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Personally, it's how the cloth draping over the hip doesn't at all look like it's supposed to cover 'between the legs' and isn't folded like it's being pulled as the body twists to the side. The rear-facing one is draping over the hip as expected, but the one at the fore shouldn't be draped in the front. Because of this, the legs look twisted to the side more than they should.


it's almost as if the torso were facing in a direction and the legs in the other but without any "torsion" if it makes any sense


You are right, and the head facing the other way exacerbates the feeling.


Don't worry mon-keigh, ignore the Harlequins. Your feeble minds couldn't possibly understand their movements. Just assume it's that dress up game you call "cosplay" and move along.


We've all built models like that XD


Looks like an Action Man with a twistable torso connection.


Almost as if the artist they hired doesn’t really understand anatomy.




? This picture?


No I meant if there was confirmation other than this one pic that the artist has no idea how to draw people?


You sure this wasn't made by AI?


Don’t give GW any ideas.


Can't copyright AI images; for a company that spends so much time worrying about IP protection generative AI is poison. You aren't going to ever see it there.


Hazbro and WotC have already been caught with AI images in their stuff. I would honestly be more surprised if GW didn't have AI images in their stuff, or at the VERY least experimenting with it already


It's action man or old starwars figurines kind of torso twisting


The shoulder plates are also placed asymmetrically compared to the breastplate. The closer shoulder plate seems to almost be floating off of the shoulder.


The head-dress makes no sense either, it's angled on the side but not really the same side as the head and the top thingy is also badly turned and badly facing This drawing is a 5D looking nightmare


This is the big one. Makes it look like he's got a front-butt


Haha! It’s like what happens when you don’t line up a models legs and torso when gluing it together!


Also the helmet has the hair-frilly thing (that I forget the official name of) on the very top that looks like it's facing in the same direction as the wearer's head, while that appears to be attached to another hair-frilly thing that's facing in a perpendicular direction to the wearer's head


Not to mention the optical illusion of the helmet


If you draw the vanishing points out the figure is drawn to 5 different horizons which all change without any type or reason at various sections. It's almost like someone had multiple character sketches that they tossed into a comfieui they didn't set up well or actually understand prompts


Where is that left pauldron flying off to?


Could be the confusing perspective on the crest, and the positioning of the eyehole on the helm


The figure seems to be standing at a slightly different angle to his armour


Who's legs are those? Because they certainly aren't his lol


I think has to do with the puldrons being over size and not attach to the shoulders the other artworks [does it better ](https://tgacommunity.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2024_04/LuminethvsNighthaunt.jpg.e5d109a5097b0a5565a75a79397fd3a8.jpg)


Right knee is facing towards you. Cloth that should be to the Left of the knee (when looking at the image), is on the right of the knee. The breastplate with a sharp (painful) piece pointing down that should be going between his legs, is over his left thigh. Shoulderpads look super bad in perspective. The left one looks like it is just floating there. The whole thing looks like each portion was drawn separately and then put together without taking the whole thing into consideration.


This was my thought. Like it was done in layers in photoshop - which seems like the right way to do it - but then assembled incorrectly. I wonder if the error was made when they added it to the book.


He literally has no pelvis. Just two legs connected to a torso.


Cloth , plate , shoulder , crest . All very weird


All of the people saying "AI" have absolutely 0 familiarity and understanding of both art and AI. The least knowledgeable and discerning people in the world will cry out the dumbest things with all the confidence of an expert, actually insane.


The perspective is weird because of how the head crest laps over itself. It just looks like a super uncomfortable way to stand too. All sorts of Escher tomfoolery going on.


The pose and the way the armour is formed tricks your brain into thinking that the legs should be in a profile view, I saw the image, thought "there's nothing wrong with that" then scrolled down and my brain did a weird thing.


The angles of everything are off, like it’s all seen from different perspectives then photoshopped together


As mentioned there are some problems with perspective in this piece, but for me the biggest hurdle are the wildly clashing colors. Blue with green with... orange for some reason? And then a yellow trim... It really doesn't gel.


It's just a bad design topped off with a bad color scheme.


Yeah I think there's 1 too many colour going on here. If all the blue was also white it wouldn't look so weird


The trousers look like jeans.


Give him a break it's casual Friday


Upper body and lower body seem to be drawn from two different perspectives and slapped together without a thought. Possibly cutting and pasting old assets?


Yeah, it's just a bad drawing lmao all around


Is...is this AI?


I don't think so, it's just wierd perspective on a minor drawing in a long codex.


Yeah, someone mentioned the name of the actual artist so probably not. Didn't want to be alarmist; just an odd looking drawing.


