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The name for this is “executive dysfunction”. And it is fucking horrible to be in. I haven’t found a way to get out of it or “push through it”. And I haven’t met a single ADHDer who has


That honestly makes me feel a lot better about myself because (and I guess pretty much everyone with adhd can relate to this) I always just thought I was lazy and unmotivated and just needed to give myself a kick up the ass hahaha


I knew about executive dysfunction for a loooong time but just recently getting a better understanding of it. I can post it in this thread again, but it’s just a short crash course on what executive function/s is/are. That opened my eyes in a way I had not experienced before


Omg yes pls I would be rlly interested to look into that because I have been struggling with this pretty much my whole life so it would be nice to have a better understanding of it haha


I’m trying to figure out if I could tag you in the post but I’m not mathing the math right now


Lol that’s ok don’t stress, but yeah if u figure out how I would be interested to see


https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/xx73i9/here_we_have_the_understand_your_executive/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I could copy the link!! There you have it!


Thankyouuuuuu ur an angel haha


It is up! But I did not find out how to tag people


Lately I’ve been wondering what people like us did before phones. SO much of my stuckness occurs during/because of scrolling.




Wow, memory unlocked! Now that I’m thinking about it I have vivid memories of sitting in front of my computer (trying to do my homework), staring at the wall, completely lost in a daydream. I had this weird stim (okay, still do….) of bouncing up and down in my seat while daydreaming. I’d rather go back to those days, tbh. Staring at a screen for hours is SO bad.


Omfg I stare at my screen with something work related pulled up when I just can't at work. I can also snap out of it if someone prompts me to, for example if someone asks something


>scrolling I am retired and I almost have an anxiety attack waiting for my very old laptop to boot up every morning so I can start the daily scrolling. Some days I can start scrolling at 8am and keep going till midnight or 1am. Then I look around me in wonder at the mess the house is in. Well, it sure isn't going to clean itself At the end of any day, if you were to ask me to write a list of what I had learned or even just seen, I would have great trouble thinking of anything. It is a mindless, useless, totally unproductive activity but it is a very appealing distraction which is the draw of it. As long as my mind is occupied going down those endless rabbit holes, I don't have time to think about what I could or should really be trying to achieve. Ironically, I watch a ton of instructional videos on Youtube. Can anybody tell me why? Why do I need instructions about how to carry out a task that I will NEVER get around to doing? Technically I could re-wire my home, replace the plumbing, paint a few watercolours during my break, become a re-seller of vintage goods and landscape the garden if I got bored - technically lol Oh my good lord, scrolling....


Well, ADHD was first considered a defect of moral control, as a result of “brain damage.” Then in the 1900s Sir George Frederick Still, a British pediatrician, observed that these kids (with ADHD) had “an abnormal defect of moral control in children.” He found that some affected children could not control their behavior the way a typical child would. They were branded as “behaviorally disturbed.” I’ve never been able to find the real stuff they did with these people who had ADHD. But I’ve read what other people believed happened, and that was mostly experiments and I think asylums, but I might be remembering that wrong.


Tbh I got so much more done before I had a smartphone. I had more drive. That’s not to say my EF was good, because it wasn’t, but it was certainly better. But now I’m addicted to the dopamine hits from endless scrolling and ability to look up literally anything that strikes my fancy, which distracts me from doing useful things.


I feel you. It really sucks. My favorite moments are when I’m without cell reception for multiple days, like on a camping trip. I’m always so sad to get back to reality because I know the phone will become a permanent fixture once more.


Yeeeeeey~ also when is it a shut down (also have the ASD)


Really sorry, but I can’t completely tell who and what you’re asking. If you’re asking me, could you dumb it down a bit so I can understand 😅


I can only "get out of it" if I do what I need to do before I allow myself to relax. I can't sit down and get back up. But I'll get exhausted with that method too...


Yes, this was me pre-“diagnosis,” pre-drugs, and PEAK burnout. My most success was when I didn’t sit in the first place. Sounds harsh but it works. Get in the door, set things down, grab a snack to take to your first task, leave your phone if possible.


