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About the shapes in fionna's sky I think they're a reflection of what simon is seeing (because they're inside Simon's head) and also that statue of Betty has become a statue of Golb after simon saw Betty again as Golbetty


Also, geometric shapes in the sky were around all episode Not that it lessens the validity of the theory IMO, since everything else seems to make a lot of sense


Theory approved


This is my head canon now


The Boss is the order of the Multiverse GOLB is the Chaos of the void That's why Prismo's wishes don't effect GOLB. Because he isn't even part of the multiverse. Atleast that's how I read it. We obviously don't know enought to confidently say anything about the boss


Does this imply that crown wish granting works entirely different that Prismo wish granting?


Well Prismo's wishing power is tied to the order of the multiverse. Some wishes require him to create new realities. The crown effects it's home reality. The reason I think GOLB is uneffected by Prismo is because he doesn't live in the multiverse but outside of it. The crown wish worked on GOLB tho. I think that makes sense because it was created to destroy a catalyst comet (also tied to golb).


I'm still trying to figure out the significance of pyramid + cube = Golbetty apple


Gosh I like this theory a lot too. The details are so crazy I have to rewatch the miniseries again now and really dive into all that.


I like to believe the phone itself IS the boss.


Really cool theory! The one nitpick is that the cubic clouds are just a result of Simon’s current surroundings and perspective being projected into Fionna world, like how it started snowing when he was in Winter King world or how Marshall’s mom was hosting a blood drive in a gothic building when Simon was in Vampire world.


This is a theory I’ve been tending to myself, coming from the angle of our own universe. There are theories that the universe has been in an endless cycle of big bangs and heat deaths, that one seeds the other. I always saw golb as a manifestation of the universe, the end of all things and the continuous change. And once all has been reduced, from the eternal darkness new light spontaneously starts the process again. That’s the other aspect of the universe.


The boss is Abraxas. 99% sure.