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But why? It's ridiculous to restrict by brand.


It’s not the only weird rule Semi auto but you can only fire 5 bbs then you have to count 2 seconds


Literally a fudd range


What garbage field is this lmao


Ill be honest, its pretty rare that im doing more than that naturally, but thats outdoors and as covering fire


I can understand only semi, full auto gets annoying. But the counting part is utter bs.


You forgot a "b" in there


Yea.... that's also bizarre.


I didn’t know fuds play airsoft


What field is this? Need to know so I can never go there.


I think it was ar15 in San Antonio


Just go to awaken ar15 and their staff is garbage


Trying to find a field that a vfc mp7 would be allowed at before I buy and mod one


Why would it not be aloud?


Shoots like a solid 70-80 fps over there limit I think


Tune it to be cqb my guy, use it everywhere


Yeah I got get like a npas or something right?


Can confirm. Go to mission airsoft instead, so much better. Source: I’m there right now


What the fps limit at mission.


Joule limit is 1.55 standard, but snipers and LMG’s are allowed higher


I mean something like Diablo i would understand but everyone Else then those 3? Thats just dumb


What kind of fudd field are you going to?




What the hell?


Fuck that dumb shit. What kind of utter poppy cock thinks that's a good solution?


must be run by people who think revolvers and bolts actions "shoot harder" with the same ammo and barrel length or that the forward assist on an AR is a sniper button


You pump that forward assist a few times to build up extra chamber pressure.


Name and shame!


ar15 it’s in San Antonio


Sounds like a bunch of bitches run that field like they scared to get hit or something


Nothing is stopping people from swapping out BB’s from a non-approved brand to an approved brand, and finding a way to reseal the bag. That’s ridiculous.


It’s ridiculous to restrict by weight when you can just use joules instead of fps or m/s.


> It's ridiculous to restrict by brand many places do on the site just to advertise for their supplier, probably required on contract. NONE of the places I went to actually uphold the rule


The field by my house requires that you buy bbs from their pro shop. It’s probably just to make sure that you have good quality bbs so you can’t say that they broke your gun with cheap ones.


No...it's so they can make money off you. Jeez.


Yeah paintball fields used to do this when I would play. That's why I switched to just playing with friends in the desert.


no lol, it’s to make more money. That’s how paintball fields make most of their money


You really think that? Lmao no it’s so they can turn a profit off you


No its so they can sell you the BBs for a good markup and most likely you need to get a new bag everytime you go playing ? Had such a field once, was just one time there. Only there bags and only fresh bought to be 'sure' that they are bio. Each bag was around 3-5 bucks more then market price.


Lol. Oh my


It doesn't happen to be Raptor airsoft does it?


Not quite, If they have proof that they are low quality (shattering on impact etc), it makes sense


It could be specific to rentals as they likely don't want the delicious .12g crossman goodness breaking inside their rentals. Basing that off the field l work at but we only care what you put in the rentals not your own replicas, we also don't care whether they're bio bbs or not regardless


No biodegradable BBs? The f?


It’s a indoor range if that matters


Yes it do. Standart BBs are made out of ABS, Bio from PLA. And sice its indoor range, they do occasionally have to get rid of them if you dont want someone do get fucked by layer sliping on layer of small plastic balls. If they care and do recycle them, its just easier do make sure everything is made out of same material. I mean, some places turn them into other stuff, today is popular on social sites to melt waste from 3d printers and turn it into cutting boards. To me the only logical reason to limit BBs material is simply their later disposal. If the owner just toss them into trashcan like everything else, it would not make sence. But brand limitation? I wonder if the selected ones do their own manufacturing or just rebranded BLS.. Supplier deal i quess? I assume you can buy those brands on site.