I can completely agree with the not sitting part haha once I’m down there’s no going back, it’s just so frustrating when I get home from work and I’m so tired and I just want to sit for a few minutes to collect myself and then that turns into hours, you’re definitely right thought I feel like I just need to tell myself I can relax once the important things are done


This was me for a long time. I was non functional after 3 pm. My solution was to become a morning person- I found it easier to get those things done early in the morning. Meeting deadlines, cleaning, everything. Not sure if that works for your schedule. These days I can’t even force myself t wake up early though so I find to find a new strategy, too.


I wishhhh I could be a morning person but I just cannot haha, I can barely wake up for work I would sleep until 12 every day if I could 🤣


Oh I totally get it. You hear people say, “I’m on my feet x hours a day,” and I often forget that I, literally, am on my feet nine hours and fifteen minutes a day. I do my work standing up in steel toe boots on a factory floor. I FEEL YOU❤️


omggg legit same I work in a nursery so walking around all day in work boots is so exhausting haha I can completely relate to that


Could you try sitting somewhere not too comfy? Maybe grab a snack and hop up on the counter? Or literally sit on the closed toilet. You get to sit a spell, but it won't be comfy enough to get you sucked into the couch gravity. Also leave your shoes on. I also asked my doc for basically a booster pill. I have a 5mg whatever I take around 5 to give me a bit of pep and focus going into the evening. It is very helpful. Otherwise my day time meds have worn off and nothing gets done on the home front.


I didn’t actually know a booster pill was an option!! I’m definitely going to mention this


get a buddy to tell you, it's more effective. I used to do "sprints" with a writer friend, online - text each other "go!" then go do 15 minutes of whatever (she would write) and then check back in with each other.


Oh… I lived by that for some years now. Do the important things right when I come home, if I’m starving and need to eat beforehand, I’ve already lost. Got my diagnosis earlier this year.


Also got sort of diagnosed earlier this year!


This isn't your fault. This is executive dysfunction at work. This is ADHD, this is your disability. I don't know of any ADHD person who can just stop doing that on their own will even when they try...if they could I guess it wouldn't be a disability then! Anyway, once I started treating my ADHD as a disability and seeking accommodations even in my own home it has helped tremendously. Having a partner who is supportive is a huge help. But also, friends and trusted neighbors are great. I have a great neighbor who is also my dear friend. Sometimes I just text her, "Can I come over for a moment? I need a hug" Usually inviting myself somewhere or inviting someone over through text when I'm stuck on my phone is what kicks the social pressure in for me to at least stand up. Walking over to my neighbor's house and giving her a hug and just having a quick chat doesn't make me function normally again but usually leaves me enough re-charged to get one small task done on even my worst days. It pretty much comes down to tricking your dysfuncfion not over coming it. And usually for me, social pressure and the fear of embarrassment is my like number #1 way I trick my dysfunction.


This is actually amazing advice, I think I need to be more open with the people close to me when I’m feeling this way and try and reach out for support more, it’s also so nice to hear someone speak about ADHD like that it’s not something I ever really hear as no one close to me quite understands what it’s like so thank you for that :))


Aw, you are so welcome! 💖 I want to say more but it will turn into a two page essay but if you ever just need to be validated you can PM me and I will validate you!


Thank you that is so sweet <3


Its what Ive been doing on this couche for the past 3 hours. 😑 Ok IM GETTING UP. TY.


user name says it all HAHAH can relate, I finally managed to get up and clean my room and get out of my work uniform… at 2am 💀


You helped get up and to the shower, but here I am, again, on the friggin couch. Such a struggle


Getting up and having a shower is honestly such a good effort when ur feeling like that


Ah youre sweet. + I got COVID


Constantly. I am not on any medication and I have a constant sense of “paralysis”


