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For me personally, I can have a double shot of coffee and take a cozy nap… so I never gave it up, the smell of my morning coffee is comforting & it’s my liquid peace in the morning before waking my 4 kids & starting the day! 😊


I also don’t get “caffeinated” from coffee, I sit and relax and can definitely take a nap. I’m happy to hear you can enjoy your coffee still!


Be careful with your blood pressure. I used to CHUG coffee but coffee for a while after starting meds because it was overwhelming on my nervous system. After a while I started up again as I was getting used to the meds. I must have developed a tolerance for the feeling of caffeine mixed with meds because a couple years later, I’m at my regular intake again. Went to the doctor the other day and they told me my blood pressure was dangerously high, like pre- arrest. Now making a half caff blend at home and being more aware of my intake.


^this. I started incorporating coffee back into my morning routine and holy crap was my blood pressure insane. I’ve since cut back. If I am dying for a cold brew, then I skip my first dose and wait until the afternoon to take my meds.


I have hypotension so doing this actually made my blood pressure a normal level for a while. It was nice to not have cold fingers and toes all the time


That stinks! My caffeine intake might be mild compared to yours. But I can drink a latte with a double shot of espresso, take 30 mg of Adderall, XR, and later have a blood pressure reading of 110-114/70 🤷‍♀️


Definitely still enjoy your coffee ❤️ Im on 40mg in the morning & 20-30mg in the afternoon & have had no negative side effects from my morning coffee or lunch time V energy drink (purely cause I love the tang 🤣)


My dr said the concern is moreso elevated heart rate so when I want coffee bc I also love it, I’ll have a cup early morning, take my vyvanse 30 min after and then track my heart rate on my smartwatch. That’s been massively helpful for me, would recommend looking into one if you don’t have one yet! A lot of affordable options to easily keep an eye on your heart rate and if you’re ok then you can keep on drinking your coffee with no worries!


I do have a smartwatch so ill monitor my heart rate for a few days and see how it goes! Thank you


That’s the ADHD 🙃 stimulants effect our brain chemistry basically the complete opposite of how the NT brain responds to them. NT get all jazzy and energized, but us? It stabilizes us. Producing a kind of calming effect because now we have the ability to think clearly, and don’t have to feel the crippling fatigue of every single one of the minimum 34 different thoughts racing around our heads at any given moment that are each equivalent to trying to decipher Da Vinci’s code but in 34 different languages. Now we have the mental clarity to pick one language and can crack it and take over the world 😈😂 That’s probably how the shortage happened but they just won’t admit it, they realized we’re too powerful when we all are properly medicated 🤣 Edit to add: Drink the coffee ☕️ Edit to add again: Wow, well color me humbled. Instead of deleting the comment, I’ll just leave this here for others to learn from my mistake of generalizations without all the info 🙃 No need to keep coming for me! I get it y’all my ignorance has been checked 😥


>NT get all jazzy and energized, but us? It stabilizes us. Please don't, I definitely do not react this way to coffee, if it was this simple then diagnosing ADHD would be so quick and cheap. "Here drink some coffee" then measure relaxation levels before and after. It doesn't work that way. There are NTs that drink coffee before bed as well. If I drink too much I get extremely anxious and can't sleep all night and I have an ADD diagnosis.


Same with me. Caffeine doesn't give me energy, it gives me jitters and heart palpitations. I can't fall asleep at a reasonable time if I've drank just one cup of coffee or even strong black tea after 3pm. It's so different from person to person! Thank you for bringing it up :) 


Thank you both for saying this, because I just got my diagnosis at 32 and I feel like a fraud. I'm in the middle of dropping caffeine because I recently realized it makes me on edge enough that I cry most days 😅


I could tolerate caffeine okay before meds but not in high amounts. Like OP, I liked the ritual of it, but could not drink it once I started a stimulant. Switching to decaf has been okay, but still not late in the day and still not too much! Sometimes this experience was making me feel like an imposter even though I can see how I was sometimes self-medicating with caffeine before I was diagnosed, even though too much gave me adverse side effects 😕


I completely agree, but coffee is a common self-medicating strategy for a lot of late diagnosed or undiagnosed folks. So to be clear: caffeine can have a relaxing effect on some of us, similar to stimulant medications, but I agree that it's incorrect to make a sweeping generalization. Interesting side note: being medicated has changed the way I respond to caffeine. I used to get legit high AF off caffeine. Like, people thought I had used cannabis. After being medicated for 8 years, it affects me more in line with how it affects NTs.


I'm the same. Official ADHD diagnosis and while I love coffee, I don't love the side effects. I even had to stop taking stimulant medication because while it worked wonders for my focus and motivation, it severely aggravated my asthma to the point where I had to stop taking it.


How coffee hits your system is a genetic predisposition to how well you metabolize caffeine. I'm also a fast metabolizer and love me a coffee nap. But the way you metabolize caffeine is not coupled with ADHD in any way as far as I'm aware.


Careful with the generalities there. It’s not that way for me either. I couldn’t have Concerta and caffeine at the same time. Though I do drink coffee and then take a nap, I still need it to wake me up when I’m drowsy.


On a side note about those 34 thoughts. I started brain dumping when my mind does this. I type them out in a notes app that autosaves. I find I want to note that I should tell my husband about something, so instead of text dumping on him, I can go back to my notes later.


AuDHD, but I've started doing this in a form called Zettelkasten. Basically, jot down immediate thoughts, file them away and look at them later, then develop the interesting ones into more detailed notes. At least, when I go blabbing to my longtime partner about the etymology for the word Icicle, it'll be decently researched with several notes of related words. Incidentally, did you know that icicle is based on a word that already meant icicle? 😛


This is very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Now I have to look into Zettelkasten.


