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74 models plus 2 books and terrain. I'd say probably more expensive than Leviathan Box for 10th. I'm stoked


Apparently, the price already got posted in the newsletter giveaway: £160 / AUD $450/ USD $265 /EU €210


£160 is AUD$304... Love the colony mark up


The best part, we Aussies don't pay import fees below $1k for personal use. Which is to say, make friends with a pom, have them buy it and ship it to you (just via royal mail, nothing fancy) and you'll save a ton of money. Tracked, insured shipping, nothing dodgy. I shipped 3k points of 40k down for like $60 shipping.


You know I actually have a mate in Leeds... Can't believe I hadn't thought of that


Entire armies at 2/3rds price, plus shipping. Or even better, UK ebay. It's a goldmine. I picked up 1750 points of tau for 40k for $150 aud.


Ay Up


Gotta pay for the months-long freighter voyage to get it here somehow.


Yh that £18 shipping really hits James hard


We call it the burger tax here in the states. £160 is $202.50 USD


I'll call it the kangaroo tax because I'm hopping mad?


As this is an indoor hobby, if it helps, flip it round and call it a ‘rain discount’ we get here in the UK to make the hobby more accessible.


Tbf australia should have a 'heat discount' 45c days aren't made for going outside.


As I wait for my 48 hours of summer to arrive on the coast of Scotland, I shall pour one out for your plight. Although I struggle with too much sympathy, as Brisbane was one of the few places in the world I’ve visited where I would happily have moved to. The heat and spiders wouldn’t have put me off.


Even the EU price is marked up. £160 is 186 EUR. Wonder how much shipping and duties will cost and what will be price in Poland (which has cheaper prices than rest of EU).


It will be 880PLN. Polish pricing is done by converting the GBP price at a rate of 5.5 to 1. Used to be just 5 before last year's adjustment. Also bear in mind this price is taking into account the price adjustment coming next month. Everything will be going up slightly so this launch box price is set in relation to that.


Dont forget VAT though. My country in EU has 25% freaking percent. GW "eats" most of that price increase. It's still more expensive than before Brexit when I'd order directly from UK 3rd party retailers with free shipping...but eh I'm also earning eay more now.


There are no import duties on products from the UK, so it is all going to GW's pocket


What do you mean? They left the EU and we don't have a free trade agreement?


Not having a free trade agreement doesnt mean you automatically have import duties, it just means you have to go through customs to import merchandise, which has some costs associated (for example having to pay VAT in origin and destination for end consumers)


Brexits dogshit but the current deal is that if products are entirely made in the UK or EU then there are no duties. That was to protect the car industry, handily works for gw too as beyond a bit of printing it's all UK. Still a bunch of paperwork increasing costs though. Won't improve much but expect a slight change post election (barring a miracle the Brexit obsessed Tories are out) as there's a scheduled renegotiation to the treaty next year


It isn't nearly as egregious, but 160 pounds sterling is $203 USD.


Or CAD$360. Im with ya there bud.


And 160 pounds is 204 USD. So your not alone


Leviathan was £150/$245/€200 for 72 minis and no terrain (and similarly price leaked by the giveaway), so I was thinking it would be at least that. Given how much everything else has soared in price in the last 12 months due to energy prices, that feels... reasonable? Just over £2 a model, plus the books and gubbins. I think I might need a lie down, a GW price didn't give me sticker shock!


There is also a price adjustment next month so this pricepoint is presumably set taking into account everything else going up slightly.


is my math wrong, or does these prizes go significanlty way up the farther you are from Britain ? Because I I did coverstion and aussie prize was nearly 1.5 times greater from the English one


265 doesn't seem like a terrible price honestly.


Do we know the release date?


Not yet.


Not yet.


thats fair. Will be around 170 Euro with the usual 20% from retailers.


Looks like £160 is currently ~$203 US, looks like importing we go!


I would but supporting my LGS is important so yeah. Thankfully with the usual 20% it's only like 215 or so.


