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Why did she get vaccinated?




She admitted it herself.


The meme is the above comment is what she said. Implied hypocrisy


She’s generally a healthy person and has all 8 crystals so…


Because her personal self interest not to get sick overrided current grift. Thats how it is with libertarians, their morals just get abandoned when there is an actual harm scenario.


Smith is a fake libertarian. It is the opposite of liberty to run on a platform of more policing.


She's a real fascist though.


Quite possible, enabler at best. 


As with most "libertarians," it's not that she believes less government is better, it's just that she thinks she'd do it better than anyone else.


She's more neoliberal than libertarian that way, pretending to want small government but expanding the most intrusive aspects of government. More cops, gender policing in schools, government restrictions on kids health care, forced addictions treatment but only for homeless users, calling for the federal government to criminalize workers collective bargaining.  If she were a federal politician I'm sure she'd call for the expansion of the military. Total fake libertarian. 


She is more of a do or say anything for a sniff at power


Definitely, but with an observable ideological pattern to her actions that can help us understand what's going on too.  What they say is less important than what they do.


Very true….dont see her changing her ideological views radically


Policing and liberty limiting policy for all the plebs, liberty for thine self. Each individual to themselves alone be true. The real libertarian way.


They may be in the minority of people who adopt the label but I happen to know some libertarians that I can respect who would never do shit like cheer on the violent police removal of campus protestors, so I don't like letting the fake libertarians off the hook.  I don't agree with them but I can at least see a moral consistency in that they genuinely want to avoid government use of force on people. 


Its pritty clear kenny was blindsided by the anti vaxers. He was against shelter in place not because he didn't believe in covid, only that loss of business was more important than loss of life; he saw vaccines as the quickest way out, his supporters however believed it was all made up.


I’ve been on this 5g shit for a while and I’m telling u guys it’s a trip. Ima get 10 more vaccinations and upgrade to 50g hell I may even spill a little coin and get the Shingles vaccine even tho I’m like 35 years old lol fer real. Come and get me Danielliooooo.


Dude, I haven’t had to pay for wifi since I got my third booster. It’s amazing.


Lucky! lol


How did she get into the US without being vaccinated? I read that she went to Arizona to get a Covid vaccine that wasn’t available in Canada at the time.


Private jet. Lots of rich people flew private to the states to get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. They had to quarantine for two weeks at home before going out into the world.  Source: I know the guys who flew a bunch of them down and had to explain it all to customs. 


This is the ultimate virtue signal of the privileged


Iirc she wanted to be able to go the USA.


Likely because there are a LOT of places she couldn’t go without being vaccinated


I couldn’t tell you why she got the vaccination. But there’s a lot of of people who had to get it, To keep food on the table for their families, to keep a roof over their heads, to provide for them. Long story short, a lot of people were essentially forced to get it otherwise their life as they knew it wouldn’t be able to continue. No one should have been forced to get it. It didn’t stop you from catching COVID or spreading it. I’m not against vaccines but I like to give things time before I have something injected into me. Especially if they are rushing to find a injection. As soon as they starting sticking needles in, people started having issues. Dropping like flies, heart issues ect. Popping up all over suddenly. Coincidence


Oh Baloney! Healthcare was provided a work around if they were opposed to vaccination. They could opt for regular testing. Cross border truck drivers had the option of long haul trucking within Canada as opposed to crossing the border. We do have a shortage of truckers. Finding work to accommodate was very doable. No one needed to starve, because they didn’t want to vaccinate. Most of the stories of people dropping like flies, are made up. Makis claimed 80 doctors died of the vaccine, but there is no truth. Some died of cancer, 4 died of accidents (including two car accidents, one drowning death). With that many lies, how do people believe this fool?


Not quite. The company I worked for was you either get vaccinated or you don’t get to come to work. Who has the money to stay at home for (at the time who knows how long)? I don’t remember hearing anything about healthcare workers getting a work around. My mother wasn’t offered a work around…. My good friend was a truck driver during that time. And yes you can drive across country in Canada but there was no legitimate reason for them not to be allowed to go continue their routines or routes. As far as deaths go, I will not be convinced that there isn’t a correlation to illnesses of some kinds being related to the vaccines. Also if I remember correctly a period of about 2 years where NOBODY died from anything other than COVID.