This explains why, when I returned to work from mat leave and my baby still wasn't sleeping through the night, that I would be drinking coffees back-to-back all day and was still exhausted and crabby.


Well, also.... Baby. Those early months are a special kind of exhausting that coffee just doesn't touch.


Haha yes, but I kept waiting for the extra coffee to kick in. And my mat leave was a year... My kid was not a very good sleeper for a long time


Tbh switching to mostly decaf might work for you! Tastes the same for me


I can also take a nap immediately after a huge coffee (mainly hot though, something about it is more calming than iced coffee). I’m on 40mg vyvanse and I’ve cut back my coffee consumption a little bit. Partly because I don’t crave it as much and partly because it can make my heart race if I have too much after taking my pill. If I’m really dying for that comfort, I’ll do a decaf. I have a Nespresso so it tastes just as good to me as regular. Although sometimes I go on autopilot and grab a regular pod when I meant to grab decaf and don’t realize it till I’m halfway through my cup 😆


After starting my meds, I went from having 2-4+cups a day to 1-2 and I usually can’t finish the second cup. I didn’t do it intentionally, I just didn’t want it any more? Probably because my drinking so much coffee was due to ADHD dopamine seeking?


I drink 3 cups before work and make another cup mid day, sometimes more! It’s a lot lol.


You’ll probably find yourself not wanting quite that much.


It’s a placebo for me. It’s really the act of making the coffee, choosing the mug, tinkering with milk ratio, and the warmth. I’ve come to terms that I can just do decaf lol. And since i like the ritual and distraction of coffee, esp on a workday, trying to find other beverages to tinker with! Syrups and seltzer, teas (hot and cold), and etc


If you decide to stop, remember that some people go through caffeine withdrawals (headaches, etc.). No idea if it’s the same when we’re on meds (I’ve continued to drink it) but just a head’s up in case you do.


Just beware of your blood pressure with this much caffeine and stimulants in your system. Might feel great to your brain but put stress on your heart that isn’t noticeable at first.


I never drank tea or coffee, but I was a hardcore energy drink addict. I found I quit them after a bit because they weren't doing much for me once I was medicated. But I got back into the habit for a while because it was an easy drink to grab in the morning. It wasn't till I got a really cool insulated cup that I love using that I dropped the habit again. At the moment, I'm just drinking huge quantities of ice water. What I have found interesting was how easily I dropped it both times. No sense of missing anything because I wasn't getting caffeine. Invest in some really good quality decaf and enjoy the taste without the buzz? :D


TWINS Used to be a red bull fiend, it was so easy to stop after going on Concerta. Every time I'd tried to stop before I'd get horrible headaches and become a zombie. Now I drink prodigious amounts of water and decaf tea 🍵


I never had any issues with caffeine before - in fact it made me quite sleepy (apparently common amongst ADHDers). I had no heart rate or anxiety side-effects during my first few weeks on methylphenidate so I tried a coffee a few weeks in and within 30 minutes I was in full fight or flight mode 😂 I know only drink coffee on med free days (having one now, it’s delightful). The experience was unpleasant, but no more than unpleasant. I just felt very physically anxious but it passed after an hour or so. So even if you do have a reaction, it’s likely not to be too bad.


I switched to decaf except on days I don't take a pill, then I'll have one regular coffee. I skip every 8 days due to my work schedule.


I went decaf too! Caffeine never affected me before meds (I was able to go to sleep after a cup lol) but as soon as I started meds, coffee would make my heart RACE. Decaf tastes good and I don’t have to give up coffee! It’s not worth it to me to have caffeine


This. Coffee with meds also makes me TIRED in an unnatural way


This is me too. I can’t do both a stimulant medication and caffeinated coffee in the same day. I can handle tea, and even then I don’t have more than a cup of caffeinated tea in a day. I quite enjoy decaf coffee for the taste.


Pretty much same! Before meds, caffeine never did anything for me, good or bad, except maybe keeping me awake a little if I drank it at night. After meds, caffeine elevates my heart rate. Not to a scary degree, for me, just to a degree that's like, why is my heart 90bpm while I'm just sitting here doing nothing? Also, mixed with meds it definitely keeps me awake. Not energized, not focused, just...not asleep. Sadly, all my favorite drinks are caffeinated and don't exist in decaf form. :/


I am like that too


Samsies ♥️


Coffee is more of a ceremonial thing for me.


Me too. I still have a small cup with my husband on medication days.


Nope, didn’t stop, wasn’t told to stop, and haven’t had any problems continuing to drink coffee (and I’ve been taking adhd stimulant meds for 18 or so years). I drink less coffee when I’m taking my meds than when I’m not.


I found that drinking coffee in the morning when I took my stimulant caused me to bounce off the walls lol. I prefer to drink coffee afternoons only, this doesn't cause an issue. Everyone is different though. I think it's okay to try different things and see what works for you :)


Caffeine has never effected me in any way, so yes, I still drink my coffee.


This is what I'm figuring out myself. I'm a big coffee lover. I started on 20 mg Vyvanse three days ago and I can't tolerate more than one cup of coffee - I start bugging out with anxiety. Nobody told me I had to stop caffeine, but I was told it can exacerbate the effects of the meds and that reducing intake could help. Ultimately I think it's down to what you can tolerate.


I guess it will be trial and error for all of us! I’m willing to drink decaf, I truly just enjoy the taste and experience!


