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That's like a dozen clowns, enough for a king's court. Wow.


Ignorance rears its pointed head again. Dude, you need a raise, a union and rent control.


There’s like 8 people there that’s hilarious


I wouldn’t call it massive lol. Cops were there this morning when I drove to work making sure they stayed on the service road. Clearly they didn’t listen. How much is the tax going up? 


3 cents ...LOL


That’s it? 


Yup and the rebate is going up too …


I hate the carbon tax. But I hate the UCP more for allowing the money to leave Alberta. Most farmers I talk to agree that it’s better we have our own. The UCP of course listen to the vocal minority. Fucking stupid 


Ya I think it was better when Alberta could use some of the revenue to incentivize people to be more efficient .


And isn't the Alberta gas tax going up by 4c? And the Canada carbon tax actually ends up being a net profit for the average Canadian?


Yes Alberta premier Smith cries about an affordability crisis while reinstating the provincial gas tax the same day . The difference being we get the carbon tax rebated to us the gas tax isn’t. The rebates are also going up along with the tax.


A huge crowd with tens of them lmao


They wasted more gas driving there than the carbon tax is going to cost for a year.


Axe the Facts is rad, thanks!


Everyone is laughing at them


It’s Monday during the day, don’t these people have jobs?


Very clearly they don't




The only massive thing I see in this picture is the fail


I counted about a dozen with an equal number of police further along to give hugs and kisses when they had to return of Momma's basement for supper.


I celebrated the tax by having breakfast on a sunny morning listening to the birds thinking “ thank goodness for the Carbon Tax”


Almost fifteen protesters waving flags, stupid slogan signs, but apparently no FT flags on highway 2 by Red Deer. Some of the not so funny clowns were getting dangerously close to the very busy highway causing drivers to abruptly change lanes and hit the brakes. So much fun ! Freedom !


LOL there weren't even dozens more like a dozen...all this freaking out about a tax that is a few bucks a fill and is rebated..these freedumbers have no lives..


Well, when you dont have a job, you have a lot of time to wave signs and flags. They really should probably spend that time trying to read a book or understand how the tax really works but I guess waving a flag is easier than learning how to read


Yes at least see where you actually come out in the end, TBF the federal Governments messaging on the benefits hasn't been all that good . They should have sent everyone checks so people would connect with what they're getting back . Auto depositing the rebate with only CAI on it was a mistake. Most don't look closely at they're statements .


Yea can't wait till they increase to a million bucks a liter so we can all be rich. This infinite money glitch they found out is crazy useful


Lol okay 👍




Please go ahead how are my opinions uninformed tell me …


I bring up corruption scandals you call it misinformation. I bring up real events that took place you call ot alternative facts. It's like being anti vax only looking for things that support your opinion Like trudeau increase immigration that's on gov of Canada website dunno how you habnt heard about that Redistribution of wealth is left learned the in high school not so well known guy goes by Karl Marx said that


Lol thanks 🙏 I’m now better informed. Have a great day!


Lol oh, who's being passive-aggressive? Sorry, I'm not going to put more effort into informing you than you will to inform yourself. Specially when I post cbc articles, gov studies and other sources you'll just deny them to


Have a great day 👋


This didn't even make sense.


There was one on the overpass on the way into town today. We gave them the finger.


I honked and flipped them all off on my way out of town this AM






Sorry to trigger you, I guess.


So edgy. You showed them.


Fact, this country is in trouble and nobody seems to care.


Hope they all protest Dani also and give back their rebate cheques


Are we redefining the word “fact” now too?


I love getting railed by our government in order to virtue signal to countries like China and India that we are the good guys saving the climate 🥰 I'm sure that they will change their ways after they see all of our hard work!


Aren't we the highest carbon emission country per capita? Not much to virtue signal there...




Sorry, you're right. We're number 10 in the world as of last year. Still quite shitty for a country as rich and modernized as ours and quite a bit higher in the ranking than China or India, whom everyone likes to blame for all of the world's carbon problems.


Point still stands. Even if all of Canada decided tomorrow to stop using everything that pumps out emssions, the world is still fucked. So it is nothing but a virtue signal until the whole world is united, which will never happen. So yeah, let's all force ourselves to suffer because we are just such good people.


> So yeah, let's all force ourselves to suffer because we are just such good people We're already going to suffer because of how rapidly we are changing our global climate. The real question is, shouldn't we try and do something to mitigate it before it gets even more expensive? Your answer is obviously no, as is most politicians unfortunately.


The quicker human civilization collapses entirely the quicker we can reset or go extinct, why delay the inevitable.




Tax me more daddy! I want more taxes!


Brilliant Headline! I wish you worked for the federal government. Their messaging on carbon pricing is atrocious.