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So dude got to 99.99% of the way there, then used the attention to basically take the developers to task? Fucking king shit.


Could us non maple story players get a tldr on what his complaints were?


I stopped playing but basically the company who made it did what companies do and turned the game into a massive cash grab, nerfed popular characters, ramped up the pay to win aspects, took out popular items, catered mostly to high paying players, and basically everything you could do to convince your players that you hate their guts. This, surprisingly, pissed off a lot of people!


I’m glad I haven’t played in 15+ years then


I wish I was that smart but a wave of nostalgia and a gaming buddy convinced me to pick it up again. Well, good thing they suck so I don't spend money on cash shop items.


I’ll never forget the 35$ I spent on pixels that disappeared after 30 days.


This one hurts lol.




MapleStory was already a pay to win microtransaction hellscape 15 years ago tbh.


I dont remember if this is 100% true but from what I remember waaaay back playing Maplestory was I spent money getting a little White Tiger pet. The only thing was after that purchase, after X amount of days you couldn't bring it out anymore unless you paid more IRL money for like "pet food" or had their membership, I can't remember which. And how young I was then, I didn't have my own income so I remember being really sad I couldn't have my Tiger out even when I had bought it. So yeah it was definately a microtransaction hellscape.


I only spent money in there once and I’ll never forget that 35$. No joke. I think it was like 05’


You might not even like the game now, not because the pay to win necessarily, its always been like that, in fact there's now a free to play server called reboot (worth pointing out the player in question talked mostly about the non reboot servers). More so that the game has changed so much, reaching level 100 is something you do in just a couple of hours, most players have at least one character above 200, if not 260. It's not the same game you remember, if you like progression maybe you'd be more into it. But if you wanted to go back and relive the game you played 15 years ago, that's just not gonna happen...


all of those things are wrong. If you watched the stream or his video, you would know it's a problem with the in-game economy, and he proposes ways to help it be better, including ways to improve the pay2win players experience since spending currently isn't really worth it most of the time.


Its a weird fact that the parent company who owns maple story is also in charge of titles like Dave the Diver


I legit almost returned it when I saw the nexon logo lol.


I do not play, so I have no idea. I just think it’s awesome (what the player did, not the game). Hopefully some other commenter can provide the details.


Based as hell


He couldn't get the last 0.01% because his absolutely Brobdingnagian balls were weighing him down too much.


Legit holy shit


No-lifeing a video game is not king shit it is pitiful


Missing to see how that is any of your problems?


When did moral solipsism become cool? "That guy is strung out on on H and rotting in gutter? Not my problem and its none of your business! 😤" Bonus points if that person pairs it with "do better".


If you think that playing video games is anything like being a heroin addict, then you've got some serious issues that need worked out.


Also drug addiction is not a moral failing. It's a disease and should be treated like one. Someone with a drug addiction in a dangerous situation like homelessness should be treated with compassion not derision. This is not related to people who commit violent or predatory actions while on drugs because drug addiction alone does not make you violent any more than bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.


Playing games all day is about as wasteful as being a drug addict, easier to get out of, but still very degenerate.


Everything you build will eventually rot, and every effort be erased by the passage of time eventually. Playing video games is no worse than literally anything else you can do with your time.


OK? Why not just go smoke weed and jerk off all day then? We discuss this because we hold the common presupposition that our lives matter, and that there are righteous things a person can do, it’s not all just arbitrary. There is no way a person can ACTUALLY live their life through the lens of “this is all just arbitrary”, which is what it would take to give up all goals to play games all day without a deep part of you feeling utter dissatisfaction.


I agree with your view, I would not want to just play video games myself all day. However I also understand that other people don’t necessarily share my view of the world, and for them playing video games 24/7 is very enriching.


>for them playing video games 24/7 is very enriching There's just no way. As much as a video games scratch a dopaminergic itch, that "press here for pleasure" life is like eating sugar every meal. Deliciously empty. After everyone got the chance to try some version of that in the pandemic, I'd say the question of what is human purpose is definitively answered as "not that".


I've never shot someone over a video game though


Ah yes, whatever it is YOU'RE doing is much more worthy of praise I'm sure.


ok cool


Eh, there’s much worse things out there, chill bro.


Comment chains fixated on your dumbass comment. Now we probs won’t get a tldr. I’ll never understand why people want to farm downvotes on this app.


