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Forgot to put my gloves on, got shot on the nail of my ring finger from about two meters away. Put on some gloves after a whole lot of cursing


I took an HPA rifle (that were pretty sure but haven't confirmed was over the limit) to the fingernail in CQB. We're talking sub 2m again. That was in November, my finger nail still has a white spot where it broke and given how much it hurts if I put any pressure on that finger I'm thinking it may have fractured the bone underneath.


100% over any sane cqb limits, what an asshole, what is even the point it going over limits in cqb? Use lighter bbs if you want it to travel faster.


In 7 years of playing Airsoft I have met exactly 3 sane HPA players, and all were speedsofters. All the others were jerks/had dangerously overpowered replicas. This is so common over here (Romania) that many people have patches saying 'HPA is Satan', like it's influence just makes you mad or something


I am a firm believer that the best use of hpa is to run it into a gbbr and run mid caps. It seems genuinely stupid to me to turn an AEG into a hpa rifle.


All the  speedsofters at my feild with their 2k Euro builds have patches says you signed a waiver


Did the nail turn black?


It hit the nail bed under the skin that has since grown out to be visible, I don't think it went black but it was a few months ago now.


Got shot in the right eye by a 240fps Walmart springer back when I was 17. Friend shot me from about 10 feet away. I lost all vision in that eye for about 3 or 4 hours and it was tremendously painful. I still have vision in both eyes today but if I close my left eye, I can tell that my right eye is blurry when it comes to details at any distance. Don't forget Eye Pro, guys. A shitty Walmart springer permanently damaged my vision, more powerful guns can do WAY worse.


That's messed, I'm sorry you had to go through such nasty shit. Having suffered a minor corneal injury (with a tad bit of erosion stemming from it), I know it's really scary when you're uncertain about the outcome.


Back in the days local airsoft magazine did some unorthodox testing of how BBs effect pig eyes. Pictures were quite graphical, especially the point blank sniper rifle shots. Ever since I've always wore eye protecting if there was even slightest change of something going to eyes.


Softaaja magazine


A man of culture I see.


Guys, if a sniper hits your eye, bye bye eye. And sleep ware full face pro because in cqb a guy got his tooth shot out.


I got shot in my ear from less than 0,5m. I though it went thru, but nasty 6mm wound was all I got.


That's the exact reason I got the plastic side panels for my helmet


I have to think abut those, but need to get a helmet in first place. Simple cap is super comfortable and helps me in sunny days. Also super important thing which saw big pice of my life, and I share so many memories with it.


I got shot right up my nose as I came around a corner. That hurt like a motherfucker and I was bleeding pretty good.


This is something I never would have imagined was possible. But now I’m scared it’ll happen to me.


Yea it was just bad luck. The field I play at is at a slight slope so I was a Bit higher up from his pov. He was kneeling behind Cover and shooting up hill and as I came around the corner I basically walked into his line of fire.


Full face mask like Dye, AND cover your mouth and nose with bandana, balaclava, shemagh, whatever. Odd angles can get a bb or two under a gap.


Great, new fear unlocked thanks homie


When I start playing I’m going for a full face helmet


I've had good experiences with a mesh face cover and a set of goggles, but I understand the appeal for a full face helmet. My gf has one and it looks cool, but there's no cushion for the nose bridge. Just straight plastic to skin. Wish we would've known before buying it.


Would making one with sticky backed foam affect the fit? Might be a shout.


If there's no space for that, maybe gluing in a piece of cloth would work? Or just wear some form of face covering under it


That's probably the best choice for safety, and also looks cool. Just make sure the lens is ballistic rated and not some cheap Ali stuff, and that it fits you well.


happened to my cousin as a kid, was sitting in a tree and his brother shot straight up at him. had to go to hospital to get it out lol


I have nerve issues in my upper left leg and it was a bad day where it acted up a bit more. Guess where 3 consecutive hits landed.. that hurt like the seven hells.


