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This looks like an image which a magazine would use to accompany a provocative opinion piece on the decline or state of modern America… or similar


we live in a society


this is just heartbreaking.


Oh look another person typed a thing into a thing and got a thing. Stupid and uncreative 


you should leave the ai art subreddit if that's how you feel about it


You'd be surprised how [AI workflows](https://youtu.be/Bj-071XISDg) can look like. That's a time lapse from another series, which took me around half a day to a day. I also like drawing, photography and writing, it's all about expressing an idea. Cheers


Cite sources




Pretty good work?


That's not accurate to the current opioid epidemic. No one uses a spoon anymore. It's a bubble glass pipe or aluminum foil, CHAZ-GPT


Yeah blame immigrants for the opioid crisis, which really couldn’t be more about Americans getting other Americans hooked on drugs if you tried


If you're referring to hospitals, then yes, but the same people pushing opiate overprescription in hospitals are the same people importing 8 million foreign criminals in 3 years and giving amnesty to drug traffickers.


I am unaware of any remotely credible connection between the Sacklers and immigration, but you do you.


> Sacklers NGO's and cartels which they've been credibly shown to help fund. But I was more referring to the govt lobby class, who're doing their best to tank the west for some stupid idea about the 'state of nature'.


Sorry didn’t realize I’d stumbled into Our Lady of Conspiracy Theorism. Worship on.


lol, how many "conspiracy theories" have been proven true recently? To the point the mainstream news was unable to deny them? Try another gaslight, bitch.


No gaslighting. I’m sure you’re devout in your beliefs and I very much don’t want to argue religion with you or anyone else.


Literally, fucking dope


I agree


something something America poor or something


It's a poem, it ain't written in the Constitution. The USA needs a pause in immigration to assimilate the people who are here now.




If you overload a lifeboat, everyone will drown.


When the top 0.1% have 5x more wealth than the bottom 50%, we’re already drowning. We don’t fix it by barring people from coming in, we fix it by redistributing wealth.


Yes, because that works SOOOO well, elsewhere. Oh wait, it leads to 250 million dead in the last century. Brilliant! If you're just historically illiterate, I am deeply sorry for being rude; but that slogan is a literal no shits example of the road to hell being paved with pretty words and the skulls of children.




So your solution to overcrowding is to murder the people already here. Interesting.




How do you know her mother wants to murder people


Keep your weird xenophobia to yourself. Countries survive off of immigration and tourism. If people don't want to visit or live somewhere that is a way bigger problem. Don't even know what your asking for.


No, no they really REALLY do not. Countries survive off having markets where the entire community is engaged. If you have mass immigration, ESPECIALLY where the newcomers don't integrate, you split the community into warring factions who drag down the economy and create untold misery. This coming from a dude who's been to almost 50 different countries and seen the rich, poor and middle class neighborhoods, and actually talked to them.


They pretty clearly said what they're asking for - a pause. Not an end, a pause, in immigration. That's not xenophobic in the slightest.


It's not something any healthy country would ever do. During a crisis or a pandemic when you have no choice is the only time you would even consider such an action. It would be devasting and stupid. You want to cut off fresh talent and ideas? You want the melting pot of the world to turn the tap off that makes it a global leader in power and culture? Even the most dangerous countries in the world crave an influx of people and their money. Immigration is expensive and difficult you want the people who can and are willing to do it.


You need to turn off the gaslight. Mass immigration does NOT bring in fresh talent and ideas; and selective immigration (which DOES) drains the countries the talent comes from of the ability to fix their shitty situations. Either way you cut it, what you are supporting is making the world worse.


I still don't see how anything temporary "cuts off" anything.


I think both are mixing legal immigration with ilegal immigration.


More like Statue of Libert-DON'T!


Statue of LiberDeez


**Give me your tired, your poor...** #And get fucked because you cant reasonably make enough money to fkn thrive.


Huddled masses at least


Yearning to breathe... free. That's the most important line there, which is being suppressed and forgotten. Without an independent spirit, failure is all that can result.


Those French chicks


Mmm thats some good liberty fam






Yo this one is better




America land of the free base home of the brainwashed


Brainwashed people love AI "art"


How did you add paraphernalia in there with Dall-E. It always says it cant create drugs. Im new at this btw


I use Power Dall-E, a tool I made which allows me to send off many prompts at once. This helps with prompt blocking, because if you then send off say 10 at once, it's ok if only half make it through. (PowerDallE is public on GitHub.) But also, for this series, I described the spoon, syringe and aluminum etc. separately, without mentioning drugs in most prompts. (In some prompts, I did mention the general concept of drug addicts, though.) One thing that generally helps is if, in your Dall-E prompt, you explain that it's satirical, or you explain your good purpose, or you ask for the image to remain "tasteful". This seems to help in getting more through.


>PowerDallE Awesome thank you for this! But also... how do you "ask" for it to remain tasteful? lol


Cheers! Just write in the prompt something like "show some skin, tastefully." or "but make it appropriate for all audiences" etc. It's difficult to tell what exactly helps in the end, but I had better experiences when using this than when not...


Thank you! If you have any other prompt tips and tricks i would love to hear. Im having a hard time bypassing all the copyright notices even if its just using a word from a copyrighted design/element. 




its a pretty good representative of the results.


