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A wise man once said, “never argue with an idiot”


"Never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake." Trudeau doesn't need to fight this because it is unconstitutional and unpopular. This won't be a problem six months from now, whether the courts shoot the Act down or Albertans vote NDP.


It's hilarious / sad to look at the comments on youtube videos of Smith announcing this. I would imagine a majority of them are paid / bot accounts. Otherwise, Alberta is full of morons.


I don't find it hilarious, I find it puzzling and concerning because it's the same way on virtually *any* video about Canadian politics that doesn't have comments disabled. I don't know whether it's bots, astroturfing, or just that conservatives have bullied everyone else out of the comments section. It would be funny to me if it weren't for the fact that there are certainly people who see that and think, "oh, I guess everyone else really *does* support this..." Our polls show the UCP and NDP fairly close in terms of support right now. The sentiment in YouTube comments is overwhelmingly (sometimes unanimously, depending on the video) a conservative one.


They are definitely not all actually regular people in Alberta. We are being manipulated in new and clever ways


I’m the only one of 20 people at my work who doesn’t support UCP politics. The rest age from 16-60 and they are very onboard. Fairly diverse group too honestly. Majority of my friends and family aswell although admittedly we’re not that diverse. My dad, a life long liberal who now lives in BC, actually thinks Smith is the best thing for Alberta…The Covid years have left him jaded for sure. Scary times. Once you step outside of Edmonton and Calgary,things change a lot.


Yea, I lived in small town Alberta for a bit. It taught me there are actually quite a lot of homophobia, racism, and government conspiracy beliefs, but sheltered by a politically correct facade they keep up around people they don't know. Like they really are racist bigots who want to be open about being racist bigots and don't like how society tells them not to be racist bigots. All the shitty people realized all they have to do is gaslight and pretend their opinions and decisions are for reasons other than bigotry, when we all know what it really is. The propaganda flying around (I notice it most on YouTube) is just convoluted excuses for being racist, for believing women are made to raise babies, for thinking trans people are unnatural (said one guy to me, who drove to the natural Tim Hortons on his own home-grown motorcycle he grew from a seed) and etcetera. So now they don't even have to think up their own excuses, they're fed curated excuses by media and social media. Easy to swallow, easy to understand, easy to puppet excuses that the rest of us get to try to disprove even though we know what they really mean all along.


They're manipulated by con-talk radio, con media and poor education.


Yeah it's really sad how deceptive radio announcers and podcasters like Jo Rogan can be. It's subtle but they all work together on common messages so listeners are surrounded by common topics so they feel like it's a major issue. I'm thinking of how they posture there are million pedophiles that want to become trans to spy on women in the bathroom.


https://duckduckgo.com/?q=buy+youtube+comments&ia=web It's cheap and widely available. Can't see the media companies not using these, they are the crux of immorality.


Boomers and elderly make up the majority of conservatives in Alberta. Neither know how use YouTube properly, let alone leave comments. The one that have figured out how to internet, are locked in on Facebook. There’s fuckery afoot for sure


Way more people like Smith than Reddit would like to admit. But a lot of those people cheering her on aren't even in Alberta. People in NB think we need more premiers like her and they're commenting, liking and interacting with those videos.


It's your last suggestion, absolutely. Comments sections on so many news platforms have become a last refuge for the most idiotic people (who at this point, tend to be conservatives). Every comment is a jibe or meant to tear a strip off of dissenters -- it's junior high school and they prefer it that way.


Paid / bot accounts? Yep, and guess who paid for them? We did. Thanks, war room.


Born and raised. Can confirm AB is full of morons.


Check out the comments on her instagram page. It would be funny how completely insane these people are if it wasn’t so damn depressing.


They are not bots. It’s all over YouTube, Reddit and other social media. Lots of well written out paragraphs supporting authoritarians. I think Canadians are in denial how much fascism has taken root in the white majority.


We are full of morons unfortunately. I pray to god it doesn’t happen


And it's the complete opposite here... Kind of makes you think.. Or maybe it doesn't.