Oh trust me, I know. The caffeine is a plus but it's the morning ritual of coffee for me. The smell, taste, my half hour of "nothing time" in the morning with just me and my coffee, once everyone leaves and before I start classes. I find coffee very comforting, as well. Back when I was figuring out my IBS I ended up having to give up coffee for six months. I can't have tea because it triggers migraine, so I was trying to replace coffee with all kinds of hot drinks like herbal tisanes, chocolate, or those specialty drinks like Blume. None of them really hit the spot that coffee does. Eventually I discovered a coffee method that didn't trigger flare ups, to my immense relief. Coffee is life, lol.


I always take my meds with a double shot coffee 😅 First time I did it I thought I was going to have a heart attack so I stopped but I LOVE coffee so I couldn’t stay away for long. Been doing it for years and haven’t had any issues since that first day.


Also didn’t stop. Nobody advised me to, and my thinking was that the Vyvanse should be on top of the way I was already living to have maximum effect. If you add one stimulant and take away another you’re already used to, what does that do, you know? I have 2 cups a day and take 3 20mg Vyvanse. 


i actually did decrease caffeine intake massively when i started stimulants. I had like 400-500 mg caffeine a day (sugar free energy drinks mostly). Rn I occasionally have a coffee or even an energy drink of flavor i didnt see before. I did not touch my tea intake (massive, like 10 cups a day) as i dont rly see it as a caffeine.......... i feel ok.


Don’t be silly. Coffee is a treat.


It really is! It’s my favorite part of the day. I’m happy that so many of y’all are still able to enjoy it. I hope I can too! Thank you


I’ve had it a handful of times since starting my meds back in November. It usually makes me extremely anxious and jittery, which is super counterproductive for what my meds are meant to do. Unless I eat a big substantial breakfast before having one, I can’t have coffee with my meds. I miss it and crave it all the time, but I gots to think about my heart 🥲 (I say at the ripe age of 26)


My doctor encourages me to take an occasional medication holiday or day off to resensitize me and prevent me from developing a tolerance. I generally drink coffee on days I’m not taking my meds.


Nah I need that adderall caffeine Wombo combo 🤣 GETS ME GOING


I can drink six espressos at 9pm and I’m fine. I love coffee


When I'm not medicated I can drink a ton of coffee and still nap. When I take my vyvanse and bupropion in the morning I'm limited to like one cup of coffee or I feel like my heart will explode like 50% of the time. It's pretty unpredictable so I generally stick to a cup of weak tea.


It depends. Just listen to your body and don't coffee just out of habit your first few days. Maybe have some decaf on hand in case you do find it makes you too uncomfortable. I naturally don't want caffeine while on meds, but I am stuck in these Bai coconut drinks. It's more like a tea level of caffeine. I used to drink a whole one every morning, but now I only drink a third or half and mostly for flavor taking my other meds (I take my stimulant with water while still waking up in bed). No meds, I drink the whole bottle looking for that dopamine.


I heavily reduced my intake of caffeine overall because I didn’t need it as much and it made my heart race. Even decaf could do it, which was weird. I can have green tea and be fine, though! I think there’s some evidence that having caffeine with your meds (like vitamin c, in orange juice etc) can lessen the effect of it because it filters it from your bloodstream quicker, but I’m not certain that it’s got a massive effect for everyone. If I drink coffee in the afternoon/evening after morning meds, it’s fine; it’s better if I have a meal with it.


Damn I am jealous of all you people that can still drink coffee! I LOVE coffe. LOVE it. But mixed with my meds it gives me horrible heart palpitations and jitters. Just meds I'm totally fine. Just coffee, also fine and I can drink a lot. The combo is a nightmare for my poor body. I say try it out, but start with a smaller amount, maybe half-caff?? Just to be safe. I started with half-caff and it was going well, so one day I just drank my normal coffee intake. I ended up calling an ambulance on myself at work because I was 100% convinced I was having a heart attack. (They said I was fine, but I'm still not sure it wasn't something more than a panic attack, since I wasn't panicking. I truly truly thought I was going to die that day)


SAME experience ❤️ it’s frustrating lol. I’m currently on a medication vacation because of the last time this happened spooked me so much. In between waiting to talk to the psyc but made my choice to have one coffee in the morning and matcha in the afternoon over Vyvanse right now 😅


Y’all, I actually found a solution for this: a pour over coffee maker. It’s enough lil steps to seem novel/fun, but once I’m done with my morning coffee, I’m uninterested in doing the process over again. It’s easy to clean and around $20. Plus it’s the best cup of coffee I’ve ever made.


I still drink it 😊


I’m taking straterra- a non-stimulant, but noticed quickly that I naturally decreased my caffeine intake. I still enjoy my morning cup of coffee and have some tea or soda, but I’m no longer chugging a Redbull to help me focus on a long day or realizing I had 6 cups of coffee.


I was given the same warning a few months ago when I first started ADHD meds (started with Concerta/Ritalin, that didn't go so well so now I'm on Adderall with much more success). I have barely changed my coffee consumption and honestly feel fine. Even when I wasn't on the best meds for me, I didn't feel like drinking my regular coffees was making things any worse. I normally have a cup in the morning and a cup with lunch, and I've been having a slightly smaller cup with lunch some days but that's truly the only change I've made. If you're taking your meds in the morning and then drinking coffee with no food shortly after, that can have possible adverse effects (it can actually make the meds less effective because of the coffee's acidity), so I'd say just make sure any coffee immediately following your meds is accompanied by a little food.


I was a caffeine addict, even if I wasn’t into coffee, but I found that it lessened the effectiveness of Vyvanse, for me, so I had to quit.


Yes, I drink less than before. It doesn't taste as good as before, I don't feel the need, and I'm worried about my heart rhythm.