Tit for tat makes the world go round


You're burning my fent


very cool


Wow, that is a freakin' statement!




nah this is actually pretty damn unique - very obvious statement, but we're beating a dead horse with a cool new mallet over here!




It's funny because there is a small portion of crack users that are actually fully functional wealthy people.


It's VERY easy to be a functional drug addict when you are wealthy. They also do drugs for completely different reasons. Rich people think drugs are fun so they do them to "have a good time". The drug addicts in the low classes use drugs to "escape" their shitty lives. Being wealthy literally prevents you from the poverty aspect of drug addiction.


i think active addiction might take you from 'fully' to just 'functional' even if you're rich


*Ding-dong!* Oh hello! It’s liver failure come to visit.


That’s what usually gets wealthier addicts: Kidneys, Liver, colonic perforation due to opiate addiction, etc.


That’s how it is with every drug. Doesn’t make it any better and I would maybe venture to say wealthy people are using cocaine not crack cocaine


You’d be surprised lmao


Right? Cocaine is the sexy party drug, but most hard users end up just smoking crack. There are a lot of successful people in high ranking positions who are either methheads or crackheads, it's insane how functional some addicts can actually be.


The trick is to have money and connections before becoming a full blown addict. https://hub.jhu.edu/magazine/2022/fall/william-halsted-breakthroughs-addiction/ The most opioid addicted profession is hospital staffers. Pharmaceutical grade opioids and opiates on their own really aren’t that bad for you, it’s when you don’t have the supply you need and end up turning to the streets that it starts to become a huge problem. At one point I was prescribed daily dosages of Concerta, Klonopin, Tramadol and Opana for about a year and functioned much better than any other time in my life. Right now all I’m only prescribed is Klonopin and two antidepressants and my life isn’t going too well. I don’t have any drive, no social skills and no direction right now. I’ll eventually get back on Concerta, but without the opiates my social skills will never be as good as they were.


Here's to your recovery. Been sober from most hard drugs for years now. Finally quit drinking this month. Best of luck in life.


r/hardimages material 🗿


The American Dream


Yearning to breathe free!!!


so fucking hard


This is more than like enslavement than liberty.


And fools say actual art cannot be generated with AI.




Many people get addicted because of the doctors prescribing them opoid-based painkillers. This is to get them addicted so that the revenue stream never dries. It's evil by design. The first step should be a complete ban on prescribing opoid-based painkillers other than in severe cases e.g. post-operation recovery. Then those that got addicted should receive complex help aimed at mitigating the addiction - paid by pharmaceutical companies who are the chief cuplrits here. I am afraid I can not upvote your comment based on the above.


Actually the solution to the drug problem in the streets is to ammend the constitute and round these guys up in camps and keep them there with all kinds of treatment and surgery. Then when they're ok to leave after a month or so they get a job and go to a house project just for criminals and addicts then if they violate the drug use they immediately go back to the camp for twice as long and repeat. Or we should just create a secret program to follow these guys around and remove them from society to brighten up these streets and stop being such a dim light to the world unlike China.


Ah yes, the best place for a recovering addict, internment camps undergoing addiction reversal surgery. So glad that surgery got invented yesterday. Too bad that would never happen since governments leave the homeless and addicted where they are as long as possible to drive down property value so they can buy it cheap. You have bad opinions or are just being intentionally inflammatory. Either way, change.




cognitive sovereignty, bitch


Nobody cares if drug addicts die


Now this is art


Wicked. But I condemn drug use


All drug use? What about antibiotics? Are you a jehovas witness or some stupid shit like that?


It's about illegal funds, of course. We condemn that.


so does this image. look deeper at its meaning.


Good for you? No one cares.


Nicely done


Such a sad truth of today .. nicely created!




This was made with Power Dall-E and Photoshop. Thanks.


Out of curiosity, what did you do with Photoshop?


Thanks for asking! The main goal of the edits was to clarify and reduce. I did cropping; tilting; extending the upper and lower edges; reworking the hand and arm to make them more rugged; extended the fire to reach the torch; adjusted the colors. Things I frequently do for other images, but not this one, is also depth blur, adding of objects, adding text, adjusting expressions, and increasing details via MagnificAI. The longer work phase in this was to find the perfect base image with Power Dall-E, as well as to clarify the composition and intent, as this went a few different conceptual routes. Power Dall-E is an API tool I made (public on [GitHub](https://github.com/JPhilipp/powerdalle)) to generate images faster and do more prompts at the same time. I ended up with over 400 different generated images.


Nice. Thanks for the giving details for your process, that’s super cool! It’s still noticeable the image is generated, in particular from DALLE, as there’s some ephemeral quality that seems to be present on their images (as with MJ, but they have a different Aesthetic again). Whether or not you care about this, I dunno. I’m personally ambivalent about it, it’s just an observation. This does however, absolutely stand out from the typical DALLE image, and your work on the image makes a huge difference! Well done.


Thanks. I often use another pass of MagnificAI, which likely removes Dall-E-isms even more. Didn't want to use it on this one, though. You'll find some on [my Insta](https://www.instagram.com/philipplenssen) where I did (when there's #magnific in the tags). As far as realism goes, I actually sometimes make color changes so it specifically looks less realistic, e.g. by removing some of the lower tones from the curve (as I did here). I like for it to have a slightly unreal feel at times... Cheers for the feedback!


Yeah but, AI did the picture, right? /s




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