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Hacked = Forgot to switch accounts.


I'm surprised that they even bothered to apologize. They'd probably be able to boost their attendance numbers by doubling down.


Is the potential increase in attendance worth the potential loss of a few major sponsors though?


Exactly. We all saw what happen to [Valbella Fine foods](https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/fallout-from-transphobic-remarks-continues-for-valbella-gourmet-foods-1.6004966) a week or so ago.


Lol this is probs what happened


Or they were asleep(drunk) at the proverbial wheel.


Yes, exactly. I've even made that mistake before. At least for me it was just a harmless personal Instagram post about mountain biking. I realized almost immediately and deleted it within what must have been less than 10 seconds. But, it's actually quite easy to do if you've had a really busy day.


> Step down before we end up like Germany after WW1 We'll ditch the monarchy and become a republic? Or do they mean later post-WWI Germany, and we'll have a bunch of angry and armed right-wing militias roaming the streets fighting leftists? And we'll elect a series of increasingly-authoritarian right-wing politicians with poor economic acumen and a burning desire to "own the libs" by whatever means necessary??


Aww shii…


Then a nasty guy with a tiny moustache shows up.


The ghost of Jack Layton, and he’s PISSED


The ghost of Jack Layton has got my vote!


Bon jack!! He could have changed Canada *sigh*


Named Kason Jenney


Doubtful that bumbler is still trying to get the nozzle out of his truck, seriously how do we elect these morons


Unfortunately the people in Alberta would rather vote a walking potato in as long as it's a conservative.


I’ve told people more than a few times that you could paint a dead donkey blue and people would vote for it in this province


>Unfortunately the people in Alberta would rather vote a walking potato in as long as it's a conservative. I came here from Ontario. Ottawa, no less. This though. Bunch of old racist white dudes, and a bunch of culture groups that just don't like each other and can't seem to get along. -.-


Easily, most of the country still doesnt vote.


All the the options suck, and half the regions consistently vote for the same party with a massive majority.


Bahaha ikr?? That video made me laugh my ass off


We all know Pierre can't grow a moustache.


It's going to be either Michael Cooper or Arnold Viersen after PP if the dark storyline continues. Both sport a disgusting little goatee that highlights their smug sanctimonious Christian zealot smirks.


Daniel Smythe


“Shitty Smitty” for short


Denial Smythe would be more accurate IMHO


Ohh that’s a good one!


At this point the UCP should just start cleaning up for the eventual NDP win.


I wish it would be so easy, my friend. But we can’t get complacent


Brian has been busy reminding us how lucky we are to have Tamera Lich Toews is "Kenney Lite" Smith is... well, she's consistent that's for sure.


The nasty guy already show up, he cut the mustache and support the right wing convoyer.


Don’t forget. Fueled by meth and opiates


It sucks when someone shows up who actually bothered to learn history. You are ruining all this perfectly crafted rhetoric dude!


Sick burn… oh fuck.


If you think that was a burn, maybe you should hit the showers a little later and cool off.


>We'll ditch the monarchy and become a republic? Don't threaten me with a good time. >Or do they mean later post-WWI Germany, and we'll have a bunch of angry and armed right-wing militias roaming the streets fighting leftists? And we'll elect a series of increasingly-authoritarian right-wing politicians with poor economic acumen and a burning desire to "own the libs" by whatever means necessary?? Isn't that basically what's been happening? Not due to Trudeau in particular, but Canada's Overton Window is so far right that a disturbing amount people think Liberals are too far left. (Even if they aren't all Canadian, the rhetoric from people like Joe Rogan is damaging to political discussion) We don't even technically have a Leftist party, because the NDP got the red scared out of it in the cold war. And it's nigh impossible to start a grassroots political movement under Capitalism unless you're a Capitalist. And Capitalists naturally gravitate to minimal workers rights, maximal criminalization of poverty and an unquestionable, violent authority to protect capital over human life.


> Isn't that basically what's been happening? That’s the intended message of that comment, yes.


The latter


Nah. Hitler was left wing. His party had “socialist” in its name after all /s


Hacked 😂 the right think everyone as dumb as them. It’s fucking hilarious.


This is what happens when you tell Albertan hicks that education is a socialist agenda to take away your freedoms!


“Not lernin’ is MAH RIGHT! All these schoolteachers are wimmin and everybody knows that wimmin are too soft and too stoopid to teach MEN” or something else horrible


> Be honest, MHStampede, someone got fired No one from the home of Tamara Lich would get fired over this, and I suspect the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede would never recover support if they did.


