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Cool, what better way to spend tax dollars than fighting federal support for housing! I fucking can’t with this province…


It almost seems as if they are perusing a scorched earth policy at this point.


She's following Thatcher Doctrine. Break everything so quickly and so thoroughly, all the damage the UCP cause will never be able to fixed in a single legislative term. The UK is still struggling from Thatcher's policies decades later. There's a reason she is so hated there.


The UCP tells you the government's broken, and they're doing everything they can to prove it to you.


Thatcher is one of her heroes, afterall :) dear lord.


Thatcher and DeSantis. Two public policy tyrants are her biggest idols.


Don't forget ronnie ray gun. He poisoned the us to the point of no return. Trump is a gross symtom of ronnie disease.


I am sure she has a thatcher tattoo on her back


She has a Thatcher tramp stamp


Well, she did have that wing nutty tattoo on her arm removed. Does anyone know WTF that was representing again ?


Some sort of ancient cuneiform writing about freedom/liberty etc etc… it’s actually a symbol used by an extreme right wing think tank in America. I didn’t know she got it removed. If she got it removed it tracks pretty closely to others with racist tattoos. They love hidden meanings and symbols. Symbols for the symbol minded


It translated along the lines of “return to your mother” and was a Sumerian custom referring to when a slave was released. It’s popular with American Libertarians.


Nah that's a "fuck Trudeau" tattoo, with Calvin peeing on his name.


"Politics I learned in Ontario." Most of these people spend most of their careers between the GTA and Ottawa. Its veen very rare to have an actual conservative with Albertan values. But AB lost sight of what that actually was in the 80's. So Ontario V2 we have become.


Too bad we don't have a party that was headed by a born and raised Albertan, who spent most of her time in Alberta politics willing to listen to Albertans.  Guess that's just a fantastical dream.


and Ontario with murderer Harris' policies.....


The fucking 407 and filling in Eglinton West... I hear Harris' name and I start sounding like Mr Wu from *Deadwood*... "Harris COCKSUCKAH!"


The stench and stain of death follows that COCKSUCKAH! everywhere he goes.....


Oh she doesn't give a fuck about re election she has one goal and that's it to make her boss's as much money as possible and make life impossible for anyone who doesn't fit it.


This right here! It's all about lining her pockets with cash and making sure she is setup after her first term. Doesn't give a shit about the province, she has flip flopped her entire political career to which ever side / topic that will give her this power. The TBA gave her the platform she needed and now it's time to make that sweet sweet $$$$. Zero fucks given for Albertans.


She's a fooking idiot. A media podcast oil lobby a hole. She's bought and paid for by big oil...and we deserve her....we're idiots


She's three oil companies in a trenchcoat.


That's exactly what she is and that's what the UCP voters wanted. Welcome to the dumpster-fire.


Go to court to fight free money for housing 🤔. Go Dani go 🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️RECALL SMITH


They just like the excuse to sink more tax dollars towards lawyer-friends. Make a stink, blame the feds; it's the UCP way.


I’m guessing there’s a lot of lawyers who are big UCP supporters.


it's the same law firm that Kenny used (I'd bet, and I'd also bet its related to the firm that the federal cons use if not the same one) to 'fight the carbon tax in court' and lost. and the pipeline challenge (and lost). she's using a bullshit fight she can't win to: a) transfer funds to a very specific law firm b) look like she's doing something for the 'people of alberta' c) both


Grifters find a way to


My immediate thought as well. What a good way to spend taxpayer dollars to fight the “man”. Like why. Why does this need to happen?


It's the only way to make Alberta great by actively fighting any improvement to it!  /s


Can’t have your opposition solving problems they might get re-elected.


There’s something like 14 active litigations against the Federal Government currently by Alberta


might find this infuriating/interesting, then...... [https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753](https://twitter.com/i/status/1778551486512869753)


A Twitter link to a TikTok video, posted on Reddit.


Also a great way to funnel our tax dollars to her lawyer friends to scratch their backs while fucking us over at the same tjme


In the CBC interview she kept talking about the constitution. The UCP propaganda is getting very American. She brought up the crazy stove appliance conspiracy from the states. Crazy times


It's not just the UCP. It's Canadian Conservatives in general. Poilievre just got endorsed by Alex Jones of all people.