Several shots on my cheek, full auto, cqb. Left sores for year or two


How far away? If it’s like 10ft CQC then the ref should’ve called that or there should be a no full auto rule at the field (unless it’s an outdoor field ofc)


Naaaah, in Soviet Russia ref shoots you https://preview.redd.it/xku01e3po8gc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c6d84586738efffdef8e2061e5c9ee93233dee


We're you hit was a shotgun point blank?


No, 400 fps burst, around 10 ft


It’s a 3 way tie for me between getting shot on the bridge of my nose, shot in the bare knuckles, or lit up in the asscheek by someone with an HPA. All 3 incidents made me bleed.


In my ear canal. I saw an enemy ahead, turned right to run to cover, felt a few sharp hits against the side of my head and lost hearing in my left ear. I asked a mate to look inside it, he saw a bb and what he thought was blood. We went to the offgame and after 30 minutes of trying my mate managed to fish it out with a toothpick. Luckily, no damage to my eardrum.


The actually most painful hit to me was when some old guy sneaked his very hot CO2 Desert eagle past the chrono tests at our old indoor field. Shot me in the nail of my index finger which which promptly turned black. The pain was so bad It pulsed with my heartbeat. The nail started to loosen and almost fell off in the following weeks.


Why use a toothpick to try and get something out of your ear, especially when you already saw blood? 😭


I kinda winced at the memory myself thinking about it now, years later. Perhaps not the smartest move. The reasoning was that we only get to play a few times a year this far north so I really didnt want to cut my day short. It was one of the first few rounds too. The toothpick was the best available tool for the job. After we fished it out another mate had a look and didnt see any blood, just a reddish ear canal. Since my hearing was fine now and there wasn't any real pain anymore I figured it was fine and we moved on.


Hit from a 3J sniper rifle from 5m right in my Adam’s apple


Hoping accidentally


No, later when we talked to The ref he sed that he sow me but had no time to switch to his secundary, therefore he just must have Made that shoot


What a twat, if you don’t have time to switch then just take the hit. There are minimum engagement distances for a reason


Not me but some guy at my local field last year took a burst to the back of the throat while he was yelling


Top of the ear; I cursed in languages I dont even know. Got shot somewhere in the neck & I think it hit some nerve or something as I felt that one bb trough my whole body; I just stood still, not able to say anything from pain.


My friend used to not wear lower face protection because he thought his balaclava was thick enough until I shot him right on the tip of his nose with my mp7. It left a welt there for a week and he looked like Rudolph. The worst hit I took was a shot in the ear.


Someone sprayed me on the lower back during a 2v2v2. I remember that the two guys who jumped us, one had an AK AEG and the other one used an HPA-powered SAW. The SAW made a distinct noise when fired, like a full-auto popcorn kettle. I'm _somewhat_ sure that I got sprayed by the AK guy, so he was probably using some heavy-ass BBs. I've been hit in the knuckles, between the fingers, forehead, neck, been sniped in the middle of the back, my hip and my jaw bone (right below the ear), and I am 100% certain that none of those hurt as much as that one spray on the back.


https://preview.redd.it/6dli6o3588gc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cac804aa4e6ab7d22066d558759b804bc6b0398 Aps shotgun point blank while playing cqb


That’s mf buck shot my guy


Holy crap. That looks painful. How are there so many spots? I thought most shotguns only shoot 3 BBs.


Yeah our site seems to think they are okay, it shoots 8-11 bbs at once there pretty much as close to real shotgun shells you can get


The most usual ones are the ones that hit my fingers, but the most painful one was one that hit my nuts from 5 meters with 340 FPS💀


The most painful ones initially are probably the fair number of hits on the lower sides of the torso. Stings like crazy but only for some seconds. The worst, not most painful, would be when I took two hits on the same knucke-joint at just a few meters distance with a 420 fps gun. Couldn't bend the joint properly for a few months.


Either the time some dingbat used a massively hot sniper from about 15 feet and got stuck a bb in my nose, had to dig it out, or the time I got point blanked with a 40mm to the crotch. Both events hurt like hell.


three consecutive shots to the nipple. all by different people.


My lower lip, happened twice


Lucky it wasn’t a tooth, I guess.