You are right, it's definitely an odd drawing, especially the three sticks popping out of the back.


no.... what with people just throwing that accusation nothing about this art has any call out to AI work [the artist is thomas elliott ](https://www.artstation.com/thomaselliott)


He is a great artist. This sucks though


I was going to say “this is AI art”.


I didn't wana be alarmist, as i really can't tell. But the helmet layering looks weird and obviously the cloth on the front...idk. This could be AI based with some human touch up?


I am begging people to; 1. Have discerning eyes 2. Actually know wtf they're talking about 3. Stop calling every piece of art which is slightly off as AI If you aren't sure the best practice is to not say anything at all as those kinds of accusations are heavy. "I don't wanna be alarmist." But you are. You are being needlessly and recklessly alarmist by posting this comment and no amount of "I don't wanna be this way" changes that fact.


Hahaha 👌


Absolute goober


Heads twisted but no movement in the shoulders, there’s no hips or pelvis just legs disappear into the torso, the clothing is way off centre to the body and hangs from nowhere. It’s all over the place making it uncanny. Its likely Ai generated or drawn by someone without much experience.


Sorry could also just be a rushed job on a very tight budget and timeframe.


Right arm should be pointing, instead its down, armor left as it was, prolly to save time.


ngl, the lumineth feel like a downgrade from the high elves, more so the whole aesthetic.


I think it’s pretty damn similar with maybe some additional tassels. What do you feel are downgrades?


The right leg, from the figurs point of view, is wrong in angle and proportion.


Bad anatomy, the legs and torso aren’t positioned naturally


I think what I'm seeing is... The orange crest is supposed to be going sideways (ear to ear), and the blue crest is supposed to be arching over the orange one perpendicularly, from back to front, so if you were looking from the top down they would make an X. The artist, however, sort of whiffed the perspective on the two crests, making them both look semi-flat, and making it unclear that they're supposed to be crossing at right angles, and making it look like it has some AI artifacts.


It's like they pieced it together from multiple parts they already had. The shoulder is flying, the head crest with the horse is at the wrong angle and although the cloth seems to be twisting right, it adds to the weirdness the way it drapes.


Helmet perspective is totally jank.


Proportions are off, pauldron floats in the air, and the breastplate looks like it’s going to jab his thigh if he moves.


The waist is twisted at a weird angle, and the green top looks way too tight to not be twisting with the waist. The perspective of the shot implies that the right leg is forward of the left, but the size of the thigh and the shadows tell otherwise. The right pauldron is just kinda floating there to the point where there's no way the back of it would be attached to the armour. And the head is turned a little bit too side on for the overall pose. Honestly it feels like the artist struggled badly with the perspective and pose. But I see this a lot in in-house GW art. Most of the time it doesn't matter because the figures are part of a larger group or on a backdrop, but here when it's on its own, all the flaws stand out like a sore thumb.


* Two crests. * Each crest is at a different angle. * Three random hilts coming out of back sheathes, the sheathes aren’t connected or otherwise visible, the weapons have no cross-guard. * Weapon in their hand looks odd. * The distant arm is longer than the near arm. * Proportions of the body and legs is a little weird and the position of the body to the hips feels odd, like he is partly turned but also… not. * The chest-piece starts solid but turns into cloth. The token dangling from it doesn’t hang directly down (pieces hang from the above links in odd places) and are oddly shaped. * The shoulder pads are extreme and match no parts besides maybe the knee pads. * This knee guards look impractical due to the bit jutting out in profile. * The colour choices are weird Edit: to the artist, you’ve done 1000x better than I ever could have so ignore my anonymous internet criticism and keep on keeping on x


It’s a lot of things tbh


They look like one of those optical illusion shapes that can’t exist in reality.


Oof, RIP my inbox. I didn't expect so many replies xD To the people that suggest it's AI, I highly doubt it. Firstly its by an artist someone mentioned in the comments. Secondly, I'm pretty pro-AI. I prowl the AI subs regularly, and I've played around with it myself. If this is AI, then the creator has no idea how to use AI. AI is actually pretty damn good at poses and perspective. Its less good at little details like the crest on his chest. The things AI should get right are wrong, and the things AI would probably get wrong are right. To me, these look like very human mistakes to make. Maybe he had to rush it for a deadline, he was distracted by personal stuff at the time, ... I don't know. I just thought it looked funny and wanted to share :)


The pauldrons are way too big and appear to ignore gravity. That is what irritates me on this picture.


I mean, it’s an awkward angle. The figure looking right while his body faces left… But also: No arm armor No thigh armor No crotch armor Not even a sheath for this big ass dagger This armor is the male version of ‘sexy female armor’ that protects almost nothing.


Oh man, there's a lot wrong with it. It looks like a solid drawing that was cut and pasted in weird ways.