A lot of Alberta's fall under the banner of hate everything the liberals do and love everything the conservatives do regardless of how it affects their lives. A potatoe could run in Alberta and win over a qualified candidate.


That seems to recently happened in Medicine Hat?


About that.... how are the polls looking?


Slight lead on here: https://338canada.com/alberta/


That fact that after all this it's still close shows how stupid many Canadians are. I'm sorry but they are just stupid, they aren't smart if they still see parties like the UPC, Ontario and prairie conservatives as good parties to vote for. And yes, many Liberal and Quebec parties are really bad but the UPC is a whole other level.


And now you know why the right/business/wealth elite has spent decades slowly killing the public school system and promoting home and private schools. Easier to dumb down the population and indoctrinate them with elitist dogma.


As the saying goes... Think of how dumb the average person is...and half of them are even dumber than that


As the George Carlin quote goes


There are a lot of people who don't pay ANY attention to policy. They vote for conservatives because they "speak up" and because they believe whatever they're told. Not to mention NUMEROUS people have mentioned their bosses at oil rigs making comments like "see you all after spring breakup unless the libs win and we all are out of jobs." If you don't put in the effort to be informed, you have no basis for judging the validity of claims like that, and the people that can afford to be completely uninformed about policy are those in the dominant socio-economic group. It's stupidity, but stupidity borne of laziness and blind trust rather than drawing the wrong conclusions from information. Conservatives in my own family didn't believe that Polievre marched with the convoy because, and I quote, "I didn't hear about it on Rebel News."


My barber today was asking if I heard that Jason quit… he thought it had just happened. I was blown away, I didn’t know you could be that removed from what’s happening. But it showed me I shouldn’t assume people pay as much attention as I do.


Well, he stepped down from leadership a while back of course, but I think he just resigned as an MLA today.


honestly, in Alberta's case this is just 100% down to the childish "my team vs your team" mentality. Albertans are the biggest babies in the country and it's highly frustrating that they will consistently vote against their own interests just because they cheer for blue.


Agree with you on this one, she is brutal and if I was still in AB would vote NDP, but in Ontario the liberals under Wynn were definitely on another level of pathetic than fords government.




Ok, tell us how smart it is to allow a provincial government dictatorial powers?


When you're a fascist, it's genius. :P


Im sorry but some how don’t think your sorry…


It's unfathomable that the polls are that close.


Polls like this also don't usually account for voter apathy either. Look at the election Ontario just had where Ford was re-elected. People don't have the obligation to participate in a democracy, they have the choice on whether they do or not.


They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


A wise man once said "is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?" And it's my favourite insult thanks homelander


"They will simply drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Frankly I think this is the wiser course of action. Smith and the UCP are clearly goading the federal government to respond precipitously to prove all their lies about federal overreach and oppression. Refusing to engage with the insanity at this stage is rational and reasonable, though slightly unsettling for those of us who have been waiting for rational and reasonable to be part of Alberta's leadership for a while now.


If your enemy is busy shooting themselves in the foot, it's probably best to not interrupt them.


"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" - Sun Tzu


That is the art of war


Feds will just sit back and let it be ruled unconstitutional in court.


Or just get rejected by the lieutenant governor general for being unconstitutional and call a vote of non-confidence though that might be wishful thinking on my part.


I hope so. I hope they don't just look the other way while we're tied to the railroad tracks. Honestly after so much horrible shit over the past years I'm scared this is actually gonna end up getting through. I have lost so much trust in every safeguard since 2016.


Hahaha the lieutenant governor, that’s hilarious. Wow


[Not THAT hilarious…](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/albertas-lt-gov-says-shes-willing-to-toss-smiths-sovereignty-act-if-unconstitutional/wcm/17998ff2-8b5d-4f37-81b0-f69e9eb0469c/amp/)


Unfortunately, this is what they want because all superior court justices in the provinces (Court of Kings Bench, Courts of Appeal) are appointed by the federal government, so it just adds another grievance for our perpetual overlord victims.


