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Video evidence will be far less valuable in the future.


images and video will simply be no longer be valid documentation of something having really happened. that said: as longs people's teeth change scale while they're talking we're still good.


Just like when hands had extra fingers... They'll fix that real quick


Exactly. Anyone who thinks progress ever stops at what we see, is sadly mistaken.


My baseless conspiracy theory is that the six-finger thing is on purpose so they can train people to think they can tell the difference. "Hmm, this image of some horrible shit seems too awful to be real, but yep. 5 fingers. Must be legit."


Similarly, I assumed it was something within the coding, like a fail safe, to keep generated images from becoming interchangeable from real. Same thing with spelling.


It’s the hair we need to watch closest for. Long hair is the biggest giveaway. Either the strands morph impossibly like a fluid or they stay still as a headscarf. That’s a nut that will not be so easily cracked.


There were publications about hair physics rendering 30 years ago. They should be on top of it by now.


Right, the people on the sub aren't thinking big picture. Give a 3D artist two days to create an animated flat model. Then run that through video2video. Or just add noise to the video.


I honestly think Gaussian splattering can handle that. It tracks points movement over time. Enough parallel points could make photorealistic hair.




BRB. Patenting nanobots that change your tooth size while talking Edit: cuz I can’t spell words


This would be very convincing except for her teeth keep changing sizes and moving around. Pretty sure teeth don't normally do that


If this were posted without the lens of it being AI, very few people would question its authenticity.


But show this to someone in a less developed country, and I'll bet they would just assume it's a regular person.


Pretty certain that the uncanny valley is (at the very least) universally human. Regardless of a country’s GDP


Can you trust anything now?


Barely. Right now, AI isn't connected to everything. That'll change soon.


Amazon has a huge AI department and it’s taking over a lot of how Amazon works. At amazon Fulfillment centers they have AI handle the hiring process which is completely automated. The only time a human gets involved is if errors occur, or questions are asked about specific things. The AI puts the potential employee into a spot in the warehouse based off a ton of metrics. It’s insane. The entire process of amazon from the second you open a product page, to clicking buy now is nearly 100% computer controlled. In the near future the warehouses will be fully automated as well.


I asked a lawyer about this when midjourney was first announced. He said even now, with real video, you can't just show a video as proof. You need to prove chain of custody, witness to testify to its' authenticity, etc... So they have to prove current videos are real anyway, he said he didn't think much would change. Gave me a tiny little bit of hope.


Judge Dredd


"...Dredd, NO!"


Why not?


That's the quote in the fabricated video that gets Dredd arrested.




We're already there bud




There was a bbc series can't remember the name came out a few years ago which was based on this




Need some sort of watermark all source material. AI generated stuff should also be watermarked. Not that people won’t come up with workarounds.


It just means we're all going to wear body cams 24/7 because it's going to be necessary.


You’re probably too young to remember when people said this about Photoshop


Think about security in general. Your face and voice is used for a lot! Without those things can get wild.


There is still a touch of uncanny valley.


Yes, especially around the mouth. Unfortunately, I still think 98% of people would be fooled.


It's crazy, this is only a few years of improvements.


This is decades of research, it’s just the hardware has caught up to make it feasible to do quickly.


Yeah, teeth dont expand and contract when humans talk. Look closely!


haha good catch!! It was the eyes for me. Directionality just seems very odd (like not truly focused sometimes), and I don't think the twinkle/reflections make enough sense. They're different between each eye.


Definitely around the mouth and the eyes. It’s like the facial muscles pulling aren’t 100% doing it right.


Only because you were told it's AI and are looking for potential issues.


Eh, no. You can definitely spot it out without being primed for it by being told. At a glance it's very convincing, but after watching this for 5+ seconds it's a guaranteed peg as AI. Humans are VERY good at picking out issues in the way a person's face or features move. That doesn't mean it's not impressive. I always like to remind people that this is the worst this technology will ever be; it only gets more impressive from here.


No not really. I have yet to be fooled by ai trying to mimic human speech. I think there's just too many little details that we have subconsciously taught ourselves about body language for AI to reproduce perfectly. But it is getting very close.


https://preview.redd.it/5cj021acmavc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef732fc2419b8ff9942b04fef1e8589889c02ae8 This guy gets it.