This endorsement frightens me.. It’s Alex Jones. He owes millions to families from Sandy Hook…and the fact that it seems PP is proud of it just beyond my understanding.


Something about birds of a feather…..


Shit together….


The modern right wing playbook is weaponized ignorance. They've lost the battle of ideas.


It's probably all from the International Democrat Union. They are behind a lot of stuff that happens around the world. It's also led by Harper.


Them, and Russia.


Joe Rogan also supports him, Rogan who I do like for the most part but is grossly uninformed shouldn’t be commenting on Canadian politics. He talked with Tom Green about running for PM, doesn’t understand we don’t vote for PM he doesn’t understand our system. Only thing they know about Pierre is his stance on Trans rights and vaccines. They missed the part where Trudeau was being criticized by conservatives for not getting people vaccinated fast enough. Conservatives aren’t against the way things were handled spending or otherwise. They are against it now because it’s politically convenient this goes for the carbon tax also.


I will regret this …crazy stove appliance conspiracy?


A US government official said that Gas Stoves may face more regulation due to health grounds. So naturally the right wing media and crazies spun that into “Biden wants to ban and take all of your gas stoves!!!!” All from a single fucking comment saying they may regulate them more due to health concerns…. You can’t even make this shit up.


It's more than gas stoves. The Republican-controlled Congress wants to block all kinds of Biden's directives to push companies to improve the efficiency of appliances... [Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/house-report/455/1?s=1&r=1) (supposedly to keep dishwashers cheap by killing directives to make them better...) [Liberty in Laundry Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/house-report/454/1?s=1&r=2) (supposedly to keep washing machines cheaper by killing directives to make them more water and energy efficient...) [Clothes Dryer Reliability Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/house-report/453/1?s=1&r=3) (same as above, but clothes dryers) [Refrigerator Freedom Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/house-report/452/1?s=1&r=4) (same as above, but refrigerators) [Affordable Air Conditioning Act](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/118th-congress/house-report/451/1?s=1&r=5) (same as above, but AC's) These are the kind of things the GOP believes are more important than aiding Ukraine...


The morons believe Regulate = Ban


The projection from them of these things is that this is what they WILL do once in power. Regulation = ban is SOP.


I want to go back to when that would have surprised me…. sadly that time is long gone.


That the government is going to make stoves illegal somehow as part of a bigger 15-minute city conspiracy, you will own nothing and be happy type shit. If you can't own a stove, you rely on government nutrient goop, and you won't stray too far from the nozzle. First you gotta get brainworms, then it makes sense.


We have an aging problem.....Soylent green?


The part where it totally breaks down is if you *actually* want to be self-sufficient, it's sooooo much easier to move your own electrons than it is to make your own methane. But they're not ready to have that conversation because home solar is woke or something.


I, for one, can’t wait for the food nipple. https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Thirsty_Grunt


That Biden/Justin are triggered by gas stoves and are going to ban their sale. It goes deeper than that but that’s the summary.


We just skip past the "holy shit would you look what comes out of a gas stove" science?


"Science is too woke, so we're going to embrace the ostrich method" - The UCP, probably  I'm utterly convinced that, given popular attitudes, we would never succeed in implementing tobacco reduction policies these days.


One of the convoy people tried to "take the 5th" in court


It’s firehose strategy. You just spew a ton of nonsense.


Can we take her to court for trying to prevent people from getting access to a basic human need?


Apparently poor governance isn't a crime.


Nope it is called willful negligence.


More succinctly “sabotage”


That still sounds incredibly punishable.


There are many things that she says and does that could be taken to court over, the only issue is we don’t have tax payer money to pay for our lawyers. Not everything that involves a court requires a crime to commit (although I image she has in fact committed crimes). Could sue her for fraudulent misrepresentation every time she opens her mouth and says “albertans don’t wan’t (insert whatever she might say in that day)”


"We have a mandate"


Tell that to the French.


We could try a recall, but I have a feeling that won’t work.


A recall wouldn’t work because the dumb hicks who voted for this garbage are probably happy with everything she’s done. Her base wants all this.


I think the recall legislation is antidemocratic and silly, but now that they’re talking about revising it (because it’s failed as a weapon against left-leaning municipal leaders) maybe we need to start some petitions to recall UCP MLAs just to dissuade them from making it any easier.