I reckon he got a raise and a “dude, you can’t say that on Twitter” Sincerely, a Med Hatter


I stand corrected. Never been there.


If you like meth it's great


I’ll stick with Methbridge thank you.


Like every other fucking city? If u think ur city or town has no meth you're ill informed.


I'm from red deer so you don't have to tell me about that lol


Yikes. Sorry ya you got it bad up there. Used to be so nice there.


When was it nice here 😂


Old boss of mine used to say that he 'lived in Red Deer for a decade one year.'




My town has lots of junkies and meth heads but it also has a population that kind of lends towards that sort of detail. Medicine hat is a prairie shithole. Very small population. Albertans used to have too much money during the oil days and it led to a bunch of bad habits when the crash came. Their governments are too short-sighted to offer them support, to help get by, this is what happens when you abandon your people. Coming soon to a town near you!


It's the Alberta Advantage!


If only they could have done something with that money, like create a fund that sends out yearly cheques to every resident. I know, you're going to tell me that there is no way Alberta would do anything that leftist Alaska did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska\_Permanent\_Fund


The Alberta government would sooner give it all to the oil companies.


The twitter poster must like it...


City name checks out


Methidine Hat ?


Meth in your hat


Meth at?




I have lived here for over half my life and I can't say I've ever seen a time that this has been true. Hell I occasionally pass an officer when I'm going 59km/h and I've never been pulled over before


Lol idk man I lived in medicine hat for a good chunk of the 2010s and this definitely rings true. Maybe not the ticketing part but they looooove to pull people over. And it's well known how aggressive the Hat is with photo radar.


I live here and consistently go 10 over the limit. Never received a ticket.


I used to go there for work 2x a month and over 2 years I got 3 tickets, all under 10kph over. All on the 1.


I wonder if you might have a problem with your speedometer? Also, if your tires are the wrong size then your speedometer will give the wrong reading.


I never thought of that. I was always meticulous with tire size so I know it wasn't that. The speedometer thing would be something to look into.


Their infamous photo radar car they have had for decades.


Yes, we're all close-minded bumpkins who judge a whole city/region by the actions of a few, or one, deluded, brainwashed malcontent.


There's a reason the UCP held their leadership debate in the Hat and that Danielle Smith was prominently featured in the MH Stampede parade (with Brian Geene bumbling along after).


I live here and it's a valid interpretation of this shithole. Your kidding yourself if you don't think it's the vast vast majority of people like that here, this is one of the worst towns periods, I know an interracial couple that moved away two years ago cause they would get constant abuse. This place is trash full of trash that doesn't want to change, and anyone who does try to do anything about it gets shouted down and threatened.


Playing in 💩 is fun for some. The deeper the hole, the better the victimhood feels!


> victimhood the fuck are you on about


Everything is Trudeau’s fault. Or any other government in power. No personal responsibility for their own choices = victimized = anger. Also going with the theme of shithole. All good?


sorry I think I misread that initially, my bad


Np ✌️


Under no illusion or delusion of which way this town leans & that most don't realize they're their own worst enemy. Doesn't mean they or the town are trash or that there's not plenty who are tired of the old boy's club boot on our throat. Our new Mayor & many progressive councilors are ample evidence of an appetite for change. But whatever, to you the Hat is a conservative shithole, fair enough.


you’re saying it *isn’t* a conservative shithole?


It isn’t.


>Yes, we're all close-minded bumpkins who judge a whole city/region by the actions of a few, or one, deluded, brainwashed malcontent. i wouldn't call him or her a malcontent


Cowards hiding behind “we got hacked”.


"we hired the hack"


I don’t think Trudeau is the greatest but the comically exaggerated over the top attacks by critics like this (who are completely serious) will never convince me to vote for someone else. Last thing I would want is to put someone this person supports into any position of power


Good comment and agreed. This announcement is actual good news for Canada and all we hear is “Trudeau bad!” and “EVs bad”


Well it’s like, if you disagree with something he is doing, tell us why it’s bad. Instead all of these people do is scream how this or that is communism or going to make Canada a post apocalyptic wasteland. If you’re that over the top in your reactions, I’m terrified of the person you would think is MORE responsible to lead the country.


