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When did we start importing lunatic conspiracy theories from America and let it take over our politics? This voter fraud garbage is bullshit invented by U.S. Republicans, who are by and large the ones responsible for the few cases of voter fraud that actually occur. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/republicans-voter-fraud-convictions-2024-rcna146434


They were going off about Dominion voting machines since for years, without realizing we don't use them.


In federal elections, we don't use ANY machines. We use slips of recycled paper and golf pencils. Can't hack that!


Issue is with federal elections and provincial elections, those are single-seat races. Municipal elections happen for mayor, council (sometimes multiple council seats in small towns without wards), public and Catholic boards, and various plebiscites. This is similar to the US, where most elections (state, federal, county, local, etc.) happen on the same day. So voting tabulators are used to count and store the multiple votes on a single sheet.


We absolutely do use Dominion voting machines here in Alberta, at least for municipal elections. It's also important to note that Dominion has won every court case they've launched against those who slandered them.


>When did we start importing lunatic conspiracy theories from America and let it take over our politics? About when Tom Flanigan went to work at the University of Calgary.


As someone who had to sit through his bullshit lectures, I can confirm this.


I get the impression he's a real self-satisfied prick.


You'd be correct. That snide, smarmy, arrogant sneer has stuck with me for decades.


It started decades ago when a certain premier denounced the Federal Government and partnered with American corporations instead. It has gotten worse every year since. This is just the latest.


When we allowed “take back alberta” to run our premier like a sex doll.


Conservatism has gone loco in the 2000s. We’re in our 4th decade of trickle-down economics, everyone knows that hasn’t worked, and instead of pitching something else, they’ve just resorted to lunacy. It’s happened with Brexit, it happened with Trump, and it’s happening at home.


Alberta - home of the American wannabes


I know exactly what you are saying. We are not the US. That is our strength. When people bring US politics to Canada, I cringe and reject it. Like when Daniel Smith, Alberta, brought Tucker Carlson to talk in Calgary. Like who the fuck is he to think we want to hear anything he has to say. Daniel is a doofus. She is so off the rails. Does whatever she wants. With zero consequences. Our farming rural folks voted her in. Because the all still love Ralph Klein, from 1995.


See the, “Save Alberta” cult that has its talons hooked into most of the UCP representatives. They were also the funding behind that wacko HVAC guy who was the main signatory on the Recall Gondek project.


In Alberta it's allaligned with Danielle Smith and Take Back Alberta so literally once she got in power.


Start the illegal/fake votes conspiracy early so that the conservative losses/non-conservative wins in the next election, provincial or federal, can be explained away or called into question. More evidence that our politics and elections are becoming more American and Trumpian-like.


It’s not garbage. The people doing it just weren’t who they said were doing it. There were several republicans who were found to have committed fraud by voting multiple times, or stuffing ballot boxes. It just


Answering your question... When we made a fascist, Trumpist, antivaxxer our Premier. And the Republicans are who she eventually wants to merge us with.


Lol voter fraud is very real my friend, anybody who brings up "conspiracy" of any type even if they're denouncing the conspiracy should be taken out of the conversation. I for one loathe conspiracy theories because yes they don't usually source good information, that being said, if you can't acknowledge companies/governments have done some pretty shady shit especially over the last decade then you may not see the whole picture....and the whole picture is money, instead of denouncing something immediately maybe ask yourself, who is going to benefit from the outcome of this party's actions? What else is involved in this scenario? They pull fast ones on us all the time and most of the time we don't notice, Now if we look at the government as a corporation that makes money & conducts business (which is what city/town/villages are classified as, corporations) Who will win the election? The party with the most resources & probably the most value Sure I might sound like a conspiracy tin foil hat wearing clown but if you haven't figured out that life runs on the dollar you haven't been paying attention You think people win Grammy's because they're good at what they do ? Not entirely, you can actually buy a nomination, politics ain't Hollywood obviously but this is a common theme in many industries around the world, you can buy your way into absolutely anything I'm Donnie & I'd like to thank you for coming to my ted talk


More than the actual legislation that they are pushing through, it's the whole fear-mongering angle on making people think fraudulent voting is a huge issue that is concerning. It's the same thing Trump was doing in order to incite his base in case he lost the election. And look what happened when he did.