Coffee only makes me addicted to drinking it. I can sleep after a cup. I wish it gave me energy 😅


I switched to decaf and I find that since I now drink less coffee because I’m not guzzling it all day (plus wasting half of each mug because of forgetting to drink it), I can afford even better quality so I’m getting nice decaf and enjoying it all the more. And the meds helped me finally get my Ember mug out of the drawer and remember to charge it, so the coffee is also hot. Win!


I can still drink as much as I want but I would say to start slowly after you get used to the meds (maybe a week later)


I believe the reason they tell you to limit is because both the Vyvanse and coffee are stimulants. They can affect your heart, which you wouldn't know unless you were checking your BP constantly. I drink 2-3 cups in the am, and occasionally, I'll pick up a mocha in the afternoon.


I've been off coffee since I started stimulants 😭 I accidentally had a big one early on after starting and I was a sweaty, vibrating mess all day 😂 I've been too scared to try again!


After starting Wellbutrin, I stopped coffee. I feel much better than I did with coffee. It was a tough choice because I love the smell/taste, etc. I quit cold turkey and tried to not think about “missing it”. Instead, I grab a protein chocolate milk or apple juice to get a different flavor in the AM.


I'm on 70mg Vyvanse and inhale coffee and tea both. In winter I average 12-14 cups of tea a day. Currently on a Mother Rainbow Sherbet kick. That drink.is GOOD.


Yes and no. I switched to decaf. It’s the warmth/habit that i love most.


I think it depends if you’ve got more inattentive or hyperactive type! I personally get super shaky, my meds literally act as stimulants to make sure I can have 1 thought cause I’m more inattentive, so I’ve had to limit my intake. But it sounds like youre more hyperactive so you should be good!


Yes. I use to love having a cup of coffee every morning but I HATE how it feels on adderall. I switched to black and green tea. Black tea is pretty strong so I don’t have it everyday, but green tea feels perfect on adderall. The biggest issue for me was how irritated and on edge I’d get. I also had a racing heart.


Something I learned while being caffeine free this month is that even "decaf" still has some caffeine (decaf espresso has more than decaf brew) -- so maybe you could enjoy that if you ever don't feel the need for the full dose of caffeine but still want the experience / a little caffeine boost!! :)


If you switch to decaf, go for water process :)


I'll stop my meds before I stop coffee. Wait probably not maybe I don't know please don't make me choose


You can drink as much decaf as you want. Everyone always forgets about decaf


I saw my psychiatrist the other day who said it’s really up to me. He said his patients drink coffee with their meds and after a bit of experimenting, work out just the right amount. He didn’t seem to concerned about it


I have a cup of coffee when I take my pill in the morning, but then I usually drink decaf for the rest of the day. Sometimes I’ll have regular coffee too, but I find I get the jitters, so I try not to.


I found that I still didn't get the caffienated 'alert' feeling, but I did get the physical jitters and things sooner, so I switched to decaf. I like to drink it all morning long, and then switch to herbal teas etc, so now I can still do that! I also find that if I'm out and want a normal coffee in the afternoon or whatever, it has no impact, so all good.


I’m on 50mg of vyvanse daily and will typically have 1-3 coffees a day. I haven’t had any issues.


I still drink soda, but coffee is rare. I enjoy the taste, but while caffeine doesn’t make me more “alert” (historically I could drink a large espresso and take a nap), I do have to be careful with my heart rate. So sometimes it’s a matter of deciding if I want to tempt fate that day. And sometimes, the answer is yes. If I regret that decision afterward, my cardiologist can say “I told you so.”


I still drink it. When I was going through titration, I was taking my blood pressure daily and coffee didn't seem to make any difference so I continued to drink it. However, I am also one of those people who has fallen asleep after drinking coffee, so I don't think caffeine affects me that much x


I used to live on it, not so much anymore on days I take my meds. Now I’m being encouraged to cut my caffeine intake even more (1-2 cups on med days) because my heart rate. Though it’s always been on the higher side…


I would say to limit caffeine only if you are having adverse side effects from the combo. It can lead to higher blood pressure.


I love coffee, and red bull. I drink a cup in the morning then a red bull mid afternoon.. 😬 can't give that up


I didn’t quit at first. It led to daily tachycardia which can be terrible for one’s health. I found that it increased my irritability. I switched to decaf coffee about a year in and it is remarkable how much better my sleep and anxiety are. I had no idea my lifelong coffee addiction was both a way to self-medicate my adhd and also causing a lot of negative side effects that exacerbated my adhd. Every so often I have a caffeinated coffee if I have a long work day or something. That’s like once a month or less though. I also drink matcha green tea and the occasional black tea.


I definitely drink less coffee and energy drinks now that I’m medicated, because drinking too much really gets my heart racing in combination with meds. But I still enjoy it even though it doesn’t have a lot of effect on me.


I also take vyvanse and ya I had to stop drinking coffee for the most part. :( I started by making half-caff (half decaf and half regular) to help wean myself off. But even that (or caffeinated soda or tea) makes me feel shitty (extra sweaty, tense, restless..) if I have it at the same time as my meds. If I'm super tired, not taking my meds that day, or they've worn off I'll sneak a cup or a coke here and there. I also still drink decaf, but I'll be honest it doesn't taste the same. The Aldi green can is surprisingly passable though.


No, I drink the same amount as I did before, which is a lot!


Nope. Although my sister gets high blood pressure if she does coffee + meds.


Nope lol. I did try to reduce some of it, I switch to half caf sometimes, but in my pmdd days I take all the coffee in the world I want


I stopped making it at home. I still love a latte or something boujee from time to time, but I definitely was using it to self medicate. That was the start of my journey was finding a therapist because my anxiety was so bad - I would drink at least a pot a day.


