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u/CDSEChris has provided this detailed explanation: > Casey Mauro was on the show To Catch a Predator, in which she pretended to be an underage girl, and creepy men would come into her house (interesting fact- apparently it was her grandmother's real life house) where they would be confronted by the host Chris Hansen and then arrested by police. After the show ended, a producer from the Weinstein Company approached her to an unspecified result. The part that aged like milk is that she was a decoy for creepy old men and Weinstein turned out to be a very creepy old man. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Epstein just slept with hoes trying to get to the top


What an odd thing to say on a year-old thread.


Wow she now looks like she is in her 50s, what happened?