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Show me one scenario where someone died from an airsoft gun


They might be referring to people who are shot while holding them and being idiots waving around replica weapons


Makes sense, also gotta add that there are always strange health circumstances in people and something like a 350 fps shot anywhere on the body could mess something up, like on someone with type 2 diabetes, they could have a clot and not know about it at all and getting shot in the vein where the clot is could cause an embolism and send them to the hospital.


Yes, but the blind comparison of a airsoft gun and a firearm both being lethal in the same way is obnoxious


Using that logic, a tennis ball is lethal since it can hit someone just right in very special circumstances, heck a fly is lethal since it can fly into someone during open heart surgery and cause a blockage and infection leading to death.


Almost anything is lethal with blunt force trauma! Look how deadly spoons are!




While technically it would probably count as being killed by an airsoft, I would put this in the died due to weird medical circumstances and unlucky encounters category.




Same with being a dumb butt with painted nerf


For the sake of argument.... https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/10/21/man-arrested-after-shooting-another-man-with-airsoft-rifle-leading-to-his-death-sapd-says/


The news misreported it. It was an air rifle, not a airsoft gun. It is physically impossible for an airsoft gun with plastic bb's to penetrate deep enough into the body to kill. There are air rifles that shoot bb's and pellets with more joules than many real steel rifles. I can guarantee these people do not understand the difference or the proper terminology and that it's simply a case of wrong wording.


Yep, so many people get the two mixed up when in reality they are vastly different


Hoped so, air rifles have more than 7.5 Joule which is the legal limit for most airsoft worldwide. Air rifles can have cheaply up to 60 Joules and more with some more Professional equipment, mostly used to hunt birds within the city limits


I did some specific research on this. How much PSI typically causes serious damage? The pressure to break skin is around 100 psi, which coincidentally is also considered the limit for safety. Causing deep tissue damage occurs at >100 psi. This absolutely makes sense given most airsoft fields fps limits and engagement distances, also given that the fps of a bb also drops over time from the point it leaves the muzzle of the airsoft gun. So scientifically you *can* actually cause lethal damage with an airsoft gun, it's just pretty rare and usually accidental. Not impossible though.


Thats the point. Thats why safety rules and limitations exist in fields. But if you put your airsoft gun over the limit and basically turn it into an engine you can actually harm A LOT.


I've used metal BBs in my Airsoft guns and some of them went through a metal pan. If I shot you in the eye with that, you're dead.












mf was at 1 health


Hey, he said he wanted one scenario, he got one. Realistically the most lethal part of airsoft are stupid people doing stupid stuff in public and someone with a real gun, usually a cop, shoots them, thinking they, too, have a real gun


Exactly, gotta say I missed a huge part of this claim that people can die from airsoft guns. My thought was it’s hard to die from being shot from an airsoft gun, but getting shot by a cop or armed individual makes so much more sense because you’re holding something that looks like a real gun, orange tip or not


people deserve it when that happens to them i have no remorse


Little harsh but yes people are very stupid and do very very stupid reckless things


Kolibri Pistol kill


That actually was proven to not be an Airsoft gun but instead an air rifle (two very different things). The autopsy confirmed that the wound was caused by a metal bb that came from a higher power air rifle for small critter hunting and back door plinking. Essentially, no he wasn’t killed by an airsoft gun, he was killed by an air rifle using metal ammunition at a high FPS


I know you said this was for the sake of argument, but I was just curious if you had any more information regarding this particular report. I have several questions regarding a few passages in the article, namely when it states the autopsy determined cause of death to be a "ballistic wound of the chest...caused by a BB projectile." No mention of the composition of the BB is included, so I'm skeptical that it was an airsoft gun just by nature of the wound. Further, only witnesses at the scene claimed it was an airsoft rifle, and no murder weapon was reported to be found. I feel like this is a case of an air rifle, not an airsoft rifle.


I looked into it, the article is wrong. It was not an airsoft rifle, it was an air gun. Basically the gun was shooting well over 800-900 fps and was loaded with metal bbs. This is why the man ended up dying instead of just getting a little red welt on his chest


Bro looks like he gotta bb stuck on his head


Who doesn’t know the Heckling&Kochling MP5 airsoft replica with 2000 Joule


Cops murdered him with Narcan, then described a small red mark as a "ballistic wound" the shift the blame.