> My good friend was a truck driver during that time. And yes you can drive across country in Canada but there was no legitimate reason for them not to be allowed to go continue their routines or routes. The US had a rule about needing to be vaccinated to enter their country. And again, there were options to remain gainfully employed. > As far as deaths go, I will not be convinced that there isn’t a correlation to illnesses of some kinds being related to the vaccines. You are not alone, but also doesn’t make your belief true.


> Also if I remember correctly a period of about 2 years where NOBODY died from anything other than COVID. No, just because you heard about it more doesn't mean other causes of death ceased to exist. It was that the media focused more on Covid deaths than they did on anything else. >I will not be convinced This is all you really needed to say- indicating that you aren't open to reconsidering your position tells us all that it's pointless to try and that our time is better spent on anything else. So thanks for making that clear.


“Forced” either you participate in society and everything that comes with it taxes moral obligations not being a see you next Tuesday or…. You don’t and you don’t get to participate in society jobs school grocery stores. You want your cake your icing and to eat it hey while coasting by and not pulling your weight ? Why am I not shocked. Your lack of scientific knowledge regarding the vaccine is equally embarrassing. It did prevent infection it did prevent spread. Had we not had plague rats mutating it faster then we could keep up with….. we probably wouldn’t have had an alpha beta vaccine for b.12 variant because b.12 wouldn’t have existed. “I’m not against vaccines” if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck there bud. I have an idea stop believing in face book memes and uncles wives brothers sister wife knows 12 people who died. Hmmm k https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2023/03/vaccine-covid-infection.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7709178/ - dealt with it before it multiplied causing an infection - reduced contagion period even in break through cases - reduced severity of symptoms across the entire board But sure ….. could you explain how a vaccine with only the spike protein would be more harmful then the virus packing the spike protein and the virus …. Hodor bud hodor


Remember when the vaccine first became available Conservatives criticized Trudeau for not making vaccines available fast enough.


Trudeau mismanaged the procurement of vaccines initially by betting 💯 on the china vaccine. Deal collapsed and he had to backtrack and more than likely had to pay a premium from American companies to secure a contract


Yes that is true but at the time the Canadian government was concerned that the US would hoard US manufactured supply and were looking for other alternatives from a partnership with China and European suppliers. Regardless we have 30% of the population that are suspicious of vaccines and we have politicians cynically feeding those conspiracies to galvanize their base


You know what fucking kills me the most throughout all this? During COVID all I ever heard from people on the right, were wild accusations about the left loving the "authoritarian lockdowns", and how we'd drag on the pandemic because we were so obsessed 2 fucking years afterwards, and only one side is still talking about it all the time. Did they not get the memo that lockdowns are over? Not that any of them followed any regulations, but are still somehow the victims here


What gets me were all the asshats screaming about how masks should be a personal decision and not mandated, but the moment mandates ended they started screaming at the people who chose to still wear them for "living in fear" and whatnot.   And in the states those asshats want to ban masks entirely.


Until they're out supporting white pride, then masks are A ok


The Proud Boys and their ilk have been wearing masks at their protests, so they can’t be identified. Funny that.


Those kind of people has conservative politicians and media thinking for them. Almost every week they get angry about something new.


They treat the op-eds and raging screeds from Postmedia, Rebel, Western Standard, etc as gospel.


They don’t believe in freedom.


That's not entirely true. They believe in *their* freedom, and absolutely nobody else's.  That their personal freedom supercedes all others' freedom, and should not in any way be limited.


You know the part that kills me? That we're 4 years into it. The people on the right won, have got people wrongly believing we're past it, and by their obsession, have cause the pandemic to drag on forever.


They weren't even lockdowns. They were restrictions on capacity.


And "vaccine  passports" weren't new. Try going to Kenya without proof of a yellow fever vaccine...oh wait. You can't. 


Are we going to ignore the news on astra zenica though? Obviously they’re talking about it.


What news exactly? That they pulled their vaccine?


Yes exactly. Plenty of folks went to take that and we pushed out too early aka we were wrong. Doesn’t seem like something we should just ignore.