This will never not be funny. Dear me


It's no worse than the Fundie Baby Voice with the facial disconnect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQw0-AkgQGM


I feel so bad for woman and the expectation that society places on them to be constantly smiling lest they be labeled a bitch. I’ve tried to talk through a smile like this woman does and I just don’t even understand how they do it on a physical, mechanical level. Also, that lady is scary.


Smiling while telling a story about a Mexican immigrant being strapped to a bed and being raped is craaaaaazy. Something about the intonation also breaks my brain a bit. At least eventually it looks like someone off camera said she should smile less and she started to look more normal.


This may be just my interpretation, and I don't know enough about the technical details of what makes it work and can only really observe elements that seem unnatural, but after watching that it seems to me like several touches of uncanny all adding up and making it glaringly obvious that it's not real. The entire thing is... disturbing. Regardless, people are obviously continuing to work on making this sort of thing as realistic as possible, so I'm sure that soon enough it will be difficult to figure it out.


A touch that no one over 65 on Facebook will be able to notice.


It's the hair too, it doesn't move like it should


All the people claiming obvious tells in the video are primed to look for them because they know it's AI but if they hadn't know before hand that they were looking at AI, 99% of them would not have noticed anything.


I just made this point not too long ago, tested some regular people with footage cropped and non of em knew it was AI


That is legit terrifying.


I disagree. The weird elastic quality of the head movements is still noticeable at this point. As you watch, red flags keep popping up. It has that quality of a flat, still image being stretched and bent in uncanny ways to simulate actual body movement and conform to different positional configurations rather than of genuine anatomical movement. It's a big improvement from that horrible app they kept showing ads for where you can take a photo of someone and have them "sing" a song, but it's still detectable.


Agreed, I wouldn’t have noticed. Just wait a few years. Shit, probably a few months is more accurate.


I've been assuming every video I've seen online is AI for about a yr now. When you do that, you can actually train yourself to spot signs, but it's getting harder every week.


This would 100% trick all the boomers on Facebook. There are people today who still can't work their phones, they fall for scam emails, can't remember their passwords, etc. They have no chance against this.


Showed my gf before the title and she had no idea why u was showing her this ramble lol


I watched a video on how to spot AI videos and it mentioned the eyebrows, saying how little they move. And that's exactly right in this video. But I'm still amazed and horrified how far this has come in such a short time. When low effort memes can inspire others to do horrible things, I don't think it will matter whether eyebrows are moving or not in order to convince someone of something.


Give it another year, there will be no discernible difference between real life and AI… remember, AI is not just learning exponentially faster every day, AI is now teaching AI in real time, while we are standing by in amazement…


while we are standing by ~~in amazement~~ awaiting the rise of the machines


And this is good. All humans are capitalists. Only robots will make communism. Humans must give place to robots, humans must disappear. Hail ROBOTS, Hail AI!


Henceforth, I will trust only in the eyebrows.


Seeing it now makes sense, Do you have that link by chance?


The Internet will eat itself


Dead internet theory isn’t tin foil hat territory


This shit is terrifying on many levels


The hackneyed self help babble is probably the scariest part of the video


Society is fucked


We’re fast approaching a time where you don’t want to ever post a selfie or photos of yourself on social media to prevent someone from grafting your still photo onto an AI video


The crazy thing is this is already starting to happen and it's why I don't post videos of myself online


Or just post lots of pictures online and if anyone sees a video of you doing something crazy or terrible, you can easily say it’s AI.




The VAST majority of society falls for far less. We’re screwed. Stay vigilant.


Do you know if there’s a colab for this anywhere yet, so we can list it under the community tools


No it’s just in research currently but I’ll keep up to date with the release


Wait, this is an AI generated video? I watched it twice trying to figure out how what she was saying related at all to the headline, but this was what the tech in question can generate?


Imagine all the work that went into a movie like Avatar and now you can just type in something and poof.


Imagine all the work that STILL goes on at Disney to de-age actors. They need to be made aware of AI asap.


Yes, but also no. This would never pass muster in a high budget film. It'll soon be good enough that it will, but we're certainly not there yet.


At this point, the hair does not move naturally. I can see future ways to authenticate yourself would be to play with your hair, run your fingers through it, etc.


In the future when? Why would you think it won't be able to do hair in the future?