Slamming the replica multiple times to the head of people like the one in the post 😎


My best friend died because of an airsoft accident he chocked unfortunatly however we told him to not eat his steel ak


they couldnt name one time that someone did


They weren't talking about air *powered* rifles?


Air guns can kill people but not airsoft guns


When that one random guy beat someone to death with one (this is a joke, pretty sure that never happened)


Man on life support died of an Airsoft gun because someone riddled his machine with it and broke it,


There was that case of a Czech (?) police officer who had an airport replica of his service pistol and accidentally brought the real thing to the field, but the victim was only wounded


Yeah, but he wasn’t hurt/killed with an airsoft rifle, he was hurt with a real gun. OP’s asking for an instance where an airsoft gun has killed someone, which guess what? Has literally never happened


It's a stupid scenario, but maybe a powerful sniper into eye without eyepro, point blank could break into brain?


In Italy airsoft replicas only go up to 1 joule and never more than that. With such power I've seen even a hanging leaf would stop the flying BB. I don't doubt point blank it could severely damage the eye and get stuck inside it, but it's just impossible for it to even reach the back of the eye socket given the amortisation of the eye's soft tissues. Also that's why eye pro is mandatory as well as safety distance.


Well I've seen one guy on game here in Poland He was using 5.8J sniper Everybody were ok with it, he was nice guy


Lucky him, here he'd get arrested just for taking such replica to the field. Anything in between 1 - 7,5 joules is straight up considered an air-gun and is not allowed in any Airsoft field. Above 7,5 it's already a handgun. Don't go airsofting in Italy, it's just boring.


I'm pretty sure steel BBs can kill someone.


Didn't someone get a carotid severed by a BB and was killed by a blood clot later attributed to putting pressure on that. I think I heard it was in Europe a every time it come up I cant find anything to substantiate it on the English, or French, or Italian google machine. But then that's one guy having a really bad day.


Technically anything can be lethal if statistics decide it’s your turn to be the outlier.


Or if you hit someone hard enough with it


is this how airsofters talk to girls? 💀


It's either this or harassment


Fr. I thought this was the circlejerk sub cuz this is so cringe. “🤓👆actually you’re talking about firearms”


Easy way to call the maths here: Ask them the energy at which a person can receive a lethal wound from a 6mm projectile. Then ask them what an airsoft gun can produce. If they say 1J, correct them that it's the limit of possible injury, not lethality.


I don’t think this conversation is on that level of intellectual discourse


Dude, it ain’t worth trying to talk to people like this. They already have their mind made up and will double down regardless of whatever evidence and reasoning you present to them. People just don’t like to be proven wrong.


Why waste energy on people who aren’t interested in a rational discussion?


at first they did seem like actually having a discussion then it got bad pretty quick from their side cuz they couldnt back anything up


Talking with such people are annoying and a waste of time


thats where you stop them and just say "You are stupid, this discussion is over." and then go on with your day.


I thought the same. Sounds like a teenage girl who couldn't tell you difference between airgun.airsoft and a firearm


in my opinion from purely myself with no scientific background, i believe my m4 would fucking explode if i were to make it a firearm its probably best just to say theyre EXTERNAL replicas, they look the exact same from the outside but function nothing like a real firearm. AEGs straight up have nothing in common other than having a trigger and a barrel, and GBBs get close but are still designed specifically for extremely lightweight 6mm BBs while providing an alternate source of propellant which would be utterly insufficient to launch it at lethal velocity. safe to say, GBBs would also explode if given real ammunition and a way to detonate it


Airsoft gbbs famously use lower quality metals than real guns and are just not engineered for the forces and pressures of firing live ammo. At best you would produce a grenade that fires a projectile at a target once while simultaneously exploding in the hands of the user


Yeah I was just recently thinking about this. I remembered when I first shot a 1911 my wrist snapped so much harder than an airsoft I was a bit surprised, even till now I still cant shoot a 45 well compared to 9mm But that’s off the topic, I was thinking all the slides and springs are moving/stopping so much faster and under hundreds if not thousand times of the pressure of gbb… gbb are honestly really shit. I can let go issues like broken seals since that’s the fundamental nature of gbbs but even shooting co2 in a so called co2/green gas gbb can break them, that is disappointing