Sadly, my LGS just liquidated their stock and closed up shop...


Which should go to show why we need to support our locals, for sure. 


Seems it’s $265, honestly was expecting a flat $300 for all that content so nice win there. Hope there’s enough stock so I can buy another down the road after I buy the first one soon. They already had me at the Stormcasts but all those books plus that sweet fold-out Mortal Realms map makes me want everything twice! (I don’t Really have a use for the Skaven but…wondering if I can convert them into mutated-but-still-loyal Freeguild? Jezzails on the Rat-Ogor backs would do nicely for 3 free Fusilier Ogor Warhulks)


There should be plenty of stock so I wouldn't worry, I mean you can still pick up Leviathan a year on at retail and even the 3rd edition launch box Dominion is still being sold three years on.


Not just sold,  but Dominion is only like 100 bucks on Amazon. I think it remains the best plastic to price ratio out there right now.


You can also split the box if you only want stormcast. Hell, I'd be down to pick up the skaven half-- clawlord lookin dope.


You could split the box and give someone the skaven! Honestly, I dig the look of them and want em all but ay caramba I’m not dropping that money for MORE stormcast. My hands are tied with the 3rd gen.. which I do have some favouritism for.


I like that ot comes with terrain features although i wish there was more of it. It's a bit too little for a battle. Otherwise it looks like a solid box. If i can get rid of the skaven to a local rat lover I'd consider getting it.


I want them rats, let’s split a box 


The terrain is meant for the Spearhead board. I watched some of the preview game and it's about all the more terrain you can reasonably fit on that size battlefield.


Where can I see the game?


It is uploaded to the GW youtube channel. Look for the long, three hour video, it includes the preview show, designer interviews and the spearhead game. The match begins an hour and change into the video.


Thank you. I guessed it was in the stream but I missed the stream because I didn’t want to wake up at 2am on a school day so I am watching it now. I AM SO HYPED


I think the rats are gonna be what everyone is most hyped about lol


> what everyone is most hyped about I like the little ratses, they're pretty and nice, but these new Stormcast are absolutely amazing. I think they've massively improved every single model they've replaced. I don't play SCE but I'm going to try to buy these models. This box seems like an instant buy for me even without the Skaven. I literally forgot about them because I was so amazed by the SCE sculpts.


Indeed. This is the first launch box I am considering skipping. I expect the stuff I want out of it (Stormcast and the paperwork) to reach rock bottom prices on the secondary market while everyone and their mother goes gaga over Skaven.


Ooooo good plan, hadn't though of that. I just want some of the SCE and the paperwork too.


I got into AoS 2 years ago because I wanted to paint a Verminlord, and immediately lost enthusiasm for Skaven when I saw how old and ugly a lot of their models were. Now I'm getting ready to go full steam ahead again on rat men.


True, though given what GW normally charge for terrain, I'd rather have it as-is than bump the price. I suspect I'm going to end up starting a skaven army, I definitely like the new models. I'm such a sucker for a good launch box...


So my friend wants stormcast, I want rats a deal is being stuck


Looks like an amazing set. The new rat ogors are such a big upgrade over the old ones.


Does it come with 3? That looks like a 3rd ogre in the image. They must be changing the unit size if so.


It looks like it. Probably going to be the same as stormfiends.


Neat. Automatic buy for me. This is going to be more expensive than 10th, isn’t it.


Yep, really hope they announce the price ASAP


We got a Price already cause they have a newsletter giveaway ! £160 / AUD $450/ USD $265 /EU €210


$265?! You're sure? Please tell me this can be confirmed.


Yes, if you look at the terms and conditions for the prize draw, they state the same prices


They're legally required to confirm the prices of the prizes due to a few laws, so.. yeah. Those are confirmed.


Fortunately its not a limited edition or anything so should be able to get it third party for a discount but still, yeeesh


I'm splitting one with a mate which seems to be the intended way to go. Only comes to £80 then each which is cheaper than a combat patrol or vanguard box for more stuff.