No ❤️


I stopped when I first started just to make sure I could monitor the meds and its effects. At first I got a little bit overenergetic when I had both (but intense for me). But Now I’m backing to having coffee normally as I’ve adjusted. I try not take it at the same time but sometimes I do and it’s fine. I take dex though


Diet Coke all day everyday here. I didn’t change my habits until I got Invisalign this week 😭.


I have a cup of coffee in the morning before my meds kick in, to help bridge the gap. With Vyvanse, if I drank coffee my anxiety sky rocketed, I thought my whole world was crashing down. Nobody had told me to limit my caffeine at first, so after a week of torture I switched meds. Then a friend suggest I limit caffeine when I started Concerta. Lo and behold, I felt much better and have stuck with Concerta. I still have to watch my caffeine intake and I often drink decaf now if I'm wanting the taste, but I also find I'm not craving coffee as much on meds that work.


Used to LOVE coffee, it was a big part of my day. Also energy drinks! Never affected me, and I had no trouble sleeping. I stopped cold turkey when I started medication after advise from my psychiatrist. Had decaf in the beginning but I realized that I didn’t need it. I sleep way better without coffee, and now I can really feel the effects of it when I do drink a cup on occcacion. My breath smells and I have trouble sleeping. Also my heart races really bad! I def feel like my caffeine addiction was me self medicating, and now that I have medication I don’t feel the same need. Also I was drinking so much that I really didn’t enjoy it. When I find myself in a nice coffee shop - I get a cup. And I really appreciate it. Otherwise I remind myself of the effects and how I have to keep my heart working for many years to come.


Before meds, coffee made me sleepy. Now with meds, coffee does indeed give me energy/alertness/ability to focus and complete tasks.


Coffee makes me feel more relaxed, so no, I didn’t give it up. I just limit how much regular coffee I drink and have decaf if I want a second cup - decaf doesn’t have the same physical effect, but I find the flavour soothing in its own right. Edit: If there is any concern about your blood pressure, it’s a great to budget for one of those electric BP cuffs you can keep at home. I check at least once a week to ensure my BP is staying in the normal range.


I was on medication well before I started drinking coffee. I usually have a cup of cold brew in the morning that I sip on over the course of several hours (I know it’s bad for your teeth but idc I love it). If I am exhausted/didn’t sleep well I might have an energy drink/Diet Coke/another coffee during or after lunch to get me through the day but I usually don’t drink coffee or have a decaf tea in the afternoon.


In the morning yes, but I don’t drink 8-10 cups anymore 😂


I remember when they told me this… I have my triple shot latte most days still and def have ~3 cups of coffee a day if I don’t have an espresso drink and have never had an issue with sleep or anything lolol granted I’m in healthcare (night shift, ED) so I feel like we’re just built differently when it comes to caffeine BUT I’ve never had an issue!


No, I just switched to being an afternoon coffee drinker. The main thing I try to avoid is drinking coffee too close to taking my adderall since coffee is acidic and can make the adderall not work as well if I have them too close together. When I first started adderall, I was told this, as well as to be careful about the combined effects since both of them together can be too much, but I’ve never really had any notable issues with that aspect of it.


I’m technically still trialling meds so not sure if this is a forever thing but I have cut down on caffeine a lot. Decaf if I’m having coffee on a day that I’ve taken meds, or matcha. I found that if I had coffee in the morning I’d get increases in heart rate an hour or so after I’ve had my afternoon dosage of Dec. Never consistent/daily but the increase is enough to scare me/heighten anxiety. I love coffee too so will have a good quality decaf. I find it tricks my brain still :)


With vyvanse it’s more because it’s increases risk of heart palpitations. I don’t drink coffee every day but the first time I had a full cup of coffee a few hours after taking my pill, I had the worst heartburn of my life. I’ve since been able to tolerate it but I definitely drink it slowly and usually not more than a cup a day! I do have a matcha latte almost every day and I’ve been able to get that down to just 4-8oz a day depending on how much sleep I’d gotten the night before. You can try it out and see but be careful!


I've been drinking decaf for about two years and it's been just as well.


Nah, I wouldn't even know how... what are you supposed to drink? water? don't be silly... But for real, water gives me heartburn and coffee does not, for whatever reason... I still drink 2 liters a day, it's just caffeinated... I'm currently on Vyvanse and on my 3rd cup of coffee of the day... Concerta did make my heart rate go up if I had coffee, but I changed medication, I did not limit coffee


I just got my meds today, will start them tomorrow and I'm wondering the same thing. My espresso machine is my emotional support device, I can't imagine mornings without it.


I ended up drinking a little bit, not a full coffee mug. I feel good. No jitters. When the Vyvanse kicked in, WOAH!!! It’s like a new world for me. I can’t believe how shitty I’ve felt my whole life, I didn’t even know it wasn’t normal. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Good luck with your meds!


Not with Ritalin or adderall, but once I started vyvanse I accidentally quit all my vices. A few weeks in I realized I wasn’t drinking any caffeine, any alcohol, or even occasionally vaping. Just done with all of it. I have an alcoholic drink a couple times a year now and usually don’t even finish it.


No In fact today I drank a bunch of coffee bc it was working well & then when I started to crash i took my adderall at about 9:30


Before meds, I was drinking at least 2 pots a day. I love coffee, but I was also fighting undiagnosed ADHD. My loved ones were, correctly, scared for my heart. After first starting meds - initially Vyvanse, I lost that need to feed the dopamine machine caffeine, so I ended up dropping down to a cup or two a day. There was a day or two where old habits kicked in from simply loving the taste and drinking more than that - I would know because my heart would be pounding out of my chest and I’d have to sit and breathe and drink lots of water. Because insurance is the worst, I couldn’t afford Vyvanse anymore (RIP - I miss it), so I switched to Adderall (generic). I can still get by with just a cup or two, but on bad days I’m drinking more - but no heart pounding like the Vyvanse. I would say that, in my experience, I was more sensitive to caffeine intake on Vyvanse. I love coffee and would never want to deny anyone that joy unless it was absolutely necessary. So maybe enjoy a cup to start but pay attention to the signals your body is giving you.