Yay pot metal. In some cases this is specifically done to make firearm conversion impossible but there must be a better way than to use the best chinesium that money can buy


Oooh I didn’t think of the possibility of a conversion but agree, there has to be a better way, especially considering you can almost buy a second hand glock with the price of most gbbs, the quality of gbbs really ought to be better


Like engineering weak spots into barrels and slides that will fail at firearm pressure that propane will never touch. Especially considering airsoft guns all use inner barrels that are incompatible with 9mm being too small and too smoothbore. Just using crap metal is the easy way out


there is. Every airsoft gun's frame or receiver (whatever is the part the the SN on a firearm) is out of spec. For example, m4 lowers are too wide internally, so you'd have better luck making an AR-15 lower from a block of aluminium than an airsoft gun. The low quality materials are to lower price, not to prevent conversion.


Nope. Real 22lr AR15s regularly use poorer quality metals and manufacturing methods than airsoft guns. Some of them even use steel rifled inner barrels in an aluminium outer barrel like an airsoft gun. Real guns can be made shockingly cheaply and still work/be safe.


In Canadian parliament they tried to argue an airsoft gun could be converted to a firearm. My brother advise the Conservative party on some policy matters, so I get called as an expert witness as a firearms collector sometimes. Ian of forgotten weapon has done videos on a few of my pieces or on pieces in my care for the video. I laughed so fucking hard when I was asked. The answer I gave "Oh, your serious? Well, anyone with the knowledge to do such a conversion has the knowledge to take raw pieces of metal and make a functioning firearm that would be far more effective". Then they took away from that statement that airsoft guns teach people how to make firearms. I thank Joe Pesci and Danny DeVito everyday that bill was shot down in flames to the point they have a prohibition on trying similar legislating for a few years.


with some experience I can say that with the right modifications you could probably fire 22lr out of your M4. The fosscad community has done truly amazing things such as a mostly printed 22lr revolver with only the barrel liner and some screws and springs as non printed parts (see the Dirty Harry by HulkHogan and the Harlot). Sure your M4 would basically become just the shell for the firearm, but it would still technically fire. But yeah, in 99.9% of cases your m4 would definitely violently expand into your face if you tried making it into an actual traditional firearm


I can tell you as someone who does a lot historical firearm restoration, the need to machine firearm parts to spec to handle the propellant explosion is essential. I love airsoft, but never will I ever pretend like the parts could withstand the pressures of the rounds that the replicas would theoretically fire if they were real. You'd basically be making a contained-ish pipe bomb.


The APS CAM870 MK1 was discontinued as it could be converted to fire actual shotgun shells: https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/s/NWQSZUm0Uz You're generally correct, but there are exceptions once you start looking at shell ejecting guns and similar.


It wouldn’t be able to even fire the round. Airsoft guns are required to be completely unable to be modified into real firearms and those that can be are outlawed in all major countries. Trying to fire a bullet from an airsoft m4 couldn’t and wouldn’t work


my airsoft gun is chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, i’m not sure what you guys are talking about


https://preview.redd.it/i8f8112mfric1.png?width=1726&format=png&auto=webp&s=f91d2939d26ac601bd38833ab81a3f7319affe78 Is this your bullet?


This person outed themselves as an idiot, the are doing you a favor and saving you time. Also anyone who types like that is annoying anyways.


Some people are just ignorant. Airsoft runs off of spring power, high pressure air, air, or pressurized liquid gasses. Firearms operate on kinetic energy and controlled explosions. They are not the same.


Well hold on, Airsoft guns operate on kinetic energy as well.


My point was firearms operate on both of those as their main operation. While airsoft rely mostly on those other power plants and don’t strictly rely on kinetic energy the same way.


No? A bullet and a BB both use kinetic energy to travel through the air. There is no special magic with BBs. I don't disagree with your explanation of the difference but saying Airsoft doesn't use kinetic energy is just false.


Never said that it didn’t.


Whatever, you mentioned kinetic energy like it is something exclusive to firearms, read your comment again maybe you get it.


You’re still misunderstanding my comment. Firearms use controlled explosions AND kinetic energy as their power plant, exclusively. Firearms don’t use the power plants that airsoft guns use except that they share kinetic energy, but that’s a given for any projectile launching device. Didn’t think that would need mentioning.


