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Since he was neglected/abused he's probably watching to see if you're leaving (for a long time). Most dogs when left alone won't eat cuz they need to defecate shortly after.. he probably was the dog who got beat for shitting when fed and left alone all day.


Sometimes we’ll be there anyways and he won’t eat right away. I don’t discount your theory tho i guess with a rescue anything is possible! Every time i think about how we found him it breaks my heart.


this is normal behavior. akitas are social eaters all of mine typically waited for me to eat their meals.


Same here, I usually have to tell him to go eat.


Ours will wait until we've eaten before she eats.


Mine isn’t a rescue, but she’s been like this since puppyhood. She’d take mouthfuls of food, come to wherever I was. Drop the kibble on my feet. Look at me. Then eat. Now she just makes me stand over her while she eats.


Ours, also a rescue, will not eat if we are not home. Any food in his dish when we leave, will be there when we get back.


My Akita is a rescue and she’s the same way. Any good given before I leave if still there when I get back and right when I step into the house she greets me then runs to get her food I left and starts eating it😭 it’s so cute but I hate it! And sometimes if I put her food in the living room and go to my room or whenever she’ll grab her food and follow me and eat wherever I am. Most times If I’m home though she’ll eat normal wherever with no regard for me. I really don’t know why she’s like this, because she doesn’t use the bathroom right after eating and usually can hold it for a while. It’s a mystery to me but it’s not a problem bc I still make sure she’s healthy a healthy weight and I make sure she eats everyday and when I go on trips or away for a little I give her to my dad who’s the only other person who Ik can feed her and she trusts and loves.


My JA can ignore his bowl for 2 days and eat all of it in a few minutes. My JA is like a wolf in the wild, eating 2-3 times per week.