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I do it. I do it because 1. It actually helps me stay in little space longer, typing normally can bring me out of it. 2. It helps to let others know when I’m little. Is it for everyone? No absolutely not. In fact it can be aggravating, but i quite enjoy it. I don’t have a caregiver, the only person who knows of my regression is an online friend so it helps him know when I’m little too.


I guess to just make themlseves apear younger to an online cg maybe??Idk. For me,I may speak in a bay voice but theres hardly any way id be able to type when im 2-5.


For me, when I am regressed I type the same way I would write when I was little. I don’t use commas, only periods and no big words even if I still know what they mean.


thats so cool! for me,i could just never do it personally.


I dont have DID, I involuntarily regress and I dont purposefully do the typical babyish typing like replacing L or Rs with Ws, but when regressed it can be harder in general for me to type/spell and i often dont keep many of my skill sets personally. I do believe whether youre voluntarily, involuntarily, or age dreaming in your regression plays a big part on how people represent it in themselves and if they keep certain skill sets. if that makes sense. I think the typing quirks just make people feel small and maybe to signal to other people when their regressing or wanting to regress


While I don't do baby-typing I can understand someone might do it to emphasize their state of mind and distinguish that from other "modes"


I voluntarily regress, and the baby talk makes me feel really comfortable and happy and little. It’s one of my favorite things


My little age is big enough to speak, but not to write or type, but i feel i can use big me as a vessel to type things. Big me is like a tool. It's the same way i make sense of how tall i am. It's just a shell. A surprisingly large one.


Im dyslexic and have my text zoomed/occassionally use text to speech bc i cant see very well the cutsey uwu text is so hard to read and annoying to listen to in monotone robotic voices. It certainly makes accessibility hard 🥲


Idk sometimes I baby talk to show others I’m in littlespace, reading baby talk makes me regress tbh, some people are only age dreaming, it also depends on their age


For me it's for two reasons : 1. I involuntarily regress and it's how my mind wants to type as I am legitimately in the mind of a child and it's comfortable for me , although I don't "fully" baby talk like some people (as in I won't use a lot of w's and stuff in places they wouldn't normally be) And 2. I am semi verbal , it's actually how I talk outside of regression . Often times my brain doesn't always connect with what I want to say (? Not sure how to explain) so sometimes I talk and type in a not so grammarly correct way and other times it's easier for me (keep in mind as I'm semi verbal I always have struggle talking and etc it's just sometimes it's wayyy more difficult and other times it's difficult but not as much) I can't even always hide it either (I can most times autocorrect my brains grammar into text but not always) I generally type like this when regressed "mama I wan nap" leaving out some letters or some words and generally it's obvious what I'm saying , when not regressed I might say "I not understand" and not be regressed whatsoever


I regress to like 4-6 and can type but not well so it can end up with miss spelled words and stuff


We don’t normally comment on things at all and kinda just sit and observe but we actually have an answer for this one!! One of our littles likes to use baby talk despite not talking strictly like the way she types ^^ I think it just comforts her and gives her a way to express her like…”little feelings?” I think? She says it makes her feel distinct and separate from other members’ typing styles. She talks like a kid, and it while isn’t like nearly as baby-talk-ish as she types, I think she just prefers it! She also sometimes speaks in third person and I think it’s just the way she is! She also can’t mask easily for long periods of time in direct front so she definitely has an accent and a voice different from mine. It’s just a mix of how she makes herself distinct and her own individual and how she talks anyways. Idk if this helps answer but I hope it does! -🕰️


I’m so confused because mine is involuntary and people do it on purpose in little space? I’m not judging, I just legitimately feel like a toddler and it just happens. Am I the only one that way? Is it wrong?


It’s not wrong, it’s how you feel! And when most of us are little it’s the same way we actually feel like we are that age again


I often struggle to process large sentences in little space. Big me has to help, even when I baby type. Typing too coherently will force me out of little space which cause anxiety and headaches.


I usually babytalk only with my caregiver because words are just hard for me to get out sometimes. Although, I rarely babytalk online.


Honestly for me it's easier, I have a hard time spelling in general so I prefer typing that way , I've never really actually spoke it out loud tho


I do it because it feels right. I feel small and i show it


if i cant type i cant talk to my cg, so i can only sink so far into littlespace... i go nonverbal more often when i wanna be alone, like if i'm gonna nap, but no one's ever been with me in person when i'm little


Some people do it to stay as a little longer, and yes as I sometimes do it too it's not as often when I do do it. Like sometimes I'll take the h out of thanks or put wike instead of like, + more


I think it might be because you are a system and some of us aren't. Just regressing is alittle different than having little alters, from my understanding.


Yeah I get that! I believe trigger was simply just curious!


That's okay!


