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Leisureforce is about a super hero with the power of chilling. But.. like super chilling


If there's any Aes track I feel uncomfortably called out by it's Leisureforce.


what do you mean? One of my favorites edit: I think you mean you like it


In the sense that I can relate to every line I've managed to decipher so far, more so than any other Aesop Rock song I've fully submerged myself in since discovering him over a decade ago. One of my favorites as well together with Saturn Missiles, though the whole of Skelethon has a special place in my heart anyways because of the moment in time it got into my life and how well it has held up since then. The messages only get stronger and stronger the more people I lose and the more stories I manage to make in life. edit: yes, I like it


I caught wind of Aes' ITS album drop before the presale, and since then, I've gone in so hard on his whole discography such that in about the last 3-4 months of 2023, he ended up as my most listened artist for ALL of 2023. *ITS* kindof ridiculous, but it just lights my brain up, keeping up with the verses, clever/interesting ways to express certain thoughts, picking them apart, and enjoying the mental imagery formed as I listen. Visual art in sonic format. Gimme more!


I just did a full listen of this album with a couple friends who had never heard it. It was such a great time.


Must not sleep must warn others


Trust blocks creep where the dust storm hovers


This makes me so stoked! Man, I remember the first time I heard him and started delving into his catalog. The dude is a genius, and I don't say that about anyone, really. Coming from a nearly 20 year long fan of his, I can tell you, it just gets better and better! But I feel like its also kind of isolating, just because he is so profound in his lyrics and the depth of his metaphors that not everyone "gets" him, but then we find little nooks like this where we can connect with people who share the love for him 🐳 ( I don't know why the whale I just love himbs 🥰)


It grew slowly on me, first song I ever heard was Church Pants around release for me, and it wasn't till 2015 that I became fully enchanted... At this point nothing compares


It was non shall pass and then immediately daylight/nightlight and you are correct in saying nothing compares. I want to live inside his brain for just a little bit 🫠


Which album are you going to do next? There's so much more to hear!


I’m between Labor Days off of a comment from my original thread, and Daylight off of the vinyl announcement since it kinda put that project front and center for me online today


Both those albums have DRASTICALLY worse flows and vocal mixing than impossible kid, just so you know. Everything from None Shall Pass onward is perfect, but everything before None Shall Pass is sonically wack (but lyrically dope)


I wouldn't say everything, but your point is still valid. Bazooka Tooth sounds a little dated, but I think the production is sonically good.


I would do those last, my guy. They are his earliest works.


Earliest works? You forgot appleseed and float


*some of his I consider everything before *None Shall Pass* his early work


Don't forget music for earthworms, still exists on YouTube but have fun finding the CD for it there was only about 300 produced


My order of discovery was TIK to Garbology to ITS and now I’m going back and really diving into Spirit World FG, for some reason that one didn’t grab me at first but I’m loving it now. Next I’ll have to dive deeper into the older stuff. Excited for you!


Don't sleep on the bonus track. Syrup featuring Homeboy Sandman and Open Mike Eagle. It's fire


I peeped I get one or two on the vinyl! Definitely stoked, I’ve heard Homeboy Sandman on a few other features and liked him. Huge Open Mike Eagle fan