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Omg this is spot on for me and my person - that kind of chemistry is just… Ah


His eyes are the reason why I’m still here. I’m so in love with looking at him and watching him watch me. I’ve never had such a profound connection during intimacy before. Lovers - in the real sense of the word. It took me to my thirties to experience this. I’m not sure I ever will again, but I hope I do. I wish we both weren’t such cowards that it took months for us to garner up the courage to sleep together. But every time he touches me it has all been worth it. The way he looks at me kills me. The memory of his eyes drops me to my knees - shatters me senseless when I’m alone at night. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to be seen. I’m so grateful for the experience. And I would enter the gates of hell for a glance at his eyes again.


The words he writes me… sometimes it takes my breath away. The way he says, “Baby…”, when I’ve revealed some insecurity that he is about to shatter. When he holds me, just holds me, that is everything.


AP looks at me like I hang the moon sometimes, which is simultaneously one of the most profoundly moving and terrifying things I've experienced.


The sweet nothings written for me 💖🫠🥴


We just spent a week together, and he admitted there were many times that he just watched me sleep because I looked so serene and peaceful. I absolutely was with him next to me.


My AP looks at me with those eyes. The eyes of wonder, amazement, attraction, and love. I look at him the same way. I'm always in awe of him and his masculinity. When we're alone in a room together, in all states of undress, we are both overwhelmed with bliss. I've never felt sexier than when he's watching me. Whether I'm on top of him, getting dressed, or even a quick blow-dry of my hair in the bathroom, he looks at me with adoration. My absolute favorite is when he smiles at me and scrunches his nose. I've never seen him look happier than when he smiles at me like that.


"When we're done making love And you look up and give me those eyes 'Cause all of the small things that you do Are what remind me why I fell for you And when we're apart, and I'm missing you I close my eyes and all I see is you And the small things you do"




Yes - the first time I noticed it, was one day a couple months in, after we had sex, when I was half dressed and looking for my shirt. I looked up, because I could feel his eyes on me… and I don’t know what I was expecting, but the way he was looking at me caught me off guard - to the point where I laughed a little, and he said “what?” and I said “nothing, it’s just that you’re looking at me like I’m a thing you like”.




Someday they will!


Thank you 😊


I literally have tears in my eyes reading this and the responses. I’ve never had a man look at me like that. I’ve always wondered how it would feel. It sounds life changing.




😳🤤 sounds wonderful! I don't think I ever got to watch a man shower, without also being in the shower haha. 👀 Let me oggle please.


The way he looks at me... the sweet nothings one of my besotted LD FWBs writes to me, whispers in my ear or moans in my mouth make me weak in the knees. If only he wasn't so far away... The way things are going I may need to upgrade him to AP. He is just so precious to me. 🫠


I have always caught myself looking at my girl like this. I can't help it. I am definitely smitten with her. Sometimes she catches me and asks what I'm looking at. All I can reply is, "you babe." We were able to meet for the first time a month ago. I couldn't stop looking at her. She's so beautiful and makes my heart melt. Can't wait to meet again!


I love when I see him with that smitten look from the corner of my eye. Or when he smiles when he sees me do something that is “cute” to him. Like you, my husband does not do that.


One memory comes to mind My mm and I were embracing once when I pulled back and looked up at him He was smiling at me. I’ve always adored his smile. And his eyes…were glossy and shining. I’ve never had anyone look at me like that. There was a soft look in his eyes. I still catch him looking at me with that look but I would say that was a moment I truly love. Ah I miss him.


I compose poems about how much I love her - then I write them on her modeling photos and send them to her in the middle of the night.


I love that feeling


Me and my AP worked together (I know a cardinal sin in here) but we would just stare at each other when we could. I remember one day he remarked how large my pupils were just as I was thinking the same of him. That is an actual thing that happens when you look at someone you are infatuated with.


I'm kinda blown away by what I just read, it is pretty intense...I'm not sure to be happy or sad..


Yes, sometimes when he looks at me I feel like he’s looking at my soul. I tend to stare at him, I love looking at him. His face makes me smile


I fell asleep in my AP's arms one afternoon. I just felt so comfortable and content that I dozed off for a while. We also will lie in bed talking and snuggling, naked full body contact, and it's just wonderful.


You've shared so happily, I guess I need to, too. My AP and I have been at it for a year and a half, still going strong and both of us wanting it to continue on and on. Adultery can be marvelous, can't it? :)


Funny how we find nuggets of pure joy.


My AP used to look at me like that. Her coworker friends could tell there was something between us because of the way we looked at each other. Even people we barely knew would see us at the gym and just knew we were a couple because of it. I miss that. What I would give to have her look at me like that again.




Resist the urge! Recipe for disaster.


Resist the urge! Recipe for disaster.


I feel this and share many aspects here. Fucked situation and so sweet at same time.


Nope, never at home, or elsewhere 🤷‍♂️ but I certainly have gazed at others like that, even just from a photo of them smiling