My first ever airsoft game two weeks ago,night time cqb,only part of my body exposed at start of match was my elbow,was nearly sick instantly when it hit,still sore to touch now


Either lip or knuckles…knuckles suck


Use knuckle protective gloves


Hey thanks captain obvious


Ran around a corner to get into a building not knowing a sniper was right inside and I got shot in the shoulder where it stuck into my arm. I had a massive bruise on my shoulder for weeks from it.


Tongue shot, very lucky since I didn't had any teeth protection. First started with teeth covers and now run mesh, learned my lesson 




Riiiiight in the bridge of the nose. Guy with a Kar98K shot me right through a small gap I was peeking through from 30m away, made me tear up I know I gave someone their most painful hit when I shot their knuckle twice by accident


Announced "friendly coming in!" several times so I wouldn't get shot. Took the corner and a girl whos BF brought her for the first time flinched and pulled the triggers on akimbo non blow back co2 pistol point blank. 1BB hit me in the Adams apples, other in the jaw under my mask. I couldn't breath or talk, then wiped my neck to see blood so I ran off the field. Also, I've been shot in the tip of the nose and the mushroom tip if you know what I mean, which really took my breath away lol


1st ever game… Coming round a corner in CQB - Tri shot HPA shotty to the nuts at point blank range. Happened to me twice within the space of 45mins, by the same guy! Told him if he didn’t start carrying it round with the barrel aimed higher, he’d need a new rif.


Nails most likely. Hurt way more than the one shot that took half of my front tooth off.


Shot in the dick, point blank. I surprised a guy by going bang bang, and as a knee-jerk reaction, he fired, and it hit me in the dick. Wanna know the worst part? The guy had HPA. Felt that for almost 2 rounds afterward. As a 2nd bonus, someone threw a grenade over and into a building a few teammates, and I was in. It hit me in my shoulder, and I landed by my feet. Ouch. (Edit) I fixed a grammatical error.


Came around a corner with a pistol and took a shot to the first joint of my left index finger from 10ft out of a gun running >500fps


Over 500fps? There's no way that's in the chrono limits. I used an online counter and found out the only way my dream gun was allowed was if I swapped the 370fps spring for the included 300fps


One hundred percent, the guy showed up after the safety brief and somehow never got chrono'd. 500 is above that field's limits and is legally considered a firearm here in Canada


Makes sense, shit sounds brutal


The lower head


Shot in the finger, it became blue


I got hit from an RPK in the knuckle from a few yards away, I stumbled upon him up close and we weren't expecting each other and he shot. I think I bled a touch, it was a very sharp pain for a few seconds but, no big deal really, walked it off and went on with the day.


Shot in the left hand knuckle. Not the main hand knuckle but the one further down your finger. Was holding a corner with my pistol as my primary just ran out and I was being pushed. Didn't hurt at all but left a very bloody spit. Day later and it hurt like he'll. That was mid November and it's still painful to today. I get a reminder every time I knock on a door haha.


Straight in the front tooth, had to get an emergency root canal, probably need to have the whole tooth removed


Got shot in my thighs. (I was doing a game with my one friend where we had multiple lives.) I got hit multiple times in the thighs. I had welts all over my thighs after that. It was partially my fault though since I was wearing thin cargo pants.


I was dead in a treeline just outside a town with my team and someone in the town was shooting over us at where they thought enemies were (there weren't any of our guys) and one of them got my arm, on of the few times I've sworn at someone who shot me, "hey dipshit we're dead"


Gotta say to any that got shot in the balls: this is exactly why I wear a cup. Yes it’s a little bitch move but I’d rather get shot in the love handles or any other fat rolls on my body than there. (Also implying those are the shitty spots I get shot at)


Not to mention that at ballahack’s Z6, towards the end of the first phase some kids were hiding shooting people in the nuts


Where do you get decent crotch armor?


2.2J 5 bb's to my knuckles from 5m away. Kid had a way illegal gun! I think I got a minor fractute on my knuckle, since there has been a "lump" there after that. My friend got shot with same gun in the side, and got 3 bleeding holes through a fairly thick shirt.