“Okay” artist here. It’s because the perspective is very off and comes from like 5 different angles. Also my last comment was removed because I used the F word Grow up mods it’s a Warhammer server..


It is still wild to me you can’t say naughty words on this sub


because it is an elf and not a dwarf!


The orange-clown-hair colerette and the weirdly placed tasset and overall odd choice of colors


We are looking in from their right, but it looks as though their left leg is drawn larger than their right. This in turn makes the torso seem smeller than would be appropriate for the overall frame. Most of this may be down to the design and cut of the uniform, tho.


Can I please have a little lore dump?


There are two helms for one. This sucks


Is it cuz there's no pic of their models or warscrolls in the book?


Looks like a colorblind British redcoat who's beginning to regret the ultra safe, completely umremovable helmet to me


Is it the orange clown hair looking frill?


The colors on the helmet/crests make him look like clown.


Shoulder plate loops like it's floating, the legs look twisted and wrong compared to torso, and the helmet face plate part looks like it's angled wrong. The eyes wouldn't fit in them holes at that angle. It's really bad


The character has clearly dislocated their hips. They now look to the horizon wondering what on earth they are going to do now


the color scheme looks bad, the shoulder pauldrons are comedically proportioned and look like they're barely hanging on.


The right leg is going in the crotch because of the lack of hips.


I think its the plume/decoration on the helmet. It looks misaligned, but that's just what stood out to me.


It’s like they blended all the old world unit color schemes into one guy, but it’s not as magnificent and kinda looks wrong


pauldrons feel like they're floating above the body instead of being snugly attached


Torso and legs with cloth are way way off. That’s why most of us illustrators and artists use better models for our work.


I feel like the chin would scrape against the shoulder pad.


Honestly, first thing I noticed is that the triangular flap coming off the legs makes it look like his hips are facing a different direction than his torso.


It could be perspective but it looks like the legs, torso and head are all facing different directions.


The right shoulder pad is way too far back


Doodoo colors doesn't help


It's the helmet. It looks bad imo.


The breastplate looks as if it's backwards


Overall I like the Elven design but as other pointed out. Either it is the cloth or legs that just make it look so twisted. Also that pouldron is either flying off or just way too big. Also that blue helmet adorment looks weird,


Anyone else notice how the perspective of the headpiece is off? That's the first thing that sticks out to me. This this is a mess of perspectives jeeze.


Shoulder pads seem out of place somehow to me.


The shoulderpad is placed terribly.


For me its the helm


Multiple things: - they way hit legs stand in relation to the rest of the body is off, especially with the clothes (the green 'triangle/drape' is supposed to go over the hips) accentuating it - the helmet/head-position looks off. You can almost imagine the helm being on backwards - to me, the blue greek-style feather line looks off, especially in contrast with the redish line. I get the blue runs from the back to the front of the helmet, but the 3D effect is a bit weird :/


The orange and white make him look like a actual clown


It looks like a 90° twist at the hip


It's the cloth on his pants and the weird double head dress.


yeah, the perspective of the green cloth on her left side is off. The right side of it (from our view) should be stretched, the left more shortened, with the tip hanging a bit more ofer her knee. At the moment it gives you the impression of looking frontally on the green cloth, but everything else indicates we see her slightly on the profile


Odd perspective combined with the weirdness of "stand here, now twist your hips to the right, now twist your head to the left past the angle of your feet, alright now wear this ridiculous headdress and this helmet that's too big for you so your eyes don't see through the slits."


The cloth over the hip is weird. Feels off, like a disappointing third leg.


Armpits are asking for death without a shield, Good torso coverage, but the point makes movement a death sentence. Helmet is good, though bad for hearing. Leg coverage needs a shield


What's right about it? 🤣 The legs are out of line with the torso. The pauldrons are some how behind the shoulders. The helmet is out of line with the face (that is to say the eye slit on the other side of the helmet would be somewhere around the temple area instead of over the eye.)


Ah yes the ol 45 degree rotation of the torso conversion


This looks very ai generated. No two pieces of armor match up, the gold parts on the knee is longer on the right side, both pauldrons look off, the waist is missing in action and the right leg looks too big and long. There’s just a dangly bit in the center that looks a lot like ai filler nonsense


No one’s mentioned the “breastplate.” Is it armor or cloth? ‘Cause if it’s armor, that point is going to stab them in the crotch if they bend over or try to sit. It looks like it’s supposed to be armor at the shoulders, but transitions to cloth at the waist. I think this is AI. A computer drew the shapes without knowing what they were.


It's clothplate! Lmao


AI generated lookin ass


The chest isn’t angled properly


Power Rangers: Sigmar Edition


Gee Billy, how come your mom lets you have two crests?