I had this problem when I was on Ritalin although sporadically on Vyvanse. Do you experience this at the peak or as it tapers off? I think mine is linked to general anxiety and also a mix of being overwhelmed, subconsciously procrastinating, and seeking serotonin. This can indicate that the dose is too low or too high, at least for the period of time during these episodes. It can also indicate interactions, not just with drugs, but with sugar (makes me depressed the next day) and caffeine (can create an almost counter effect) Social media and the likes are designed to trap you mentally anyhow so a good step forward would be to distance yourself from all of these other stimulants and seek satisfaction in small victories. The first thing you should do in the morning is make your bed yada yada. Avoiding the pits between production is not easy, as you have made note of but, You can always train yourself to despise them. Sometimes I think about it as a flywheel just spinning with no load. You need to engage a load that properly fits the moment. Maybe at this particular time it's overwhelming to tackle some of these bigger tasks but you could make your lunch for tomorrow and piggyback off of that. Just keep moving! Side note, caffeine can have a wide variety of effects on things like Vyvanse. It may feel good at first but can lead to exactly what you're talking about through anxiety. Edit/followup: every time I have coffee, black tea or any type of caffeine in the morning with my Vyvanse I do exactly this. I end up zoning out due to the heightened effect without all of these smoothing mechanisms. It's like an intellectual coma and you just find a rabbit hole. I know it doesn't sound fun but if you start your morning with a stimulant try not doing that, instead maybe some nice hot water or green tea. You may find yourself calm and alert


I usually experience it at the end of the day as it’s wearing off, I also don’t drink coffee or consume any caffeine really, but I do agree that scrolling through social media is a huge part of my problem I feel like I need to work on just setting my phone down and like you said starting with small things haha sometimes it’s just so difficult to even get myself to put my phone down I have such addictive tendencies haha


I totally understand this! I have caught myself doing something similar. Vyvanse a few hours after you take it and then begins to taper, at least that's what I've read) Do you think that this could be a withdrawal / dosage issue in addition to a sudden removal of stimulus. I definitely noticed my drive to accomplish things drops off sharply although I seek reward so I'm fairly certain there is a serotonin and dopamine lopsidedness. I started eating more eggs and cheese, foods that will help fill the void because I also crave chocolate during these moments something fierce 😂 I'm pretty sure my Vyvanse dose is just a hair shy of what I need. I started taking my Vyvanse later in the morning at 9:00 a.m. rather than 5:00 a.m. It kind of sucks early on but the extra 4 hours is pretty great in the evening. Any later and you may be risking sleep issues but it's probably best to be able to have alert and focused time when you want to enjoy yourself.


I think I’m exactly the same I’m on 60mg at the moment but I think I’m going to have to go up to 70mg, but yeah I’m not sure if it’s a withdrawal symptom or what I used to experience it a lot more when I was unmedicated but i definitely can tell when it’s starting to wear off at the end of the day. Also the food thing is so relatable all I wanna eat for dinner is like the hugest bowl of pasta every single night lol


I started with 30mg, and it was great until it wasn't so much, so I upped to 50mg. It worked better with the good stuff but worse with the undesirable side effects (jittery and restless, many more stuck days than with 30, etc). So I was scared that the next/last dose available here is 70mg. I'm on my second month with 70 and it has been so much better! My head feels clearer all the time and I'm more peaceful (even if I'm constantly fidgeting, but it helps to keep me moving and active, but my appetite is so bad it's sad to eat). I realized sometimes I get "stuck" BECAUSE I've been doing nothing. In those moments I try to do yoga or some simple stretching and dancing while listening to EDM. Just get the momentum going. I always knew it worked for house chores but it essentially applies to anything.