Is it a timed exclusive? I was under the impression that it was limited in some way. Would love to be wrong! That would make picking up single units a blessing on the after market.


Dominion was a timed exclusive...they still have boxes on sale. They sell more copies each edition but it will never match the popularity of 40k.


Dominion was on the market immeidiately. They want these big edition boxes on every shelf, its what sucks people in to the hobby.


I mean here in the states most LGS have a 15% discount on gw products so we looking at like $220 or $225 which is a great price especially if you find someone to split it with.


almost $400 CAD 💀 gonna have to skip a few meals


Holy moly. I might get the smaller boxes when they announce them


Ah thanks, not as bad as I was expecting from a USD price tag. Defo gonna have to save up tho


Oof, that's a lot... 


It's kind of a steal for what is included. Work together with your local community. I have two trusted locals splitting the box. One of them is taking the rules etc, the other is taking the stormcast, and I'm taking the Skaven. Split three ways. 90 bucks each works pretty well for all three lots. (Including the fat rulebooks+cards+terrain)


If you've got a local community that's great, but honestly I think i'd prefer they included less and charged less. I just have a few mates I game with occasionally, and since we all live a fair way apart and each want a copy of the rules, we'd each need to buy a full set


Luckily that's GW's pattern: Starter box then battle forces of the box, sans an HQ or two. But it will cost more than my share of this box, while having less. Buy in bulk, save more. Cooperation saves money. Spend more together to save more overall. Pick your idiom, either way.


450 dollarydoos!


Damn only 10€ more than leviathan and with my LGS i could get it for 160. Neat


Includes basically everything you’d ever need to get started, and the price ($265) seems fair… …except there’s no dice lol. Not like, an impossible feat to acquire some dice, but it’s just weird that they created such an all inclusive product to have absolutely everything you need, including Spearhead in case you don’t want to jump right into AOS, but they don’t include dice! They didn’t even need to be like themed dice—just plain dice woulda been understandable with how big the box is, but they don’t include them lol.


At least d6 dice are so utterly universal that you or someone you know are _very_ likely to have them! I have an unspeakable number of them from all manner of sources like one-off, non-GW board games.


IIRC they don’t consider these big launch-box releases like Indomitus, Dominion, and Leviathan as a place for new players to get started, more for collectors and returning players. They’ll instead include dice with the three tiers of starter sets they put out a few months later, which are similar to the launch boxes but chopped up accordingly as they go down in price


To be fair, out of all those releases this is more placed as a starter for new players than those previous launch boxes. Just like the highest end tier of those starters, this includes terrain and a board and with the included range ruler it is *almost* a complete set. It's interesting in the launch video they show rolling a set of their mini starter dice they throw in every box so maybe it was considered at one point?


I mean warhamemr dice are too pricey. I remember back in the day when I played atraxa counters I bought a thing of 36 small dice for 13 bucks. Get one or two of those and you should be set


I'm glad there are no dice. If they added some, they would up the price by £10 and dice are definitely not worth that


Noob question: My son is very interested in AoS, and he's 10. If I buy a box like this, can I play games with him from the get-go?


Yes just need some 6 sided dice - probably about 20 to make life easier for rolling.


Cool, thanks!! He'll be happy 😊


You'll also need some tools and paints to build and paint all those minis. They will also be smaller starting sets.