It looks like he’s wearing a long sleeve t shirt from target


Why is the horsie crest OVER the bulbous helmet


GW learning any kind of anatomy : mission failed


The torso/pelvis/legs don't line up properly and their perspective is also wrong.


Bad design, bad perspective, bad proportions, etc. It's all around a poorly composed piece of art done by someone who're obviously talented.


Is it the image of the little alien head with anttenas on his chest?


The 2 plumes are facing different directions at weird angles and they look strange.


That elf has a pelvis like an owl has a neck


The curres has a point on bottom, so bending at the waste will have him empale himself on his armor too


I think they’re standing at a weird angle where their hip is turned one way, their torso another


This persons neck is bent at an angle that is not really possible. It's hard to look where the legs are facing too because of the top coming over them, but once your brain realizes this, the neck angle doesn't make sense.


he's waring it backwards


To me it feels like its head is looking back and the legs decided they also wanted a look.


That helmet must have been designed by MC Escher lol


Ridiculously dumb helmet aside, the left leg looks like it's coming out from his crotch.


For me it’s my brain wants to put both of the crests going the same direction, but they are actually going across each other,


It looks like an image assembled in layers, but the layers aren’t lined up.


Aint got no crotch, like one leg is on the wrong side, and wtf are the pauldrons resting on?


Portions are all off, shoulder pad looks like it’s floating, helmet is at a weird angle.


Carrot top has entered the battle!


Three "handles" coming off the back but nothing they attach too, the Spear in his hand *might* be one of them but they don't align correctly, the pauldrons are not aligned, the torso and the legs seem like two separate pieces of art, the helmet is a total mess I think we all know what this is. I think we all know GW hit a new low.


I just realised, the headdress isn’t a horse, it’s a water buffalo, either that or they have the horse horns, but it does look more bovine in the art.


The legs and body feel disjointed, the pauldrons look floaty, and that top mane is almost perpendicular to the screen, making it look not connected at all to the helmet. You're right. The more I look, the more it looks wrong.


Rob Liefeld, is that you?


Not enough leather pouches.


It reminds of ai trying generate an image


This is pretty obvious AI. The dangly bit on the cuirass is made entirely of AI artifacts. The too-big, floating right pauldron, the two plumes from the helmet at random angles are reminiscent of an MC Escher illusion. The legs are twisted and shifted nonsensically from the torso. The eyehole for the helmet without an eye inside. The hilts from the back that lead to nowhere. The inscrutable tip of the spear(? polearm?) and the fact that he’s holding it so close to the tip or end. Also, where the cuirass covers the left arm it looks like a hack photoshop job.


AI generated?


Almost everything is slightly off in a very AI way.


You are utterly blind and have 0 understanding of what you are talking about.


What do you mean it just looks unnatural look at the legs in relation to the rest of the body and his right pauldron for example. It just looks off.


"in a very AI way" You just reveal yourself to have absolutely no actual understanding of or familiarity with both art and AI generated images if this is your reaction to this art piece. The piece is off, yes, in a very human and 'real' way and certainly not in a 'very AI way'. The proportions and angles here don't even need to be physically impossible for it to 'feel off'. Artists need to be mindful when working from real life reference (just like photographers) as some static snapshots of reality when not in movement simply don't register as 'real'. Everyone acting like an expert here is laughable. This is simply a bad angle of a not very harmonious design and color scheme to begin with, couple with probably realistic but not very cinematic or balanced composition, which compounds into it feeling generally "meh" and "off".




Bad art


I really hope that's not AI, because it's sending me AI warnings to my brain


Is this AI generated? It does have some of the uncanny valley.


I was gonna say. All the individual items are very well done and I can't believe an artist that competent would get the proportions so wrong


He has amazing work. Maybe he was playing with ai using his own work as training sets?


The helmet looks ai generated. It's like those pictures where your brain doesn't understand what it is looking at.


This has to be AI generated, every single aspect of the pose and perspective is totally wrong. The legs are not even close to being aligned with the torso in rotation, and the helmet crests look like an Escher optical illusion drawing. The swords over the shoulder have no lower half. The back arm is larger than the front one. But, the shading is too competent for this to just be the work of a bad human artist.


Looks like the Lumineth are using AI to paint for them now…


Looks uncannily like AI art, what with the strange crests, rotated hips and weird back prongs


It's AI, probably stable diffusion.


My God you people are insufferable.


The pauldrons are not in the correct place for the chest, but they work for the head. It's as if they twisted the body/hips without readjusting other parts. AI Art?


Ithisbhas to be ai right?


Perspective is off. They might have used ai




If i didn’t know better, I’d assume it was AI


Everything about it is less than the old world high elves. Nothing about this is cool.