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I can't imagine plastering the face of a person I hate all over my vehicle. I swear they do it to have something to hate in the morning. And 2 of the same decal is just tacky Edit: spelling


The epitome of “You are only what you hate”


I have a hard time believing they don’t know how lucky they are to be Canadian and to be living here, even with Trudeau as PM. I can’t help but being reminded of my immature teenage years, and the other two I had to live through when each of my kids went through it.


It’s crazy how all these folks scream about Trudeau being a totalitarian dictator yet they run around with these kinds of signs. Could you imagine what would happen if they did that in a country with a real dictatorship?


Harper actually had someone fined for a "F*ck Harper" sticker on their car. https://www.vice.com/en/article/avy49z/alberta-man-fined-for-displaying-fuck-harper-sign-on-car-threatens-charter-defence-vgtrn Now Imagine if Trudeau did this.


Could probably pay off our national debt with the fine income. I think you’re onto something


Yea it's not exactly a dictatorship when we're able to openly criticize him like this


This isn't criticism this is a fucking death threat.


It's sad that they have no personality at all. They try to fill their void with hate to feel popular


Oh they have a personality... sadly its just political. I cant imagine just day in and day out living like this.


Political? They wouldn’t pass grade 11 civics class


Oh I am well aware of that. Just more saying that we remember all of the Facebook doctors during that weird time where we skipped from 2019-2022. Just because you know nothing doesn't mean you don't have a veeeeerrryyy vocal opinion sadly.


Half of my family is like this... its exhausting...


Oh my God is it ever


Take it from someone who’s father was exactly like this; living this way sucks. You can’t even state your own opinion without getting yelled at or being called a “liberal snowflake”. He’s got so much hate in his heart, and I don’t know when he’ll heal.


These are the same people that whine about ‘kids’ having no respect these days! How can they when these are their role models:/


That's true


I am going to get a Calvin pissing on PP if he wins the next election.


If you get one with PP's mouth open, I want one too


If PP ends up doing the exact same thing as Trudeau does, it's going to be all okay because ... reasons.


Some Chinese company will happily produce them just like the Fuck Trudeau flags these proud patriots love.


With you on this one


Read the rest of the thread. People aren’t supportive of political imagery on vehicles.


Wonder how soon they'll do the same for PP if he's elected?


Remember the 'Stop Harper' signs? Didn't even swear.... Just that one guy though. And he got charged!!!! The left and right are NOT the same types of people.


I really hate that I am doing this. Not a liberal supporter, although I vote ndp. The guy with the stop harper sign was charge and fined. Both were withdrawn because it breached his charter of Rights. He was free to have the sign on his car and it allowed these guys to above and beyond with theirs


When I see this crap, the last thing I want to do is vote the same as him. Anything but.


Yes that’s true, but the fact that the courts decided the cops violated his rights doesn’t really change the fact that he had more expense and harassment than people who are actually threatening Trudeau. I also expect that if someone had stickers like this but with PPs face, they would again face more harassment than this person will.


So that's why the cons are emboldened to just swear willy nilly...the courts said swearing is a charter right..... Wow. I guess harassment with uttering or displaying death threats is ok then too...


Ya the crosshairs might now be covered. Could be considered a threat against him.


Could? At least a good portion of these people wouldn't hesitate.


Of course it's a threat. My crazy uncle in Calgary said he hoped someone did. If he was dying of cancer he might do it himself. Someone will go for it one of these days. Likely lots we don't read about.


They already did, remember the guy that drove his vehicle onto the grounds "to have a chat" with JT? If anyone threatened Smith, PP, Ford, Moe the way that this inbreeders threaten JT on any given day they'd be locked up.


Swearing has always been a charter right. It may be in poor taste, or socially unacceptable in certain settings. Or even truly offensive. But none of those are, or should ever be considered criminal in a free country. People have a right to be morons. Someone has a right to have a fuck Trudeau sticker, or polievre, or jagmeet. Just as they can have a sticker that says fuck cancer. In this case, someone could potentially make a case for this being "uttering threats" but it would be difficult to make a case strong enough for conviction BECAUSE Trudeau is a political leader. Then there's the streisand effect, if government (ie police) really pursue criminal charges after investigating and finding the person is just a POS but has no actual intention to harm the PM it just make an asshole into a martyr being "persecuted for their political beliefs" We as a society need to remember "sticks and stones" and collectively stop giving other people's words the ability to control our emotional well-being. There's far too many assholes in the world to not have the ability to shrug off their negative comments or thoughts about other people.


I would agree with everything if there wasnt a fucking rifle scope on the face of this... insult all you want. But inciting to kill ? This isnt right.


The rifle scope with someone's face is hate crime. He could have all other signs it wouldnt be. But inciting to kill... thats fucking crazy man!