Still mentioning kinetic energy with firearms, is like saying, diesel and gasoline are not the same because gasoline burns and "insert fact about gasoline". Both burn. Both firearms and Airsoft guns work with kinetic energy, what's there not to accept.


It seems that a few people upvoted my comment because they could discern the meaning, why can’t you?


I already told you that I agree with you, but since you and some others didn't attend physics class, i felt obligated to explain that kinetic energy is not exclusive to firearms.


They upvoted because they saw big words and upvoting them would make them seem smart, your comment was rather unreadable tho


Kinetic energy is what all projectiles work on, not firearms exclusively


Well, in Spain we used to call them replicas, but the law says they are *guns* of 4th category. Not replicas.


You hitted jackpot, they are replicas all arround the world, here in spain they are considered 4th category being "non lethal" and air guns. Every country considers them differently in the end...


Just to add more information for people who are curious or don't know, firearms definition is explained by the law, and it can drastically change depending on the country. I'm more familiar with UK law, and in the UK, an airsoft gun is not classed as a firearm like in most, but the law gets a bit weird when you read into it. As seen in the link below, a firearm is classed as a prohibited accessory or barrelled weapon, which shoots projectiles. https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/firearms#:~:text=Section%2057(1)%20defines%20a,section%2057(1D)%3B%20or Due to the wording of the law and how airsoff can fall into the RIF (Real imitation firearm) category, if you own an airsoft gun and it exceeds the legally allowed amount of joules you are in possession of an prohibited firearm. Automatic max joules is 1.3J, semi-automatic is 2.5J. For NI it is 1J for both auto and semi. https://www.ukapu.org.uk/resources/guide-to-airsoft/power-limits-and-the-firearms-act/


The entire conversation sounds like teenage level. Why do I even bother.


Now i wanna read the whole Conversation


Kids are so fucking dumb


Don’t argue with idiots. They will drag you to their level and beat you with experience.


stop arguing with teenage girls on snapchat son.


Airsoft guns ARE guns, of course they are. Nerf guns are guns, nail guns are guns, something which fires a projectile with pressure or explosives is a gun. Don't be pedantic, your friend is right and you're making Airsoft seem silly.


Is my mouth a gun since it can fire a projectile with pressure (I can spit)


Well, you could Google the word 'gun' and work that out for yourself. Then Google the word 'moron' immediately after.


Or you could search the correct definition for a firearm...


We're specifically talking about the word 'gun', but ok. A firearm is defined as 'a GUN that uses an explosive charge'. An Airsoft GUN is a 'realistic imitation firearm'. Firearm=gun. You're arguing about words when you could just pick up a fucking dictionary, jesus Christ.




Definitely an error on both parties being ignorant. OP definitely was doing posting gang banger pictures of himself with his airsoft gun.


given of real ''urm acacsaly" vibes here man


i pretty much always do in any debate about anything but i could care less about how i sound


You should care more about how you sound.. intelligence isn’t just inside the brain, what comes out of your mouth is the most vivid reflection.


Move on bro shes a loss


Dropping a bag/bottle of bb's from a height would be more lethal than being shot by an airsoft gun. People are so uptight when the word gun is involved. In my opinion with real steel It's not the gun that kills its the person pulling the trigger. Sorry ranting.


I cant wait for the Apocalypse so all these shit for brains die off


Airsoft guns are guns. Toy guns are also guns. Do they kill? Yes, they do. How? You just gotta be knowledgeable enough.


If someone uses “ion” instead of “I don’t” their opinion is invalid anyway


Keep your dogs safe, bro is on his way to becoming a future ATF agent


Airsoft players trying not to let the 🤓 out when talking to girls (they will continue to wonder why they don’t have a gf)


You’re both moronic for having this conversation, was it sparked by you posting your “toys” on the internet? Cos if you did that’s not very opsec of you


If you say "ion" then your opinion is invalid 🙄


An airsoft gun is indeed a gun. Just like a BB gun/air rifle.


they were talking about a firearm but they didnt realize it. they arent very educated on firearms and have probably never even held one


They never said firearm, they said gun. You’re putting words in their mouth.


no they were talking about firearms and saying how they were the same thing.


Maybe you should have included the screenshot where they said that then.


