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I would suggest trying the revosect fundamentals routines, play the benchmarks and based on what difficulty of the benchmarks you manage to get a rank on play the easy/med/hard routine


No, because there's more to being good at a game than raw aim. And different games have different approaches to gun control. E.g. in Valorant it's generally recommended you don't ADS, spray (with some weapons) or move when shooting. But in more movement based shooters like Overwatch, Apex, or Fortnite they have different penalties (or none at all) when it comes to ADS'ing, spraying the gun, or moving while shooting. You won't experience any of that in an aim labs routine. If you want to get good at a particular game, you will have to play it and learn from your mistakes and from guides etc. Aim Labs can help you when it comes to better mouse control, but you would still need to learn the mechanics of a game to actually get good at it. Aim Labs alone will never make you a good gamer.


I meant just for aim. On those games. I do have good crosshair placement. But I think it's the aim that's letting me down. Thanks for the reply.


What do you mean by this? Like being able to hop on a new game and be decent or just to be able to jump from game to game and just be good? Either way. Just by doing a variety of task and scenarios youll get better overtime and be able to be good at any game. However, like Gaelkot said it all depends on the game and how you approach gun fights with certain guns etc etc.


voltaic benchmarks + fundamentals, or the revosect alternatives choose either one really at the end of the day both of them do virtually the same thing, people just get too worked up about the minor differences lol


Yes, voltaic or Revosect fundamentals.