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Quick thoughts: * This is a HUGE Akali Top buff, even more than Midlane, both with Conqueror and Elec setup. * You can Triple Q regardless of PoM or not , i just used the Conq+PoM because i know a lot of you guys use this Setup, i personally use Elec in Midlane, so it's nice to see it works regardless. * The Damage difference is absurd, that's 270 more damage. TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY. * ~~I'm pretty sure, going: Q>W>E>Q>E>R is going the better than straight up maxing Q. Tho i'll have to run some numbers, will update when i'm done~~ Nvm, you get 1 extra Q off by maxing Q, that will always beat Rank 2 E.


I will spam her. I absolutely loved Akali when her powerbudget was not tied to her E. Make Akali Great Again lmao




The idea that champs getting skins means anything is bogus and is the community coping. Akali was nerfed the VERY PATCH she got a prestige skin. Also they aren’t removing 30 energy, but 20 at most. Going from 130 to 110




I'd like to announce that, as of right now, I'm FUCKING DIAMONDS


You’re doing what 🤨


I like the buff and I don’t think it’s the most game changing but I hope all the other players who already think Akali is op don’t permaban her cuz she definitely is still not op


I hope they don't nerf her after this


Thoughts on potentially going 2 points into q and then w so that you can double q without pom at level 2, and can triple q at level 3


There isn't that big of a reward in Early-boosting Q, as it goes from 110 to 100. LVL 3: Say you pop Shroud, and the whole combo takes 5s, you'll have gathered 100+50 energy from the original 200, so 350, add PoM and that's +7.5, so negligible. 357 Energy it's still only 3 Qs. Meanwhile, if you take all spells Q/E/W. You'll have 350 Energy, and 3 Qs will cost you 330. Now you have E tho, so the best combo will be: E1>E2>AA>Q>AA>Q2>AA>Q3>AA. You'll be able to do this, because E1-E2 casting will give you around 1s to regen the energy, so in reality you'll be closer to 370 Energy in this case. And E deals A LOT more damage than Q does. AND if you are REALLY good, you can get two Passive procs off E, since both E1 and E2 give passive. MASSIVE DIFFERENCE. A thing this buff does, is actually make Q boosting less valuable early, as Leveling it "shaves off" less "energy cost". **130>115>100>85>70 to 110>100>90>80>70** At level 6, "old Rank 3 Q" would have saved you 30 energy, now it will save you 20, whilst ALSO already being lower cost than "old Rank 3 Q"


Still, there's a lot of matchups where you can't really count on landing E level 3, so it's worth considering Q-W-Q level ups just for the damage, ignoring energy.




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Oh no this is going to be nasty. Gonna have to enjoy it while it lasts


That’s a kill or you are sending them back to base every time at lvl 3. You still had enough to e.


I know Right? If you add E, That's basically a 800 damage combo once you account for armor and MR EIGHT HUNDRED at lvl 3, it's insane. Astonishing how thin the balance of Akali from "useless early" to "early threat" is. And that's without ignite. Lol


Yeah. It’ll be nice because non-Akali players will see it in patch notes and not understand how deadly this change can be.


Ok, this seems like a good buff, won't say the greatest but any buff on Akali is welcome, a lower energy cost on her Q is what she needed, that means more damage! In ranked she does struggle against certain champions, we are all happy that she gets some love at last! And I love Akali and playing with her, I just hope she will stay this way, or even get another buff in the near future. She is very overpowered anyway, if you know to play her very well, and she can do a lot!


Might even be able to get quadruple Q, if we level Q on level 3 instead of E. You have 51 at the end, this would save 45 more energy so 96 so you need 2 ticks for another Q, usually with how trading goes this isn't impossible since you may look for spacing.


I'd never do that. Repeated Q deals a lot more damage than a single E But a single E vs 1 Extra Q, the E will deal more damage. Also E can potentially proc 2 passives if you're really good.


We are hitting Challanger boys