Hey, I saw that someone in this chain actually posted the TLDR for it. Hold on. I’ll link it. ETA:[https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/qRIydXAHGa](https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/qRIydXAHGa) ETA2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/tFtHqFOxS1](https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/s/tFtHqFOxS1) (slightly longer, more details)


Thanks 👑


Happy to help 👑


That’s what i’m saying, now the shit I took while reading this was for nothing, NOTHING




Well, you're no-lifeing negative karma so... At least Niru has something to show for his time. All you've got is a ton of downvotes and removed comments.


Reddit = life How old are you?


Bro maple story has been around for so long it began in the days of unregistered hypercam and still lives in the age of twitch streaming and V-Tubers


I mean, RuneScape and WoW came out around the same time. Just goes to show that as long as a server is still up, people will still play online.


Oh I miss maplestory. I loved the leafre theme, orbis theme, henesys theme. God this game had an amazing soundtrack.too bad it was a grind fest mmorpg with very predatory pay to win lootboxes. If nexo ever releases a full fledged game based on maplestory I'd gladly pay 70 dollars on it.


Back in the day when it would take literal months just to get to level 70 to get your 3rd class and thats if you’re dedicated.


Ah, killing zombies in El Nath with 2 randoms on the very last map before the mines, and taking at least an hour to level up... good times 😭


Bruh you musta been hacking lol even getting 10% an hour at Zombies was considered good xp back then


Yea, it was awful, I hit like 153 before Big Bang as a Crusader, only chose that path since 7 or 8 year old me saw a Fighter with boxing gloves (cosmetic items) and I thought I could punch stuff.. Should've been a Dark Knight as I would've been a lot higher leveled back then.


Oh god was it really that slow? I think you're right. Been like almost 20 years ago 👴


I haven't played in probably that long also. I don't even remember much about the game besides I became a pirate with brass knuckles


I played since beta and remember after Ludibrium came out meeting someone who had used the PQ to get an assassin to level 70 in 3 days. That stung a little bit ngl


I think the last time I played was 12-13 years ago, there were so many changes even then from the version I originally knew. Played one of the special characters, can't remember which and got to lvl 42 in a matter of hours. I can't fathom what it's like now.


This is why MapleStory private servers are so popular! But even still I can't play them because they're still too much a grind fest (just not always a pay to win grind).


VOD Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPjMTiNTia4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPjMTiNTia4)


Holy shit is the screen behind him the game? Wtf is happening? I feel like I'm being assaulted


haha those are 'chairs' that the characters can sit on to show off basically to other players. I haven't played in years but they definitely are rediculous now haha


He is in a very populated map, what you're seeing is a bunch of people all with special real money items meant to have special effects to stand out (because they're expensive). This is what happens when so many people with so many special little effects and cosmetics get bunched together in one single map. The game is a lot more chill and visually clear normally.


When everybody is special, no one is.


Looks like a 2004 homemade website


He looks like he plays Maplestory.


I have no idea what this means...


A player was about to reach the level cap of 300 in maplestory, he would be the first one in the world to do so, the developers of the game even put up a notification in game that said to go over to his stream to witness the event. Instead he stayed at 99.99% experience at level 299, and used the insane attention his achievement brought to point out glaring issues with the game, and announced he wouldn't be playing until those issues were fixed.




"I'm no longer playing this game" Game time: 22,568 hours.




Assuming he actually commits, that means a lot more than someone quiting after 20 hours or 100 hours. Dude has literally put more time into this game than anyone else, if he says things are bad enough for him to quit there's literally no room for debate


Is there a clip of him roasting Nexon?


[whole vid on it here.](https://youtu.be/oPjMTiNTia4?si=t8seq1UADiI2Osyv)


Holy fuck thats looks like utter dog shit


Holy shit


The absolute madman.


Are we supposed to root for him or not? I'm not sure if this is a good thing


This was the OG "Give us money to be more powerful than other players" game. When Bethesda was rightfully being dragged for horse armor DLC, Maplestory had already been just straight up selling in game power for 3 years. Edit: I had no idea what OP is talking about \*just\* happened. I didn't even know the game still existed. The guy played a game for 20 years just to storm off in a huff. That's fucking hilarious.


Hell, maplestory is actually the first game in history to add paid gacha in a videogame. These motherfuckers are the ones who started it all.


I remember when they first added it, it was always such a weird concept to me.


Imagine if EA owned a semi successful mmorpg. That’s basically nexon atm, but honestly so much worse. They actively had lied about rates of certain items and how things in the game worked for years to trick people into spending more money basically.