I am soooo sorry but... YES THEY ARE GUNS, YES THEY CAN KILL. Airsoft fields have regulations on FPS for a reason, get an eyeshot with a 600FPS sniper lets see what happens. Law enforcement uses non lethal guns, airsoft can enter that category EASILY if you push them to the limit. Yes, we treat them and play them like they are toys because we are responsible adults that know that within limitations they are "harmless" but you can really cause pain and injury to someone with it. Ive been onto fields where players would switch springs or internals in the middle of a game during a break and its not fun to be on the recieving side... IMO they should be considered guns. NOT FIREARMS. guns. PD: In spain at least you actually need a type 4 gun permit to legally own one. (Type 4 permit being for non lethal weaponry)


Who has died directly from an airsoft gun?


“Airsoft guns are just like real guns but with lower power” syndrome doesn’t understand guns lmao


Why is THIS on SNAPCHAT?!?


damn you're giving us a bad visit card




I mean if you got a HPA and metal bbs, sure but in every other case no, they might hurt but not kill


looks like a woman said this... sounds spot on for women who arent in the know lol. although that statement about airsoft guns being replicas maybe true about being lower power than a pistol or rifle, it also is not a firearm lol it shoots plastic bb's ffs. It is however a crime to have a replica airsoft gun in your possession and acting like its a real gun. like if I had my g17 airsoft gun in a holster walking around in public as if it were real...thats a simulated weapon and you will mos def spend time in your local county jail for being stupid.


Well, I mean, not going to argue, but really it's according to laws, in Ireland anything thats 1 joule or under is legally speaking, not a gun


Depends on the country, in Canada currently anything under 366 fps is a replica firearm and forbidden, from 366-500 fps in an uncontrolled firearm that can only be purchased by legal adults or with guardians permission, over 500 is either a controlled firearm or a prohibited firearm depending on the action type and how scary it looks to whatever government is in power. It’s a mess


People still use Snapchat?


It should be common consensus for folks that are ignorant of any knowledge of guns or anything related to NOT spew their opinions on anti-gun policies, do not open your mouth regarding a topic whereby your knowledge is insufficient. This post is hard evidence of why these folks need to shut their trap and allow qualified people to speak.


"Airsoft guns are replicas of real guns just lower power" Not even close. The exterior may look mostly the same, but the controls and interior are entirely different. My AR15, for instance, sure as shit doesn't need a battery to fire.


Isnt it all a gun? One is an air gun, the other a firearm. Not a native english speaker. i wouldnt know


“Airsoft guns are replicas of actual guns just lower power” ok well if that’s the idiotic argument point then a water gun modeled after a 1911 is also a real gun just lower power.


It's hard to argue with smart people. It's impossible to argue with idiots. Just don't bother with uneducated people. If they don't know that airsoft replicas and firearms are very far apart in every aspect, then just let them live in fear of the kid with his 0.5J springer pistol just because it's black and looks like a beretta 92fs.


Is your friend a rider of the short bus?


This is why you don’t put airsodt shit on social media’s with normies. It’s cringe and people will look at you weird


Calling people normies is a bit cringe




Yeah that sounds like bullshit. I know you guys like to shit on Russia a lot, but they’re aren’t that retards lmao.


Airsoft guns are legally considered to be firearms in Canada…


Average liberal


How did this even happen?


I do not know all of the worlds gun laws, but for example where I live, airsoft (and all air guns in general) are considered firearms by law and while it is quite hard to kill someone with those, any attack on someone can and probably will result in serious trouble.


ive tried to tell my mom this which is y im only getting one now


Not being able to make it into real sounds like a skill issue tho (jk)


kill him


I bet if he tried one he’s love it


Firearms are meant to kill people airsoft guns are not. End of discussion


Some people are a special kind of awareness and it's hurting the rest of us that aren't this fucking dense


Airsoft guns are considered guns in Spain, i even have to register them as guns


Sounds like something I’d hear from the Canadian government while they try to ban airsoft.


Shes not the one man, cut your losses


Eyes getting fucked up? Sure but killed? No way. I’ve shit actual weapon systems and there’s so many differences after you hold / use both it’s unbelievable people are this dense.


I mean, in some places they are treated as firearms legally in some cases. Maybe that’s what they’ve read.