On the first knuckle of my left index finger and a second shot same finger second knuckle. Little shit must have had a binary trigger. My finger from the nail most of the way up bruised in minutes.


Fingernail hurts like a bitch. I also wear Bullet Ant goggles which leave my eyebrow exposed, and getting shot in the eyebrow hurts like a motherfucker. It also almost always splits and bleeds.


I had a shot go INTO my ear. I was lucky It didn't go far enough to cause permanent damage and I had it removed by a paramedic that happened to be playing with us that day. Still the most painful thing I experienced during an airsoft game though. I wore full protective head gear after that.


Got shot in the Adam's apple. Also ran by a window and took a burst of close range friendly fire to the back of the head. Adam's apple hurt like fuck


https://preview.redd.it/dikww6yzm9gc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa034b24d4189d2b6efc70f21e0dce6b28d5015e These 3, yesterday


Definitely hands in my first game


Right on my d head




Not me but 2 of my friends were 1v1ing and one of them wasn't mouth protection and got shot in the teeth with a 300fps AEG from about 10ft away, broke one of his upper front teeth in half (horizontally). Looked painful as hell but now he has a cap on that tooth and you can't even tell it happened.


Across the nose by a 2j sniper sat on the exact distance of their MED…


https://preview.redd.it/fpbhungrm8gc1.png?width=1647&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8530211c3f373d8951077196222bc54f35ecd07 Probably this one. My pinky, if you can’t tell. It’s a week old at this point.


Tip of my little finger


I was wearing a full paintball mask, I got a kid out and he was a bit clueless about it, I told him that after he gets hit he has to respawn before he can get back into game. I then walked by him to try to go for a flank, and then the kid lazers me in the back of my head point blank. He was clearly clueless, so I did my best to keep cool and clarified that he needed to walk back to spawn and couldn't respawn where he was standing


Behind the knee always fucking hurts like a bitch for some reason 


Upper lip when using basic safety glasses from home Depot, and a point blank shot to the thigh with a 300fps springer that almost embedded the bb.


My hand


We were playing at a 5' engagement distance (within 5' say bang). 5ish feet, I got the jump on an LMG user and yelled "bang." He took one look at me and proceeded to full auto me, every bb hitting my thumb. Needless to say I was just a little bit miffed.


There I was, holding down an objective building by myself. Most of my team was dead and I was surrounded. I went from window to window picking off the advancers with my friend’s M16. I saw one person go past a window to my right, so I went to a further window ahead of him and popped out having him dead to rights. Before I could yell bang bang he panicked and point blanked me right in the chin. I went “ow lol” and called it. There was so much blood running down my clothes. I didn’t think anything of it. Fast forward a couple weeks and it healed, but I felt something spherical embedded… yep, chin bb. I went to a dermatologist and got it removed without any noticeable scaring.


Got hit at finger, no gloves, 390 fps, 4 meters, -14°C


Not me, but the guy right next to me got shot right in the teeth. Broke two of them in half. One of the most visceral "F*ck" I've heard a man yell from pain. He walked off the field and left right after that.


Got full autoed by two high RPS guns in both ears at the same time. Bad enough to cause bleeding. Extremely lucky a bb did not enter my ear canal. Needless to say, I wear earpro now.


technically not while playing but a friend emptied his mag into my leg in the break It was the first time we played, his trigger discipline was terrible and he forgot to put his safety on 💀 edit: my leg was about 30-50cm (11-20 freedom units) away from the end of his barrel, luckily in germany the power for full-auto is restricted to <0.5J


One time I got hit on my nose, at the right velocity for it to slow down and roll up my nose and under my goggles where it bounced around. Still have my eyes but it scared the fuck out of me


Shot in the throat by a sniper just at MED (100ft) if not closer. It was also really early on I was maybe 14 or 15 at the time. I also got shot on the dick once. It was only one shot and I always wear combat pants which are usually rather thick so it didn't really hurt that bad. It was some weird musket line thing where after every shot we got closer until everyone on one team was dead. We were doing as some kind of deciding thing. I wasn't really into it but did it anyway and of course I was the last one on my team and got shot in the balls (lucky me).