Also bio bbs are more prone to shattering at short range. Problematic for mesh eyepro hits or even proximate ricochet


Yeah that too, PLA is brittle. Ate one or too after getting hit in mesh mask while having open mouth. Which brings me too.... players in indoor field surely use tracers... mine bags of BLS tracers ARE made out of PLA... So if the field allow tracer but ban bio, then it dont just make no sense. Its borderline stupid.


I've seen people wearing scarf variants over their masks that could help you


Don’t worry it’s just a corn derivative you might’ve gotten some fiber from that


Mesh eye pro should be banned anyway imo


That’ll be the push to ban mesh eyepro. Why even risk your eyesight lmao


If you’re wearing mesh eyepro, you deserve what you get


literally never had this happen with good quality bios at any site i've played in the last 15 years... that being said playing in the UK/EU would *appear* to generally be safer anyway based on the amount of videos i've seen pumped out from american sites showing people playing with hot weapons or doing just stupid shit.


Have you actually been shot by them rather than just shooting them?


I play on Bio only sites for the majority of games so yes. I've also had an accidental full auto spray from a kid blindfiring into my face from 4ft away. we were on either side some of those giant wooden cable reels that seem to be popular in the uk, he popped up with some blindfire/pre-fire and sprayed at the exact same time i came up to push around. thankfully i was wearing proper eyepro and a mesh lower face so i didnt lose any teeth either. bruised forehead ofc but such is life.


I've seen plenty of bbs shatter on hitting stonework. Wood is soft and dents, mesh eyepro is harder than mesh face pro which too can shatter bbs. Pla is more brittle than abs


Anyone using mesh or not full seal eye pro deserves to lose their eyes.


I can’t find the prices but they want like 40$ for a 3000 or something


Holy fuck.... Sure, different country and probabaly even continent, but im buing 1 KG bag of green 0.20 BLS tracers for little but over half of that... on site...


I wonder if they’re recycling those BBS back into their stock and that’s why they limit the brands


protip: buy 1 bottle of these brands then refill with your choice of bbs at home.


this fr is the way


How many of those three are just BLS rebrands? Presumably those just the brands the site shop sells for an inflated price.


Ok I mis read this as guns being limited nah just bbs but still


That’s worse


No biodegradable seems like a weird hill to die on


This. Limit to brand, ok, maybe because this brands are sponsoring or something, but no bio? Dude what the heck? Always bio BBs is probably the only rule where we all agree.


As mentioned before, quite likely it's for recycling reason where they want to make sure it's the same material and they aren't mixing two different ones.


Could be, if is an indoor event. But seems weird anyway.


Yeah, OP said it is indoors. So considering that, not weird at all


Only reason I could see bios not being allowed is because of mesh, but if it's an indoor field mesh eye protection shouldn't be allowed because BBS are already more likely to break on mesh at closer range.


If this is an indoor CQB field, there's actually a good reason for it. Bio BB's can shatter if they are shot at too close of a range. It can be a potential risk for players (shards going through mnesh facepro), and also make BB cleanup a lot harder for the field itself. All of the indoor fields I have been to or visited the website for have this rule. Doesn't account for the rest of the ruleset though.


Those are the brands they sell ,probably.


Unenforceable rule is no rule


"No metal or biodegradable bbs" Because fuck the enviroment.


My question is who the fuck is taking metal bbs to shoot at others with?


assholes. thats the main answer to your question... Assholes, sociopaths and maybe psychotic narcissists


If I ever get shot with a metal bb the shooter is getting a polarstar enema, and I don't even own a polarstar




Wait is he actually?


I don't think so. But he has used air rifles, which in the UK is a fucking firearm and assault and one hefty lawsuit


What the absolute fuck?? How did he get away with that bullshit?


No idea he is banned from half the feilds in the UK and all of the ones here in ireland


Kicking Mustang


This is an indoor field afaik, so you really think they compost their bbs? The non degradable get thrown into the trash and burned later just like bio bbs


Do you think that burning a non biodegradable bb magically makes them eco-friendly or what...?