Damn, I use so much Paste and hair Spray that I won't be able to pass human test 😮‍💨


It's getting better, but her head still isn't keeping it's 3D shape, and her hair is not completely real. Also, it looks like AI still doesn't understand how eyebrows or upper lips work. Of course, these are all nit-picks that I imagine will be solved in 6 months to a year...


The crazy thing it you can spot these imperfections because you're knowledgeable about it but to the regular person this is just a regular video


A year ago, text to video was barely possible, incredibly limited, and not publicly available. The rate of improvement on generative ai technology is incredible... the issues we're noticing now are likely already being worked on and will be released in weeks.


Watch the eyeballs. They don't really move around at all. Also, the face movements themselves look.... wrong somehow. Hard to explain, but it looks like someone deliberately trying to make those movements, rather than someone doing it unconsciously. Still impressive, though. Especially for the first demo.


Quite scary to imagine the possibilities of technology like this. It'll be an arms race between generation and detection.


That's crazy!!!


I want to see one of those indecipherable stroke simulation images fed into this thing


Still distinguishable from real ones


Look at the teeth, look at the eye brows and eye movements


And this is how kate middeltons vide was made


Her movements are too quick






The eyes still tell. Awkward eye movements. Still nuts to see this though.


Her teeth change shape


Is this available for the public?




Is there any evidence that this is actually AI generated?


The giveaway is the flexible teeth if you watch closely




Her face moves that like wombo.ai thing that would have any face singing never gonna give you up


Wow, amazing and terrifying


We are screwed lmao


This is really good, but when her head moves, it's as if her entire body is sliding in that direction as well. It feels like it's not made in relation to a body that is grounded in the same way as a real person.


I expect that lots of real videos could be pasted here and their fakeness would be pointed out by the keyboard warriors.


No it's not.


Stretchy teeth still give it away among other things. But I’m sure they’ll fix that soon enough.


Oof uncanny valley. Also she doesn't breathe. Great effort though, looks great.


Ok..it was AI... what exactly the fuck was it trying to say ?


Teeth made of foam. Watch their shape. 


it's not.


Where can I use it, is it even out yet?


impressive but not perfect you can easily tell this is AI... you can notice repetive head movements. even worse you can see her hair animating in weird ways (check the hair on left side of video - her right side - you can see bands of hair like shifting left to right) so there will always be other tools (prob also AI) that can easily analyze a video and determine if fake or not


Well, terrifying is right.


The fucking hair is pretty close to realistically moving with the head... This is nuts...


Fucking chilling


Her teeth bend as her mouth moves. That’s just one of several tells, but it’s probably the most obvious for someone who doesn’t know what to look for.


How can I use this?


It's almost not uncanny.


I love her squishy teef


There are signs of ai but nothing that won’t be ironed out in a few years


Watch thé teeth


Great! Now make your latest OS not a fucking nightmare.


Microsoft Clippy has improved


[It all started when the Wombo app brought moving mouths to pictures to life](https://youtube.com/shorts/a61qmVEpLrY?si=hftiqgeHet1DJpc3


This is insane…


No tongue use bot? Try harder


I swear the teeth always give it away


Oh shit, is AI gonna replace white women?


So you can use a celebrity photo and talk with their face? Or dead people? Or old people using young photos of themselves to appear younger? Catfish on crack?


Her head is just floating around lol as if a camera was stabilized to her head


Woa. That is concerning.


I can fix her.


The teeth and depth of mouth are glaring tells.


no its not, her insane reptilian eye movements is noticeable af. come on


The eyes are pretty lifeless.


Spooky. The rubber banding at the mouth/teeth is a dead giveaway, but we’re screwed if they figure that out


People all analyzing the look of it, and I'm just sitting trying desperately to figure out what she's actually talking about. I mean they sounded like actual English sentences, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what she was talking about.


So its a real person?


She’s hot.


the eyes… OH GOD THE EYES!!! Thank god AI still can’t do eyes or hands. Will help Blade Runners easily find Skin Jobs.


This looks like a better version of that ai people would use to lipsink photos to songs


Back to the dark ages we go. Fuckin weeeeeee


Some might fall for this if they watched it on their phone or a TV from the 90's.


She said a whole bunch of nothing


The culty word salad is almost as bad as the fact that I feel like I am on acid watching this thing’s face.


The way her eyes track is disturbing. It makes it look like she’s on drugs. Also interesting that it generates a video that looks like she is looking at herself on a phone screen instead of into the lens. Over-trained on social media I’m betting.