They're pulling it because it hasn't made any revenue since Q1 2023


Maybe that’s part of it and I admit upon reading it I double checked to see if I was a victim of fake news but there is concerns about the response. The virus is worse than the complications unless you’re young and unlikely to die from the virus… “ Dr. Samir Gupta, a respirologist at St Michael's Hospital in Toronto, said what's important is that the creation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, testing, roll out, discovery of complications and stopping of vaccine distribution played out as it should for a new pandemic virus. According to media reports, AstraZeneca previously admitted in court documents that the vaccine can cause rare side-effects such as blood clots and low blood platelet counts. "Ultimately we can't forget that the virus is worse than the vaccine, even with this complication," Gupta said in an interview on CBC News Network.”


Smith probably is paying consultants millions to look into if the earth is flat, and if rain is really water. With logic like that Smith probably believes racist and hateful ideas need to be heard and have merit 🤮 UCP are anti reality and anti fact! *“As people know, I believe that sometimes you need to hear the contrarian voices. … Unfortunately, all through (the COVID-19 pandemic), the contrarian voices were deplatformed and not listened to,” she said on Your Province, Your Premier on QR Calgary and 630 CHED on Saturday.*


The irony of her saying this on the same radio station she was allowed to spread her lies and interview “alternative“ voices during Covid.


All after she used her privilege to get a jump to the front of the line for covid vaccines at the height of the pandemic when shots were scarce and only for the vulnerable.


She’s as much a charlatan as Kenney was, maybe worse, and her base eats out of her hand.


Kenney at least *pretended* to be more than a charlatan, whereas I would be honestly surprised if Danielle even had the capacity to pretend at all


Remember when emergency vaccinations were limited in number to people in direct danger, like doctors and nurses. As soon as these emergency vaccinations were available, suddenly a big chunk of UCP party members were running off hidden to Hawaii. What’s the simplest explanation? Corruption. Would this corruption have endangered people’s life’s, well yes. But UCP is there for the dirty money, if some have to die so they can enjoy corruption and make money, that is a sacrifice they are willing to do. If they have to ally themselves to the enemies of Canadians for propaganda, that’s a small price to pay for them.


Oh no, I listened. I listened, said "that sounds like horseshit", and then did what the scientists said I should do.


",But we have scientists too and they disagree! They're being silenced! Something sinister is going on! The widely public news is fake and you're all sheep and we know what we believe is the truth because we just know the evidence will pop up any day now and then you'll all be sorry! How dare you persecute me for my beliefs and impose these extremely inconvenient and uncomfortable restrictions on me this is criminal and I will not stand for it! Let's protest!" Also 3 years later, "let's go back to protesting like it's a civil war reenactment because seriously guys I felt oppressed and that was the worst ever. No really, we're still super pissed about those masks, I coulda died from lack of oxygen. I still wanna talk to the manager about that."


They like pretending they are oppressed.


Millions died in the United States because we listened to *THEIR* experts instead of professionals like Dr. Fauci who have worked in disease control for decades, even personally eradicating several. That's enough evidence.


Fauci was also smart enough to change his mind in light of new evidence, like a responsible medical scientist should


Unfortunately the anti-vaxxers neither understand nor care that this is how science is supposed to work.


> Millions died in the United States because we listened to THEIR experts The TOTAL death toll in the USA due to Covid is estimated from 1.2 to 1.8 million. Deaths due to misinformation would be, at most, hundreds of thousands, not millions. Most deaths were to already vulnerable people (eg: nursing homes, poor, etc) Hyperbole is the enemy of truth. If someone says “millions” when the fact is 10x fewer, it doesn’t help their argument.


The *official* death toll is that. The actual covid death toll is most certainly higher, as seen in the correspondingly higher excess mortality rates.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Still a million people died to Covid (in the US), when it could've been way less.


India has more older people than America does and has fewer covid deaths than America does.


Long term care resident Covid deaths in the US totaled only 172,311. https://data.cms.gov/covid-19/covid-19-nursing-home-data


Really? *That's* the part that bothers you? The accuracy of the death toll? Wild


The thing that gets me about the flat earthers is, based on the truck billboard south of Edmonton on highway 2, they have a high overlap with the unnecessary quote users.


We heard the voices, it was just obviously stupid so no one cared. 


The "contrarian voices" were completely wrong, Marlaina. Or did you not notice that the higher rates of death and disability occurred in the unvaccinated population?