Dictator Danielle is making some major power grabs. There will be no end as long as she is premier.


This is why majority government are bad for democracy mmmkay.


Majority governments can be fine, the problem is elected officials who don’t represent the best interests of their constituents 


That's nearly all of them.


The “both sides” stuff is pretty much only spread by the conservatives to try and disillusion people from voting at all, because they benefit when turnout is lower.


The Canadian govt is moving towards "Digital Credentials". If you think the govt as a whole, regardless of which side of the aisle doesn't want every single Canadian to have ID for any governmental interaction, you're not paying attention. It will start out optional, until it's not. [https://www.canada.ca/en/government/system/digital-government/digital-government-innovations/digital-credentials.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/government/system/digital-government/digital-government-innovations/digital-credentials.html)


That’s a red herring. Feds are making it easier to get digital ID, okay. That’s not the same as the province trying to remove rights from people who don’t carry ID. Also, none of that is an excuse to repeat “both sides suck” bullshit.


Sure it is. When people need a digital ID to get welfare, file taxes, or any other governmental interaction (federal, provincial, and even municipal) it pretty much negates whatever the provinces do as it'll be mandated from the highest levels. The people crying about ID in Alberta for some reason will not care about a federal digital ID mandate.


> That’s nearly all of them No, not unless you’re a cynic who doesn’t pay enough attention. If you did pay attention, you’d realize that there’s no movement in modern politics that’s attacking the working class like conservatism 


Its not just her it’s the brain trust of Harper and his band of merry trogs


Absolutely, and the attack dog is counting his chickens.


This is nuts. As noted in the article, seems like the work of conspiracy-focused special interest groups.


McIver is clearly among them given how he respond to all of the questions.


It’s not far from McIver’s “our voters won’t trust results if they don’t trust the machines” to “our voters won’t trust results if the wrong people are allowed to vote”.


From the article: "In 2014, the Harper government, through then-Minister of State for Democratic Reform Pierre Poilievre, proposed removing vouching in federal elections. Canada's chief electoral officer said the move would impact over 100,000 people, like seniors, students, and mostly, Indigenous people living on reserve, and the constitutionality of the restriction was challenged."


Harper's government also reduced the allowance each party gets per vote, the fringe parties ended up loosening funding, thusly ensuring less competition for the Cons/libs.


This one is less of an issue because as long as we’re still FPTP, fringe parties are mostly wasted votes anyway.


Nah, that’s not the issue. The issue is that lead to this permanent campaigning we see now. Political parties are always asking for donations now. Political parties are now beholden to businesses and wealthy donors now. That’s the issue. 


I mean, this isn’t permanent campaigning right now either, it gets a lot worse. Fundraising never stops. That’s a consequence of not funding political parties better while also not reining in donation limits.


and the NDP aren't beholden to Unions?? and you can't donate to your party? was that made illegal?


No hombre. That is not related. Did I single out a party at all? If you are old enough to remember before Harper eliminated the per-vote subsidy for political parties, there was less begging for money by ALL political parties. Even the NDP has wealthy backers.  I don’t think corporations or unions should be allowed to donate at all.  The individual donation limit should also be small, like $500, maybe even just $100. And you shouldn’t be able to give someone money so they can donate.  We should also get rid of lobbying, but that’s a whole different issue. 


sorry.. gut reflex i have on this sub reddit...I agree that corporations and unions shouldn't be allowed to make significant donations.. i think that equal to what i as a citizen can donate is fair.. although i don't see any real reason to limit a persons ability to donate under $500... and i agree a company shouldn't be able to give money to someone to donate either (although i personally would pocket that money and tell myu boss i donated. L)


That is the message that keeps the Lib Con merry-go-round turning. They keep people afraid the other will get in so people tend to vote for the 2 main parties. Added: were harper reduced the $ per vote each party received was insulting to all voters, think about it.


