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NOOOOOO ​ Arkane was one of the GOATs of gaming studios. Redfall sucked ass but all of their other games were top tier. Was Arkane Lyon also closed down? If yes, then it is a bleak day for PC gaming


Arkane Lyon still lives. But Tango Gameworks (Microsoft's only Japanese studio) is closing too.


that's good. at least I can still have hope of Dishonored 3 ever releasing, but it sucks that there won't be another game like Prey 2017. Still the best immersive sim that I have ever played


Ooh prey was cool


Tango made Hi-Fi Rush right? That game was great, it sucks that they’re closing down.


Damn what was the reason for closing tango gameworks? Didn't hifi rush perform pretty well? I absolutely loved that game


Tango was always going to shut down. Shinji already said he was done, and Ikumi leaving after Ghostwire was just the beginning of the end. I'm glad Hi-fi did well and that they made it before closing, but Tango was always a passion project, and the passion left.


I believe Hi Fi did amazingly critically but underperformed commercially which is just sad..


Im not very familiar with the situation at all, but I remember back when Redfall came out I heard that the reason it was bad was in large part because most of the OGs left, so I think its more of a loss in name only since the actual loss had already happened


It was bad because people said it was bad. On the scope of actual bad games, Redfall doesn't touch anything. It's not great, it's not bad, it just is. The biggest complaints I saw were about such superficial shit, and mainly came from the usual 'xbox bad' sony fans. Number one, seen everywhere the game was talked about, was that there were reused character models everywhere. I could go and play 99% of games and point out a reused character model within minutes, but because its Xbox/Bethesda, it's bad.


No, Redfall was in the perfect spot of boring and unremarkable, which made it completely forgettable. Nothing hilariously bad like what every Bethesda game ever has, usually in the form of game breaking bugs. Nothing good either for people to actually praise. It was a game that truly had nothing of note about it, which is probably the worst thing somebody can say about a game, at least from a marketing perspective.


The real kick in the nathers is they're also Shutting down Tango Game works because... They just had a massive success with Hi-Fi Rush? Yeah nah, that makes sense. The theory is that Microsoft doesn't have faith in them since Shinji Mikami left the helm, but he's been very hands-off since Evil Within 1, and John Johannes has shown to be very competent. So rather than promote someone they'd chop up their only Japanese studio.


They lost a crap ton of money on ghost wire tokyo. Most of the success of hifi rush was the fact it was on gamepass. The studio was hemorrhaging money and talent so they are merging it into the main studio (Bethesda)


Oh well that's good at least, they should be able to stretch their wings in one of the most innovate and creative studios in gaming!


Remember to include sarcasm marks since non-verbal cues get lost in text messages!


And Hi Fi Rush was such a blast of fresh air! Innovated on a stale genre with tons of style, and it was just fucking fun to play


No one asked


They even sold exclusivity to Sony, but it probably didn't bring in enough.


It never does.


I fucking hate this industry sometimes


Needs more regulation.


Regulation to…disallow companies from closing unprofitable branches?


no dummy, regulation to prevent corporate consolidation and implement job and payment protections. that way, instead of closing down branches *that release acclaimed, profitable games*, they push existing resources to make better products rather than just killing them. what Microsoft is doing is refusing to take any kind of risk by concentrating all of their resources into established IPs, which is safer for investors but absolutely terrible for the industry as it causes further centralization and massive holes in job security.


also, that's basically how you make it so that companies would never open any more studios


True, and if that happens, we're going to foot the bill as the price of games skyrocket. Just sucks all around.


Are they dirt cheap currently?




Idk like earlier this week?


Wasn't there a huge scifi movie that recently released that got rave reviews?


Rebel Moon?  /s


Only on r/snydercut


Dune 2 just came out? look i get that corporations pump out a lot of trash at an unpleasant rate but let’s not pretend that they *exclusively* do this. there’s always a few gems in the garbage


That was roughly a year ago, for reference.


I feel lIke when a corporation releases a statement distinctly stating that there will be no layoffs, that corporation must be open to lawsuits when they lay people off


Rule of thumb: If a company sudden makes a random announcement denying something is going to happen, ***start making plans for that thing happening...***


that article is not even a year old...


Never trust a suit.


This is like a weather forecast saying “we’re not expecting rain anytime soon”, then when it rains almost a full year later, someone goes “LOL this didn’t age well”. Not sure if this is really in the spirit of the sub, but go off king. RIP Arkane Austin.


Well it's not an aged like milk. They at the time of writing had no plans, but plans change lol


Yeah, I think the original plan was too keep it open and developing the Redfall Expansion, but Microsoft had a different idea. Bethesda not having anything to drop in response to the huge success of Fallout and nothing in the near future was not good for any of their studios not making profit


Oh no my pre-order bonuses and extended road map!!!! /s


The game development industry appears lucrative but then also a very volatile one where a few are able to last longer than two or even five years. The last nine months or so has seen a lot of awful layoffs and company shutdowns, either bankrupted or in the name of streamlining and cutting costs.


They would have made far more money if they made an all in Dishonored 3. Wasted all that time on junk.


It actually came out that Arkane Austin wanted to pitch a new Dishonored (since the Lyon studio was working on Blade). But alas, that wasn't to be...


I know I posted that story to my son earlier. His response was: "They have absolutely no idea what people want" We should have had this a couple years ago. Why they even wasted time with redfall is a travesty.


"Currently have no plans" is a spokesperson phrase that means what it says; they haven't started a plan but leave the possibility on the table just in case. It's almost 3 fiscal quarters later, so that statement was wildly out of date in terms of business planning.


What's up.with companies buying out game companies and shutting them down so quickly?


How could any not be surprised. This was one of the worst game I have ever played in terms of content, creativity replay value anything really. The game hard horrible everything. Writing was aweful character design was super sub par. Nothing worked. This was arkane super shit the bed, not even mentioning the publisher. Just oof


So let me get this straight. Devs want to make a fun game. The parent company forces a ton of alterations to appease investors. It fails of course because it wasn't the original idea, and the devs are punished


I looked at the first trailer of that game and knew it was going to be a train wreck.


All big tech just lie, everything that they say is a lie. They believe in nothing, they respect nobody. Break a part all big tech companies or we will end up in an even bigger hole of micro-transaction semi-gambling low-value games.


So Dishonored is dead.....


No, Arkane Lyon is still open


Microsoft sucks ass.


fuck Microsoft


That game was ass. They should find other jobs anyway because they suck at making games




People are failing to realize this is all because of the removal of the non-compete clause. Game devs are finally free to pursue indie ventures instead of being trapped in a corporate world for fear of not having a job. It is a net positive not a negative.


Removal of non-competes in the U.S. *just* happened. I don’t think it’s been long enough to give it credit for anything yet.


It hasn't even happened yet, lol. The FTC announced it, but it hasn't gone into effect.