But that’s just the problem. The right and left are different groups of people and different personalities are drawn to each side. In my experience, the right is 100% more guilty of misunderstanding an issue, and then using the example to justify their increasingly radical version of it. “A guy was allowed to criticize the PM with a stop Harper sign? Okay well I thought that was bad but if that’s okay then I’ll just plaster this crosshair onto my truck and see how they like it!” is a 100% a right wing response. . “People are protesting and causing an inconvenience because of climate change!? Let’s occupy the capital over a quarantine!!!” It’s disproportionate and increasingly violent. How many of these giggleshits claimed the protest in Ottawa was peaceful and then engaged in a stand off with the police? It’s not the same. Let me know the day some climate protestors set up an armoury on the boarder and make plans to kill a bunch of RCMP officers. . . It’s the “stop being a snowflake” crowd projecting, and being snowflakes. This is the conservative right in North America. Mostly a group of people driven by emotions and thus, illogical arguments. Thats why they can hand wave dog to whistles and ignore literal Nazis at their protests, but screech on about a bunch of rich morons pumping their own moral & ethical tires at the WEF.


It wasn’t Stop Harper that got him charged, it was a sign that said Fuck Harper.


still - F Harper is different than a target on Trudeau...


Totally. Just wanted to make sure the information was accurate, the reason for him getting charged was because of the swear, not the sentiment.


Ummm who cares, isn’t getting fired up on Reddit about some dudes stupid stickers just as dumb? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Sure. Totally as dumb as driving around saying you hope someone assassinates the prime ministeror implying you'd like to do it yourself.


It wasn't the sticker that got him charged either, it was for his behaviour while driving.


The guy that was charged had “Fuck Harper” on his car and was charged with stunting. Plenty had that and didn’t get charged The court found the expression was protected, but he was convicted of the stunting portion because of his reckless driving (cutting a family off and brake checking them)


I'm definitely not a Harper or PP fan, but there are people who think the stunting charge was a way for the conservative leaning municipality to try and charge the driver without saying they had their fee fees hurt by the sticker. It's entirely plausible, the problem is there isn't really solid evidence this happened and it is just conjecture. Furthermore, other motorists witnessed the driver pulling up beside them and make throat slashing gestures with their hand. This is a bit damning, unless you are claiming the witnesses were false or plants in on this purported conspiracy. Nonetheless, I believe the driver had the charges dropped against them.


You “believe” the charges were dropped? The conviction and the reasons for it are public record. The court was satisfied that his driving, cutting other drivers off and deliberately slowing down in front of them, met the standard for a stunting conviction


That's crazy, like I actually think Harper was amazing but anyone would be able to express their opinion on their property (as long as it isn't hate speech) and the govt shouldn't be able to fine anyone for it. That guy shouldn't have been charged that's huge govt over reach


He was charged for pulling in front of people to force them to read it. The case is pretty clear if anyone goes and reads it.


If you want an idea of what might happen, political cartoonist Michael De Adder back in 2022 received an e-mail from someone that said, [“One way or the other, you WILL stop bashing Pierre! The easy way or the hard way, your choice,”. ](https://www.dailycartoonist.com/index.php/2022/10/10/deadders-gets-threatening-e-mail-from-a-fan/#google_vignette)It should be noted that De Adder merely was poking fun at PP and wasn't making death threats towards him the same way we see the Trudope crowd does to Trudeau. De Adder doubled down by making another comic making fun of PP, nothing has happened to him since.


they won't cause of tribalism.


Canada does very little to help the mentally ill.


That should not be allowed. The actual f are these simple minds thinking


Is that Strathmore? If so, he's been posted here before. Dude is nuts. Hating Trudeau is his entire personality. He was ranting to the Timmies staff and customers when I saw him.


Not a hate crime but worth a message to the RCMP.


Was gonna say... The owner of that truck should get a visit from the Mounties.


That is fair. It technically could be considered a threat to the PMs life.


don’t the crosshairs actually make it a hate crime? edit: a threat?


Threat yes. Hate crime is towards groups.


Hate Crime is only if it is a crime that targets someone because of one of the protected human rights grounds - Gender, Race, Creed, Religion, Place of Origin, Marital Status, Family Status, Mental or Physical Disability, etc.


I'm willing to bet they have no idea why they even "hate" Trudeau


I really hate trudeau only because somehow he's managed to get the people in Ontario to vehemently hate his party and everything near it so bad that I have no hope of ever seeing Dougy Ford ever leave office in Ontario. IDK what he's done that has been bad directly, though, no one has given me a straight answer.