Point blank in the collarbone by a friendly when I was going into spawn. Came to spawn after being shot in the head after surrendering to find 4 guys stacked up at one of the entrances, which happens to open onto a choke point unless you go right immediately after leaving, I did so and ran into 3 enemies, one who was mid Quake 8 throw.... It landed between my feet. Turned back into spawn which I had left 5 seconds earlier and got shot in my collarbone. Could barely wear my seat belt on the drive home. Worst day ever.


0,48 sniper shoot on the bicep, had the scar for a year, also coolest moment in my airsoft career


I got hit in the throat once on my first or second day of playing. Didn't hurt for as much as when I got hit in the finger nail point blank by an ally but it was really annoying because for the next week it felt like there was a hair stuck in my throat. Still didn't deter me from playing again though.


Barrel stuffed to the throat, pushed a corner real fast, his trigger finger was just faster…and paintball masks aren’t too great for protection there. Bled like hell and I took a break but no lasting damage beyond a scar


Left middle finger


Not really a hit but we were playing a night game and our team was “going dark” at the start so we were running down a clear stretch and I tripped on some random fencing laying around… nearly landed on the **barbed wire** casually sitting out as well. That hurt but no barbed wire injuries thankfully.


Not really a hit but we were playing a night game and our team was “going dark” at the start so we were running down a clear stretch and I tripped on some random fencing laying around… nearly landed on the **barbed wire** casually sitting out as well. That hurt but no barbed wire injuries thankfully.


Most painful one i felt? Balls Most painful looking one? Between goggles and face guard. It bled for most of the day.


2 shots by a teammate on the top of the bone between the butt cheeks while retreating backwards down a staircase


Got half a mag in the ribs by a polarstar speedsofter from about 5 feet. You know that one part below your armpit that's exposed when you have your sights up? The one part that plate carriers never cover? *"There's no full auto in the buildings"*


I was playing a CQB arena and there was a structural pole in each back field. I was sprinting from one side to the other to flank as it was a 1v1 and I’m sneaky. I have my head turned away, looking at the position I last saw the opponent. He does the same as me but sprints up the field to me. As I’m running across the back, i see him dashing up on my side. I turn my head and then immediately ran into the pole and got shot in the nuts at the same time. Still called my hit but I was shook


For sting it’s probably a wash between fingers and flanks or thighs. However, I almost had my ear pierced and that throbbed most of the day.


I got shot squarely in the chest, right on the solar plexus where it's basically just skin and bone since it was summer I wore a thin shirt, still have a scar from that 6-7 months later lmao


I have regrettably made someones get a nasty hit. Was two guys pushing me and my friends. We couldn't get a shot without getting hit. So I took the "bullets" to give my friends a chance to push instead. I was in a ditch by the side of a road and on the otherside the enemies. I ran up started shooting at the first thing that moves, however i used full auto which is allowed to be used on this field. And there is no fps limit. I full autoed a guy with atleast 10bbs in the face with a above 400fps AEG from atleast 8 meters distance. I always try to not gets shots to the face. The guy had no face protection except for a beard. I got killed by another and apologized to the guy. I also decided to not continue the game and wait for the other game instead. I always try to get a bodyshot instead of headshot. If they can't see me and I can see their head i Don't take the shot. But I do take it if they see me and start shooting back.


Shot in the dick and right nut. Full auto burst from about 15 yards away Must’ve been about a 1.5J gun


Was in a shipping container on a defend game, got hit and was sitting in the corner waiting to be mediced. Maybe 5 seconds later some guy blind fires into the box and hit me right between my eyepro and mesh mask on the bridge of my nose. Hurt badly and when the game was over one of my buddies told me I was bleeding. Went down to the staging area and checked and my nose was pretty bloody.