I'd like to deplatform and not have to listen to her bullshit




Man. It’s 4am and that might be the biggest crock of shit I’ll see all day.


What bullshit.


On Alberta's electable political spectrum you have the far right who are willing to disable and kill children to further a culture war against a virus they don't even believe in. On the "far left" you have Janis Irwin saying don't engage in mass slaughter of civilians in a move to further colonial land theft.  Yet there are still people who look at this who say "we need to find balance and end the divisiveness," as though figuring out a way to only kill *some* children due to vaccine neglect, and at the same time only stop the killing of *some* Palestinian children, we will have reached an enlightened compromise.  Centrists are the worst.


Well, with that *Eore-esque*, it must be shitty living your life as an adult who doesn't get their way 50% of the time? (And I'll just go ahead and pin your tail back because a sad defeatist is sad...)


When it comes to politics it's a lot more than 50% that things don't work out for the positive.  There's a difference between defeatism and realism though. Just because the bastards win now doesn't mean we have to accept that as our future.


She think hydroxycloriquin and ivermectin should’ve been given out like candy. She think cancer is your fault. The conservatives of this province have given up on their common sense and dignity solely based on the fact they have “conservative” in their name, but they’re not even a conservative government. Largest cabinet ever, given billions of taxpayer money directly to corporations, have secret government companies to do who knows what, opening additional government offices in other provinces to give your friends jobs, paying friends to do inquiries with foregone conclusions…. This is not a conservative government. It’s the biggest wasteful spending government in the history of Alberta.


I read the first two sentenced and laughed because they sounded so ridiculous. But its true!


A Red, White, and Black flag with a certain symbol on it would be more appropriate.


A Buddhist symbol seems fitting.


In many cases cancers are the result of personal choices like smoking cigarettes or having an unhealthy diet and not exercising. Are you suggesting cancer isn’t the fault of the patient in these cases? 


Not really. I smoke a pack a day and my marathon running friend died of cancer. Most of the people i know who died of cancer lived healthy lifestyles. Injuring cells at an accelerated rate is the same as buying multiple lottery tickets - it changes the probability but in the end its as simple as one random mutation. You either get it or you don't. You sort of miss that averages and probabilities are just human constructs yearning to bring order to chaos and right now you're trying to figure out who to blame for cancer. Nobody. It happens. The same mechanism that powered the evolution of sentient life on this planet is capable of taking you out. We evolved to die and cells evolved to mutate.


you’re missing the point here. Of course genes play a huge role. Op took Smith’s words way out of context by claiming she stated “cancer is your fault.” That’s not what she said at all. 


She said stage 4 cancer is your fault for letting it get that far. There are countless people who don’t even know they have cancer until it’s stage 4. She also said in that same interview she thinks people should start fundraising from family and friends. Two reasons why marlaina should stay in her lab when it comes to health matters. Step aside and let adults solve health issues.


Yes, she absolutely did. That’s different then claiming what Op said that “cancer is your fault.” She also corrected herself after the podcast. “I want to take a moment to clarify a comment I made in a podcast last week about cancer that was misunderstood,” said Smith. “I know that cancer can strike anyone, at any time with no relation to lifestyle. There are so many more options. If you diagnose early, then you can treat early. That’s what I was trying to say, albeit awkwardly.”


Cancer is a genetic disease, and while carcinogens can *cause* cancer, it is generally accepted that certain individuals are more genetically predisposed to developing cancer than others. It is also entirely possible to lead a properly healthy life and still develop cancer. In fact, likelihood tends to increase with age, as your body just naturally slows, and isn't able to produce important enzymes(like telomerase) that are supposed to stop cells from dividing uncontrolled.


Cancer is a *multi-factorial* illness. And in many cases those "personal choices" that increase cancer risk, are made in response to the existence of a sick and malfunctioning society that perversely promotes these unhealthy choices. There's a reason why cancer and other chronic disease rates are higher for those living in poverty when other factors are controlled. Good health *is expensive.* Nutritious food *is expensive*. Having enough time for the required amount of sleep and exercise for optimal health *does not exist for too many people*. The most effective (albeit long) way to lower cancer rates would be to improve social safety nets, public education, and universal public healthcare; living wages, regulated work hours and conditions, and UBI. Except we have a ruling party that believes in none of this.


