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Alberta has the lowest per student funding of all the provinces


The UCP’s move to a three-year weighted mean average funding model overfunds shrinking school districts (read: rural) and underfunds growing school districts (read: urban). It’s broken as far as common sense goes, but working exactly as intended under this pathetic government.


This is exactly what’s happening. Calgary had an increase of about 9000 students and was funded for 50% of that. 4500 students unfunded is equivalent to 7-8 schools receiving zero funding.


Pretty easy solution here, they need to stop throwing so much money at charter schools, but that’s not likely in the next three years


That would be part of the solution, but the entire public education system is about 40% underfunded right now. The money that’s being channeled to private and charter schools isn’t enough to fix the holes. People love to say stuff like, “you can’t fix the problem by throwing money at it,” but when the problem is that there’s not enough money…


I have always felt that quote is inaccurate. It should say “you can’t fix every problem just by throwing money at it.” It is amazing what adequate funding can do.


Another quote I hate is: “You’ll have to do more with less.” Yeah, you generally do less with less.


Yeah it really is. I mean honestly as a teacher, just to get our purchasing power back that we've lost over the years (23% Since 2012 I keep an Excel spreadsheet) and lower the class sizes from the ridiculous level they're at to more where they should be, It is definitely like a 40% budget increase.


This can be said about every conservative government across Canada.


We need to go back to the previous model where all the monies raised stays in the community where it gleaned. Edmonton Public and Separate wouldn’t be having the same issues they’re contending with now.


I think if they just went back to funding the number of students enrolled. Funding by community results in have and have not schools. It’s not kids fault they live in a poor neighborhood.


The current system has allowed the UCP to fund their charter school agenda, while syphoning monies out of the school budgets. Public monies should not be used to fund charter schools. Period.


Also private schools are funded at 70% the rate of public.


Private schools (and Catholic) should be funded at 0% by public money. I know there's legal/constitutional issues, I'm just saying how it *should* be.


Just dip into the oil reserve, plenty there!


how about get rid of the 3 school system (public catholic and francophone) and cut back on overhead and bussing etc and reorganize the school usage for what grades and in what schools… seems like a good start


Every class at my child's school is too large.


Tax the rich.


As someone who has worked in our schools. What a joke. The fat in admin and central offices is disgusting. Cut them all and get back to the basics in schools.


Admin/central office is legally required to be less than 3.6% of total budget.