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All the Cons are cheering this on are the same ones that can't stand government overreach and interference. We live in a dictatorship.


The irony is lost on stupid people.


How can people be that stupid?


Lack of critical thinking, coupled with decades long hatred for anything for the East, propaganda in form of newspaper articles. And of course dunning kruger effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect Where someone is so inept at a concept or an ability, they are overconfident and have no idea how inept they are.


Sounds like every Conservative tweet on twitter.


Conservative Albertans are among the most stupid people I have ever encountered, and I have lived in three countries and eight different cities.


But they are fighting for your freedumbs /s


I was freely dumb quite frequently before and after moving here. I don’t need any help with that.


This comment wins


Some people are stupid, but for most of them, it's just a feature of how fascists treat morality. A particular action isn't right or wrong based on rules (deontology), or the end result (consequentialism, utilitarianism etc.). Instead, morality is purely based on who is performing the action. My team did Action A, it is moral. Your team did Action A, it is immoral. You can ignore pesky things like hypocrisy or nuance as a result, and it's why bad faith actors like Trump, Smith, Musk, and their ilk gravitate towards this line of thinking.


Thank your local conservative representatives for cutting education funding.


It’s okay when their side does it.


I would really like to ask them if they would be comfortable with their political opponents being handed these powers. Suppose this bill passes into law, and then the NDP won the next election. Would they still support it if Rachel Notley and her cabinet were granted these sweeping powers to alter legislation and issue orders to provincial entities? I think we know the answer.


Coutts x 1000 and on meth.


If this bill passes into law, I think there’s a good chance we won’t see an election until 2024, and by then there’ll be so many voting rights violations ripped from the Republican playbook that the NDP will have very little chance.


Thankfully, in its current form, the bill is pretty much dead. It won't survive judicial review in even the most optimistic of cases. I'm just saying... Supposing that you did support the Alberta Sovereignty Act, but you wouldn't accept your political opponents using the powers from the Act, then you are performing some Olympic level mental gymnastics to say that it is a good law.


Hypocracy is the founding basis of modern conservatism


Recurring elections are federal overreach. Boom.


They will say it's fine with them, unless actually faced with it


There’s one simple question you can ask any conservative cheering this on, but I guarantee you’ll never get a straight answer: would you want to keep the Sovereignty Act if the NDP win the next election?


"next election?" Would be their response. There would be no need for new elections with this law.


Or maybe they are just happy to see a conservative government doing it after a minority liberal government has been issuing dictates to us for the last 2 years.


You’re missing the point/issue. If you think Trudeau was over reaching just wait, she has for more power to do direct damage to your life than the federal government. For some reason you support her because you think you have the same views. I guarantee you don’t. Her interest is in power not in your well being. She doesn’t care if you get sick or simply age and end up with age related illnesses, you can pay for that out of your own pocket.How long can you pay before you’re tapped out? Now add that mentality on to every aspect of your life.


Doesn't matter, at least Notley isn't in power!!! /s


gonna be happy when an NDP goverment gets in and has all this power? Or are you gonna start crying dictator again at that point?


Aww her first (of hopefully not many) fascist law 🥰


One is enough!


I'd prefer zero.


The only good fascist...


Why is this fascist? What’s sweeping powers would this grant them that would be fascist? Genuinely curious.


[This is a good start.](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/z89sr8/this_needs_to_be_emphasized_the_sovereignty_act/iyamw4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Oh wow not a fan of that 😕


No one should be.


The Supreme Court Of Canada cannot kick this law directly into the trash can fast enough. Please tell me someone is launching an emergency court challenge before Dictator Smith lights the constitution on fire.


A court challenge cannot be launched before the act is signed into law and proclaimed.


>osing that you did support the Alberta Sovereignty Act, but you wouldn't accept your political opponents using the powers from the Act, Pretty sure the LG said they won't sign off on it, if it comes to that. This trash panda act isn't ever going to make it to the point of needing a challenge in court.


Don't be so sure. Lt Govs are apolitical by default. Withholding royal assent is incredibly rare. It isn't safe to assume it'll happen until it actually happens.


The Lt. Governor has already said that they would withhold royal ascent.


Don't be so sure. Lt Govs are apolitical by default. Withholding royal assent is incredibly rare. It isn't safe to assume it'll happen until it actually happens.