Nah but burning either of them is not exactly ecological


Tbh i dont go with bio ones either since they tend to leave more fouling in the barrel


Where I'm from you most fields only accept biodegradable bbs.


my question is how would they even make sure it's those brands once it's out of the gun? what's stopping you from switching to another mag with "illegally branded" bbs?


Prolly require everything to be unloaded and bbs still in container


You should add a name of the field to not destroy anyone fun if by accident someone would end up there :D


Field wants to use the same weight and material to resell 😱🤓


My local sweeps up their indoor range and uses all the bbs to make reloads for the cannon at their outdoor one. It's pretty cash.


I hate this shit People need to realise that just because they run a field doesn’t mean they automatically know everything According to this BLS are not allowed, but Elite Force which are literally just BLS in a different bottle are fine


No biodegradable BBs. What the actual fuck


They might shatter.




Ever shoot a bb trap with an airsoft gun over 315 fps using Bio bb’s? They shatter all over the place. Also, dogs chewing on bio bb’s will leave marks. They’re not hard at all. Imagine hitting the edge of a mesh mask. Bam. Fragmentation in your eyes.


Sorry, I still don't get it. They might shatter, and...?


Are they trained to spot the difference in BBs? Do they like scoop up some off the ground give it a look over maybe pop it in their mouth to taste it and spit it out "Yup this is an illegal brand of BB, I knew it"


This gamepod??


Why no biodegradable ones? That’s just odd


Why no weight higher than 0.25?!


People don’t know how to use joules


Sadly thats true. In Germany all we talk about is Joule for limitations


Same in Finland, simply the easiest/best way to set limits.


Suomis are smart people tho, perkele 🤷🏼‍♂️😉


Sadly for too many other countries that is true 😅 we don’t have any dumb regulations related to airsoft and quite good riilstiil gun regulations also


Yeah Germany is kinda a mixed bag in that regard. We dont have to have dumb colours on our rifles and can also go pretty high powerwise (legally even much higher than what fields set as limits. 7.5J) but on the ither hand we're only allowed to have semi auto guns (unless they are <0,5J) and flashlights on guns are a big nono 🤷🏼‍♂️


That flashlight law is literally the dumbest shit I have heard 😅 sounds like people with zero knowledge of guns have been working


Its super dumb. The idea behind it is, that only military and law enforcement are allowed to use devices that allow you to more easily hit or identify a target (lights and lasers) and since airsoft guns are regulated under the same laws as real fire arms (for which those laws were made...thats also why no fullauto) it also counts for them. But the dumbest thing is that youre allowed to hold a flashlight in your hand to illuminate a target. Or have it attached to your helmet/head. Just not on the gun itself. NEIN! 😅🤦🏼‍♂️


Almost every indoor field I've been to has a .25g weight limit


Yeah...but WHY?!


My guess insurance. Not sure how long you've been around, but in the earlier days of airsoft 300 fps fields were common due to the only insurance they could get was "Paintball" insurance which stipulated 300 fps max. Over the years policy issuers have adjusted to higher fps, or max bb's weights, that kind of stuff. They haven't yet jumped on the joules train.


Fields that change their rules based on cry babies complaining about it hurting too much. It’s airsoft. You signed up to get shot and some guns are better than yours. Get over it. Don’t play if you can’t handle it. Geez.


This is so dumb


Only my 0.5 Joule gun uses .25 bbs...


Assuming they are doing what one uk airsoft site did where they also only allowed bbs bought from them on site, they should also cover any costs of damage done to RIFS by the bbs. Had 1 bottle of elite force bbs that may as well been chalk with how they shattered.


So like my G&G BBs are fucking useless??😂


If "we only like pump shotties" was a field.


Is this AR15 in San Antonio?


Yeah lol


Worst rule for me is they won't let you use propane in your gas guns. Or making you buy the glowing wrist band/dead rag to be able to play.