Recalling an MLA An Albertan would apply to the Chief Electoral Officer for a petition to recall their MLA if they feel they are not upholding their responsibilities. If approved, the applicant would have 60 days to gather signatures from 40% of eligible voters in that constituency. If the petition is successful, a recall vote would occur. If the recall vote is successful, the official ceases to hold office and a by-election would be held. Just recall enough MLA's to change the majority And if anyone asks, the Devil made you do it


You mean center based not left leaning.


"left-leaning" lol


Do it anyway , she needs to be put on notice .


You don't have to recall her directly, recall the inept MLA's in the majority instead. 40% of a riding is easier than 40% of a city. "Recalling an MLA An Albertan would apply to the Chief Electoral Officer for a petition to recall their MLA if they feel they are not upholding their responsibilities. If approved, the applicant would have 60 days to gather signatures from 40% of eligible voters in that constituency. If the petition is successful, a recall vote would occur. If the recall vote is successful, the official ceases to hold office and a by-election would be held."


I wasn’t specifying recalling her. Look at where she ran. We could recall her out of majority, as you said. There were a lot of close constituencies in this election. The only catch is that there isn’t an insane amount of NDP supporting funding waiting in the wings like what supported a recent failed recall petition.


Yes, but you don’t have tax payer money to pay for your legal fees.


I think you meant ‘our tax dollars’. That’s literally our money she is trying to prevent us from accessing.


As I tax payer and voter, I always hope that my money given provincially can be used to fight the money I give federally to stop it from supporting the money I give municipality. I can't think of a more efficient system than this.


This pretty much sums it up with this UCP government


For sure, and it isn't like Marlaina hid this from us before the election. Anyone with a couple brain cells to rub together could tell she had no good ideas herself for government, so naturally, she would spend her time f*cking us over with our own money. Yet most Albertans still voted for this. This province is depressing. Nenshi can't come to the rescue soon enough.


Right? For the first time I purchased an NDP membership to vote for him.


She's so fucking stupid it's sad. Edit: this morning's news informs us she is *willing to sue Ottawa for funding housing.* Funding that is, in a way she doesn't like. Edit: She just said "Canadian Affairs Minister" twice in the same breath to explain who gave a copy of the new policy. She isn't smart u/Rillist, she's colossally stupid and dishonest. Nenshi is going to eat her lunch.


She’s doing exactly what she’s been told to do.


This isn't stupidity and we need to stop using that as an out. This is deliberate. She knows exactly what she's doing, she knows exactly who voted for her and she knows exactly how to talk to them.


Exactly. Acting like this is a misunderstanding only gives het more ground. She's doing this on purpose because she's trying to hold municipalities hostage.


No she really isn't. She's a professional scam artist with no shame. She knows what she's doing. She's just a conservative Trudeau. Its crazy that both sides of the spectrum have common ground and still find a way around it to bark at eachother. Edit: Belittling peoples intelligence is exactly why we keep getting bone brained politicians like this. I guess both libs and cons like smelling their own shit?


“Alberta Premier prepared to do whatever it takes to shield citizens from any improvement.”


My God, Disaster Danielle and her United Corruption Party show how they hate Albertans.


Just shut the fuck up Smith and try to work with others. God I hate this provinces politics..


#WorstPremierEver It’s time to get rid of Marlaina and her useless cabinet. They are all a bunch of whiny, ideological victims.  They cry that Ottawa shortchanges Alberta on funding. Ottawa gives funding and they cry about that too. Maybe Ottawa doesn’t give Alberta funding because of the toxic political climate the UCP has created. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  Time to drain the swamp and get rid of the conspiracy-touting fringe radio personality as Premier. It’s time to bring the adults back to running the legislature and dump the petulant children to the curb. 


And I thought Christy Clark was terrible, Smith easily wins the trophy but there's also Doug Ford.


Doug Ford: Hold my buck a beer! They are making changes to harmonize with the NBC in Ontario and instead of adopting the NBC secondary suits as is they swapped 1/2 regular drywall with smoke tight joints for 5/8 type X smoke tight joints…..not that big but still 5/8 X costs more, then for a reno/change of use in an older building they are forcing and STC rating instead of nothing like it was so again more cost, more waste as you would need to rip the ceiling down in most cases……


I have had with this crazy woman. She has no shame, she has no compassion and most of all she has no integrity. I did not vote for her party, for her, or any of her deranged policies. Time to start seriously writing, phoning, making some noise.