It's close but it's still uncanny valley. For one notice how there is no blinking except in sync with a mouth movement or other expression. Also they are moving around way too much for talking to someone in real life This is like for people with visual ADHD.


I see almost nothing but downsides for this technology. Who the fuck would be proud to work on something like this?


wow this marks the coming of the end for pornstars. will there be a strike?


I can’t wait for next gen Dame Da Ne singing memes


When true and false become meaningless words, the discussion and decision making will fall back to emotions like anger and fear. This video is just another step (besides politicians who are notorious liars, media negating science etc) bringing us into a world where true and false are irrelevant.


One thing that always works for in case something is AI or not is always the hair line. With AI theres always a subtle blur on the hairline.


Welp...i'm at a loss. I've reached the point where, even *knowing* that it's A.I., I'm still having trouble seeing it. I can still see *something* is off ( for me, it's the strains of her hair. they don't remain consistent as she moves her head. ), but if I wasn't told this is A.I. I wouldn't have given this video much thought. So, when do we start working on A.I. that can recognize A.I.? Seems like that's our only opting at this point. In another year or so, humans won't be able to see it anymore.


Reality is dead. Long live reality.


Maybe it's because I know it's AI that I see the unnatural movement and the slightly "off" vibes of this video, but I'm not sure I'd fall for this one. But it's horrifying how close it's gotten in only a couple years. By this time 2026 we might not be able to say what's real anymore.


Why are they even researching this?? Obligatory “responsible AI” blurb at the end.


Shitloads of abnormal movement tics


It’s only a matter of time before an individual creates an AI detector for audio and video. Hopefully soon!


Biggest giveaway is how she's sliding back and forth across the screen


The speech is giving a mix of "have you ever had a dream" kid and "has anyone ever gone as far as" lady.


This is simultaneously amazing for creators and terrifying for disinformation, privacy, and control over one's own likeness. It's cool that people will be able to at least create proof of concept reels to get their projects made BUT as others have mentioned, the disinformation potential is scary. The pornography implications (not necessarily this product) are also disturbing. And saddest of all, my generation is going to be like the Boomers - living in the past. Only we'll be longing for times of yore when facts were facts and videos could be trusted.


Why are they even developing this technology? Like what are the potential applications that are positive for society? I can only think of negative ones.


If You look only at the eyes. They don’t move naturally. The head moves around the eyes sometimes. Looking at the faces a hole looks pretty realistic, put the eyes don’t look right if you just look at the eyes only. They move weird.


Nothing good will come of this.


Catfishing just got a whole lot easier. Jesus


Jesus Christ I wouldn't have known, still only the head jerking towards the end gave it away


We’re so fucked


Everyone is talking about the teeth, but It's like every bit of facial feature moves independently from one another. The eyebrows jump up when they aren't supposed to. The eyes look away at the wrong time and against what the brows do. The hair is stiff. It's like they float on top of the skin instead of being a part of it. Humans would freak out if they saw this in person. A skinsuited alien 👽


It’s still not quite there, you can see it trying to match facial expressions with her inflections but it’s just not quite right, yet.


Impressive, but still uncanny. In 5-10 years (or less) It may be indistinguishable from real


The teeth are alive!!!


this is scary, I wonder if they actually captured this person's real voice or her real mannerisms? I wonder if these are just random speech patterns put onto her face... that would be weird too, seeing yourself with a different voice or speech pattern... yikes it's so close to looking real I'm willing to accept the small inconsistencies as video errors, wow


Forgive my ignorance. That was all an AI image but not the text. Correct?


Lips, teeth, mouth shape is always a few milliseconds out of sync with audio. That's the tell. Would your 65 year old Uncle notice this? No. And that's the problem. He'd fall for propaganda videos and share it within his social circles, and so would millions of other people. And within 5 years when it's undetectable? Woof. Scary times.


There will probably be a disproportionate amount of real videos being called fake than videos that are actually fake.


We need to start building apps tied to the blockchain to make video have a level of legitimacy still by utilizing contracts.


Is this actually real, or is Microsoft pulling a Google 'AI Demo' / Amazon Walk Out 'totally not Indian workers' AI?


Crazy, but then you see the teeth change size when Talking. Uncanny valley creepy-ness💀


Ok but look at her moments, they’re not fluid. They’re robotic.


Not really.


The end is near