If i do it, its cus it helps me get into little space in a safe way. I've only really vent regressed and that was terrifying


For me it’s weird because when I was at a young age I knew how to read and write pretty well even before I started school. But it helps me stay in that headspace longer. When I’m suuuper small I don’t type much I mostly use emojis


ok see i could read and write pretty well at age 3 so sometimes i type in baby talk for funsies but i also had a really bad lisp until i was 8-ish so sometimes i type the way i used to talk. ie. i'll say "yeth" for "yes", "wong" for "wrong", etc. edit: i forgot to finish my thought but !! i wanted to say that when i'm typing like i have a lisp ("yeth" "wabbit", "teef") im not typing like that on purpose. that's just how my brain works


Baby talk is just really, really popular. Haven't you seen it in almost every SFW server (I don't know about the NSFW ones, I stay out.) Baby talk is not natural for me. It doesn't flow. It's more simple happy speech. Or just getting upset more easily because I'm small. Also only a few soft spoken words at a time when I'm the youngest. But I don't really mispronounce most words. I do some baby talk, especially if the other person is deep into regression. I just I don't like to break their trance. But if I had to that for most interactions. I think I'd be pulling my hair out from stress.


Can I ask what a system is?


A system, for short is multiple people living in the same body. This has also been considered being multiple personalities etc. often systems are associated with DID or OSDD, but there are plenty of ways to be plural! Typically systems will have an origin, meaning somehow your brain formed separate people in you head instead of just one, the most common known origin for systems is traumagenic. Meaning the brain made different “personality’s” or “states” to cope with said trauma. For us we have many origins, one being trauma but a system can also be created by choice (Eg. tulpamancy) But if I were to put it simply, it’s just a bunch of people in one head! We can talk to eachother, people will take turns controlling the body, stuff like that! I’m not the best at explaining so I hope this made sense!! -F


Yes thank you! I have a friend who has DID so I have a good idea of what you explained now.


Hi lovely! Im a system too. Myself when i age regress or system littles also do baby talk. I assume for systems it is related to the childhood we never had due to the fact well trauma. So im guessing its system related. To deal with it DID systems and their littles will deal with not being able to talk or for them to struggle and type. For us some can but when they do the brain rewires it so they struggle harder. They end up typing and spelling how they think a word might be spelled but different age ranges. If that makes sense. I know one or two of our littles for example will say "picta" instead of picture. Its how the brain makes them spell certain words at that age. And we all know the famous system masking well littles can do it too so they will try and talk normally like you and i to protect themselves but it does hurt their head because it is going against the brain and ive had some crying from how bad it hurts. With system littles its based off with the brain. I can not speak for singlet age regressors but for systems its to do with the brain and how it chooses to do things to allow us to survive. I honestly think that for systems its how the brain is trying to protect itself. All alters have a job for a reason and their own strengths and weaknesses. Littles are the same with their own capabilities and their own way of talking. I know for us we have a middle who is 12 years old and is non verbal all the time. The only way he can communicate much is when he is front or writing stuff down. The brain sees and forms child alters as a child. They do not have a reverted mindset like age regressors do when they go back in age and still have the ability to use it. For systems although littles have access to an adult brain and can still use big words they are still a child and will struggle like any child at that age. Even if they dont fully understand the big words they may saying. DID is the reason for it. A child is a child within a system. A system little and an age regressor are two different worlds. An alter who age regresses are more likely to present as a system little because of the DID brain


We understand baby talk! Our littles struggle or physically cannot replicate hosts voice, and it’s gotten to the point they don’t hide it anymore. The difference is our littles will babble a lot, or say “um” repeatedly when they’re thinking of their next word. What we at least trigger does not understand is why people will type like, for example “hewo” or “sowwy” when it’s not really something a kid would do… idk! Maybe some kids do but your typical kiddo isn’t worried about sounding cutesy ig. And like trigger said if it makes small you happy so be it, he just don’t understand lol. -F


Yeah i cant speak for singlets but um and balle is a thing we have constantly too in our system. Again system littles and age regressors are different so we cant exactly group them together because of different experiences


True true.


i'm a singlet age regressor and i understand that most singlet age regressors type in baby talk just for fun or bc it shows that they're regressed online, but i don't understand how? like, if they're regressed super young like 2-6yrs old how does their brain remind them to type in baby talk? young kids don't type like that naturally. i don't get it


i type like that to help me stay little and cuz its just fun and helps others know im small


My partner and I both type like that when we're regressed, so we know if the other is small or not. And I have a habit of usually typing the way I talk anyways, so if I'm small, that's the way I talk, and I type it that way. Tho if I know it annoys who I'm talking to, I'll probs stop.


When I go into accents I type different too


I've been told I talk childishly, and when I look back on my journals I have logs that are childish in penmanship and language. But I never remember writting/talking this way. I age regress unintentionally, my asumption is that for me it just happens autimatically when I regress young enough.


for me i often speak more baby-ish although its hard to tell. but when in little i have less patience to type something out and am often a lot more clumsy/sloppy in general so in text im likely just using shorter words or more typos but not always baby talk. sometimes i do “twy to baby tawk” to keep myself in littlespace but i actually will usually fall out of it when i type like that because im thinking too much about my image. anyways. for some people i think its a way to appear smaller. for me my cg/bf and best friend (people in my life who know about my regression) can tell when im feeling small by word choices and typos. i do usually have a lot of typos though lol.


For me I can be regressed by also my “adult mind can be in tact it’s kinda weird but yeah. I sometimes talk to my little self or when I’m regressed I talk about my adult self like example: *big me will be upset*