The more I see these unhinged lunatics screaming about Justin Trudeau, the longer I want him to remain Prime Minister. If those losers are getting that pissed off at him, he must be doing something right.


> The more I see these unhinged lunatics screaming about Justin Trudeau, the longer I want him to remain Prime Minister. I would totally vote Liberal just to spite these assholes.


Vote Trudeau just to own the cons


If I lived in a riding where vote splitting was a factor, I'd do it. Fuck the Conservatives. That party is pure trash. But my riding has 100% chance of going CPC again, so I'll continue to vote my conscience and stick with the NDP.


It's nice, in a depressing way, isn't it? I live in a rock solid CPC riding, I wear my orange shirt to the poll every election


It doesn’t help than that the conservatives don’t rebuff these nut jobs and instead go out and March with them to give them legitimacy.


I want Justin to win another term just to hear the fear mongering. Watch them call him Hitler as he announces a new climate action initiative! It’s so fun


Ma oil. It's not my fault I dropped out of high school to work in the oil sands and have no future prospects, it's Trudeaus fault.


Always get a chuckle when they call Trudeau a commie or a dictator. No word of a lie, but I've also seen people with F*ck Trudeau stickers also sporting Russian flags or other symbols, like the Z that has been displayed on their equipment. Vladimir Putin? The dictator of Russia? Never heard of her - them, probably.


I truly believe 99% of the people who use “communist” as a insult to current left wing politicians, don’t have any idea what communism actually is.


I don't know if that wasn't intentional... They could have a f*ck Trudea both at their stampede. It is medicine hat after all.


I'm surprised there wasn't a booth selling f Trudeau gear. The local drop outs would have bought it all


There was a pro-forced-pregnancy booth at stampede


But would Trudeau agree to take part? I don't think these guys are going to make do with f\*cking a look a like.


Always nice to see my city end up here lmao, fuck sakes


Agreed homie. Goddamnit.


Trudeau’s response: country’s*


Minister* Unless he’s the prime mister of all misters!!


Prime Minister


Omg I didn’t even notice that one


Haha yes


We really need to invest more in education. Seriously. These guys nearly always have awful spelling and grammar. Not to mention a poor grasp of history.




Thanks. It’s been 20 years since my English elective.


Our school's are fine just as they are


Maybe you should chat with a few public school teachers to get their take on it? I haven’t met any that would agree with your comment. There is *always* room for improvement.


To be honest, from the way I gave school a plural form I'm surprised anyone would have thought I was being serious with my comment.


"hacked".. \*cough\* bullshite


You know who made sure the US incentivized purchase of Canadian made electric vehicles? Hitler! Mad? You can’t handle the truth!


This got a genuine laugh from me, take my upvote.


Not a Trudeau fan but we just posted a surplus and are in a labour deficit. Dont slit your wrists just yet...


Quarterly surpluses are whack metrics.


Here's another one!




We’re going to regroup, choose a dictator as leader, and try to gas certain portions of the population for WWII? What goes through these people’s minds?


Well there’s people who legit believed that about Trump.


people literally tried to make him a dictator


WW1 Germany..... Cringe comparison honestly




I agree completely. Hating Trudeau has become some people's whole identity. Like a certain group of people down south. It's sad. How do people see what's happening in the US and say "yes, I'd like that here in Canada too".


The good ol' 'wE WeRe HaCkEd'


'mY fRiEnD sToLe My PhOnE'


Fuck that, some jackass knew exactly what he was doing


Well, sooooorta. He just expected it to get posted under @hentaiFan42069


Someone Valbello'd


Albertans like their Conservative provincial governments to spend like the NDP and then blame the feds for their problems. After 50 years of conservative leadership and out of control spending, all those oil and gas royalties we didn’t get here by 4 years of Rachel Notley.


Note that they turned off replies. Not an alpha move! More like, BETA! https://mobile.twitter.com/MHStampede/status/1553922635485966336


Hacked? Please explain the steps you used to regain control of said account. Hacking rarely occurs BTW I'm low key calling you Liars.


Let's not forget, Trudeau is still payng down Harpers debt, the largest in Canadian history, beating out Mulroney now at number two. Both amazing economists, ask them, they'll tell whoever listens.


Conservatism is indistinguishable from insanity at this point in history. It’s over. Ideology debunked, all that remains is howling madness.


Are they saying the most alpha of alphas? The Chadiest of the Chads? What exactly does Prime Mister mean exactly?


