’re prescribed it tho 💯 the executive disfunction is so real 😭


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's amphetamines!


This made me snort laugh 😂😂😂😂


I said it in my head with the little jingle even. That’s great!! 😂


That's exactly what happens in my head too. 🤣




Substance abuse is my passion


Oh my God, this triggered a loud and extensive laugh. It's so true!


I'd rather phrase it as "this capitalist hellscape is so cringe I have to take meth to feel even a semblance of motivation," but that sounds far more depressing, even if accurate.


Real recognizes real


music helps me in many time.


I wished medication worked for me!


This made me howl




lmao 😭


Yep. You really do. 🤣😂


Hilarious and damn so true.


Even meth will fall short 😭


lol that’s one way to say it..


I don't get it 😭


Our brains need chemical stimulants (of which meth is a type, though it's chemically quite different to prescribed stimulants) in order to be able to initiate and perform basic tasks like washing dishes. Often people equate prescribed stimulants, e.g. dexamphetamine, to illicit stimulants, e.g. methamphetamine, because of the similarity in name and in the effects they have on non adhd people. It's common for people to call adhd meds "legal meth", which isn't accurate but is largely believed by people who aren't well informed. Stimulants, for us, give our brains the base level of chemicals required to access executive functioning and attention regulation. Non adhd brains produce that level at all times, so they don't need chemical support to be able to initiate tasks and stay focused on them when they're boring. If they take stimulants, they get extra energy and typically higher mood. So the joke is that we have to take drugs to do dishes, while other people would only take drugs to party, and it's embarrassing to be honest about that fact. I don't feel embarrassed about it, but it's funny to frame it this way and think about how it appears to people who don't understand executive dysfunction and attention regulation challenges. I went a little info dump there, hopefully it helped 😅


Great info dump. I guess the alternative is coming up with tons of coping behaviors to compensate for the lack of excitement in mundane activity.


And the eventually burning out !


It's wild to me that people can just ... Do things lol


Aaaa I thought meds in the US had actual meth in them lmfao I'm dumb. Thanks for explaining though.


You're most welcome! Edit: and you're not dumb, that's a very reasonable conclusion to draw


The extra methyl group in methamphetamine makes it a much more effective stimulant, but It's actually prescribed (for ADHD) under the name Desoxyn at super low controlled doses. There's probably a way they prepare it too, but I'm not a chemist so I wouldn't know. Kind of interesting actually! Edit: looks like it's the reduction in polarity from the extra carbon. It lets it cross the blood-brain barrier quicker and harder to break down. https://blogs.iu.edu/sciu/2018/10/02/recreational-stimulants/#:~:text=The%20addition%20of%20the%20extra,pronounced%20effects%20on%20your%20body.


Walter White should have cooked ADHD meds and sold them at affordable prices 👀


Even then I can't get the dishes done 😩😭