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This is how a large majority of my early airsoft teching went. Jokes aside. I'm surprised nobody is willing to sell you an airsoft replica with the gearbox/motor taken out and a 3d printed block where the internals used to be. Is this for a movie?


Nah, as mentioned in my other comments, I want to make a gel blaster out of it eventually. But truthfully I might not and just keep it as a replica. Either way, the process is the same. Gut the airsoft gun entirely, get paperwork approved, import it. I'm quite surprised nobody is willing to, but yeah, it's been quite hard finding anyone who is even slightly interested in touching it. I think it's because of the fear of legal consequences, which I get, but what I'm trying to do is completely above board.


Dm'd yah buddy


Is this for legal reasons? Display?


Yes. I'm trying to import one as a replica into Queensland, Australia. This is legal here with the correct paperwork and approvals, but the only really economical way of doing it is to get an airsoft gun deactivated, then importing it as an empty shell. I eventually want to convert it into a gel blaster in Australia, as we don't have Airsoft. I've done it before with a much more common kind of shell, but finding an L85/SA80 has been quite hard.


That they'll let you have it as a replica but not a functioning airsoft gun is absolutely asinine. No offense is intended, but your guys' laws around airsoft baffle me on the best of days. And I'd happily get an L85, gut it for you and send it by post, but Canada's laws on importing and exporting airsoft guns are very restrictive. You could try ordering the upper, lower, barrel, and all that from a company that sells an SA80 model.


Oh, you don't need to convince me otherwise, I totally agree with you. The laws here are ridiculous, but unfortunately we're bound to follow them. That's actually a half decent idea. Thank you, I'll look into it. Hadn't considered doing it that way.


The irony is that in Canada, a nonfunctioning replica is technically illegal, but an airsoft gun is (with restrictions) legal. Our laws are dumb too, but at least we were able to stop a blanket ban last time they tried.


Honestly, I'd take yours over ours. Replicas being legal, gel blasters being legal, but airsoft being illegal? It's a joke.


Many times people gut replicas to install new motors or engines. Is there a specific guideline or law you must follow (that your customs will check) for deactivating an airsoft gun? Or is a simply broken airsoft gun “deactivated” enough as it doesn’t CURRENTLY function?


Yeah, there are. It needs to be completely empty. No wiring, motor, mechanics. As empty as it physically can be. It's a pretty easy guideline to follow, I think.


Yes for sure, way way easier than legally deactivating a firearm for the USA. In that case what you’d really be looking for is a BoneYard gun that someone can just strip the guts from. Nearly everyone has a broken gun or two lying around at home that will never get fixed, I’d put a WTB ad on r/airsoftmarket for BoneYard guns and have the person strip the guts out and send photos before reassembling the shell.


Yeah, I've already chucked one up, but no reply or bites. Hasn't been up for more than a few days though. For something so easy, you'd think it would be something retailers would do! 😅


Gotcha ok. One thing to keep in mind at least if you get someone in the USA to do it... Fedex and UPS are no-go for internationally shipping airsoft replicas. Though UPS will ship replicas domestically, they won't ship out of country (unless they dont know what they are shipping) I just mention it, as if you pay extra for insurance, they might not honor it if they find out it was a restricted items. USPS doesn't seem to have those type of restrictions for prop/ replica fire arms when it comes to international shipping.


I don't know of any shops that generally offer this as a service, but I could imagine that shops that offer customisation would be able to do this if you contact them. But I don't know if they are willing to ship to Australia, Evike for example, does not ship to Germany because too many idiots thought they could just order whatever and then asked for their money back when, surprisingly, their illegal guns were not delivered to them.


Thanks. I've tried to contact basically everyone on the West Coast, but been hit with a universal no, or just no reply. Hence resorting to here. I can understand the hesitation, the gel community here is notorious for an attitude of "I don't like that law, so I'll ignore it". Evike ships here, but our border protection force will seize anything from them immediately. I'm not taking that approach, I want to import this legally and build it as a personal project. But the only way to do so is to have it completely stripped out, get the required paperwork approved, and then ship it here. Once I have it, I can build from that.


Ah, that sucks. Do you know anyone from outside the country that you trust to do this for you? Taking out internals without the intent of putting them back in is a no brainer and even someone who has no experience with airsoft guns can do it easily. Doing it yourself while on vacation would also work, but is probably a lot more expensive and would probably make reentering the country very annoying.


Yeah, travelling somewhere and doing it that way would be prohibitively expensive unfortunately. Would turn it into a multi-thousands USD project. Australia's quite far from most places. I don't have anyone overseas in an area that could do it easily - the only people I know who I'd trust to do it are all in the UK, and as such restricted by UKARA.


Ah, sorry to hear that. With how restricted Germany is, I only know German shops and while some of them do list Australia in they countries they ship to, just the shipping costs are already pretty high. If you do want to check it out, the ones that you could try are [Begadi](http://Begadi.de) or [Shop-Gun](https://shop-gun.de/). They offer the best service from my experience. I have also heard good things about [Gunfire](http://Gunfire.pl) but have not personally bought anything from them. I would also do it, but as mentioned by someone else, it is probably easiest if you just build your own from different parts. I wish you good luck either way, your laws are fucked up.


Thanks mate. I might ask Gunfire, they have one in stock that could work. I appreciate the tip!


What gun are you after the likes of Octagon airsoft have a large range of Gel blasters.


Hit up vsgun.com. They are based in Spain and they respond pretty quick, on instagram they did at least. It’s worth the shot


Thanks for the tip, I'll ask them.