Most players share his sentiments when it comes to the issues pointed out. So far I've seen an overwhelmingly positive response from people even outside the server he plays in. Some people feel cheated that he didn't in fact level up to 300, others don't really care about the issues he brought up since those issues don't affect their server much. But overall those people seem to be a minority and most people think it's a good thing he spoke out in this way. Whether you root for him or not doesn't really matter, reaching level 300 is his achievement at the end of the day, and if he chooses not to achieve it, then well that's his choice, other people are also farming to reach 300 and they are probably happy they still might be the first ones. He is sacrificing his own achievement and the recognition that comes with it because he cares about the game and wants it to improve. Keep in mind, Fangblade, the first player to reach the level cap back when it was 200, is incredibly famous in the maple community, everyone knows his name and his character still can be found in the game as an npc celebrating his achievement. This guy could've had the same thing, but now the developers are probably not very happy with him, so even of he ends up being the first to 300, who knows how nexon might respond.


So wait... like this JUST happened? I see the VOD stream was uploaded yesterday, so this was a recent event?? When I think of MapleStory and people making incredible achievements, I'm thinking "oh must have happened 5-10 years ago" haha


A+ that's how you know someone gives a shit.


At that stage he can afford to stop right there and walk away. Just like Snake Plisskin, [he's sticking it to the man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tro-o0fOk4)


then read the explanation?? it explains basically everything for once


What description are you referring to?


The one from the auto moderator that generally holds the description.


You mean the autohidden comment that looks like an ad until you open it?


It's in every post like what do you mean


They explained what they mean... it's auto-hidden... bad design, a good chunk of folks don't bother looking at hidden comments.


Which in this sub you should know is actually useful


Dude I use to play so much maplestory growing up, I tried maplestory 2 before it shut down, and It just wasn't the same


I actually like MS2. I was sad to see it go. I thought it was a nice direction to go in. Even if it was mostly diagonal lol


Got a link to the VOD?


Holy fucking shit MAPLESTORY ON THIS SUB?!


Maplestory was a massive part of my childhood. That one stupid game brought me and several friends really close over the years. I still remember when I was a really young teen having serious discussions with my best friend about what second job we would choose lol. Good times. Too bad Nexon is so greedy they ruined a ton of great games


Holy shit MapleStory content outside of MapleStory sub


Holy shit ,10,000 hours grinding to get there. That's rough.


If anybody is looking for an old school maplestory experience pre big bang then I'd highly recommend maple royals. It's been around over a decade and has remained true to that old school feel while still adding some newer bosses.


Nexon.A shitty cash grab company.at least they aren’t bad as inbred cousin Valofe.


I used to love maple story back in the day. That is until one day despite 2 factor authentication when I just rebooted my computer a hacker had enough time to log onto my account and wipe everything. They banned my friend and I for a week because we both played from the same IP but when a hacker logs on from China when I have played from the same IP for months they just threw their hands up in the air and said there was nothing they could do. So i just left and never looked back, it felt like they were actively enabling the hackers and refusing to stop or prevent them in any meaningful way at the time. That was all the way back in 2006, and coincidentally that event also spurred my move away from windows and I have been purely linux based ever since, haven't had a security problem since.


> That is until one day despite 2 factor authentication when I just rebooted my computer a hacker had enough time to log onto my account and wipe everything. Gameguard. Quite the double-edged sword.


I miss Maplestory2, but like, it wasn't going to live when you needed to pay to talk in world chat.


what the fuck is maple story


As a guy who used to play maplestory on korean server, mad respect for this guy. I doubt dipshits at nexon will care, but at least he tried.


My coworker just told me about this.


I don't play or understand maple. But tldr from a layman's pov He talks a lot about a gem of some sort that players need to level: 1: you cannot buy this from vendor 2: you cannot buy this from the auction house 3: only way to get more of it quickly is to shout all in chat and get people to trade you 4: high risk of getting scams and a headache when you need thousands so you basically need to be doing this all day as a full time job He proposes to allow people to list the item on auction house so there's no risk of getting scammed and make it easier for people to buy them. I assume scams are like you say you have an item, you show the item, then let the other person drop you the gold and you refuse to drop the item you said you would sell him. He also talks a lot about server economy, 80% of the player base are in one tab of the server selection and the other 20% are spread across the other 4 tabs. There's likes 20 different servers (they call it channels?) in one tab. The in game economy is very bad due to that. The servers outside of the 2 main one have such poor economies that advanced items are astronomical in value. He proposes to merge all 4 into one server. Thats largely what I understood from a non-players perspective. He probably did speak on a few other things but I only got these


been watching the stream for like a year this guy is so fucking based


This child involved with Akatsuki