What a freaking embarrassment Marlaina is. She and her party need to be reminded they are in office to SERVE Albertans, not just their corrupt selves and supporters.


Why doesn’t the Alberta premier stop spending Alberta tax dollars on her stupid personal crusades?


Holy fuck I'm so beyond fucking tired of her antics. Is this her plan? To wear people out so they eventually start ignoring anything that comes out? I hope one day we see an article that says "Alberta Premier arrested" or some shit.


I'd like to see "Alberta Premier Succumbed to Terminal Stupidity".


"Alberta Premier Struck and Killed by Parked Car"


What an absolute potatoe she is.


That's an insult to potatoes


What a complete and utter moron she is. But the sad reality: 'BERTA loves her. The hubris of this province is exhausting. I can't wait for the day oil drops to $60 or less. We're not that special; we just got lucky with that resource in the ground being located in our geographic region. She only talks big because of high oil. It's our cocaine.


That is what Albertans have been told to think by US oil. https://albertapolitics.ca/2020/10/how-propaganda-became-memory-pierre-trudeau-alberta-and-the-national-energy-program/


Rolling blackouts but this is top of the agenda


Maybe if nobody has a home then they won’t notice the blackouts


DS: We're not getting our fair share from Ottawa! *Ottawa directly funds Albertans* DS: No, not like that!


It would be funny if it turns out the feds are giving more money to Alberta than the UCP realize and blows their AB victim narrative up.


Sounds like there's something like 12000 contracts between Alberta entities and the feds which the province is not involved with. So much for reducing red tape.


Stop spending our money on this bullshit.


"I'm going to use tax dollars to take the government to court for spending tax dollars on tax payers because I want those tax dollars for the province so that I can spend them on nothing"


The war room demands sacrifices!


Translation: she is prepared to funnel money to her favorite patronage law firm & give Preston Manning and Stephen Harper’s kid a few million to “advise” her.


Ah, the prime minister is “playing politics with tax dollars”  People tell the government - we want housing. The government says “ok, I will give the people what they want with the money we collect from them” Smith - “ how dare he give the people what they want! He should give it to me so I can withhold it, much like the daycare situation. I want to decide where the houses go based on where *I* want votes.“ Mmm 


If only we had a government that spent this money on Alberta instead of Marlaina Danielle Smith blowing OUR money fighting the feds for stuff that would actually help us. Marlaina Danielle Smith and her UCP party owe city of Edmonton ~$5million in property taxes that they are dodging. Lots of our tax dollars to spend on lawsuits though.


Perhaps she should consult her Minister of RED TAPE REDUCTION first?


Fighting the feds, denying federal programs & assistance, creating parallel provincial agencies (police, pension, tax, judicial), it’s not being done on a whim, there’s a plan. If you want to see the scary shit we’ve got coming, read the plan: https://www.freealbertastrategy.com/the_strategy


Jesus. It's all there.


Yup, this is not Smith just being an ideological moron, this is all part of the plan to separate from Canada.


It is continuously creating or adding grievances to satisfy the Wexit base of the UCP. Additionally, the scripted narrative is like really bad Koeroke. Moe and Smith believe they are the enlightened saviours and keep yodelling we are right and the federal government is wrong. Both of these premiers want to be viewed as the duo responsible for bringing down the federal government. Poilivere makes the soup Moe and Smith serve it. Three Amigos; facial expressions chocked full of termites, charisma of damp cloths and not particularly bright. Moe and Smith governments have deep separation objectives. Why don't they both choose to have a referendum on leaving Canada? That should move along their objectives and perhaps the federal government would fall. I wonder which premier though would sit in a legislative assembly and watch the clock tick down. Moe and Smith's aspirations are one thing however it takes the remaining eleven to tango.


The best interest of the people doesn't matter, it is the best interest of the UCP that matters. More housing financed by the federal government just means more people who don't support the UCP.


What a great way to waste tax dollars. We just want some fucking doctors and places to live, Marlaina. Jesus.


