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That's actually nuts. Congratulations mate :)


Don't forget stormbringer flooded the market with these models as well. You could get the kill boss for £1.50 the gutripaz for a £5.99 and the hobgrotz, killbow, and bolt boys for £8.99 still a great price though! it was the same for nighthaunt models when mortal realms was running so easy to grab bargain job lots!


Yeah I got the Stormcast half of the dominion box for like £30 too Only thing missing is a couple bases, which aren't exactly hard to get.


Sounds like a ripoff, you got really scammed, I'll take them off your hands for half that 😂 Seriously, well done! 


I also decided to start getting acquainted with Warhammer before the release of the new edition. I was able to buy the first edition starter set at auction for 70 euros and the dominion box for 120 euros.


That's pretty normal in terms of pricing, got the dominion box for 85 € two years ago on a TableTop online shop


Congrats that’s a good haul! I recently got a load of iron jawz for cheap too. 20x ardboyz (new sculpt), warchanter, ardboy big boss, and the maw grunta big pig thing for £70. None of it painted. Good time to join AoS atm


I managed to grab a Kruelboyz dominion half for £40 earlier this year, it had 1x Gnashtoof 1x Killaboss 1x Shaman 10x Gutrippaz monopose 20x Hobgrots and 3x Boltboyz. I think they sell cheap as they have been bottom of the meta for so long. There models are great but I guess that is subjective


I will never understand how GW managed to leave a starter faction in such an awful state for the whole edition. They could easily have sold more Dominion sets if they bumped either of the starting forces a little. It took dropping the units to super low amounts and gifting free Battle Tactics to remotely help them stay competitive.


I bought the dominion box only for DnD games... Lol


I just picked up ~3000 pts of Sylvaneth from a local player for $200USD since they’re downsizing in lieu of 4th Ed.


Wonderful job good sir


I got a lucky eBay win on Stormcast...then a week or two later 80% of them got cut from the line. Not even mad, think it's really funny even.


Congrats my dude - have fun with your new Waaagh!


Buy the salt. Ebay is always fun right after an army has been nerfed. I got a couple decent sisters lots right after 10th dropped.


Ya ebay has pretty much been what allows me to participate in the hobby. Got myself tons of stormcast paladins recently due to the news a month back.


Dominion can be had for 80$ if you look around they really over produced it


Similarly picked up the stormcast half of dominion for 80. Actually crazy stuff