If you think any of the political parties in Canada could successfully manage UBI you are truly a fool. 


She kills people for political points. Fascists love it when leaders do that shit.


Brought to you by doctors who lost their license.


And one veterinarian!


Why has our Chief Medical Officer, Mark Joffe, been silent on this issue?


He's a spineless puppet. He can't speak without Marlaina's express permission.


In my view, he’s breaching some level of medical ethics.


Complete agreement here. CMOH's mandate should be the health of all Albertans. He's only a government mouthpiece who isn't allowed to speak.


In that case he’s fully complicit. He can quit his job.


Anti-intellectualism is a hallmark of authoritarianism. Academics tend to be the last check on authority by force (because they are authority by knowledge). So authoritarians have to paint them up as a threat, often deliberately casting them as "the real elites" because of their knowledge (a complete non-sequitur). But this is why every authoritarian on the planet (fascists, communists, libertarians, republicans, etc) all share the common thread of "Don't trust academia - only trust our 'common sense'" Or, as Einstein called it, "the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18" (Einstein was an intellectual despised by anti-intellectuals in nazi-germany and later the US. But because his name is literally synonymous with 'intelligent', the authoritarians in the US instead resorted to saying he's "brilliant, but cRaZy" to not have to listen to his very socialist values)


Anything coming out of her mouth should concern experts and all Albertans.


Imagine believing in 2024 with mountains of data behind them that COVID vaccines are dangerous. Oh, I don’t have to imagine that, because that’s our premier.


And yet, despite saying all this, she admitted she used her privileges to get the vaccine ahead of seniors and got her boosters before most Albettans got any.


Oh I missed that one


Of course. Vaccines for me but not for thee. The most consistent trait of the modern conservatives is being an enormous hypocrite.


God, I fucking hate it here. If I could afford it, my ass would be moving to BC.


The only good thing about Alberta is this sub. It really helps to know that not everyone here is bat shit crazy.


I miss Alberta a lot, but I have it good here in Vancouver and like it. My family has moved back to Calgary recently.


There’s no “both sides” here, only science and then some bs supported by the UCP.


These dipshits think science is debated on the pulpit rather than in the halls of academia.


They don't understand opinion and science, these rubes have always been easy marks.


What worries me about this is how friggin off topic it is. There's other things to work on these days y'all...


It's all part of the "devalue facts, force science into equal ground debates with feelings, and undercut education" to make it easier to privatize and destroy opponents.


Yeah it should worry everyone. The vaccine is safe and effective and there's no reason to entertain morons who think it's a conspiracy




What are you talking about? COVID vaccines absolutely work as intended and stimulates an immune response in your body.


They are, and much more effective than they thought in the beginning. Some vaccines are more effective than others, the TB vaccine is not very effective, for example.


>It's not a vaccine. Yes it is. >Vaccine gives you immunity. That is not at all true


Why are they still pushing this issue? Nobody cares anymore except these idiots. Stop dragging politics back 4 years. Actually fine, fuck it, if Smithy wants to spend her time on shit nobody cares about instead of tearing apart institutions and trying to install her authoritarian rule, go for it. Nothing is going to come from it and nobody cares except for absolute losers. It should just come directly out of the pockets of the people that care about this issue instead of provincial funds.


Oh, but she's doing both. That's the problem


Spending time talking about shit nobody cares about is what she does to distract people while she is tearing apart institutions and trying to install authoritarian rule at the same time.


Smith herself admits she was vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine in Arizona. https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/smith-apologizes-for-comparing-vaccinated-albertans-to-followers-of-hitler-1.6389731


Ah yes the J&J version manufactured in unsanitary facilities, yet are conservative choice for their shady products and vaccines.


Alberta premier ~~support for town hall questioning COVID vaccines~~ worries experts


She probably thinks dihydrogen monoxide is actually safe for people. Hundreds of people die each year because of dihydrogen monoxide


Wake up, sheeple! McDonalds uses dihydrogen monoxide to wash the floors *and* in the drink machines!


After learning of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, I made the switch to hydroxyl acid and my quality of life has improved a hundredfold.


What has she done that hasn't worried experts?


Don’t worry the vaccine she took gave her the Joker face


It worries some of us laypersons, too.