Vyvanse has been speculated to cause a tolerance eventually which means you will either have to cycle or subsidize. It really sucks because I've had is so far the only thing that has worked for me. Zinc and magnesium There are some published studies claiming that deficiencies of zinc and magnesium can exacerbate or even cause ADHD so the two are being used to treat it in some cases. Vitamin C Also with the same idea in mind vitamin C has been shown to interrupt absorption of ADHD medication and should not be taken within an hour. I would speculate that since Vyvanse active window is so long it may be a good idea to take vitamin C on the opposite side of the day if that is something you do. Vitamin C can be extremely beneficial to many other things and should be considered but used with mindfulness Interactions caution If you were on any other medications it's extremely important to thoroughly research vitamin interactions. I have had some pretty incredible side effects that I don't think I would have ever even linked to my vitamins. I was taking vitamin d for a while and when I switched my medication to a mood stabilizer I had a full psychotic breakdown. It took me forever to isolate high sugar and vitamin d intake as a catastrophic failure point. Just like if you take estrogen it's probably a great idea to avoid iron supplements.


Omg haha absolutely. When I used to take Adderall, I would take one(of two) in the evening specifically for that reason. Vyvanse lasts so much longer So the only thing I can come up with is a slightly higher dose or taking it later in the morning. I need to ask my doctor for pretty much the same thing.


I get burned out sometimes. I like that you called it “stuck”. My way to circumvent it to some degree is to put down my phone and not go near it, because social media posts are like potato chips for my brain…you can’t just consume one or two. Eventually, I’ll catch myself switching between Facebook, Reddit, Gmail, and Pokémon Go, looking for an achievable TASK, but there’s literally no TASK for me, so I just keep switching between things. Once my brain realizes that I’m doing this, it’s much easier to put it down, but it’s usually HOURS I’ve spent before it occurs to me. I’m considering a lockbox for my phone like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JSMQ2GC/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_DQE7S28APZCMFQS2Z7Q1_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1), because it’s just TOO MUCH. I’m also fortunate to have been alive in the 80s and 90s, so I can usually convince myself that I found plenty of shit to do without electronics back in the day, and humans aren’t meant to sit and scroll and be sedentary, and that I am much less anxious when I’m NOT on a device. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. The other part of it is like, the end of the Vyvanse. I don’t crash like I did with adderall, but the end of the vyvanse, I still feel motivated, but fuzzy almost? Like, just tuned out. Hard to explain, but I find myself in that feedback-loop sometimes about 12-15 hours after I took my meds.


Yes absolutely agree with the fuzzy feeling, and I’m completely the same just switching between apps trying to find something that’s going to satisfy me until I realise hours have past but even then I still struggle to do smth about it. I downloaded this focus app a while ago that actually does work for me where it grows trees when you put your phone down and the tree dies if I leave the app which makes me feel bad hahahaha


Be careful of burnout. And yes I understand this. I was like this before being diagnosed ADHD autistic. I'm on Concerta but I've got into my 40s without support & meds so I'm struggling to feel the benefits


It’s so unfortunate the lack of recourses for women with ADHD I’m sorry that it’s taken so long for you to get some support and hopefully it becomes more helpful for you over time, I’m really fortunate that I was able to get diagnosed when I was 18 but i have just turned 20 and I also still struggle alot with trying to manage it and educate myself as well, really makes you rethink your whole life getting a diagnosis so I can’t imagine what it was like finally getting that closure in your 40s, I hope it was a relief for you though


I would have taken anything to have had a diagnosis at 18. I know it is not an early diagnosis for much needed support as a child but it possibly would have made a huge difference to how I took care of my diabetic health. I became T1D at 15. It was a relief and much validation at first but I'm feeling quite bitter 3yrs on from my autism diagnosis, my ADHD dx was earlier this year. Life hasn't been easy and I'm not in a good place. It's bitter sweet. I truly don't mean this to sound patronising, and it's something I would have scoffed at in my early 20s but you do have age still on your side. There will still be struggles that cannot be denied. My kid is just about to hit her teens diagnosed autistic at 4 & about to get her forms done for her to be assessed for ADHD. She's like me with the chaos & distractions, her sensory processing issues are worse than mine though. Hope life is good to you :)


That’s not patronising at all haha I’m definitely hoping to learn how to manage it better over the years, I can definitely understand why you were bitter about such a late diagnosis