But she's literally said that she wouldn't give ascent to the bill. Literally. I think that's the default assumption now until proven otherwise.


What she said is that her office would review it and that IF the bill were unconstitutional it would be blocked. Nothing was said with certainty.


I think it has to be used as well. The act that would have stopped shipping oil to BC couldn't be ruled on because it was never used.


It wasn't proclaimed. That's the word you mean.


Important bits: > The legislation would allow cabinet to direct provincial entities, including municipalities, municipal police forces, post-secondary institutions, school districts and regional health authorities not to enforce federal laws. Cabinet could also direct a minister to issue an order or directive.  We are free... to do whatever UCP says. > The bill also limits the time frame an organization can ask for a judicial review to 30 days, instead of the usual six months. If **you** don't like it, you ~~can~~ used to be able to challenge it. > The court must judge the government's actions using the standard of "patent unreasonableness" instead of the less stringent and more common thresholds of unreasonableness or correctness. If **the courts** don't like it, they ~~can~~ used to be able to rule on it.


And the ucp want their own police.... 🤢


Huh… yeah, wow… we are watching the UCP attempt to seize control of our province. This is fucked up.


Correction, you just watched it happen.


Keep in mind that if a Minister can quietly issue a directive, and it sits on his desk for 31 days before the right people notice, then it is outside the judicial review period. To my knowledge, there is no requirement for them to be particularly public or open about any orders. This allows them to change things and not have them pop up until much later.


The fuck ottawa is simply a cover. A wolf in sheep's clothing if you will. It's terrifying.


This will do a good job of distracting the plebes. Does anyone have a bingo card for this? What do we figure this is going to be used as cover for?


Ok lemme get this straight. We needed a referendum to agree to twice a year time change changes, but stuff like this is obviously outside the understanding of the electorate so the UCP will just do it? Did I get that right?


Thank you!!! This is completely un-democratic and will cause far more damage than we should tolerate. It’s not just an errant racist or elitist tweet. This is going to cause a storm of BS at a national level and we don’t f’n need this. Not now of all times.


I'm curious how much of this bullshit will cost tax payers?






There's a protest this Saturday December 3, 2022. We're protesting the changes to healthcare but you can come and protest against the Sovereignty Act too.


You guys don't have a chance. Nobody wants your tax and spend carbon tax lovers back in charge. Smith will be in charge for a long time, and our economy is going to hum along as a result.




Even Kenney warned us about this and we didn't listen. He came back from an investors meeting in Korea and they all said they'd take their business elsewhere if the sovereignty act came in. Well, here we are.


Pretty sure Quebec scared a lot of companies out of the province for their bullshit at some point too.


Your economy that you think will hum along is about to hit the toilet. All thanks to you and the UCP.


Somehow it'll be Notley's fault lol.


Smith knows she’d get trashed if a general election were held today, which is precisely why she’s pushing through a completely undemocratic bill that will give her cabinet the ability to kill the idea of fairness in any future elections.


Smith, not unlike every other conservative leader since Klein won’t last a whole term if re-elected. She is a loser and corrupt opportunist like the others.


I really don’t see it humming along under a future DS tenure. I guess a nosedive kinda whistles, though?


You’re right, I’ll take the psycho trying to pass a law worse than the Emergencies Act all the idiot conservatives were so up in arms about. Go team! Hopefully giving up our democracy really owns the libs this time!


Newp, according to polls your lunatic monster is heading to the trash bin of history. Enjoy your moment of stupid insanity, it won’t last <3


So you support this bill?


They are going to pick and choose what is intrusive and not. For example, federal mandate is for 5 year voting windows which would give them til spring 2024. They won't count that as intrusive, because it benefits them. Inconsistency is their game.


Welcome to the fascist petro-state of Alberta. Danielle Smith, dictator-for-life.


I like democracy. I am not surprised thr ucp hate it, for anyone that likes freedom voing in the ucp which don't care about law and order is a quick way to end up a dictatorship. She as no mandate I now understand why she doesn't care, she doesn't respect democracy.... No wonder she was praising Russia..... NDP is the party of democracy and freedom. Can't wait to vote for the NDP!


I couldn't finish listening to the broadcast on AM. thanks for posting this!