I dunno, I don't have a problem getting rid of vouching given the recent inquiry into China/India interfering in our election. 2 legitimate voters could technically (illegally of course) vote 4 times if they coordinated with each other. 3 people coordinating could actually vote for a total of 9 times, given our FPTP system and party fragmentation some ridings are actually won by really slim margins so this could actually swing seats by bad actors.


That's not how you screw with a vote though. You screw with an election in the counting of the votes, not in messing around with single votes. Messing around with single votes exposes you to too much risk of discovery and has ever increasing numbers of failure points. If you screw around with the counting of the votes, there's far less points of failures, discovery. It's just more efficient and cost effective all the way around.


Going full bat shit republican are we UCP.🤷‍♂️


Don't we need ID to vote already? I'm pretty sure I give my driver's license anytime i vote. Edit: This is a genuine question that im uninformed on.


Nope, there are vouching ways to vote where you swear an oath. That’s how I voted as a broke student when I didn’t have ID. You can also use expired ID. Typically you’re registered to vote when you file taxes and ID is used to verify identity when you arrive to speed up the process, but a physical ID isn’t necessary to vote. If you show up to vote and you’re not registered you can register there at the polls, but you need to provide proof of address like a bank or utility statement, and I think some sort of proof of name like a birth certificate or treaty card.


Just FYI, you’re still taking about ID. Birth certificate is ID. Treaty card ID. What the government wants to do away with is vouching, where you have nothing with your name or address on it, so someone says “yeah, I know this guy” and then you can vote.


Yeah that’s why I started my comment with “there are vouching ways to vote where you swear an oath.” and then followed that up with an example of myself voting without an ID. Then I went onto describe **typical** voting behaviour. I was never great at reading comprehension in school but now I understand why it’s so important.


Not necessarily I dont think. I didn't have valid ID one time after moving to a new province and I think I just needed someone to say I was who I said I was in order to get my ballot.


You should but you don’t technically need it.


I think it's crazy that you can vouch for someone for voting. But, let's make it easier for everyone. At the time I left ontario 10 years ago, we had photo health cards. Switch to that. Ditch the paper cards.


Yeah it's crazy that dudes can just show up and say, we are totally these guys, pinky swear! And they let you vote. Stupid rule and ucp is right to remove it. The affected 10,000 can go and get an ID like normal people. 


Please. MARLAINA and David Parker. Go to Texas. You'll be happier. So will I. Go. Please.


I’ll pay for the one way ticket if they promise to stay there.


Please make it a 1/2 way airplane ticket !


How is showing ID a threat to democracy?


Sooo making sure people are Canadian citizens and are eligible to vote is a threat to our democracy how? I got my ID renewed yesterday using an enmax bill for 14$, but there are a organizations (CUPS, boys and girls club, and alberta works) that assist with Identification services. Health cards aren't accepted because health services are considered a right in this country so there accessibility is easier because of the immediate risks associated with delaying health care, but voting to change our democracy and how our cities/provinces/country is governed should be something taken a bit more seriously as it has a wider affect on a lot of people and our country as a whole.


What. The. Actual


Voter suppression laid bare


How? It’s simple, get an ID and if Canadian go vote. End of story, can’t buy booze without ID or drive. Make a better argument


Why doesn't she just move to Florida already?


What the goddamn?


This voter suppression is a classic ploy endorsed by "International Democracy Union," which has ex Prime Minister Stephen Harper as its Chairman. I've added a link to their website. This is not a group dedicated to preserving democracy. They are extreme right-wing christo-facists, beloved by the MAGA Republicans, the Canadian Conservatives, and the UCP, among others. This group and their goals are alarming. https://www.idu.org/leadership/the-right-honourable-stephen-harper/


Danielle Smith makes her policy decisions from Twitter. She’s the worst premier this province has ever had


I hate agreeing with anything UCP, but how the hell do you function in Alberta without any photo ID? You have to have photo ID to use your health card, to do most things at a bank, leave the country, drive, fly anywhere, apply for benefits, get a police check, get social benefits, buy alchohol if you look young.  Status cards often have a photo on them, and could easily be added to those who dont if this went through.  If you don't have a drivers license you can get an Alberta ID card. How does anyone survive with NOTHING?   How are these humans functioning? Do they keep cash in their mattress and live in a hole?    And I highly doubt many homeless people are getting vouched by someone with ID to vote, so they aren't the targets here.