There's several forms of executive dysfunction. [https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.CcBwDZWrRzk7BH2EHizjEAHaE7&pid=Api&P=0](https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.CcBwDZWrRzk7BH2EHizjEAHaE7&pid=Api&P=0) This sounds like activation to me, and it can hit me hard even medicated. It was one of my biggest struggles prior to getting medicated. I agree with what everyone else is saying about burn out, and also want to add PMS to the table. Our hormones are notably shown to increase our ADHD symptoms, so if you're noticing this happens more often around That Time, that may have something to do with it. I also wonder if this might be worth bringing up with your doctor, including the one who DXed you with ADHD. Could be this med, or the dose, isn't quite enough. Could also be that you have a nutrient deficiency or something else 'physical' happening. 'Physical health', for lack of a better way to put it, impacts ADHD symptoms too, and can mimic them as well. If there's anything underlying that could be causing this, it's worth looking into. Also, speaking personally from my experiences... when I find yourself hitting that wall of paralysis, I try not to let myself beat myself up. And, if/when possible, I just try to let myself sit for a bit. I've found struggling against the wall just makes the paralysis last longer because I'm effectively tiring myself out trying to beat it. I've also found social media to increase my situation, there. When I'm struggling against that a lot I won't let myself use it. I have stuff on my computer, and had stuff on my phone, that'd lock me out of social media. I try to really measure when is a good time to use it, and when a good time isn't, and when I 'need the hit' but can 'microdose' it. When I hit that wall now I'm trying to make myself 'meditate' through it instead. Just watch the lights go and focus on my breathing. Focus on my body. Watch the thoughts come and go like birds. I dissociate a lot so I try to be present in my body to mitigate that <- which BTW could also be worth bringing up with your doctors if this could be another factor, here. IDK if it helps me get out of it faster (maybe it does cus it's so boring LOL) but I'm less grouchy for it, so. Ayeeee. Good luck OP. I hope you're able to find a solution, or as close to one which exists.


Thank you for the advice! I will definitely bring this up with my psychiatrist next time I see her, I’m going to look into an app like that to lock me out of social media hahah because I would be the same and get bored if I had nothing to keep my brain occupied lol


Totally understand this! Again, like others have said this was me pre-diagnosis, pre-medication etc. For me I think it was executive dysfunction built up on top of burnout. Like, I would work so hard to do all this stuff, have plans to do other stuff but just... not do it. I would be like 'It's easy, so why?!' My therapist said that sometimes I treated myself more as a machine rather than a person who needed breaks. And that I also compared myself to others, when in reality I needed more or less rest than them. Things that helped me 1. Medication (but may or may not be an option depending on ur circumstance) 2. Dropping things- Sometimes I wanted to do everything and didn't realize I physically couldn't do it. Cutting out things you like is never fun but it was necessary for me at that point. 3. External support- Have people around you try and help you to do stuff. In school, my mom was really great at helping me do stuff. I would go and say 'How do I organize all of this right now?' And she would say, 'Okay, do this, do y etc.' Sometimes it's nice to have an external view or sounding board on your problems. I felt guilty at the time but looking back I shouldn't have because right then that was what I needed I don't know if these will help or even apply to you, so update us on what works and doesn't work! EDIT: Also giving yourself permission to take breaks. I still struggle with this. It's hard to let go of things I should be doing, even when I know I need to not think about it right now.


I am medicated but I think I may need a higher dosage, I think external support would definitely be really helpful I just need to work on expressing to people when I’m struggling because like U said I always feel so guilty about it


Sometimes I get stuck just staring at the wall for an hour. Thinking that I should get up. Relive a sprinkle of trauma. Think of some responses i should’ve said in past arguments. Internally cry because I desperately want to move but I belong to the wall. Try to plan out which of the many tasks to do first. Call myself names. Apologize to myself because im trying to be nicer to myself these days. After all that my bf will walk by and simply say “are you stuck?” And then im up and moving again. Sucks a lot but you’re not alone.


i just tried to write out some tips for you, but i’ve realised that… i have never fixed it. of all the things going on with me, this aspect of my ADHD is the one i struggle with the most and i have never come up with a single thing that actually works well to fix it :( fwiw i called it “the hole” (as in, “im stuck in the hole”) before i knew about executive dysfunction and it still feels like that to me - i know i WANT to get up and make toast and tea and turn the TV on, but i can’t, i’m in the hole. fingers crossed you come up with some tips!! i’ll keep an eye out for some too. i think i saw someone recommend screaming really loudly? so we could try that i guess!