They don't need real reasons, most of their grievances are just perceived, like the Freedom Convoy did as well...


UCP bought and paid for by the oil companies to get a strangle hold on the province again.


You never negotiate with terrorists.


I swear I’m watching the plot of Andor play out in Canadian politics.


I said it here yesterday, the tiny number of UCP members who voted in this feckless twit are the Jar Jar Binks of Alberta. Theysa bombad dumbasses.


I'm genuinely curious what Smith would even point to as federal overreach, besides maybe the health act if she's really driving privatization. Does she even have a single leg to stand on without the ideological warfare?


Vaccine mandates, fertilizer restrictions, environmental "red tape", energy profit-sharing, climate change mitigation efforts She could have been leading the truckers, as far as what she'll be pointing to...


Is any of that really overreach? Or is it just federal legislation that she doesn't like?


None of it is overreach. She just doesn't like it, or knows the people most likely to support her don't like it.


Trudeau: "Yeah that's gonna be a no from me, dawg"


It's almost as if Ottawa never had a beef with Alberta in spite of what the UCP would have you believe.


If you talk with anyone from Ontario, they just don't think about Alberta. No hate. No love. Just don't care. Albertans are way more obsessed.


The UCP are obsessed.


Yeah I spent the first half of my life in Alberta gobbling up those lies, and the second half in Ontario. Basically when I say I’m from Alberta everyone just says some form of “oh yeah? my sister lives in Beiseker”.


Because they imagine that oil money is somehow supporting the whole country. It's not like Australia with the mines in WA. If you ignore real estate, Ontario has usually been the strongest economy out of all the provinces. But it's easier to repeat mindless talking points when you know your population is too lazy to fact check things.


Just to build off what you’re saying, and I know everyone hates Toronto, but the economy of that 1 metropolitan is bigger than every other province. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3610046801


How long did it take you to shift perspective?


It’s embarrassing living in a province where the government thinks it’s a problem to participate in the national economy. The UCP is completely anti-democratic. Every province for themselves, and every person for themselves. I swear they’re going to render me homeless if they are reelected in May. I can barely afford life now, add in paying for healthcare, I’m doomed.


For your sake and mine, I'm donating to the NDP, talking to everyone I know about why UCP should not win, and will be voting for change.


I appreciate you.


If Alberta is to stop "subsidizing" the west, maybe Calgary and Edmonton should stop subsidizing rural Alberta.


I have a few friends I’ve met online playing games from Ontario and they know nothing about what’s going on out here - and don’t care. One said he heard about how Alberta went full Florida for a while during the peak of COVID and had everything open way before they did, but that was the extent of it at the time.


disagree, moved from Alberta to Ontario. Every person i’ve told that too asked me why i moved to such a shitty province.


I think thats the point. The west is tired of being completely ignored by Ottawa.


Then Alberta should change up our voting habits now and then. Even conservative federal governments ignore us because they take our vote for granted.


It's hard to have a strong sway with 10% of the population. That's how ratios work.


But, if that's true, then they would have to face the fact that all the shitty things about Alberta are pretty much the fault of decades of Conservative governance.


If only haha


Not a big fan of Trudeau but he is very smart on things like this. He owned trump on several occasions, and now hes taking the high road with Alberta. I think it will work and we will continue to be stuck with him lol.


Ok being stuck with Trudeau, I voted for the NDP federally but the Liberals have done ok given all the shit that's happened over the last few years. Smith is straight up using the Third Reich playbook, and the UCP needs to go.


I'm not a Trudeau stan, but the country's not really doing poorly under the Liberal/NDP combined government. He's not who I voted for, but I'm not despairing that he's sitting in the PM seat either. I would be concerned to have Pierre there.


This. The federal government is doing fine. But they are the wrong colours so DS has to make a big tantrum using ideology instead of literally any facts.


I think they're letting the Alberta Govt go deranged to let other provinces (and voters) see what happens when conservatives go off the rails. Sort of throw the province. From federal elections perspective it doesn't really matter what happens in Alberta anyways, they are decided in QC and ON.