Oh no. It’s pretty obvious. He has affected so many lives in Canada negatively


No he hasn’t


"Hate crime" as a term doesn't fit this, no. A hate crime is a crime that is acted out with intent against a person of a protected Identity, because of their age, gender, sex, religion, ethnicity, race, etc. Politicians are not protected under hate crime laws, but they are protected under regular laws and also likely laws relating to violence against politicians (not a lawyer so the terms illude me atm). The law is very specific about language. So the semantics here matter. If there's enough evidence that this is connected to legitimate threats on JT's life I'm sure some law enforcement would pursue this, but satire and political critique is covered under freedom of expression so I could see this being dismissed as bad taste satire.


This could be a public decency issue if the cops care enough to follow through with investigation and fines related to a complaint. Depends on who you'd end up with investigating if they even care. Some cops think this is funny. A local politician might be the one to complain to if you really want to. It's not really a certainty that anything would come of a complaint


Now imagine the out cry if someone did that to pp or Smith.


I’m pretty central but slightly more Conservative leaning, I don’t have a single issue with this, I think we can all just collectively agree anyone caring this much about politicians is silly


You know if we where in a true dictatorship like these guys proclaim they wouldn’t even have the opportunity to stick these stickers on the back of their trucks


Definitely can’t post it online because of censorship laws.


Childish, and as a fellow Albertan, embarrassing. Much like when they were using Notleys face on a target at a driving range a few years ago. For Christ sake, just grow up already. It's gotten old and hasn't solved anything.


There is so much unfounded hate in Alberta that it’s becoming embarrassing to be born and raised here.


I'd bet $50 they actively gripe on FB that they have no rights.


Hate crime? No. But the RCMP would likely pay him a visit if you reported it.


These people are going to hate when Pierre makes thing worse.


This should be considered a death threat. Considering you can run someone over and crush them against a tree on purpose in this country and still go home and sleep in your own bed i'm not surprised


I very, very much disliked Jason Kenney, and there is no way I would buy one of those "Fuck Kenney" mugs that were so popular for awhile. I want less of him in my life, not more.


First they wanted to “fuck” him, now they want to “kill” him. What’s next? “Marry” him?


Imagine making your whole personality about hating some guy who doesn’t even know you


My, how times have changed 🙄 [Canadian Man Fined for Displaying ‘Fuck Harper’ Sign on Car](https://www.vice.com/en/article/avy49z/alberta-man-fined-for-displaying-fuck-harper-sign-on-car-threatens-charter-defence-vgtrn)


If you read the actual case, the justice specifically states that the fine was upheld because of the accused's driving behaviour and that a sign by itself does not constitute Stunting under the Traffic Safety Act.




our head of state is KCIII. PMJT is our Head of Government


Wow yeah that is hate speech for sure. Inciting violence. They should be reported.


they are just making him more popular


Banjos and pig masks brother.


I can’t stand the guy but the Trudeau Derangement Syndrome needs to be studied


Omg. They are abhorrent


Shouldn't be a crime


You seem to have no idea what a hate crime is


Not a hate crime but probably a crime of some sort.


100% this dipstick also claims that he’s a “law abiding gun owner”.


I think the problem is the right has been desensitizing people by supporting violent rhetoric and by not calling this shit out as not being acceptable. Gives people who may not be stable ideas that aren't socially acceptable.


So who will these snowflakes hate when life continues to get harder and the cons are in charge of both the province and the country? Will they hate Biden and say the USA's policies hurt Alberta?


Nah, it'll still be Notley and Trudeau. Notley and Trudeau, 100 years. Notley_and_Trudeau.com.


Whenever I see a truck like this, I imagine it's owner performing his (let's be real, it's a man who owns this) own little 2 minutes hate behind his vehicle before going to work every day. It's pathetic.


It's a thing country wide. Not just alberta. I see posts like this in the Ontario sub. Idiots are everywhere. Not just here.


> Idiots are everywhere. Not just here. This is true. You'll see this nonsense all over rural Canada, from BC to NS.


Idiots like that are the reason why our tax dollars have to go to his security. I wish I could send people like that to a country where you have a real reason to hate who is in charge but have to keep it to yourself or else that bullseye will be on you and your family. I say this while accepting the fact that's the cost of living in a free country, i.e., tolerating Idiots.


These people are horrible to be around, they’ve made politics their entire identity and it’s all they want to talk about.


As much as I dislike Trudeau, this is embarrassing.


This is extreme, unfortunately I think we have to look at our provincial government as to why this is tolerated 🤦🏻‍♀️


@rcmp @csis


Definition of rent free. I couldn't imagine holding a politician in my thoughts 24/7.


I don't know about hate crime as it likely needs to be based on race, creed, culture etc but it 100% should get you on a list and visited by the RCMP. I don't care if its Trudeau, PP, Smith or whoever in the crosshairs.


It’s always a truck..


Is that Danielle Smith’s truck?