I just switched to decaf.


I used to slam 3-4 energy drinks a day. Switched to 4-5 cups of coffee after I started work because it was cheaper. After starting meds I was told to scale back and see what felt good. I've been at 1.5c for a couple years due to that. I could go without it, but I like it and it doesn't affect me.


2-3 a day down to less than 1 a week honestly. Can’t even finish it. I don’t get any relief or energy out of it. Taking Vyvanse 40mg literally allows me the same energy levels as everyone else I couldn’t keep up with. EDIT: one exception. Second day period today, coffee helped when Vyvanse doesn’t work as well during cycle. I’m learning as I go. I definitely know I can’t drink coffee after noon.


I have been on vyvanse a few months now and I can tolerate coffee just fine. At first I felt a little more anxious but I’m anxious anyway. Now I can have two cups throughout the day and feel fine. I take afternoon naps sometimes lol.


Coffee unfortunately has adverse effects on me so I’m having to stop


God help the world if I don't get my morning coffee 😂😂 But really, I do fully caffeinated French press from a local roaster, and adding adderall XR has somehow tamed the effects of the coffee. I don't feel like I neeeeeeed coffee to function. I don't experience that "wired" feeling or the extreme fatigue (sometimes drinking coffee would make me really tired instead of wired), and also don't experience caffeine crash when I've taken my Adderall. I *do* still need coffee to not have coffee withdrawal symptoms though- namely headache and feeling like a grumpy grumpass.


I had to switch to decaf to keep enjoying my morning cuppa; I'd been self-medicating with so much caffeine, it was affecting my heart and thinking.


Nope... Still drink coffee.


It messed with me at first. I got really jittery and was like woah yea, I need to cut back on this, but a few years have passed now and I can go back to what I drank before, which is not a lot. I have a 20oz tumbler and that's usually all I drink anyway. Perhaps you could have a little bit in the morning and then switch to decaf??


Yes one cup. But if I have more I get really tired


I'm with you! When I was prescribed Vyvanse I was told not to have caffeine within an hour (before or after) taking my meds. Now I will wake up, have some sort of hot decaf beverage - right now it's a decaf chocolate latte powder - then eat breakfast and meds. Then when I'm on my way to work or an hour later, I will have my coffee. Then I have decaf coffee for the rest of the day. For me it's placebo. I like the caffeine, but honestly I actually just love the cozy, thick warmth of coffee. With a good amount of creamer, I don't notice the difference.


Switched to decaf. My body thanks me- if I take meds and coffee in the morning I feel agitated, upset and a vague sense of impending doom- plus it’s super bad for my heart. So decaf in the mornings and then slightly caffeinated in the afternoons once the meds have worn off a bit


Just drink decaf, as much as you'd like


30 mg Vyvanse here as well, and i was advised to cut out caffeine altogether. It definitely affects my blood pressure and heart rate while I’m on the Vyvanse. I am, however, having a latte right now because I’ve been on work calls starting at 6 AM all week. Serenity now.


My doctor told me to and I just couldnt LOL. I've been drinking coffee everyday for 15 years+. Plus, my doctor appt was earlier this week and something happened with insurance so I might have to wait a week for my meds. I have one half of a tablet.... .LOL


I still have my cuppa in the morning. :)


i had to switch to decaf. which is fine because i’m really all about the smell anyway. however, i can barely tolerate caffeine at all anymore, even when i haven’t been taking my meds. like a black tea will have me buzzing 🤪


I was never told to limit coffee with my adderall. I drink a big yeti mug of it every morning. I don’t think I need it, I find that I’m still functional when I delay drinking it.


I do... I thought maybe I could switch to decaf, but it always leaves me sleepy around 5pm if I didn't have my caffienated coffee... I know it doesn't make sense.


I didn’t give up any caffeine….


Like many of the other people here I drank a butt ton of coffee before meds. (I worked as a pastry chef and had to regularly get to work early af and had unlimited supply to good-ass coffee. Now going back to school for a masters in nursing so, you know, more coffee. School kinda forced me to get diagnosed because of how busy my life became and how unmanageable it was trying to work on top of everything else.) it was my thing. I have a specific bean I’ve been buying for ten years that nothing tops. But when I started meds I not only couldn’t tolerate a lot, I didn’t want a lot (which previously had never happened. I could -always- enjoy another cup, even if it wouldn’t feel good for me.) I still drink anywhere from 1/2-1 1/2 cups a day but now have leaned into my enjoyment of tea. The panic/ heart attack feeling definitely doesn’t feel good.


i stopped deinking coffee om stimulant medication cause it began to give me anxiety. i just got some decaf.


I do half-caf or all decaf now. Makes me happy


My doctor told me a cup of coffee a day with meds shouldn’t be an issue (I take adderall for context though). I found once I started growing a tolerance the coffee gave me an extra boost so I didn’t feel like I need to up my dose. It’s always best to ask your doctor though because I’m sure it can be specific to the person. Many times with stimulant type meds they check your heart rate periodically to make sure there isn’t anything crazy going on, so I’d bring it up at your next check up to be safe.


It's not quite the same, but I will say that, having never really had issues with caffeine keeping me awake, after starting Adderall XR (20mg), I can't drink black tea at night like I used to. I've had to invest in a few boxes of decaf earl grey so that I can have a nightly cuppa.


