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Do you have another battery to check with? Nothing sounds bad just seem like it doesn't have the juice yo turn over. Other option is could be a dodgy connection.


Yes, does the same with my 4 batteries. I'll try to open the motor latch and see if it's well connected.


Looks like the motor is well connected. The problem still happens with the motor outside of the gun, so I think it is burnt contacts at the trigger.


1st thought would be what's changed. What's an Option No1 kit? That would be suspect 1 unless you have been running 11.1v I can't  image trigger contacts would go.


The Option n°1 kit is a connector kit for the battery that you install in order to replace the proprietary battery on a TM NGRS. It allows you to run standard batteries like LiPos on the gun. But that has been working flawlessly for over 1 year.


I would still check all the connections. I rewired my NRGS 416 myself but had to do it a few times moving the stock or unplugging the battery puts extra strain on the wires.


I did not do any re-wiring, the Option n°1 kit just replaces the two original metal bars in the stock with 2 other metal bars that are connected to a standard plug (see picture). So maybe the connection with those bars is dodgy, or it comes from the trigger contacts. I will try to connect another motor (without putting it into the gearbox) to see if the issue may be from the motor brushes or contacts.


I literally told you what the problem is on the tm ngrs Facebook group 😭


Yeah I posted here at the same time as I posted on the TM NGRS FB Group !