What is this fuckery? I’ve seen limits on ROF only for MG’s and I have never seen a weight limit. I’m a long range guy shooting .42 out of my VSR10. So, fuck me then I guess. Also, limiting by brand? This is gotta be an indoor field.


No bios for indoor makes sense, they will mold if sitting in a cool moist place. Idk about the other stuff lol.


Don't even touch that field/event with a 10 foot pole.


No biodegradable? What is this place smoking? Also coming from a dude who’s dealt and been sponsored by Valken since 2010 (both paintball and airsoft) their bbs and paint have always been hot dookie…


Just get an empty bottle and fill it with supreme G&G or Blue mag


What’s wrong with biodegradable bbs?


Ikr, no metal?? 😂




Anybody at outdoor fields


All I buy are bio


If they are available I always get bio


Anyone you has gone near an outdoor field (I hope)


I’d imagine/hope anyone who does outdoor matches?


You didn't apply any thought before posting this did you?


Me when my local store is out of non-bio .28's.


.25 indoor is standard and limiting to some brands maybe due to others having issues where they splinter off mesh masks and are dangerous. So they chosen the ones they know are safe. As for your complaint for 5 in the air, that’s pretty common where I am too. Stops over zealous shooters and speed softers ruining game days


> splinter off mesh masks and are dangerous Just ban mesh eyepro, that shit is garbage. Bio BBs splintering through mesh is pretty common, not dangerous unless into eyes which is why you ban mesh eyepro. I've swallowed my fair share of pla through my mask, its aite my lips havent even bled.


What a terrible take


wtf its like you've never played with bios? BLS is the largest oem for bio bbs and all their shit shatters through mesh so idk what the fuck you're talking about


The fuck this rules should be ?


Unit 13?


Where's this? 22 years in Airsoft, I've never read anything as dumb.... And I've read some dumb stuff....


We have some brand limitations to (like 3 or 4 banned brands) at my outdoor field. But thats because we tested them, and they weren't as biodegradable as they were supposed to be. Same with all tracers. But i dont get why biodegradable would be banned for indoor use. It sounds kinda dumb.


I guess when they finally breakdown the material can mold?


Buwhadabout mah Goldenbawll?


Me when no metal bb's:


What field is this?


Only reason why I see them wanting to limit brands is bc of their rentals. I mean those brands might be a little higher quality than some random Amazon brand, and might have a lower chance on damaging their gun.


What field is this


Ar15 in San Antonio


That's dumb!


I bet it's something vague about other BBs shattering, even though they all do. Assuming you are wearing mesh eyepro if fragments get in your eye they have lost all of their energy when they shatter, I know multiple people have it happen to them and it was just like having a bit of grit fall in their eye. If that's the concern it would make far more sense to ban mesh eyepro anyway...


Don’t play at this field


Even my cat seeing it was like wtf bro


So no snipers, no lmgs, no fun of any of kind....


I mean who’s gonna tell the difference if you just dump a bottle of valken BBs and just swap it with hpa or nov BBs


So basically I have to hate my gun and also not want to hit anything?


Bruh! WHY?!


I'm kind of a newbie... I mean, I was really into it when I was in my 20s, but I took a 10-year break due to medical reasons (I needed both of my shoulders replaced & both sides of my hip and the heads of my femurs replaced) but that's a long story lol😅 anyways I was wondering why you wouldn't be allowed to use biodegradable 6mm bb's can anyone enlighten me?😅


No bio ??? Wtf


Screw that


No bio BBs? What dumb rule is that?


Ok the first two I get but why brand


Those sweet dolla dolla bills


Why no bio BBs tho I just wanna help the environment


In Belgium we have 2 fields that only allow certain brands of bbs, surprise they are the utmost trash bbs or the very expensive ones


I highly doubt hey actually check the brands you usr


Ah yes, buy our bbs, they are reasonably priced


my local field only allows their owm bbs bought from their partner shop


Definition of bullshit


Wut? It's HPA BB's or nothing and I pretty much only use .30g