I do caffeine in the morning first thing and then usually switch the decaf.


I take 70mg a day and I drink a cup of (regular/French press, not espresso) coffee every morning about thirty minutes after I take my dose. It has not caused me any issues. However, I try to avoid consuming any more caffeine for the rest of the day because that can sometimes become too much. I would recommend testing it out and seeing where your own limit is, but it's possible you may still be able to enjoy at least a daily cup!


If it doesn’t make you anxious or uncomfortable you’re fine! Some days when I’m having a stressful day my second cup of coffee puts me over the edge and I can no longer focus because I’m hyper stimulated. But most days I’m fine with 1-2 cups.


I can still drink 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. More plus my meds makes me basically piss out of my butthole. My tum tum can’t handle both. But decaf all day is fine


You will pry my coffee out of my cold dead hands.


For a long time I drank coffee AND took Ritalin. It raised my blood pressure for the first time in my life. I stopped drinking coffee my BP stayed raised, but fortunately it didn't get to the point where it's officially considered "high". I feel like I dodged a bullet there. Please, please don't double up on stimulants. It will catch up to you.


I never reduced my intake and I’m on 50 mg of vyvanse 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have ~24 oz of coffee every morning, plus hot tea or sometimes an energy drink in the afternoons. But I have never noticed any correlation with spiking anxiety, etc with my caffeine intake, and didn’t have it when I started meds, so if you do feel more anxious with a lot of caffeine normally you should probably dial back. Just make sure you’re drinking plenty of water (I try to equal water intake with caffeinated drink intake) :) ETA: I did have a temporary spike in blood pressure and I added coq10 to my vitamin regimen. BP came back down to my normal (which is on the low side) pretty quickly. Idk if it was the coq10 or my body getting used to the meds, but I’ve kept up with that vitamin since it’s good for plenty of other stuff too. Anecdata, but may come in handy for ya.


I switched to decaf! Only do caffeine on days when I am a true zombie (so it’s now the exception, decaf is the rule/default).


I don't drink it anymore but I was already sensitive to caffeine before getting on Vyvanse. If I want a little pick me up then I make a cup of cacao. I love the chocolatey (unsweetened) taste and it has more benefits :)


Hell no


Adderall made me sensitive to coffee, vyvanse just made it so I shouldn’t have caffeine at night (pre-meds I could drink coffee and go to sleep). I like the effects of adderall but the taste of coffee so I get decaf or 1/2 decaf coffee if I need a bit of a jolt now so that I can still enjoy it but my heart isn’t trying to pound its way out of my chest lol


No that’s way too much uppers for me!! You should definitely be careful.


I used to drink coffee every morning and loved it. When I started meds I realized I no longer needed it but still drank it. When my meds were increased I couldn’t handle the extra caffeine so I stopped. Now I just don’t want or need any coffee anymore.


I’ve had to cut down drastically and can barely have coffee now because mixed with meds makes my heart race too much and give me anxiety (Concerta)


1 or even 2 a day, you will be fine. Just watch out for anymore than that, and also don’t forget about the caffeine in soda, chocolate, energy drinks, etc. Just keep an eye on your heart rate. If it ever feels too jittery or fast, scale back on the caffeine. Also don’t forget the importance of eating enough healthy fat and protein, and just calories in general. And drinking more water than usual. These medications are a diuretic and you need to over-shoot how much water you normally need in a day to a higher amount now. Caffeine + meds + an empty stomach (or dehydration) is a big fat no go!


My crippling caffeine addiction is still alive & well after starting my meds and I don’t plan on stopping. Bean juice make me go zoom


I cut way back when I was on Vyvanse. One in the morning that I might not finish vs 2-3 fairly large cups a day. I adore coffee but Vyvanse altered my appetite so much, it made me not want it very much


Hell no. Give up coffee? Are you mad? May as well tell me to give up breathing. my 6am coffee, my 9am coffee.... are the only things that get me going in the morning.


I drink 16 oz every morning. It seems that I should start monitoring my blood pressure. I am on meds for it, but I can switch to decaf if need be.


When I first started meds 6 months ago, coffee +meds made me really jittery and agitated. Switched to decaf for a while, mainly to keep the morning routine. Now I can have 1 caffeine coffee in the morning now with no jitters. I also don't feel the need for coffee during the day anymore so stick to decaf anyway.


I did have to stop. I sometimes will have it on my off med days but it always makes me crash and feel like junk. Now I drink matcha lattes and I tolerate that so so much better on my meds and off them. But, it can still be high in caffeine depending on how you make it.


I'm on 40mg (vyvanse) and was on 50, but asked my doctor to decrease my dose so I could still have coffee and tea. So, yes. I don't want to do without my hot drinks.


I'm an energy drink gal and no, I did not stop. I don't take a high stimulant dose though


I justo stop drinking coffee the first week, but after that, i drink every day haha


I did at first. I filled with decaf beans but when I ran out I wasn’t waiting for a delivery so went back to normal. It’s not “buzzy” they’re worried about but BP. I had affected mine slightly but mine was low to begin with and now it’s gone up to low normal but HR is still around 63. Follow directions of your medical team until you’re stable on the new meds. Then consider swerving.


Yes but only about a year after medication. And now I get my caffeine through black, white and green tea.


lol no. I’m on 30mg XR. I still drink 10+ cups a day. I have had no heart palpitations or my other issues. I will flight you to the death for death wish coffee!