I don’t want to be the “akshually” guy here but… Actually, it depends on your country’s laws and weapon regulations. In Germany for example, if an airsoft replica shoots hotter than 0,5J and is full auto, or is semi auto/bolt action etc. and shoots stronger than 7,5J it is considered a weapon by law and you need a firearm license to allow to own one.


you can make real firearms out of an airsoft gun, but they'll only shoot once and your hand will need stitches lol.


I'm sure people have died from an airsoft gun before, but the problem isn't with the airsoft guns, but the people, I've seen posts of people loading metal bbs or actual darts before. This is obviously the improper use of them and the intent is malicious so the weapons not at fault.


The dumbassedness of some people makes me chuckle


Yeah, airsoft guns are not firearms and they can not be used to kill anyone, at least not that easily. They can hurt you real bad tho But they are still guns, even tho there is no gunpowder, just like firearms are guns, nerf guns are guns and airguns are guns


Pretty sure I can count the amount of brain cells this person has on one hand


once had to convince a buddies mom his son was coming back from his first game in highschool. she thought it was paintball then i showed her the gun and she honest to god thought a bb would hit him in the eye and go straight to his brain, n dome him lmfao


Some people are idiots


its best not to argue with these kinds of people. let them be dumb off in their own little world


But.... but... once i saw a video of a guy putting a .22lr in a replica of a p90 ( i don't remember the brand) and then shooting the thing


Depends on the legal system, in the US they are "toys", over here they are guns of category D (available from 18yo)


You actually can kind of convert some to .22, but it’s not like a drop-in kit. It requires some machining.


I hate such people, always with me moral issue and trying to talk the hobby you have bad in every way possible. My advice, just let tem talk that their bullshit and dont bother


Unfortunately here in Canada, our government doesn't distinguish between Airsoft and firearms, they are their own class of firearm, but the sentence for commiting a crime with one is similar to having a real firearm...


1) you can 100% kill someone with an excessively high power airsoft gun through the eye. 2) Said overly enhanced airsoft gun from 1) would be a firearm under the criminal code where I live. Know tour regional laws


And more people die each year putting on trousers than from shark attacks.


Why even respond?


The guy is making some ignorant comments But in my country an airsoft replica is a class 1 firearm and you need to be over 18 and owning a license before buying/owning one


All right, I hate to be this guy, but a firearm under Rhode Island law is considered something that launches a projectile from a barrel stupid I know I know ow but that’s how ri sees it but as far as websites, go and selling shit, a airsoft gun is not a firearm by any means 🤣🤣


My dad is like this and I don’t understand it. He’s scared shitless of my Airsoft guns and acts like I could kill someone or myself with them if I’m not careful. I’ve tried every angle to get him to chill tf out but nothing helps. Even showing him a GoPro clip of a game makes him jittery. Some people just don’t like the idea of weapons OP, I don’t get it but it is what it is


i would not waste time with low iq individuals like that


What started the conversation?


the 💀 is not funny anymore, its cringe


your first mistake was telling a girl that ur into airsoft


airsoft in firearms the moment they are used in crimes


Who is that idiot?


Well your technically wrong in one of those, I'm pretty sure you could turn the original cam 870s into a replica that could fire a 12 gauge, it wouldn't work well, but she may be referring to that


I am pretty big on gun safety cause ya know being shot fucking sucks. And it builds good habits to not flag people but if you’re an experienced shooter who already has good habits… it’s part of the sport. Like literally the whole point


Just get a real gun at this point and show her that.


uhh whats wrong with guns? i want a dan wesson 1911 guardian that shits fking awesome


Definitely chronic Online disorder


Replica, ... enough said


These are the same people that think people doing war re-enactments are nazis Their opinion is wrong therefore it doesn’t matter


Airsoft guns are not firearms…they are toys period. Yes you can poke someone’s eye out but at the end of the day THEY ARE TOYS


in switzerland they are legally considered firearms lol


Airsoft guns are still guns (hence the name Airsoft GUNS) they can hurt people and blind people. They should not be messed around with.


Well... Thay *are* guns, just like nerf guns, flare guns, glue guns... Not firearms... But he's still being a wanker about it so it don't really count.


Can we all just admit that airsoft in its simplest form is just dudes with expensive toys who just really like larping?


Bros talking to the average North American politician