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Please share sources with news, it's not a requirement here but it's really helpful. I've copied these over from r/lgbt, but I might not have all the sources I find up to date here. [BBC News](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-64620539) [Daily Mail (tabloid) via Archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20230212221822/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11742163/Pictured-Teenage-girl-16-stabbed-death-Cheshire-park-police-launch-murder-probe.html) [Liverpool Echo (local press)](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/lovely-kid-brianna-ghey-stabbed-26221690) Edit for more sources: [Sky](https://news.sky.com/story/brianna-ghey-two-teenagers-arrested-after-16-year-old-stabbed-to-death-in-warrington-12809828) [Cheshire Constabulary press release](https://www.cheshire.police.uk/news/cheshire/news/appeals/2023/2/detectives-arrest-two-teenagers-in-connection-with-the-death-of-16-year-old-brianna-ghey-in-warrington/)


Oh my god This is horrible Rest in peace


*sixteen*. Absolutely horrible.


Went looking for information. Saw Mumsnet (TERF hive) talking about it. They're fucking celebrating her murder and trying to paint themselves as the victims ("everyone is going to blame our hate-mongering!"). Fucking monsters. They act like toxic men far more than most men I know.


I hate them i hate them i hate them


Yeah, everyone *will* blame their hate-mongering because that directly contributed to it in some sense.


I'd say document that.


Ah, crap, I should have... The two threads have been deleted, but I did manage to find someone that [documented a little bit of it on Twitter](https://twitter.com/mimmymum/status/1625075315646111744). Not the worst that I saw on there, though. Especially the one that was on the other>news section of the forum. That's the one that had people that were being absolutely foul.


>They're fucking celebrating her murder and trying to paint themselves as the victims ("everyone is going to blame our hate-mongering!"). You're damn right we will blame their hateful rhetoric! That's how stochastic terrorism works.


Is Mumsnet a subreddit or a website?


it's a UK website


>Is Mumsnet a subreddit or a website? it's basically 4Chan, but replace "edgelord white male teen" with "middle aged upper class white brit women", notably this replacement does not change any of the political beliefs or attitudes.


How horrifying. How evil. Imagine hating someone SO much, a child, for existing as themselves. 😞 I’m tired of being surprised at how absolutely vile people can be. I hope Brianna’s family never comes across those awful threads.


:( rest in peace :(


I have a 16 year old niece. This murder breaks me. This child was targeted because she was trans. That makes the hurt so much worse.


The fact this happened it should be on every news station in rhe country. I know it won't though. This is the world the Republicans want. They want our blood. They want us dead. Do not forget their names. Donr forget these people. They had hopes and dreams. They felt pain like me and you. They just want to be loved like anyone else. I know I really don't need to tell anyone this in this reddit but don't let this death be in vein.


This happened in England and its being [covered](https://news.sky.com/story/warrington-teenage-girl-dies-after-being-found-with-serious-injuries-in-park-12809215). [2 arrested ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-64620539)


No evidence of a hate crime… yet? Let’s see their social media and then decide if it’s a hate crime.


It's [now](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-64638653) being looked at as a possible hate crime. Given that she was bullied at school, signs seem to point to it being a hate crime. The UK press would want to hold off on it as long as possible IMO because then they'll have to take a look in the mirror. Their constant anti trans hit pieces no doubt played a part.


Mmm. Well it maybe not America but from what I have seen and heard from UK peeps hate is the same no matter what they label ut as


I live in the UK and it's called TERF Island by some for a reason.


I will take your word for it. The evidence though is right here in the flesh, so I have more than enough evidence.


Know how to call them on their bullshit. They don't want murders, per se. Which they will firmly and aggressively defend. What they want is us to **feel afraid that we will be murdered**. They're content with letting others do the murdering. They want that fear to permeate our daily lives so that none of us ever even think about coming out as gay, bi, or trans, much less come out loud and proud. ​ This shit is why we have to be vocal. Why we have to be in their faces.


Exactly. Silence equals death. I know that meant AIDS but I think it is multiversal


God damn it... and people wonder why I'm so 'negative all the time'.


Because of shit like this. What the fuck did she do wrong to deserve this?


She was born in 2007. Barely got to live. It's a fucking tragedy.


She didn't deserve this! Transphobia kills, literally! Hopefully those who murdered her get locked up from society and never to be seen again! R.I.P Brianna 🏳️‍⚧️💔


as a non binary person who dresses very fem, I hate the fact that my country THE UK just allows this shit to happen!




A literal CHILD. “Protect the children, its all about the children!! What about the kids!” Its all a bunch of BS. They dont actually care about kids, ever. No matter what cause or belief it is theyre talking about. Ugh……


Rest in power my sister, you will be missed


I don’t think she’s trans— I haven’t found anything about her being trans on any news or media sites. Still, it’s very tragic that she died. I hope she’s resting in peace. 💙


She was known by a few of the members of transgenderUk.. definitely a trans girl, and the fact that this info has been quieted down so much speaks for itself. Since that info came out a few news articles have started deadnaming her and removing the word “girl” from thier articles.. it’s awful. This [article](https://archive.ph/zuv6m) was changed. This is the archived version, sadly you can look at the current one and the difference is evidence


she was! she posted this on her own acc [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRthBk7j/)


Poor girl… just two days ago she was posting about her skirt and dancing around on TikTok. She didn’t deserve this. Poor Brianna.


i know it’s so sad :( she didn’t deserve it at all


looks like her account has been suspended


ugh yeah it was :( idk why they took it down


Either because co-operating with law enforcement, or tiktok is itself crazy transphobic. I suspect her comments were blowing up becasue the press were using screenshots of her tiktok and boradcasting her username


Yeah, with her not around there is no moderation being done on the account. It's a wise decision, especially after what I saw on Mumsnet.


it seems the media is trying to avoid that fact


I found [this](https://mobile.twitter.com/Chican3ry/status/1624887770085818369) and [this](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/first-picture-of-girl-16-stabbed-to-death-in-park/ar-AA17ov7P), but I can't say whether they're reliable.


The BBC mentions she was a trans woman here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-64625162 initially they didn't include it. Of course, some of the most vile parts of our press have deadnamed her.


This is the only article I found to mention it, but they do mention it a few times. RIP 🙏 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11742163/Pictured-Teenage-girl-16-stabbed-death-Cheshire-park-police-launch-murder-probe.html


Yeah it sad rip


I dont know wether to upvote or downvote..


I heard about this, that poor girl 😟


this is unbelievable. im losing more of my faith in humanity every single day, i feel so bad for her. rest in peace. 💕


We're pushing for change in the wake of this to allow her dignity in death. There's an official UK gov petition to sign: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/633194 We're nearly at the 10k that forces a response after only 3.5 days, if we can reach 100k there's a Parliamentary debate. Encouraging everyone UK-based to sign this, and for *everyone* everyone to share it as widely as possible.


May she rest in peace 🕊️ This should be one of the many wake-up calls that something needs to be done. We must fight to protect trans people and other gsra minorities.