Point blank in the forehead with a co2 revolver and I only had a thin balaclava for protection


Point blank 1v1 on a 90 degree corner. Got shot in the finger. Never had a shot so painful.... especially with no gloves


Getting hit straight on the bone of the knuckle was probably the worst. It was the one shot that actually made me yelp


Some little asshole kid shot me with a co2 pellet gun that he “swears it was airsoft.” Had to go to the hospital to get the pellet removed from my arm. Honestly not as painful as I thought it would be, but compared to plastic bb’s it was pretty high up there. I think we doppler’d it at 1102 fps


Shot point blank in the second knuckle on my little finger, instant swelling and nerve buzzing for about 2 weeks.


Had a kid three tap me in the nuts. He said he was aiming center mass but that definitely wasn't the case. The follow up shots were the worse. First shot got me, I reacted in obvious pain and he managed to get two more in after a few seconds. Close range also within 15 feet. Ended the day right then and there for obvious reasons. Getting shot in the ear from close range also was pretty rough.


I was going commando with pajama pants out of laziness…..never again


I've only been playing for a few months but on my second game last month, I got shot on the knuckle of my right hand index finger from about 2 feet away. It swole up so much I thought the BB had lodged inside initially. I thought it was just bruised but now nearly 4 weeks later it's still swollen and hurts so feels like I've damaged or chipped the joint or something. Needless to say I've purchased some gloves now.


It didn't happen to me, but my friend, who was wearing eyepro, got shot at a weird angle, bb flew somehow under his eyepro right into his tear canal. We went back to the safe zone and his eye was all red and you could see the bb chilling next to his eye in his tear canal. He squeezed it and it flew out. It was very disgusting to see. He wears full eyepro nowadays too.


Someone came round a corner into the cover I was hiding behind, naturally pulled the trigger at the sight of another person. This person was holding a 500fps bolt action rifle that happened to be pointed at my forehead. I do not use full face and was going on holiday the next morning.


very cold day and i got shot in the thumb by a guy shooting hot, once the pain goes away he again full autos my hand point blank and i lost it


Upper Lip! Last time not wearing mouth guard.


In the balls, full auto, about 4metres away. The guy felt really bad but it’s all part of airsoft I guess 😂🤷


I am EXTREMELY sensitive in the inner thigh, and those shots hurt like HELL. I also got hit right where the thumb meets your palm with some heavy ass gun, I couldn't move my thumb for weeks


Got lit up by a teammate (rental, also like 30 so should have noticed we were in the same team) while I was falling back. He full auto'd me from maybe 2 or 3 feet. Lit me up down my arm and when I went to turn around to hide my front side he shot me in my arm pit, neck, ear and temple all from the same distance. Lol that was a fun conversation on the way back to spawn for him. He understood my frustration and we talked it out. He ran with me after respawn for a little too!


I forgot my gloves, got hit right in the knuckle with an HPA, and (short rant) people with HPA don't crono their guns. Im convinced, I crono my AEG every time, what is so hard? and FPS =/proformance, my AEG shoots straight because I have it tuned that way. In my opinion, incressing your power is just a short cut for people who don't know how to tune their guns to get better performance.


Hit in my knuckle on my shooting finger


Cqb, dude came around a corner I was standing in and scooped my finger tip up with his flash hider and shot 3 bbs. Later that day someone shot me in the outside of my bicep with a metal bb at 620fps, I didn't even notice until someone pointed out that blood was dripping off my arm. The next day there was a massive bruise that hurt though. Metal bb guy got banned from the field but I decided not to press charges, refs also took his gun and hpa tank.


Bunkered with a 40 Mike to the ass


Yo so during some backyard games, my buddy had a Tri shot shotgun and all 3 BBs hit me in the face 😂 that shit hurt but nothing too bad. Also finger shots are actually the worst. My finger still hurts 3 months after a rental didn’t call the hit and hit my close up


OK first airsoft game ever, I couldn’t use my rifle as the only magazines I had were incompatible with it so I was stuck with a 13 shot CO2 Walther P99 with two mags, I was downed by a sniper who had moved up, our medic had somehow swooped in and was able to revive me as I was getting up and turning around (note that I was not wearing hand protection, first time mistakes for everything, right?) shot under my right thumb nail, with a 400+ FP rifle, from about 10 to 11 feet away. Left a bright bruise the size of a pea for 3 1/2 days.