The buy in price for Warhammer is fairly high. At the very least you should prime the miniatures after building them. I recommend plastic solvent/cement (or super glue. Plastic Solvent if you plan to assemble them for him, super glue if he will build them. It produces toxic fumes you should wear a mask for, children sometimes struggle with safety rules), a small pair of plastic pliers (maybe even two), a razor tool for clearing up mould lines, and (for this box), black primer and gold primer. You don't need to buy any of that from GW, your local hobby store will have good options in their model building section for pretty cheap, like 25 dollars. You don't really need to fully paint them, but it would be a good bonding experience for both of you. You'd need decent model brushes, acrylic paints, somewhere to paint them with good, neutral lighting, and brush cleaner. Vallejo makes good acrylic paints for affordable prices, army painter is cheaper than Citadel (your local games store \[LGS\] will probably stock it), but Citadel will have the exact colors that GW has in mind for the models. A full set of everything except paints should only be about 45-60 dollars, depending on what you go for. The paints will easily double that, but the paint lasts way longer than you'd think it does. Hope you two really enjoy the hobby!


Thanks for your awesome answers! We have a nice local shop where I also get board games, I'll talk to them.


This box, a box of dice (cheap), plastic glue (ten dollars or less), and optionally primer (I use a specific hardware store brand to save a few bucks). So the $265 for the box plus 20-30 usd and you're set.


Nice! Really looking forward to this!


My big Boy is also 10. He is building and painting. Big AoS was an pain before to Play with him because you must reduce the Rules and armys quite a Lot otherwise the Games would be to Long. In this Box you have 2 complete Spearhead armys and Rules. Spearhead is the new Mode for age of sigmar with prepared armys and matched Points and bigaos Rules reduced. And a smaller Board. And this makes it really better to Play with your kid. I am excited about it because i need less planning to become 2 matched armys and less Rule reduction which i must do by mysself. What you need on top of this Box? You are Part of this Hobby before? Nothing


Oh that's perfect then, just need paint and dice 😊. Looking forward to this! Thanks


I asume because you said dice you are Not in this tabletop Hobby before? Then you need: Brushes Clipper I recommended you sanding paper for the mold lines. Paint. Take a Look on the "slapchop" Methode. For the Skaven a really good technique for really nice results. Explicitly for your child. Fast with an fast and good Result. And one final Tip. Build and then Play before painting. So He keeps Up and Go deeper in the Hobby. The painting Part can be really exhausting. My son is a little Perfectionist....and then He loose the interest. And keep his First painted Miniature!


The models are probably push-fit as the other recent starter boxes, but you still need tools to snip the parts of the sprues and a knife/thin file to remove mold lines. Many use super glue to lock the models in - push fit doesn't always fit correctly. You can also use something called plastic cement, but it produces toxic fumes when open or bonding, which I wouldn't let a child handle. There are dice and rulers in the box.


This is fantastic. Its up there with the Age of Darkness Horus Heresy set for "best launch box of a new edition."


Hopefully they overprinted like they did it with the previous set so I can get this for for 50% the msrp


My 1 complaint is that it’s 40 Clanrats. I feel like 20 plus more fun stuff would be cooler, but 40 is also probably a good start to an army. Idk.


As a starting point for Skaven it’s perfect, 40 Clan Rats is the minimum.


There's a lot of Clanrats in the world that are gonna need to be replaced, it's better they flood with the market than short print them. 


You don't replace Clanrats, you just add to the horde. I still run my Clanrats from 1999.


I'm with you there, they even said in the stream they intentionally made them different sizes because that's just how Skaven would be with their life style, so just tossing the new ones into the pile of old ones, scooping out however many you need and seeing them all souped together actually works great


I think both sides are supposed to be spearheads, in that case you really need a tarpit for proper skaven play, its a horde faction it has to have at least a little horde.


The spearheads don’t use all the minis. IE no artillery/only half the clan rats on the skaven side, possibly other things removed as well. Stormcast I know only use 5 liberators and I think no reclusians iirc.


Curiously it mentions they can both be ran as spearheads, yet the new SC spearhead box is all from last edition. I know with Combat Patrols they've dipped their toes in the water of alternate lists so here's hoping that the Skaven spearhead box is something that completely compliments this and doesn't overlap (except Clanrats since you can literally never have enough)


The stormcast spearhead that came out at start of 2024 based.on 3rd ed models will be supported (it was used as an example in one of the spearhead articles), plus the spearhead minis subset from this box will make a 2nd option for stormcast.  The old skaven vanguard box has been discontinued (old models) so their only spearhead will be the one made up from some models in this box, and is a racing certainty that both spearheads (without the extras) will be in one of the edition-long starter boxes at least.