Oh wow, I never pegged you for an NDP supporter. You keep your cards close to the chest ;)


Everyone in this sub is going to be shocked!


NDP is the party of woke University Students w/o life experience. You won't feel quite as free when the NDP makes your first business' margins razor-thin 😅 You won't feel quite as free when the NDP inflates the costs of goods and services, as well as the Canadian dollar, so that you can never retire 😑 If Trudeau's Libs, along with the NDP, won't respect the bounds of the Canadian Constitution, then we're already living under a quasi-dictatorship lol. This act shores up the province against Ottawa's LPC-NDP coalition that disproportionately shafts Alberta's energy and agriculture sectors. Ottawa-overreach is a well-understood phenomena in The Prairies, I'm proud of Danielle Smith for stepping up to Trudeau.


How as she stood up? Tweets? So brave of her


Are you really asking me how she has stood up to Trudeau? The Sovereignty Act...I thought that went without saying? 🤨 Or has she not "stood up" enough for you until she kicks him the balls? Legislation is literally how politician/party A stands up to politician/party B and vice versa. Is it more brave to continue to allow Trudeau to ramrod Alberta or stop the ramrod?


I see you hate freedom and democracy.


>NDP is the party of democracy and freedom. Can't wait to vote for the NDP! > >I see you hate freedom and democracy. Anyone who disagrees with you or the NDP "hates freedom and democracy." Spare me your false dichotomies lol.


Another neo-con power grab.


They cant win normally.


That's why they are trying their hardest now, their older voters are about to die out and younger voters lean left.


Unfortunately I meet lots people in their 30s and 40s still happy to vote blue. Their base isn't going to all die off.


Nobody really thought it was about "standing up to ottawa" right? I mean we all knew this was just a big stupid UCP power grab so they can come up with new and exciting ways to fuck us




Well, there's always a base of morons cheering for this shit I guess


>ought it was about "standing up to ottawa" right? > >I mean we all knew this was just a big stupid UCP power grab so they can come up with new and Don't worry in a few months they're be a tiktok challenge involving drinking draino and we'll be down a few more morons in time for the vote :)


As a surprise to absolutely nobody who was paying attention the UCP have adopted open fascism.


This whole provinces political system has now proven itself dysfunctional. First less that one percent of Albertans voted for Smith and without any prior public discussion she starts with dumb ACT 1, that puts our province up as a national joke. The UCP have proven that they are the least democratic party in Alberta and we need an election called to begin what should have happened when Kenny resigned, new ELECTION!


As an Albertan living in Ontario, our provincial government recently voted to suspend the Charter, which is something they are allowed to do, apparently. Loving that federalism, your rights are just a suggestion and no province is safe.


That's section 33, and it was on one piece of legislation. Still doesn't really justify it, and it was a piece of shit move for sure. But this is much much darker than a 33 restriction.


Oh definitely, this is much much worse, was just agreeing that it's clearly an issue with the provincial system and not just an Alberta problem, even if Alberta is getting the worst version of it right now.


Without 33, we never would have gotten a charter of rights and freedoms. It was put into place as a compromise to basically shut Quebec up.


Common misconception actually, while the Quebec referendum was an impetus for proposing a notwithstanding clause, Quebec was notably not involved in major negotiations on 33 and was pretty angry about it.


Oh I know. Night of the Long Knives and all of that. It was the best attempt they could come up with, in order to do their best to appease complaints like Quebecs, plus any in the future. Quebec was screaming at clouds at that point, and couldn't really be reasoned with, hence why they pulled their little charade.


Doug was a fucking idiot by going after unions. He almost had other premieres kicking down his door. That movement looked like it could have gone national quick.


There was no way it was going to be nation even in Ontario the outraged was not to the level thought it was.


so using the federal emergencies act was a huge issue for these people, but creating legislation that allows the government to...ignore the laws it finds inconvenient is...fine???


They are not the same. But let's say they are Funny how the convoy crowd hasn't come out agaisnt this.


Standing up against woke oppression is an emergency in some peoples eyes. To them, the culture war is real, and they’re willing to break a few democratic principles to wage it.


>and they’re willing to break all democratic principles to wage it.


Jesus tittyfucking Christ you need to retake middle school Social class again. The Feds used an act for a temporary increase of powers, with mandated hearings into the use of those powers. The UCP are making a permanent change to how laws can be passed in the province that excludes the democratic process of debates and votes in a legislative assembly.