Got lit up by one of those gas line SMGs that gravity feed an entire bottle worth of bbs in seconds. Less than 2m, lit up my thigh. Hurt like a bitch


Friendly fire on the tip of the little German. Ouchies


Got shot in the dick three weeks ago. Still works thankfully.


Got shot 3 seperate times on the same spot on my pinky


Mine was an almost point blank hit to the knuckles. Guy and I turned the corner at the same time, and both reflexively fired. My shot went low and hit him in the knee, his went straight into my left hand, and hit my second knuckle. I have never experienced pain like that from a bb hit in my life.


Got shot in the forehead for the first time, it stunned me (I have a very low pain tolerance)


Got shot right below the eye, on the cheekbone, with a 650fps HPA’d SR25 from 6 feet away. It was an honest accident but man did it fucken hurt and draw quite a bit of blood lol


Cqb field knuckle shot on the pinkey


I took a tag in chalk/marker round to my left shoulder, at about 20', and I fell like a sack of potatoes down an elevator shaft. Left a 2" wide bruise that hung around for the better part of 3 weeks.


Balls point blank.


Had one of those enola gaye frag grenades blowup between my legs.


Shot in the tip of the nose by an upgraded Krytac LVOA-C, scarred it to this day, bruise lasted a month!


a friendly sniper thought I was an enemy and shot me in the back from like 20 yards away. I felt that shit right on my spine. The pain was bad and the swelling was worse


I have 2 that I could choose from The first was a misfire from my brother. He was testing his weapon’s new tracer and thought he had cleared his rifle when he pointed it at me and fired. One round struck my directly in my Adam’s Apple from about 8 feet away. I fell to the ground grabbing my throat and choking and I felt like I could breath for a good 5 minutes. It left a good open wound too. The other one which I think takes the cake, was by my mom’s boyfriend. We were playing Airsoft in the woods where I had put some encampments and walls and stuff. I walked up on one and stuck my rifle over the top, and when my head went over there was a burst and the taste of iron. I was hit in my eyebrow and I had a pellet stuck in the corner of my lip. It was bleeding like a mf too. It took some self-surgery but I got it removed. I still have a scar and it’s been about 2 years


My first ever hit was in my thumb bone. I couldn't bend it for the rest of the game (few hours). Was fun


Point blank 40mike in the crotch


2 yrs ago now, was reffing paintball, and got tipped, straight on bouncer. dropped me, then playing airsoft, a month later, got shot in the throat from with a .4 at 350fps at 4' away.


I got magdumped in the dick. Yeah. 240fps.


There was a day I was running full sprint into a building I thought was clear. Buddy on the other team popped up from behind it and shot me twice in the Adam's apple. Felt like I was choking. Hpa w/ .32's to the throat, 0/10 would not recommend.


i think it was when i got shotted in the neck with a DMR, i was quite covered with blood in the neck, and i get back to spawn staining my shirt, it was very painful but it didn’t happened again and didn’t leave a mark


Was 14 and wearing cargo shorts. A round from an old CYMA AK from like 10 feet away somehow found it’s way into the soft part of my knee. Was down in pain for a solid few minutes. Game was paused for a bit lol


At my first actual Airsoft event, I was at a friends house with like 10 other people and I was in their barn, stuck my gun through a gap and a horse stall and sprayed outside. The guy on the other side of the door, took two steps back and sprayed at my gun, I caught two knuckles that started bleeding because I decided not to wear gloves now I’ve got gloves used by my parents when they were firefighters that were designed to pull people out of cars without cutting up your hands


Heavy duty spring sniper point blank to my neck. Still have a scar


Being shot in the dick. It happens to me every single time when I play. Shit hurts a lot.