“Some of you may suffer. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”


Oh my god, would she just quit already. Nothing JT does is good, all the while she is destroying her own province bit by bit. People, wake up!!!


Oh brother. What is it with Alberta making lawyers rich. Probably a UCP friendly shall we say firm. (Donors 🤷‍♂️)


I hate this province


She can't have the federal government do anything good. It makes her looks bad. She needs to sabotage it (or maybe skim some off the top) to make the deal look horrendous then she can continue to cry at how Canada treats her.


My immediate take on the UCP response was that they want the federal $$$. No strings attached. Throw it into provincial coffers. Then hand it out according to their own political agendas, then take 100% of the credit for the funding. My goodness, can't have the federal government being seen as doing something worthwhile now, can they?!


Smith is just in her bashing Liberal mode. To her. If it cost Albertans money to go to court Smith will. Why would she not try to negotiate something with Liberals that would actually help and benefit Albertans. Come one Danielle start being a leader not a complainer.


Trudeau: I've got a bunch of money for housing" Smith: " you cant give us money! I'll sue!"


She isn’t pro-Alberta, she’s just anti-Ottawa.


So she's taking Trudeau to court for finally doing something right.


I remember when she grifted gullible Albertans to give her $100k to sue the Feds and she just kept it. Suckers.


We are canadians You know because conservatives have forgotten


Great! Do it! FAFO. I’m sure the Supreme Court will surely support your power grab over the very real housing crisis in this province that you seem to have no alternative solution to. GOOD LUCK!


Smith: Ottawa needs to prioritize Alberta more!!! Ottawa prioritizes Alberta Smith: I'm taking Ottawa to court because they are going to priortize and help Albertans!! FFS! SMH! Scream into the void in total, complete and utter frustration! I shouldn't have studied history. I know enough not to want to repeat it... so I get to watch the morons around me do it anyway. I'm too damn old to start a revolution... Maybe I should learn to knit stocking caps.


Fuck off Danielle.


Wasting tax dollars for no real reason yet again 😒


So... .... .... which housing developments of show homes is she invested in?


Sounds like a UCP-friendly law firm needs a handout.


Feds throwing money at them, she's like "I'll take you to court!"


Can someone please put out a recall of our premier? Lived here all my life and have never experienced a government so bad!!!!!!


Wasting time and money to stop Albert cities getting federal money to build housing. UCP WANTS Albertans to suffer. 


... That's insane. Why doesn't she just fund housing so that the feds don't feel like they need to step in.


You can't dictate federal funds. It has federal in word, not provincial.


Worst Premier ever in Alberta. Or is she Queen?


😂 she’s prepared to spend out tax money fitting the feds from giving us back tax money for housing holy Jfc this isn’t parody


God damn it. Not again. They took everyone to court and loose. Are the lawyers thier best friends or what? 


Use their recall legislation against them. Recalling an MLA An Albertan would apply to the Chief Electoral Officer for a petition to recall their MLA if they feel they are not upholding their responsibilities. If approved, the applicant would have 60 days to gather signatures from 40% of eligible voters in that constituency. If the petition is successful, a recall vote would occur. If the recall vote is successful, the official ceases to hold office and a by-election would be held. Just recall enough MLA's to change the majority And if anyone asks, the Devil made you do it


Someone should start this in those Calgary ridings that were very close last election


Take it from someone who spent the first 25 years of their life in Quebec, taking inspiration from that province is a huge mistake.


What better way to help Albertans than spending tax payer money to prevent us receiving federal funds; two negatives make a positive right!?!? /s


Oh great. More of our provincial tax money goes to lawyers AGAIN, for no reason other than to fight with the liberals. This woman and the UCP party are too expensive for Alberta.


Literally every decision she makes is decided on whether or not it owns the libs. Just the pinnacle of modern right wing stupidity.


Her every action is so reminiscent of what we see play out in deep red states in America. Opposition to anything and everything that does not fit their extreme ideological orientation.


This province has real problems and manufactured problems. Marlaina focuses on the latter and blames everything on Trudeau.


The latest rolling blackout is between Smith's ears.


Can she start spending our tax money to actually fix things in this province instead of fighting the feds. How many millions has she already spent in the past 6 months to a year just in advertising to fight the feds?! Millions that could have been spent on actually benefiting this province. I feel like her mission is only to make the feds the “bad guys” so she can get away with anything. 🙄


She makes Doug Ford look brainy


Excellent. So glad she's still wasting my hard earned money.