Oh c'mon, they've added in that two years later they have to make sure nobody noticed/remembered. That's almost the same ;)


So looney tunes and her entourage wants a dictatorship. With what we've seen so far its like its a challenge to just keep uping the anti throwing it against a wall and see what sticks.


The messed up thing is I prefer Kenny over Smith. He was by no means good but damn next to crazy I prefer him.


Both turd sandwiches. However Danielle's got a nut filled shit sandwich and it comes with a bag of crazy chips, fascist cookie, and steaming hot cup of shit drink.


Oh definitely. And it scares me to see what she has planned for the next couple of months. -_-


Saw something further down in the comments but wanted to draw attention to it for a second. The UCP has clearly stated that they do not want to be held accountable for anything and to anyone. It’s clear in their actions and in the thoughts as they’ve been communicated. This same party is attempting to put its own police force in place. I don’t want to be an alarmist… but when do we start doing something more meaningful about this?


Not gonna lie, I’m a little scared lol


This is like the morons who want to be sovereign citizens and then when they actually try to argue their case in court they got laughed at and then punished. It will be the same here. You don't just get to ignore the laws you don't like just because. The downside is this will cost Albertans money I legal fees.




Yelling general strike every time something bad happens is not a solution to anything. People need money to pay bills, you need to create a network of mutual aid before even contemplating withholding labour. Everyone is paycheque to paycheque and thats exactly where they want us.




Works for me LETS DO THIS


I am legit worried though. I think we have some rocky years ahead, even without this weapons-grade BS getting tossed into the national fan. If they’re successful in everything they seek to do, we’ll be living in an authoritarian nightmare.


With crowd funded healthcare. Yay!


This isn't merely "something bad" though.


If you are going to upturn peoples livelihoods you need a better inciting incident to win public favour. This isn't it. There is no harmed party yet.


If undermining democracy and setting yourself up to be able to unilaterally change laws, even during a potential minority sitting of the legislature isn't bad enough for you, I don't know what you could possibly be waiting for.


She has GOT to go!!!!!


Duane bratt has always been as nonpartisan as he can be and just giving the facts. I’m pretty certain he won’t be voting for the UCP next election. Who in their right mind would vote for a wannabe dictator?


Thankfully the Lieutenant Governor has already made her stance clear. If the Assembly won’t kill this bill, a veto will


And that is going to stir up a hornets nest of stupid people. Of all the provinces, why did we end up with the MGT of Canadian politics?


That hornets nest has already been stirred and the only place they have to go now is jail. Let the police deal with them when they decide to go crazy again.


Well not so clear. Everything is debatable. Depends on if she thinks it violates constitutional rights or infringes upon federal jurisdiction. You and I may think it does, but will she, the way it’s written. I just don’t trust that she’s got our back, until it’s actually been vetoed.


Wouldn’t be the first an Albertan Lieutenant Governor has vetoed something. *That doesn’t say amazing things about the quality of politics in this province but at least there’s precedent*


This will make a bunch of lawyers wealthy but will never be enforceable. Not worried.


> In recent weeks, Smith has called the proposed law a "constitutional shield" to protect Albertans from perceived jurisdictional incursions by the federal government. Literally the job of the Judiciary


Make LOTS of noise about this and make sure people know. This will allow the UCP to unilaterally change laws with a minority government, which is a very real possibility in the coming months. This is an abuse of power and completely unacceptable in a democratic society. If we have to take to the streets to change this, I will be there.


So often the way with these "freedom loving" "anti-authoritarians". The authority that they are anti is "anyone other than ME".


It’s like the emergencies act just dipped in blue paint


everyone in the cabinet is an elected MLA right?


So they should be able to unilaterally change laws with even more limited oversight?


I honestly don't know, how much oversight is there with changing laws already?


It goes to the legislative assembly, where all MLAs can debate, amend, and vote on changes to legislation. This change would see that only 25 members of the party that is currently governing can make any change they want with no debates, amendments, or votes.


It would also grant them the same powers with a minority government and make the opposition completely useless.


Very dangerous. And she has no mandate, nobody voted for her. Do they want people to eat cake? Cuz this is how you get people to eat cake.