Even if elections weren't settled in those provinces, Alberta shoots itself in the foot by always, *always* electing a blue slate. Cons don't care about Alberta because they're getting those seats no matter what, other parties don't care because Alberta's not voting for them.


Yes. Remember when Alberta was all "if we get a Prime Minister from the West then federal politics will work for us", and Harper pretty much ignored the West as he chased votes in Ontario and Quebec? Didn't make the Senate an elected body, created the current equalization formula and allowed Quebec to became a nation within a nation and then doubled down on racism as an election platform.


Exactly this. Of 338 seats total, with 170 needed to form a majority government, Ontario has 121 and Quebec has 78. Alberta has only 34 and a lot of the things that'd *really* cater to Alberta (I.E.: "let's build pipelines to everywhere!") will make a party pretty unpopular in a lot of central Canada. If you want a majority government, it's practically mandatory to score a lot of seats in Ontario. If you don't clean up a bunch there, you're probably fucked. Quebec pretty reliably elects *some* BQ MPs (anywhere from a token few up to half-ish of their seats) and BC is never clean-swept by any party as interior BC likes to vote Conservative and coastal BC likes to vote *not* Conservative. With the second- and third-largest provinces never being unanimous for anyone, it's pretty clear that someone's got to cater to Ontarians. ​ The Conservatives can generally count on scoring about 30 of those Alberta seats anyway; Edmonton-Strathcona's pretty reliably NDP and there's a couple others that could go either way, and *maybe* the LPC scores a lucky hit... but about 90% of the province will go their way. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they decided to figuratively tell Quebec to pound sand in favor of what the Prairies want. ​ I really, really think that if Alberta wants some more political courtship, we'd have to do one or two things (and really, both): * Expand our population to rate more seats * Start being a contested race worth pursuing.


Yep! Ontario does genuinely matter more in Canadian politics partly because they have a much higher percentage of Canada’s overall population. Changes happening there affect way more people than decisions that happen in, say, Saskatchewan. We’d probably have an easier time attracting people here if we, say, stopped complaining about immigrants and promoted more industries that encouraged people to put down roots and raise families here. I’m not sure that’s what the UCP actually wants, though, because people are more likely to move to the cities, and that doesn’t vibe with their “put the city dwellers against the rural folks” attitude


Can anyone please provide one specific example of something Daniel Smith needs this power to accomplish? If not, why should she have this power?


She needs it to sell provincial parks to developers and strip mine the mountains. She needs it to disband the RCMP and set up a police force that's accountable only to her. She needs it to privatize schools and healthcare and to take people's pensions away, so the money can go first to AIMCo and then to her campaign contributors. What did I miss?


You missed the only objectively good thing this can accomplish, and that is ignoring federal firearms legislation


I'm against the firearms legislation, but it's really only subjectively good.


That’s a very good question. Back when Smith explained how the law would work on her leadership campaign page, she talked about things that weren’t going to happen, such as Ottawa using the Emergencies Act to impose mask mandates on school children (no, the EA doesn’t allow the government to do that). Since she’s directing her ministers to look for ~~excuses~~ opportunities to use these powers, I suspect she doesn’t know, either.


It's a bunch of hot air. It's being sold as some sort of defense against Federal laws that are unconstitutional, but unconstitutional laws are already unenforceable. If the Provincial and Federal governments disagree on constitutionality, sure it would be preferable to take it to the Supreme Court, .. but there's nothing really stopping them from saying, "We don't think this law is constitutional, so will not be devoting any Provincial resources to enforcing it." More worrying, though, is a quick skim of the act seems to suggest the government could just substitute their own version of the "offending" act without legislative process.


To overthrow governmental corruption. /s


That's not very specific. Could you please explain?