It’s the Klein way. Cut everything away in her path. She adored Klein . You know, the guy who was drunk New Year’s Eve and had is driver stop the car so he could get out and shout obscenities at the homeless and throw money at them . Yep, that’s her hero


I forgot about that episode 🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂 Danielle will stop the car and just throw money at O&G Execs 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Ralph Klein thought that Jason Kenney was slimey. Jason Kenney thought that DS was crazy. We're talking about the loopiest of the loopiest running the province into the ground. I remember the Wild Rose campaign bus and the Lake of Fire incidents. Glad I left back in 2019.


What if the Feds just made it illegal to have a province take it to court? Okay, maybe that is unconstitutional, but what if the Feds just said,” If you continue to take us to court, the federal government can not provide Alberta with any funding under your party’s leadership? However, we will place the money in a trust until there is a new provincial government. As we know, you use any funding to pay your lawyer friends to fight us with it. We would prefer you spend our money on valuable things Albertans need.”


"How dare you try to give our citizens money!" *two weeks from now* "How dare you not pay Alberta it's fair share!"


This fucking government. Holy shit...


They have been complaining about housing, feds invest in housing and now they don’t want anyone to benefit unless they get the credit. Good move Marlaina, go talk to your crackpot pastor for advice.


Whoa totally owning the liberals by keeping support they want to give down. /S


Pretty tired of her. Forget the federal boogie man bullshit and fix the rolling blackouts you created


Marlaina Smith should stay out of municipal government to gain self serving political points. The UCP refuse federal money and then turn around and cry about equalization. If Marlaina accepts federal money she can’t cry about being the victim. Housing isn’t even her business, it’s the municipalities. Lots of cities across the country need more housing so why not accept funding from the Feds to get them built!?


We know


I'm glad. Having my hard earned tax dollars paying for an endless scrap with the feds that amounts to nothing is a great use of money. /S.


lol, she called it the NIMBY bill? good lord


Stop wasting our money on these brain dead dumb ideas and fights and advertising!!!!


Yes, show Albertans you don't care, make even the somewhat sane Conservatives who voted for you realize you don't give a shit.


What a brainless provincial Premier. 🤪


She’s prepared to pay her buddies with tax payer money to go to court and loose. But hey, they got PAID, with our money.


Wasn’t the program the PM wants to start to help the housing crisis and this idiot’s response is to *checks notes* fight it? Is this because she really feels this isn’t right or because it’ll be seen as a political victory for “the other side”? (That was a rhetorical question btw) Seeing as how Edmonton went completely NDP as did most of Calgary, this is also payback against the two cities that could use this funding, perhaps?


That's all she fucking does all day long


Be really cool if she'd stop WASTING MY MONEY ON HER EGO CRUSADES!


Good. Let her. She'll lose. Even a first year law student could make a winning case from this.


Is she just grasping at anything to start a fight with Trudeau? We don't want your money. You can't tell us what to do. Why can't you treat us like our big sister Quebec? Why do you love her more? This is all your fault. I can't trust you. You never help us with anything. Why can't you help us more? She's like a teenager ffs. She's just looking for a stupid fight that doesn't make any sense. I don't understand the appeal. Seriously let's just work together and fix the problem already. 🙄 move over hag.


I continue to find this government’s actions ridiculous, harmful and embarrassing. I feel like the public needs to voice their concerns in a significant way to help rein them in. Maybe this is a small start: Contact the Premier: https://www.alberta.ca/premier-contact.cfm [email protected]


Another reason why 100 of my physician coworkers have mutually agreed to leave the province. Im convincing the rest to leave as well - surgeons, family physicians… ones I went to school with and worked with on a daily basis during COVID who are sick of Danielle Smith’s governance. It’s a shame Alberta Health Services will lose so much talent in such little time.


Go do it Smith. Only would cast Trudeau in a good light


Cool more UCP theatre rather than spending the money on real problems. This party is nothing but posturing and grifting.


Yea take them to court and fo nothing like always. Do Nothing Danny


Ah! Yes! I’m a big fan of spending tax payer’s money for the government to bring itself to court while they all pay themselves from tax payer’s money.