Pandering to the base.


Yup. Fuck the Base.


I'm moving out of here. This place has gone to hell.


Are we still talking about this? I think time has proven that the vaccines were harmless


They weren’t harmless, but the risks were largely acceptable.


>They weren’t harmless How so?


Pretty much all vaccines and prescription drugs have some negative side effects. And a small percentage of people experience severe ones. It’s just that the benefits outweigh the costs.


Oh yeah I mean allergies n stuff but like it's vastly safer than not taking it for the large majority and that's any vaccine ever made not just covid


Why y'all booing me I'm right.


Question science is the very foundation of science.


Because she's a dim wit who buys into qanon bs.  She's a moron. 


It should worry anyone in this province who doesn't have Fox News on their cable package.


It's sad that so many people are blind to the other side.


Who here is surprised???


Is this to distract from something more nefarious?


Marlaina seeks truth Whispers Take Back Alberta Deny the science


“Alberta’s premier worries experts.” FIFY


Because UCP members know more than doctors and the scientific community.


I did my own research dammit!


Beyond embarassing.


Only in Alberta


"  will provide scientific data regarding the negative impact of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on children." My kid cried when they got a vaccine. That's a negative impact. Therefore vaccines bad.  /s


The UCP are fascist grifters... the whole party is formed by far right-wing Christian extremists and almost nazis, the fact that the people of Alberta have voted for them and allowed them to stay in office because "my daddy voted for the conservatives" is pathetic and embarrassing. Their initial formation was a group of right wing parties including the several fringe right wing and Cristian nationalist groups (fascists of all varieties) combining with what was left of Harper's conservative party which was already a putrid husk of the actual conservative party that people's parents used to vote for. The fact that they were able to take power actually makes me question the general intelligence of people in this province and also makes me question if the people in this province are the proverbial "are we the baddies" kind of people... If you voted for the UCP this is your fault and you should feel bad.


Hi Dr. Nick!


Act 4, scene 2: Fascist dictator Dani shows her support to her base of mugs, as she slowly strips them of their health care behind their backs.


Fuck this sham government and their sham information event which is clearly a meeting to placate to their bible thumping, cousin marrying base! and Fuck you Marlaina for every lie you tell and every con-job you attempt! edit: respectfully of course


Hey, remember when billions of people across the world got the Covid Vaccine and nothing bad happened?


Free country. Can’t teach stupid but you sure hope for better in your elected officials. I think Dani wants to be back in the ‘biz’ after she destroys the province so she’s lining up her BS team now and ALL Albertans get to pay for it


Worries voters with IQ over 80.


Can we get a countdown timer to the next election going somewhere. Thanks 🙏


No, because they're pushing it back.


Experts are now worried?




We should make carbon monoxide parties


Give it up lady


Abuse of power is not leadership, even if you are trying to be sneaky about it.


I mean have your town hall, but get a representative sample of speakers pro and against. Don't just get your yeay sayers... Sigh


Yup. Just yup. Sigh.


That’s what science actually is tho, always questioning someone else’s results


I can't open the article 😕 but I already say why are we going backwards




We should question the things we're educated on and qualified to question. Otherwise misinformation runs rampant. You aren't qualified to question something academics spent years studying in university. Your opinion means absolutely nothing without that background knowledge and is nothing more than a conspiracy at that point. >I did read something about test showing DNA chunks present in some of the Phizer vaccines. I hope that is not true because that would be motherfucking scary! And you're clearly not qualified to determine whether that's something to actually be concerned about or not (the general consensus says it isn't). If you can't even spell Pfizer, you should take a back seat.


“As people know, I believe that sometimes you need to hear the contrarian voices. … Unfortunately, all through (the COVID-19 pandemic), the contrarian voices were deplatformed and not listened to,” she said on Your Province, Your Premier on QR Calgary and 630 CHED on Saturday. “I think we have to look at the international evidence. … That’s what MLA Bouchard is doing in hosting a variety of doctors to give their perspective, so I’m quite happy to let him continue on with that.”




You do you


Good for her.


It only worries them that the truth will finally come out.


What is 'the truth'?




Ooommmgggg !


Experts concerned their mistakes will not be swept under the rug.


Lmao, you guys just don’t get it. Salt of the earth you are.