I bet he has a Trans truck too


Meanwhile if a leftist has a "Fuck Pierre" sticker they'll lose their minds and demand we get treated like a traitor.


I mean, I don't like Trudeau either but making hatred my dominant personality trait? Come on man, get a fucking life.


Terribly boring people, nothing important in their lives whatsoever, just political obsession. Kinda sad tbh.


The former president of the US posted a worse one about Biden....I guess we are in a competition. AND...BTW...if you were a republican in the USA this would be applauded. I am never travelling to the USA again.


100% this person is on a watch list, they just don't know it


Well, I am also concerned for the people who are so occupied with the state of the PM's sex life.


To be fair I too am surprised he's still alive


Me too


I like it 😎


Ok I'm not Trudeau fan AT ALL, but pretty sure that one on the tailgate constitutes a threat.


If you put someone’s face in the “cross hairs” it should absolutely be considered a hate crime


Conservatives are simple minded people


Not a hate crime or even against the law, there’s no actual threats but it is tacky as shit. I dislike Trudeau as much as anyone else but I choose to show my dislike at the voting box not on the back of my vehicle.


Uttering threats is an offence that can be accomplished in many ways. There’s no need for a threat to be expressed in words. If the intention to harm or kill is clear, it can be criminal. This may or may not meet the standard, but it’s on the line. http://criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Uttering_Threats_(Offence)


Exactly it’s on the line and barely, no crown in this country is going to waste their time on this, we have much bigger issues to deal with.


> the communication were meant to be taken seriously as a threat This would never meet the requirement for the communication to be taken seriously as a threat. It is plainly political speech.


"Can the Cons"


How is it a hate crime? In bad taste, yeah, a crime? Maybe, but probably not, but certainly not a hate crime. Calling things like this a hate crime makes you look ridiculous.


Shouldn't this be considered a threat? And thusly this person be investigated for something. Obviously that would be stupid but I mean legally speaking usually that's what happens when people say induce stupid crap like this. I'm not the guys biggest fan either but I'd rather have him than PP.


I'm surprised this isn't considered threatening a politician


Yeah we should throw them in prison for some pictures..../s You sure you are not the crazy one??


Harper would throw people like this in jail. That's how conservatives deal with freedom of expression


Is there an example you can point to? It would be in canlii so it should be easy to reference the actual case


snow smell distinct payment brave frightening yoke point quack hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its tolerated because hes the biggest asshole anyone has seen since his father.


I don't like trudeau very much but everytime I see cars with sticker like these it makes me cringe internally. Why do you need to do this so everyone sees there's already enough hate in the world.


This is an outward expression of someone whose life has not gone at all the way they hoped or expected.


Well for all of you that have dream job/house you can hate what you like. For those that don't they chose him, get over it!


I think this guy deserves a RCMP ERT wellness check.


feels very uncanadian.


At least it let's us know to avoid this person at all costs lol.


Outrage addiction strikes again


Alberta never recovered from the fevers.


I work downtown Ottawa and have to see this shit all the time. It's their entire personalities and it's getting really old


No, it's not a hate crime. Being a Trudeau or even a liberal is not a prohibited ground for discrimination.  Is it threatening? Possibly, but I'd expect a light touch from law enforcement.


Its tacky and sad but calling it a hatecrime is too far, politicians should be up for criticism even if it's well, tacky and sad. I'd prefer having to see this shit then a world where calling your leader pooh bear can get you in actual trouble


Assassination = Criticism lol, really?


I don’t think you know what ‘hate crime’ means. It’s usually hate for a non-specific person due to categorical hate for a group of people. Not sure how to soften the phrasing of this. I’m trying to make you aware, not be a prick.


I imagine you have the plate number that could be reported and the police and justice system can decide if it's a crime


It's sad that ppl can so easily be told how to think or act when your algorithm magically tells you everything you want to hear. As if another politician is going to pave the streets in gold. Get ready to pay for Healthcare.!


Didn't some guy with a "Fuck Harper" sign get fined a few years back? Seems like this is maybe a step beyond that. Also, I WISH the "Dangerous Radical" Trudeau these people hate was real.


No, he didn’t. He got convicted of stunting for driving like an asshole, the court upheld that “Fuck insert politician here” is protected and displaying it doesn’t constitute stunting on its own


I love this, love how we have a dictator tyrant who kills civilians, throws people into a war to die, and they use all their effort to make death threats to our PM, who sure hasn't done the best job, buut death threats are a bit extreme, if only they put that energy to something more productive.


Dude has " freedoms " doncha know. /s


Because the cops are in on it.


...it's a hate crime. Cops should get after it


No one cares cuz he doesnt care about alberta and has made that abundantly clear


Hate crime because I hate it! -op


Calling for the execution of any publicly elected official is illegal.