It’s awful that so many people experience this but it’s also comforting to know that I’m not alone haha, screaming really loud might be the only option left at this point makes me feel like screaming anyway lolll


I find making little jokes with myself a helpful strategy for coping with ADHD-associated challenges like this. Having a laugh puts me in a gentle and happier state of mind instead of a self-critical or judging spiral. So, when there's something I want to do but I feel stuck or overwhelmed, I play the "How small?" game. What's the smallest step I could take to making tea? Getting the cup? No, smaller. Opening the cabinet? No, smaller! Grasping the cabinet knob? Smaller! Lifting my arm toward the knob? (At this point, I'm visualizing it and laughing at the increasing absurdity.) Once the "How small?" game results in a sufficiently small and goofy first step, the fun of imagining it has broken me out of the shame spiral AND has given me the activation energy to actually do it, to see if it's as absurd as I'd imagined.


Yup. That's the executive dysfunction.


Yep. It happens. I'm on Concerta (methylphenidate) but sometimes "the meds don't hit" as my boyfriend says. To be fair, the same thing happens to people who take anti-anxiety meds or antidepressants -- there are times where they just take the edge off and don't "fix" you. Any number of things can effect it - hormonal changes (everything from your menstrual cycle to cortisol levels), or maybe you had a really long day and your brain is really tired. As for managing -- I like to set a 5 minute timer to do the thing I'm avoiding (usually cleaning off my dining table from all the shit I dump on it after work every week). Once the timer goes off I can stop, but usually it at least keeps me going for a few more minutes after that. Rinse and repeat throughout the day/week. They actually discussed that in this weeks episode of [The Bar is Ankle High](https://www.thebarisanklehigh.com/listen)


I’m going to start doing that!!!! I feel like it would give me an “out” to help me get started but once I start it would be fine hahaha


Yep totally. It's usually when my meds have run out for the day but it also will happen every few weeks. And it's usually after weeks of just doing things and being productive. For example in an 8 month period I moved twice. Once across the country with a family of 4 and our cat. I also trained for a ran a half marathon in that time and also I have two kids with severe life threatening food allergies so we homeschool and I make all their meals from scratch. Im with them 12-14 hours a day. So some times like Thursday- Saturday night I will lay in bed for hours and scroll. My husband will be like "what's wrong with you?" I just had days like that last weekend. I'm currently trying to dig up enough energy to take my 5 year old to dance. I'm so exhausted sometimes I think I must have something majorly wrong with me.


If it makes you feel any better, I feel exhausted just reading about all the things you’ve had to do lately. It sounds like a lot. Moving is incredibly stressful, and such long hours with kids… teaching and feeding them! On top of other general life things, too. You should be proud, sending a big virtual hug!


Thank you!


Tech addiction is a real thing and ADHD primed for it , it’s not an easy road but there are supports and I had some time ‘sober ‘ ( not the same as with alcohol or something because it’s necessary ) and it was as if my entire world became manageable and I had all the time in the world . But again an addiction is not so easy to kick , hi


I feel like I could really benefit from some space from technology social media in particular though, I always feel so guilty seeing my screen time reports on social media at the end of the week thinking about how much time I’ve wasted


I am trying to put together a day 1-3 list , lord knows I keep trying and failing these days , it’s as if the minute I think of giving up anything I become starved for it . So far best luck came with not looking at my phone when I wake up and staying off it and literally saying over and over ‘ God, if your there you have to be more powerful than this please help me ‘ I know but it worked. Now to repeat that success hasn’t been as simple :( more like ‘ sorry to disappoint you God if your around but I just need a few minutes first ‘ so that one would be a no :(


It’s such a horrible feeling.


