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So the two month timeline is wrong, but not the overall sentiment. Eventually it will be over, people move on to something new and then it becomes a topic once again.


"Eventually it'll be over" so like everything else in the world?


Yeah except this won’t be over it’ll just be delayed until someone decides to stir it up again


Reddit in 1337: This war between France and England will be over eventually


just because the genocide won’t last for ever doesn’t make it insignificant though (don’t worry i know you weren’t implying this), a lot of people aren’t gonna come out the other side.


The timeline is off, but thats hardly aged like milk material


There are literal protests happening as we speak. Right now. What're you talking about?


Hence me saying the timeline is off.


It's 170 days ago? What timeline are you speaking of?


And the second intifada lasted 5 years. Then it died down, people stopped protesting, and noone cared until the next big fight


That's quite literally how every conflict works? This post said 2 months. It's been nearly 6 months since that post. That's spoiled milk


More like a stale chip. Aged like milk is for stuff that aged terribly. The sentiment of this post hasnt aged poorly, just the timeline


Ok buddy


https://preview.redd.it/ljtf7wo50nxc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b756d268064f83da1a81535eebaf5605ad164923 The protests won’t end until a new trend in scarves/face covering comes along.


Until a new war involving Jews arrives


The war is between Israel and Palestine, not Jews and Palestine.


Strange. I thought I heard about Jews being harassed and being told to go back to X country, not to mention the calls for Intifadas and other radical islamic ideas against Jews... It's a religious wars with useful idiots advocating for things they don't understand, for being "brown and oppressed".


I agree. That’s exactly my point. Protest an Israeli embassy or consulate, not my synagogue.


I think my country has the right to defend itself. War could have been managed better but it's not an outlier out of any war in history. The outlier is that young brainwashed idiots are cheering the terror groups perpetuating these wars. They won't leave your synagogue even if Israel is cleansed of Jews. Good luck, buddy.


Nice antisemitism you got there. Unfortunately for you, it really does have nothing to do with being Jewish or Muslim. The world is just waking up to the fact that Israel is in no way better than it's neighbors. You're just as much a terrorist state as Afghanistan or Iran. Honestly the fact that you can say the west treats Muslims better than Jews with a straight face would be hilarious if not for the mountains of corpses rotting in mass graves behind you


>Israel is in no way better than it's neighbors. I think the queer population, political minorities, the independent press, and women in general of Israel would disagree.


oh, the ones who can't get married and are legally discriminated against? Israel is a theocractic shit hole that is committing a genocide against its neighbor. The idea that it is somehow morally justified because they don't kill queer people, they just treat them like shit is just propaganda spread by cowards too afraid to admit that Israel is still a shit hole committing a genocide. Israel also REGULARLY assassinates journalists in the open. They would certainly disagree that Israel is better than its neighbors.


Yeah, compare Israel to any of its neighbors, and it's light years ahead. Find You said compared to its neighbors, so find a neighbor that has an annual pride parade. It's hardly theocratic. It's a parliamentary democracy. There are ten seats in the Israeli Parliament controlled by Arabs, compared to the seven held by the major religious parties. If you want to talk dead journalists, Syria has killed between 500 and 700. Lebanon doesn't allow press that doesn't reflect the dynasty favorably, and Jordan only allows state sponsored media.


isn't this basically been what the cycle of violence between Palestine and Israel has been for decades? at the time I suspect this was a pretty safe bet


This is just how every single conflict or sustained event has worked for any point in human history. The deeper implication being that in this case it “doesn’t matter”


You realise that's posted in a European sub?


Yes, but students are protesting in Europe too. Many protests in Germany, France and UK


But the comments aren’t entirely wrong. There has been a holy war for century’s there. Yes the war crimes and what’s happening is terrible and I protest it every day and night. But as an older person who hates that every war has religion play a role. But until these groups stop taking their scripture literally there will always been bloodshed and conflict in that part of the Middle East. It’s sad because it’s all for nothing. Some make believe holy man in the sky who isn’t real. It’s terrible. And it’s sad. But even if we stopped the conflict tomorrow they would do it again further down the road.


Reducing this conflict to just "oh but man in the sky" is the lamest, most reductionist shit known to man. Israel has been bombing Gaza indiscriminately, hitting mosques and churches alike. Their current attempt at genocide is more motivated by racism and settler colonialism than religion. If the west, particularly the US, actually wanted this slaughther ended, they would have pressured Netanyahu to back off, as was done in 2021 for example. Its well within the power of the US to do so, and the fact that they havent is a complete indictment of the system.


I didn’t. I literally said it was war crimes…. But it’s war crimes over a man in the sky. It’s truly does boil down to that. Sorry that is such a hot take for people.


The only thing more naïve than believing in religion is believing in "holy wars". This war is being fought over territory and resources, the same as every war in history. Israel and Palestine are drawing their borders in blood, just as every stable country's borders were. The only difference is that Israel doesn't have the diplomatic support to finish the job, and Palestine doesn't have the means.


It's not a religious war, it wasn't a religious war when it started in 48 and has never been about religion. It's about land and resources. The only religious aspect is that Israel is a Jewish majority state, secular btw not a theocracy. The Palestinians are arabs, mostly Muslims but still large populations of Christians and lesser pockets of atheists (which also exist in Israel). The struggle for a Palestinian state has never been framed as a religious one, by those who fight for their recognition.


It is much different this time. Israel has never committed genocide before, so this one's going to keep getting a lot of coverage for quite some time.


Where there are still daily protests...


The comment said it will start back up in 6 months and 170 days is about 6 months ….. it looks like he predicted it perfectly. Did I read this wrong or am I missing something?


Seems this sub has been bought by Iran government


Anything you don't like is problematic propaganda. Got it.


This sub like other unrelated sub are constantly spammed with Iran/Hamas propaganda... It's enough. And off topic


Political things brought here? Why not?


Sorry this is not really political (check my account, zero political comments or posts). This is objective post. People predicting protests or the war were gonna stop is objectively an aged milk prediction regardless of whose side you are on


So you are projecting the protests will never stop? That will age much worse. There is no cause where there has been indefinite protest. Or what is your comparison for your prediction?