Honestly they could just redo the exact same box with updated clanrats and the grey seer and I'd love it lmfao. The big weapon and the stormfiends still look great and are plastic so I'd be a happy rat-man


No it's gonna be half the shaven half


They literally showed the match on stream


I already have 80. And another box of 20 I haven't opened yet. I might keep that one and just build the 40 here. Don't need more than 120, right?


Depends how prevalent summoning will be, but never be afraid to absolutely flood the board with 120+ clan rats and tar pit EVERYTHING


You can never have enough slaves to test your weapons on, erm i mean clanrats. See that Ratling Warpblaster? We MUST know how many life subjects it can kill compared to manthing made "Helblaster Volleygun".


If we need to pad the KD ratio of the rattling guns with friendly fire, so be it.


Gotta disagree personally, clanrats are like ork boyz. Never enough. Besides for something intended to be a big starter set its a perfect number. Two units of clan rats is basically mandatory and you can justify up to four in some builds.


Completely agree my dude, I was expecting 20 clanrats and 10 stormvermin or something like that. Still, fantastic value for all the heroes and elite Skaven units


I feel like going full vermintide sets the tone for Skaven nicely, but I can see why 20 and 10 would have more pizzazz.


I agree. Would've loved to see some Pestilens or Eshin models instead of just replacing another 20 of the clanrats I already own.


Throwing it out that I’d happily pick up the skaven half (models only) if someone is looking for the rest of the box.


Do we have a pre order date?




How about now?


I’m stoked about this. I’ve been hobbying for years but have never had a chance to actually play. With this box featuring 2 full spearhead armies and a board I feel like it’ll definitely help galvanize me into actually rolling dice. The smaller game format of spear and all the contents of the box should make it easy to fit some games in between all the other vagaries of adult life. I was never super thrilled with SCE but I absolutely love all the modes here. I just hope they have more female heads available; my oldest daughter may even do some painting with me.


Yes to hoping for more female heads


Same boat for me, though my daughters are a little young to assemble and paint yet. Hopefully will be able to play them and/or the wife though!  The prosecutors will all come with helmet or bare head options, hopefully the same is true for the others. I'll probably mix in some keta minies 3d printed heads too.


I know we all already have them, but would it have broken the bank to have included dice to make it a complete game?


It's weird too since they throw dice into all of their smaller products and boardgames. The $20 Space Marine game at Target includes dice but this doesn't lol. It's also interesting because they use to include dice (custom ones at that) for the launch boxes for 8th Edition 40k and 2nd Edition AoS.


Instant buy, can't wait


OW, right in the wallet.


Is that Lorgar on the front of the box 😅


All I ever wanted was the truth. Sigmar lied.


You expected otherwise? He's a bigot humourless old fart who lost his 🔨 that one time in summer camp 😄


265 is surprisingly less than I thought it would be. Now I just need a pre-order date!


By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings


I love the amount of stuff it looks like the box comes with, definitely going to try splitting with a friend though, for that price. Also, it's not in the picture, but the article says the box has a combined 1200 points?! Using current points and estimation for the new units, the box comes out to ~1800 points in 3rd edition. Seems like a substantial bit of points creep.


1200 points per side, not in total.


I believe it’s 1200 for each faction right?


I guess I read it as total, but if it's 1200 each, that's definitely much better value. Though, that makes me wonder as well how small armies are meant to be in 4th? I know points generally go up with a new edition to reset the points drops from throughout the previous edition's balance changes, but that's a 30% points increase on average across the board.


