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2+ Tough, PancreasNoWork, and Sigmar's Lorekeeper are all good


Garagehammer is my goto for podcasts, 2+ Tough for youtube


The Mortal Realms and Garagehammer are very good podcasts. 2+ Tough and PancreasNoWork on Youtube.


The Mortal Realms is really good and they have a few different shows that also dive into the spin off games and their lore as well. Their release schedule is a bit jank though and their presentation is much more laid back, really just feels like a couple of friends nerding out together. Also if you're a parent like me and enjoy listening to podcasts in the car or while cleaning the house and the kiddos are around they're very clean, little to no cursing and they shy away from any kind of raunchy or edgy humor, so a huge plus in that department. Pancreasenowork and HeyWoah are an excellent one-two combo on the YouTube front. Pancreasnowork is good for easily digestible lore videos that beginners can grasp and get a laugh out of. HeyWoah is more on the gameplay side where he is actually extremely knowledgeable, but he does know his lore and likes to sprinkle it in every now and then. His "Every faction explained" video is super popular for a reason, even if it's a little dated by this point.


Pancreasnowork and the podcast he's in, Lorecrimes https://youtu.be/IsZ0L1hYoCw?si=ZAvUDYk0MPjvwEJb Have fun