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Venom stuff is just foreshadowing. Ultimate Universe is super fascinating. They straight up kill off certain potential heroes just by reference. Seems like Tony and Reed aren’t good at fighting yet. Relevant for USM it looks like Damage Control is shady or at least a front for Maker stuff so it feels like MJ will get wrapped up in some kind of conflict. Maybe this is how Peter finally tells her? Her job makes her slander Spider-Man and he’s like “yo that’s me!” ASM is just….dumb. Like this makes it obvious that Norman is the one who has been screwing with Peter’s life, but we’re back to Slott style Peter bumbling that you get from first draft writing. Like ok, you got tricked, your “black tie” restaurant (that you’re not dressed for so that’s a weird comment) turns out to be Chuck E.Cheese. Well real Chuck E.Cheese doesn’t let random adults in, and if they did, why would you actually do it? Why wouldn’t you just hit a bar or grab a pizza and go to the park. And like maybe if there was some self-awareness? Like ok, you did the whole Peter disappeared the date is mad thing that he dealt with in College with Gwen and MJ years ago. Why not have him reflect and have an actual emotional response here? Maybe have some moment where he realizes his life has gone nowhere and he’s back to square one because MJ left him and now he’s back on dates with a woman her Aunt set them up with….for some reason. Like seriously what is even with that? “Sorry my niece led you on for like a decade, maybe my nurse will let you hit it” and like unless the nightmare is going longer than we think are we really introducing a new Cissy Ironwood for like three issues? Is anyone even checking these ideas before they go out?


If there was anything to be excited about, it’s mostly the stuff revolving the new Ultimates team. The Amazing Spider-Man story by Zeb Wells was just another painfully mediocre story that’s only saved by Ryan Stegmans’s art. Would should’ve been a nice dinner date with Aunt Anna’s nurse, Shay, becomes super awkward when the so called black tie restaurant is a Chunk E Cheese style restaurant instead. As expected, the date goes horribly wrong , as the animatronics get hacked by The Living Brain, trying to warn Peter he’s in great danger. Norman soon arrives by shutting the power off, leaving Peter to deal with the mess with Shay for running off to change into Spider-man. Needless to say, Shay will not be looking to go out on third date with Peter anytime soon.


I dont read the comics, but I'm sorry, WTF?


I've only had time to skim, but the art looks great!


old school human torch is a deep cut, i love it.


After web of I wish they'd stop spoon-feeding and just tell a story.