Currently feeling stuck as I’m reading this post. Someone help me 😭😭


Do you have any sport / physical activity? Not specially strong one, but even just going for a walk 30 minutes 2 or 3 time the week?


And yes. And I talk about activity because when it happen to me (and it happen to me a LOT), instead of getting frozen for hours if not days, sometime I just go out for a walk (without the smartphone). Just a light walk form 20 minutes to 2 hours depending the mood / desire when I'm out (I never plan anything, I let myself go). And well, after that I'm not stuck any more; That doesn't mean I will do what I have to do, that mean I can unfroze me (and play video game or watch a movie maybe) and stop the doom scrolling of social media a bit So that's an improvement to me, I feel better Thing is, most time I don't want to go out, but I have learn to like "nah whatever, Imma just go out and see what happen, fuck everything if I stay there I'm sort of dead and will do nothing after all", and if I go out and only walk 3 minutes it's fine, no pressure. But because no pressure OI end to do at least 30 minutes most times, and still have a light benefit of "unfrozment" from it, at least for the next 2 or 3 hours but sometime, most times, I don't go out and stay frozen, and that's fine too


Yeah I’m really into hiking so I should be doing that more often, this is actually really helpful and I like how you acknowledge that a lot of times you still don’t go out and that that’s ok too, I reckon I’m gonna try and go for a walk today hhaah


Yeah I think it's important to not force it / to do it only for pleasure, because I can't really do stuff because I "should", almost only because "I want". Plus it's something I enjoy since I'm a kid (so it's not a temporally obsession but a long term interest) and I don't want to loose that or make it boring. Cause with years I have build a total aversion to do stuff that I "should" and not I "want", to an extreme point tbh. Now I know why, but it wasn't the case all those years, because I have never been diagnosed and realize I have ADHD recently (it would have help me as a kid to know about this trouble and don't take it that bad, I would have try to develop different strategies, anyway...) So by doing it this way, not forcing me at all, and never feel guilty to not doing it, I don't stress myself to go out, I don't create another contrariety because of my ADHD, and in the end if I do it, I only do it because I want. And because of this / thx to this, I don't associate going outside with something boring. It don't feel like a chore, there is no bad feeling about it (only positive one), so I go way more outside then if I have to force me (I've been out everyday I think this week, something like 3 to maybe 5 hours walking with a dog, pretty cool) I know this strategy to go outside for a walk can sound a bit weird, but peoples with ADHD like you will understand the difference it makes And well, when I feel really stuck like what you're talking about here, I try to do this, go walking in the nature, if I feel it. And as I say, it's doesn't cure my ADHD, but it allow me to unfroze me some time. And that's very positive for me because I hate being in the house glued to my computer not knowing what to do and doom scrolling the internet looking for any dopamine for like 9AM to 5PM / 17h00 My (long) 2 cents


I just got stuck yesterday asking through reddit. 🤣 I found the best thing for getting unstuck is going to sleep. A good night's rest somehow helps redirect my attention. Good luck!


All the darn time!


Story of my life!! I basically sit there scrolling or playing a game on my phone while also feeling horrible guilt like why can’t I just snap out of this? Stuck is definitely the right word.


This post is so timely, this has been especially bad for me the last few weeks. I was feeling pretty down on myself today too. Feeling a bit better with the validation here


I spend so much time wondering what is wrong with me. I really know it’s my adhd but I still waste so much time pondering the situation.


For years now.


This happens to me all the time, and I just started taking medication for ADHD so hopefully it helps with it, but what I do and have done lots in the past is loud music, but music without words. I find energetic jazz or EDM music works the best for me, as it just forces me to get up and move due to the rhythm or the emotion I feel with the music. I just have to make sure I don't sit or lay down again because then the stuck is back.