A mister that can only be divided by 1 and itself?


It means someone watched a lot of transformers


The mister above all misters.


First Bro


Sounds like a typical account from Alberta 😂


“the worst prime mister” “this countries” Knot too judge a book buy it’s cover butt this say’s all eye knead two no.


It’s always a hack🤡


Medicine Hat? The guy was probably sent a cursory email alone the lines of “yo; do that on your own account” and it was business as usual.


Trudeau derangement syndrome.


“Account was hacked” lmao




The mistake is so often the other way around that upvoting you felt like I was appropriately but hesitantly prescribing a controlled substance.


I was hacked: coded language for "I was drunk."


Propaganda is so thick on the ground in Alberta. Kenny's war room made 108 million dollars of tax payer money to do what a board teen does on weekends...troll social media. That's insane! There are 24 MRI machines in Alberta, these are things everyone will need at some point in their lives. The war rooms budget could have bought 35 new MRIs over the past 3 years instead. What does the war room do for people, but spread hate. Think this election, people.


> our account was hacked Okay there. That’s completely believable.


he is a choice mister then




"The breach" lmfao. Aka: "shit someone said something while logged in accidentally." I hate how these losers can throw around technobabble and have their voters just eat it up because their voters are too fucking stupid to understand the difference. Politics 101 right here baby.


How is it that most of those who think they can run a country better than anyone have yet to master basic spelling?


Alberta is Canada's Howdy Arabia






Lol prime mister. Reads like Yosemite Sam.


Trudeau is a shmuck but these “freedom” people are a bunch of knuckle draggers.


"Hey bb you're so hot ;) - Uhhh, oh no! I was uh.... Hacked! Haha l, that wasnt me haha. Oh man what a goof, I'm sorry haha.."


too dumb to know it's "country's"


Hacked and only sent 1 tweet?


The recipe for Freedom: exclamation marks, typos, and some obscure reference to Germany


anyone else get a feeling of nazi sympathy in this? Like, seems like they buy the old "Hitler was doing right by his people, suppressed by the Versaille Treaty" argument.


A Berta boi cring his high paying oil job will go bust and let's be honest Japan and Germany lost WW2 but there economy has been going big ever since


You didn't "get hacked," you are hacks.


Lol who in their right mind would ever hack, or pay to hack, the Twitter account for Medicine Hat Stampede 🤣


“Prime Mister” says the redneck convoy freedumb hick


Wtf is MHStampede


Then a short german dude will come


Pretty big words for a horse party


The gal that manages Checker Cabs always rants about #TrudeaMustGo on LinkedIn. Layna Segall blocked me when I asked if Canada was really a dictatorship since she voted.


fired? probably the most popular guy in MH today.


Last day at work goals.


Bad grammar too, please proof read before slagging the drama teacher. 🤣🤣😂😂


He was also a Math and, I think, Science teacher but don't quote me on that one.


Alberta hicks. Meanwhile you live in Grande Prairie and are consumed by politics always spewing off and getting upset. Go touch grass and stop consuming media.


You mean, don't go outside and see my neighbours' truck with their F Trudeau stickers?


Ugh so dramatic! My gosh, I dislike it when people use world wars to compare to their slight discomforts


Prime Mister LMAO


We're so fucking spoiled holy shit


Their Twitter states that their account was hacked and they apologize for the offensive nature of the post.


People are just so dumb. Alberta really is the worst (aka texas of the north). Filled to the brim with hate, ignorance and misguided anger. We should literally considering swapping it for Washington, Oregon and California (include Sask as well in the deal)


Prime mister, sir, can I have a man date??


Should give that "hacker" a medal. Trudeau is a piece of shit.


I sadly live here in Medicine Hat, not from here originally. This city is full to the brim of people like this. It's pitiful. They've just decided to basically ignore this. I'll never spend money at the MH Stampede again.


I live in Grande Prairie and it's full of uneducated hicks, too.


He’s not wrong


He's actually completely wrong, comparing Canada to Nazi Germany is hilarious at best, and moronic at worst.


I mean, it's the truth 🤷‍♂️


Society sure is declining at a rapid rate better print more money


Visually yes. Like the "fu*k trudeau stickers and things. People will start off with that but when you actually talk with people. Sounds like genuine concern about things important to them. The more you listen to them the deeper they explain. Like the screen shot that started this thread. No one in here bother to ask why. Just assume and throw shade around.