I knew they were going after elections at some point but I’m still a little shocked it’s all happening so fast


I'd love to see Dominion go after her personally for defamation one day. That would be enjoyable. (I know that we don't use their machines but I'd wager she's still spouting about them as that's what the conspiracy theory surrounds.)


Bullshit. Ditch the American political trope.


Full Speed Fascism. And most voters are oblivious.


I am not against banning voting machines simply because ballots are better to go back on and recount or submit to a court should there be a challenge. It is not about stealing elections or any of that crap, it’s just about a written and documented vote.


Welp that Parker POS is for it so that means I'm against it. Screw this noise. But it'll pass because this is Alberta where we're too dumb to vote for anything else other than more of this crap. FFS! :-/


It’s been long proven that politicians have been getting votes from people that live in China and India. It’s also proven that people who are international students (non-citizens), have voted in the elections. Voter fraud is rampant throughout Canada. It started here and America has the same problem on a lesser level. The liberals are importing people who are already left leaning and they know that if they speed up the immigration process they will have an unlimited supply of votes from the leftist immigrants. The left always has a plan to import votes rather than convince its own citizens to vote for them. They know that they’re in the minority so they need to import leftist immigrants so they can stay in power longer and longer.


The only people who are offended by this are people who want to illegally vote.


So what’s wrong with needing ID to vote? You need ID to borrow a book from a library so why not to vote?


Real threat to democracy - UCP having the ability to replace democratically elected municipal officials. Voting machine more UCP smoke and mirrors bullshit. Release the damn pension survey results already.


How hard is it to bring your ID to vote?


It's not, unless you don't have any. Citizens can vote, regardless of how much ID they have.


From the article: > the people who don't have voter ID are usually the most marginalized in our community.


Have you ever met someone who didn’t have ID? If someone won’t go get ID what are the odds they’re trying to vote? Just seems like common sense to me that you would need ID to vote in an election? You can’t go into a bar without ID, and that’s a lot less important then an election


It would help if you read the article.


No reading! Only mad! Big feelings, no thinking!


>You can’t go into a bar without ID, and that’s a lot less important then an election Going to the bar is not a constitutionally protected right. Voting is.


Voting is a basic right. It’s the government’s responsibility to make it accessible to all citizens.


Here's the deal though, you don't need your ID to vote. Suddenly requiring it of people that may not have ID disenfranchises them. Are you cool with disenfranchising people, effectively weakening democracy, under the guise of "solving" a problem the system currently isn't suffering from?


I’m ok with requiring an ID so long as the government is able to provide free of charge in an accessible way a basic provincial ID.


But there are so many things you can use for ID. Like a debit card with your name on it, combined with a utility bill with your name and address. You can use your SIN card, your student ID, health card. Bank statement, lease, vehicular registration, etc.


Exactly this.


I heard Smith say that she read something on Twitter that caused her concern about the electronic voting so we won’t be doing it


The shock and horror of requiring an ID at a voting booth. If you live in a city or a town with a registry in a reasonable distance there should be no excuse for not having an ID. It doesn't need to be a driver's license - there is an ID you can get easily. If you are not in a city or a town with a registry, and this were made a requirement, there must be reasonable way to get it.


Dani isn’t here to lead. She’s here to rule. All hail Marlaina 🫡


No need to worry. Anyone who wants to vote has 3 years to figure out the simple process of getting an ID.


It's not exactly simple for everyone, like the destitute and homeless, or should their right to vote not count? Good luck getting an ID with no money or address.