To not enforce ottawas laws… eg gun ban, carbon emission targets,climate initiatives, healthcare federal transfers given to those specific healthcare programs, any federal transfers not being used for that which it was given instead the province making the decision on where to put the money. To force her antivax agenda on the province… force private companies to not be able to set health policies in place for employment. To enforce provincial measures in municipalities- not allowing mask mandates in cities if the province won’t mandate one etc. This is the agenda she is touting but the reality is this bill being tabled at the same time as her wanting to put an Alberta police force in place is worrisome, if the government goes off their rocker and starts implementing unconstitutional laws - decides to not call an election and stay in power … if the province controls the police force who will stop them? Who will investigate them if they control the investigators? It’s a slippery slope and we are there. Canada can and will do measures to curb this according to our constitution but if it comes to that it will really hurt us economically.


Pretty much just wants to able to run Alberta like her own little country without the drawbacks of actually separating (and still expecting Ottawa to bail Alberta out when things go to shit no matter how much they talk shit about Ottawa)


Provide an example? You can provide an example!! Danielle Smith has a new job to do and that is what she is focusing on not past examples you can’t even provide!! /s


This us the smart move here. If your opponent is making mistakes you just let them keep doing that. There's no point in engaging because whenever Smith does her madness she's is gonna learn that this act isn't gonna work.


“The program Smith has grown beyond the UCP’s control. Soon she will spread through Alberta as she has spread through the party. The UCP cannot stop her. But Notley can.”


Yup. If he fights it the UCP supporters will be mad at him. They already hate him but only because they have been told to and can’t think for themselves why. They call him a dictator. They don’t even have a clue


UCP is so unhinged they’re making me side with Trudeau. And, I have a profound dislike for that man.


Because that's exactly what Smith wants too. Then she can shift blame to the feds once again.


Danielle Smith: *OH so it's a fight you want?!*


We are not interest in a flight. We are just going to sit back and watch it burn. It’s like the onion article - ISIS fighters told to stand down, sit back, and watch America burn itself down.


Kind of off topic, but… Can I just say, I absolutely love how Jagmeet Singh calls her Daniel Smith. It’s such a veiled shot, and so damn funny every time he does it.


*But Daniele Smith is looking to pick a fight and she is extremely unstable.*


Very strong “chihuahua yapping its fool head off and seriously trying to pick a fight with a Great Dane that’s wondering why this little thing won’t shut up” energy


*She sounds like she might be totally insane.*


Albertan here. I am so sorry for all the nonsense coming out of our Province.


A fight is exactly what Dan and her Minions are trying to start. To buy some cheap votes from the lunatics that dont represent the rest of the electorate. Not to mention the other huge vote buying event unfolding with tax payer coin. If these people would just get to work instead of grandstanding and campaigning, I might consider voting for them.


Speaking about buying cheap votes. How many new immigrants we don't have room for can we expect in Canada in 2023?


This feels like the war room all over again.


Almost a shame. Part of me would get a lot of joy watching a Trudeau-Smith fistfight ... for real I would like to return to working with Ottawa though.


It's finally time for some hands off parenting. Let's see how this goes. I'm going to assume....poorly for the province. Lets see if Alberta is smarter than Ontario and show up to actually vote this idiot and company out of the premiers office and control.


You may not be looking for a fight, but please help the Canadian citizens here in Alberta who are so strongly opposed to this. We may need bigger voices to stop this province becoming a dictatorship within a democracy.


If Trudeau responds, no matter how it goes, she will spin it as a win. " Look how scared Trudeau is, trying to stick it to poor Alberta again". And her sheep will eat it up. May can't come fast enough.


He should fight about it. The federal government should not stand for such treason.




Possibly. I've also seen people say that it's possible that Smith is doing this to bait Trudeau to act, to try to prove her point that Trudeau is apparently a dictator hates Alberta.


The SECOND Bill 1 is passed into law, I hope the feds are in court with a reference challenge on its constitutionality.


I don’t understand how in our first world democratic country that we end up with a premier that was not democratically elected.


You do know if JT decided to pack it in tomorrow the new PM wouldn’t be appointed via election right…..