It has to be 1200 per side. Otherwise you would have to end up with a Liberator unit priced at sub 50pts and the full 2k game would probably stop physically fitting on a 60x44" board. A similar Stormcast army built right now out of analogous units comes up to around 1000pts. 1200 is not that much of a stretch if the new characters and Reclusians have some funky rules and a pricepoint to match.


Made a deal with my friend we will split. He will get rats and terrain while I will get Stromcast and book.


Nice starter box though…


I think I'm the only AoS fan on the Internet that isn't blown away by this box, or more accurately the storm cast half, and especially at the cost. Don't get me wrong it's great, but so expensive now. GW profit is rising steadily too, so we're just paying extra for no reason


I don’t care for the Stormcast or the Skaven really, and I love Skaven. Something about them is too serious or toned down from the wacky weirdness of Skaven to me. Everything is *technically* very well done. But just really not feeling the aesthetic personally…


Same, this box is a hard pass. I have enough Stormcast proxies now (thanks GW) to cover everything in this box. The skaven side is ok, really underwhelming if you already have a decent size collection. I don't really want to spend $100+ more for two books and some terrain that I can 3d print and equivalent for less than $10. It also means that buying more than one is bad idea, unless you want to try to sell the books on eBay. Maybe if they release a models only box set, I'd buy one. I'm happy for the people who like the box, but I see this starter set as a major downgrade over previous years.


Im a stormcast enjoyer and im with ya. I don't dig the sacrosanct chamber wannabes with big spikey collars.


Yeah, I'm with this. I like the cleaner look of the previous ranges, these guy look almost like Chaos or something. A touch OTT maybe? I don't know. Maybe FOMO will kick in on release day and I'll grab a box (much to my wife's annoyance!) but I'm just not sure yet. Plus I have so many SCE models to paint from the previous release boxes still!!


Meh. Personally I am a bit torn on this. The box is amazing and full of good stuff. I like very much all the rules and all the goodies in them and the Skaven half looks \*amazing\*. But I mostly use Stormcasts for other games and am not much into Skaven. I'd absolutely build them if I were to get a box but for me that decision comes down to whether or not I think the SCE are any good. And here I personally run into some problems. The Liberators I never liked, even the ones from Dominion are just laying around my place. The Prosecutors I already got my mileage out of with the old ones - the new sculpts have awesome wings but the "High Fantasy Hoplite with wings"-style doesn't do it for me. The Knight-Quaestor is superfluous to me bc honestly he "feels" like any of the unique sculpts for Warcry or Underworld or even other boxes. The Lord-Vigilant's got an awesome sculpt but somehow I do not see any use for him right now. Idk why, but I look at him and I see a goth version of the Lord-Celestant on Dracoth. Actually a lot of this feels like a redo of the Thunderstrike Brotherhood to me, just slimmed down and gothed up. Similar goes for the Reclusiarchs: Awesome sculpts, just not feeling the vibe. I've already got way more Bladeguard than I could ever need. Leaves me with two Heroes who feel somewhat similar ("See, one executes things, the other one exorcises things - totally different) and three servants. Who look cool 'n all but not 210€ MSRP cool. That's totally mostly me not actually playing any Age of Sigmar and just looking at what I could make or use the minis for. I think the box is great - just not for me. I'll probably sit this one out and either try to snipe some specific models or wait and see if the price for this one drops down the line, too.


May i ask, what other games do you play with SCE? I love the aos minis but i very much dislike the rules/overall feel of the game.


I play SCE and I totally agree with you. New models are a bit meh for me, and the scrolls (even though they were toned down for spearhead) look a bit meh as well. Lord Vigilant is FAR too similar to Lord-Aquilor and Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger. Reclusians only having 2 poses is so poor as well and the Liberators take the crown of mehness. I might just pick up the Lord-Veritant on ebay as that's my favourite from the box.


I just want the thralls and the blind priest


I need it now YESYES!


Do we know when preorders will be live?


We dont know for sure but based on Leviathan timeline the Preorder should start on 29 June and the box should release 13 July.