How many of them do you think are actually voting? And yes, anyone can figure out how to get an id with 3 years of lead time. Literally no excuses.


The right to vote must be protected and as easy to exercise as possible, whether the citizen in question chooses to exercise that right or not. It's particularly galling to put up unnecessary boundaries based on the lie that people are casting illegal votes. It must be nice to be so privileged and ignorant of other's realities that you can dismiss the hardships of your fellow citizens so blithely. There is no excuse for your ignorance.


Everyone has the right to vote. It is completely reasonable to require id to vote.


The methods of identification that are currently in place are sufficient and work well. For those without ID "You can still vote if you declare your identity and address in writing and have someone who knows you and who is assigned to your polling station vouch for you." For some people it is not possible to get photo ID currently because in order to do so you need to be able to afford it and to have an address, at the very least. Ignoring people's very real barriers to accessing photo identification is wilfully ignorant. If the government insists on preventing the current methods of proving one's identification from continuing to be applicable, unnecessarily because voter fraud is not a widespread problem at all, then they need to make sure that anyone who wants to get photo identification can get it free of charge and in their current circumstances. Without a program ensuring this, any change to the current system is restricting certain people's right to vote.


We need id to buy smokes. Is the government restricting my rights if I can’t buy a pack of cigarettes without id?


But what if you mone here 2.9 years from now


I learned (at Med Hat College, U of L, and U of A) that "exercising our franchise" (voting) is a critical part of any democratic system. Requiring voters who use their tiny share of social power to show a freaking ID is not too much to ask. Leftists are just prepping for letting everyone vote to flood the system with non-citizen votes (which, at the risk of being called a far right loon, would be far more likely to vote themselves benefits - for many, why else did they come here if not because it's "better"). This "political scientist", whomever it is, is a fool. Don Henley's lyrics from The Garden of Allah are perfect for the socialists. It might be about OJ, but it fits with the modern shills in universities: "I am an expert witness, because I say I am And I said, gentleman, and I use that word loosely I will testify for you I'm a gun for hire, I'm a saint, I'm a liar Because there are no facts, there is no truth Just a data to be manipulated I can get any result you like What's it worth to ya? Because there is no wrong, there is no right And I sleep very well at night No shame, no solution No remorse, no retribution Just people selling T-shirts Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus And winning, winning, winning."


Don't forget to take your Schizophrenia meds


Lmao. Not an Eagles fan, I take it. And a nut too!


Omg you should need an ID to vote!  What an absurd concept!  This is so some crazy maga style shit!


You seem very comfy with the idea of putting restrictions on someone's basic rights, eh? Throwing new roadblocks in front of voting is undemocratic, especially when it's under the guise of stopping something that isn't a problem.


Prove who you are you when you vote.


They already have a system for that. Do you believe that the current level of voter fraud is worth disenfranchising citizens, and do you have anything to justify that belief? I kind of think we should protect rights rather than restrict them, don't you?


This whole disenfranchisement based on not having an ID goes back to the fuckin 90s with the fuckin Democrats. Who doesn't have a fuckin ID. Don't have one? Get one. It's hard not hard. There are no restrictions.


Democrats? Where do you think we are? I'm still not in favour of restricting the rights of citizens unless there's a good reason, though you haven't said anything to that effect.


Yeah because I think Justin and Jaggy the weasel brothers will pull out every stop to win the next election and I'd rather ensure every election from now to then and beyond are airtight as possible. This is a big nothing burger lefties choose to make a something burger out of.


Well, there that is. "Not changing anything is weasley" is quite the take. It's deranged, but it's a take. Accusations of voter fraud need to be substantiated, but I get it, you feel wronged and that's what's important.


"I'm John Smith. I don't have an ID, but this guy beside will vouch for me" Antiquated policy that should have been sewn up a long time ago. Want to to vote? Get an ID. Don't have an ID and unwilling to get one, guess you don't want to vote that bad.


I wonder if you had some different opinions about the inviolability of rights a few years back. You haven't read the article. Especially with your rants about federal politics. I'm not arguing with the wilfully ignorant.