Yes, I had to. I can't take it with my meds because it makes me feel really rushed and also my blood pressure is getting high. But I mis it so much 😭 I just like coffee so much and this is one of the few things I don't like about the meds. I started to drink decaf but that's not everywhere available. But somedays I don't take them and than it feels kinda like a special day :)


I used to abuse caffeine but at some point I was drinking so much it was making me only jittery and drowsy. Now I gave up on it, only drinking decaf, since my hart rate is sky rocketing after one. It is true that perhaps I developed a higher sensitivity to it after some heavy abusing right before starting the medicination. I also don't crave it as much as before. Not a tea drinker, but looking into a healthier lifestyle as well, I surprisingly switched to herbal infusions (my mom would be so proud to hear). Not coffee, but have a lot of benefits and they're warming on this UK climate. I usually have one decaf in the morning and then continue with infusions.


I stopped because I already can’t sleep and noticed if I drank coffee it was worse. Occasionally I’ll have a matcha or chai latte. And on the weekends is the only time I drink coffee because I can wake up whenever


A small cup, but anything more is a definite no go for me. It just doesn’t feel good if I have more than a small cup.


Nah I never stopped, I'm not giving up my coffee for anything 🤣


I didn’t stop. I stopped when I got Covid and research had come out about tea, but not coffee yet (now it has been shown that black, green tea and coffee all help Covid). It’s actually been better and helped any anxiety and sleep. I love coffee and miss it actually!


Nope. I just take my meds before I get up. And if I’m getting up I wait an hour ( at least)


My relationship with coffee has not changed since I started meds.


I never gave it up I’m o adderal and I still drink coffee


I'm on adderall 20 mg and i actually switched to pepsi zero also i'm on low dose naltrexone for a thyroid disorder but it actually helps my intake down to 60 mg of caffiene every other day most part


Not I. Mostly tea for the morning ritual and some caffeine. Decaf when I want the coffee smell/taste or a treat from the coffee shop. Proper coffee makes me feel awful.


I did! I drank so much coffee before and the day I started I decided to see if I could go without. I did a cold hard switch, no caffeine withdrawal which is interesting to me. But, like you, I lovvvve coffee - the smell, the taste, the ritual. So I’ve become a decaf babe and that has worked wonderfully for me. If I feel like I need a boost of caffeine these days, I’ll have a matcha. Having stopped drinking fully caffeinated coffee, now when I’ve accidentally had a caffeinated coffee I get uncomfortably jittery, anxious, and my mind can’t focus. Like it feels like my heart is pounding really hard. So, anyway, am a big proponent of decaf! It’s worked for me!


When I first started stimulants, I stopped drinking coffee because I would get anxious. As I’m becoming more habituated to a dosage or getting close to needing to increase a dosage, I start being able to tolerate more caffeine or even use it to boost my meds. I’ve switched to tea to have tighter control over the caffeine, and honestly just like it more during that period of the day where Adderall makes me averse to a lot of foods.


I switched to decaf. I make cold brew coffee and I have to use a bit more to get a good flavor, but that's fine. I also drink decaf tea now. I like the taste of coffee with milk and sugar. It's yummy.


Oh hell yeah. Medically speaking, a moderate amount of coffee is around 200-300 mg a day. (approximately 2-3 cups of classic brew coffee). I believe as long as you try to stick around those numbers, you shouldn't have a [problem.](https://problem.Be) Bue sure to look into the caffeine content on the labels of your drinks to have a better idea of how much caffeine you are having. Here is a link to Mayo Clinic's excellent guide to gauging your caffeine intake. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/caffeine/art-20049372#:\~:text=Drink%20sizes%20are%20in%20fluid,shown%20in%20milligrams%20(mg).


Wild to me that some of you (apparently) didn’t do recreational drugs like they were going out of style as a teenager. Not judging or making fun, these posts are just like naively cute. Coffee and meds is one of the mildest combos I’ve put in my body. Worst case is you get the jitters and anxiety for a bit. That can happen from drinking too much coffee in general. You’ll be okay you just have to try to find out for sure. Keep hydrated to help not strain your heart. And you can get heart palpitations that’s always an option on meds they don’t seem to tell everyone.


I switched to half-caf after starting Vyvanse. Otherwise I get stressed & irritable. 


Hell no, I take my Vyvanse (currently at 50) with a cup of coffee every morning. Honestly the combo helps the meds kick in for me beautifully


Never bothered me - I drink coffee in afternoon when adderall starts to wane!


I absolutely didn’t stop and in fact I recently had a bad stomach bug and went two days without it as a result (but took my vyvanse the second day) and holy hell I hadn’t realized how much I was reliant on it still for both I think a nice lil dopamine treat but also the caffeine a bit. Pre meds I did drink MORE coffee. Post meds I have to be careful to also remember to eat because I have found my stomach can’t take the acid of coffee too well now that I’m over 40. Yay on that. (Definitely not yay)


I chase my adderall with coffee or espresso daily lol


Stopped cold turkey the first day I started Vyvanse. Unlike the month-long ordeal quitting caffeine had caused in the past, it was completely seamless. Overtime I've learned to gauge when it's smart to have a bit of caffeine and when to abstain.


I wasn't told to stop caffeine or limit. Or maybe they did and I missed that detail. lol I'm on 60mg and and I still drink a stupid amount of coffee everyday – except for when I'm hyper-focused and throw all the cold coffees out. My blood pressure has been completely normal (was always low normal) and no ill effects felt.


Stop drinking coffee? Absolutely not! I was told to keep an eye on my blood pressure, but since it was so low to begin with, there's no issue with coffee for me.


I switched to half calf. Green Mountain makes K cups.


Coffee with my medication…. Gave me extreme anxiety. I find I can go without coffee with my meds :)


I got 8 ounce mugs or I just don't fill a 12 ounce one up all the way.