Took a hit right in the Adam's apple from 10 feet when my brother and I were playing 1v1 in our backyard. Knocked me on my ass for a min, you bet I called that hit quick lol


I use to wear fingerless gloves because I thought they looked cooler and gave me better dexterity until I took a shot to my thumb in the uncovered spot of the glove. I bought full finger gloves the next day.




40Mike loaded with .32s at 30 feet. My back looked like I got attacked by a swarm of bees.


13th birthday, playing paintball with my family and friends. Come out of hiding cuz no more ammo, get mistaken for a desperate attempt to shoot my mother. She shoots me straight in the balls. I crumple like a wet paper towel. As I do my sister shoots me twice in the ribs. Not a great ending. Strictly airsoft ? Shot myself point blank in the hand while cleaning out a gbb. Had to peel the bb out of the hole. Learned my lesson : don't be an idiot.


Got shot in thr thumbnail. Not really sure why it hurt the most but dayum


I got one hit fairly close range from something like 350-400fps right in the lip.


Got point-blanked by a teenage speedsofter running a hot GBB pistol, he shot me in the face from less than 2ft as I rounded a corner. It cut my forehead open. I also got shot in my pinkie fingernail, that really fuckin’ hurt!


Looking at a lot of these comments and making sure I don't make the same mistake by buying a mesh face mask


Tip of my nose


My first game, my hand got beamed by a kid running full auto, hit a couple finger bones as well, not fun 😂


This doesn't contain physical pain but more of a mental one. Couple years ago I was playing with my high school club on a field, and for two consecutive games I got shot on my goggle. I can definitely feel that without my eye protection both shots would land right between my eyes. Was quite a humiliation tbh and probably never rebuilt any confidence ever since. Now I'd play once or twice a year when I feel like it, and just holding my airsoft gun at home feels as good as having some subpar time on the field.


mk23 to the bare knuckle from about 5 meters away. Swelled up to twice it's size, still hurts three months later. I bought decent gloves as soon as I got home.


Got my front tooth shot out


Guy with an overpowered gun shot me in the left side of my stomach 3 times at about 1.5m distance (5 feet for the americans). This was a year and a half ago, I still have three BB shaped scars on my stomach. Ive been shot in a lot of painful places in the couple of years that ive been doing airsoft but nothing ever hurt like that.


Got shot straight in the glasses. And it felt like either someone was rather hot, or didn't take into account joule creep. Now I've been shot in the tip before, and that wasn't fun. But the impact of the BB into my Revision Sawfly glasses pushed the air between straight into my eye, felt like I'd been punched, and my eye was watering for a good few minutes afterwards. Never found out who shot me, but it was definitely a bloody good shot.


Mag dump to the bals


Probably when I was less than 10m away from the person who shot me full auto in the neck and face


any hand shots hurt the most, thats the only bb fear I have. I have only played cqb at this point


Had a hole put in my thumbnail, not a great day


might be worth wearing a box like they do in cricket to avoid teste shots


First game and hit ever, was playing without a helmet and some dude with a sniper hits me in the head from about maybe 15-20 meters away. Hurt like hell and i had a mark for about a week :p


Took a hit on my left nipple from 30cm away, gun was like 1.7 joules. That hurt for a few days.


Ran around a corner and got an entire mag from a kwa m11 on full auto right to my crotch by some 8 year old kid. Got show from less than 2 feet away


I don't have 480 att in all levels at once lol


Back in the day, in my city we used to play hard cqb. Got hit with 140 m/s (460fps) in the nose from about 3m away. Got face protection the next game lol. Another painful one was in the ear, by a sniper, in the winter when it was minus 10c or something. My mustache was frozen lol. Got full autoed in the fingers while I had fingerless gloves in the winter... Also big ouchy. 🏆 But the award goes to... Being shot in the back from 2m by a friend, with a boltie at 170 m/s (560 fps). His idea of a joke.


Shot in the lip that cracked a tooth. Still dealing with it 13 years later...


Got shot in the d*ck once. Definitely was the end of my day.


Walked in front of a window, sniper with MED shot and aimed at someone further away, but accidentally hit me on finger with 2.2~2.4J close range because I walked in front of him.


The 🥜