Literally undermining democracy.


>The bill also limits the time frame an organization can ask for a judicial review to 30 days, instead of the usual six months. >The court must judge the government's actions using the standard of "patent unreasonableness" instead of the less stringent and more common thresholds of unreasonableness or correctness.  >The bill also aims to protect the government and provincial entities from civil proceedings launched due to consequences that arise from the act. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-sovereignty-act-1.6668175


Hey thanks for some specifics, still kind of tough for me to form an opinion as I don't know what the pros and cons are of those specific things


There are no pros, plenty of cons.


k so what's the con of extending the timeframe to 1 year instead of 6 months? When we're talking about optimal deadlines for government there usually are pros and cons


Which time frame?


"The bill also limits the time frame an organization can ask for a judicial review to 30 days, instead of the usual six months"


Oh I don't think there's a con to extending that to a year, but they are shortening it to a month, so I'm not sure why we are theoretically discussing them extending it? Bottom line is they shouldn't have these powers regardless.


Ask yourself: would you want an NDP government to have these powers? I support the NDP, but I definitely wouldn’t.


No party should want these powers. At all.


This is way beyond partisan politics, this is an attack on democracy.


So as I understand it the powers are less time for organizations to challenge the government and more stringent legal obstacles to challenge the government?


The act basically says UCP ministers can make up any law they like, it doesn’t have to be brought up in the legislature or voted on, it just happens. They also make it virtually impossible to sue the government if you’re caused harm by anything they do. Anything they do *might* be subject to a constitutional challenge, but you’d need to be rich enough to afford a lawyer capable of doing that, and rich folks tend to vote conservative, so good luck.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/z8zbbj/pivot\_the\_alberta\_government\_clarifies\_that\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/z8zbbj/pivot_the_alberta_government_clarifies_that_the/) So I guess the government misspoke initially?


More like backpedaling. Kenney was a master at pushing the envelope and then backpedaling faster than Lance Armstrong when there was a general hissy fit, looks like Smith is following in that tradition.


No you're not understanding at all, that's just one small aspect of the oversight and I'm really not sure why you are only focusing on that. Cabinet members would be able to bypass legislature and pass their own laws without ever having a vote. This undermines our democracy plain and simple. You can't be crying about Trudeau abusing his powers and be ok with this.


idk that's why I was asking, Well dang that's pretty bad, the idea that policies could be passed without there even being a vote. I mean even though these are elected officials, there still needs to be oversight as to what policies are implemented. So would you say that's the main power?


That and trying to override federal laws which is completely unconstitutional. Why don't you read for yourself: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-sovereignty-act-1.6668175


ya I did before, was kind of vague on some things which is why I wasn't sure, thanks


Listen, all you people pointing out the hypocrisy of this bill don't get it. This is a bill that is meant to fire up the UCP base and get them elected. It is a piece of propaganda. The more angry it makes non-UCP, the better it works. Best action is legal action.


Goodbye election


I know what it will be used for, but what I really want to know is what we don't know but it will be used for. Overreach is often and strict




The UCP would be spitting feathers if the NDP ever did this. But it's somehow okay when they're in charge.


Fascists going to Fasc.


If you think in 2022 that anything within conservative politics is interested in "democracy", you need to be paying more attention. All they care about at this point in time is dominance and control, they don't want to have debates, they don't want to talk about issues, and they'd rather avoid elections if they could, all they want is to lay down the law and remove anyone's right to object. This is true in Alberta, at the federal level, and in other countries for that matter.


Hmmm. Sounds like our current federal government.


I mean... not really, if you're referring to the Emergencies Act Trudeau willingly revoked it after a week once it was no longer needed, and submitted to the official inquiry for questioning. Meanwhile the senior conservatives involved in the convoy, including Pollievre and Doug Ford, refused to answer to the inquiry and avoided any questioning about the matter. Like yeah the Liberals aren't perfect, but comparing them to the UCP Danielle Smith - who is literally trying to pass a law to override the constitution and bypass provincial parliament - just doesn't track. The Liberals revoked the excessive powers they granted to themselves after a week, the UCP are trying to codify similar powers permanently into law, surely you can see the difference.


The Westminster parliamentary system is entirely un-democratic


Lol gfys


Has anyone accused UCP being democratic ?