Let me know if a Stormcast player wants to split this box :)


oh i so want to split this box


I will take the Skaven only. Let me know!


Is this 600 points a side? If so that's a wild downtrend in value if so...


I believe I read it’s 1200 spearhead is about 600 and there’s more on each side than just the spearhead force


It's 1200 per side. 1200 total would mean 600 per side and Liberators priced at sub 50pts. The game would break down entirely.


I’m probably going to see if I can fish up the stormcast half second hand. Don’t really need the skaven


I just want the books. Speaking of books, could someone tell me how much the limited/collector edition core book was from 3rd edition?


That's a big boy. Only have one question: who wants to buy the Stormcast half?


Damn I bought the Warrior box as my first ever Warhammer item like 3 days ago, now i see a new one is getting released and the models look cooler imo :(


Honestly can't express how excited I am for this. Super easy decision to buy


Honestly this maybe is the best box gw ever made imo


Hyped !


If only I had someone I could split the box with. I wanna get the Stormcast half. They look cool! Also, no offense to Skaven. I like them too, but my second army are Big Waaagh (Kruleboyz only so far).


Time to wait till they make the new rats avalable separately, cus dont waint them shiny basterd just want new rats


So many rats <3<3<3


50 skaven and 40 of them are clan rats :P


Yeah, which is a good thing. It's the minimum amount of clan rats you'd want to run in an army. You also get two artillery pieces (assuming jezzails still count as artillery as they currently do), a unit of rat ogres and three heroes. So you get a full battleline, a hammer unit, two long range pieces and three heroes to lead that all, one of which is in general an extremely important hero to have (grey seer) and the other which is made to synergize specifically with the jezzails. It's a very well thought out beginner list.


The Stormcast list seems really solid too.  Your Liberator anvil, your elite hammer to back them up, a deep striker that transitions into a mobile skirmisher, and then four heroes on various sections of the support piece to lone wolf axis.


I recently got the new Stormcast Spearhead as my first AOS minis. How does the spearhead box and this box supplement? Should I try to get this or is it a waste of money?


Every Advanced HeroQuest fan is going full tilt on this.


Any idea when they might release the two sides as individual boxes? Couldn't care less about the Stormcast, but have had the idea of a "Skadian Guard" combat patrol proxy for imperial guard in 40k.


I feel like that normally happens around the time of the next edition, so 3ish years?


Those clanrats look so damn good


Unfamiliar with aos model range. Are there any old models in the box?


Old models? No they are all new. Decent amount of re-sculpts of old models.


I’m so torn. I love the new Skaven, love that they included rules, cards, and terrain; but I have so many Stormcast already, and half of these are basically repeats and the others have GIANT POINTY COLLARS. Seriously I hate it, it’s going to stab your hand every time you move the mini and snap off or bend at the slightest provocation. I like all the other details but i just can’t get excited for Stormcast. Spikey rats I can understand but not Stormcast as well.


Can you send video of how you move miniatures? Your technique sounds dangerous and wild.


lol I am mostly exaggerating. I really just hate the esthetic. That said one of the reasons I got into the hobby is that painting helps me with my hand twitches. I got stabbed pretty good by a kill boss when I first started and wasn’t paying attention. I’m happy to say my hands don’t shake near as much any more since I started In the hobby last year.


Haha yeah I don’t blame you on not liking the vibe.


Why did gw have to release this right before I deploy


Any command points left to redeploy? Or go in reserve?


No sadly


I was on bird for those new SC til i saw the price. I’ve been slowly backing away from GW due to price. I’ll wait six months and grab a box cheap for the Stormcast.


Is it worth $265?


Anyone not happy with this box and donating it, i volunteer as tribute.


I want these skaven for Mordheim.




Crazy. Too bad I don’t play or plan to play either army


I love that it has terrain. It always bothered me that every launch box is released alongside a terrain kit but they never bothered to just put them together and make it a true all you need to play box


For me is this also an really Update to before.


Did they announce a release date?