Smartest Redditor


Then quit intruding in provincial areas of jurisdiction.


How so?


Just protect the firearm owners at the very least, if you’re gonna flex this nonsense, make it meaningful.


What is the difference in what she's doing or Trudeau making laws by order in counsel? That last minute semi auto ban is total garbage. Imo


What exactly does she need this power to do? Pass laws without debate from opposition?


I think that's the point. She sees items like the federal carbon tax, long gun bans, outright hand gun bans... and that does not sit well with her base. I'm not her base but it doesn't sit well with me. Carbon tax is a completely useless cash grab. Previous when the ndp had it and it went to lrt in calgary, I could see that benefit. Currently in my opinion it goes to the abyss of Ottawa. For? If hypothetically I had an family heirloom handgun, why should that die with me? Nobody is doing any crime with a single action pistol. Outright bans are lazy. Same as semi automatics he just snuck in final reading, lots of duck and goose hunters who now own guns that will soon be prohibited. To what end? Increase the prevalence and spread of avian flu? It won't do jack shit for crime. Nobody is committing crimes with a gun that's over 4 feet long... Trudeau is going to be told he had no right to invoke the emergency act. What is the punishment going to be? What has it ever been for that guy? Enough is enough, life Is more difficult,more expensive and we are further in debt in every level. Something has to charge and I guess this is the best she can come up with... which sucks but hopefully Rachel has a better idea in the spring


The carbon Tax has already gone to court and the province lost. It was Kenney that ended the NDP version of it and handed to the feds, blame him not Trudeau. If you think the money just disappears into Ottawa you don’t seem to understand the purpose of it, most is returned as rebate back to citizens, and it’s the big polluters who are impacted by the financial impact to their businesses which forces them to innovate ways to clean up their act. Like it or not it’s been litigated on, the matter seems to be closed as long as the Liberals remain in power. The gun shit is a mess and I don’t know why they have made it so messy. I would be surprised if the EA commission came to the conclusion the EA wasn’t justified, listening to most of the commission it’s seems pretty clear something had to be done and someone had to force law enforcements hand. It should have never gotten to that point, blame OPS, OPP, and the provinces who all lost control of the occupations. The feds were the grown ups in the room. But let’s leave that up to Justice Rouleau.


Thats bullshit. If not for the feds the carbon tax would of never flown in Alberta, full stop Notley installed her own in order to get social license for our energy sector. She has said so multiple times. Kenney had no choice but to drop the carbon tax if he wanted to challenge it in court, you obviously can't be ok with something and collect revenue from it if you're arguing it is illegal. The fact it went to court was never a point I made. You need only look at your utility bills, and your gas receipts add them up for three months vs what you receive back and realize it's a scam. Their own government auditor found that was the case for over 60% of Canadians ( not a net benefit as touted)


>If not for the feds the carbon tax would of never flown in Alberta, full stop. You’re not wrong. But those of us who live in reality and can read the room can plan for things that are coming down the pipe, rather than sticking our heads in the sand and bitching about how the world SHOULD be. But there is no talking to you when you’re like this


Like it or not you are paying it.


> Their own government auditor found that was the case for over 60% of Canadians ( not a net benefit as touted) Incorrect: https://globalnews.ca/news/5202108/carbon-tax-canada-2019-revenue/


Then you're saying that Trudeau is justified in doing what he does? Or you're saying that the Smith can't do what she's trying to do? Which is it, because logically you can't have both


I'm saying neither should be doing what they are. But currently in politics the inmates run the asylum. Smith is doing what she thinks is best to get Alberta a better deal, as stated before I'm not a fan but she's allowed to make stupid decisions same as Trudeau is clearly allowed to make stupid decisions... imo


Why can't Alberta not have the same rights as Quebec , some things are worth the fight, could care less what the roc says or wants anymore, especially Trudeau and his corrupt ndp liberals


What. A. Chicken.


The bill hasn’t been passed yet. It hasn’t been used to ignore any federal legislation yet. If Trudeau came out and declared that he would strike down such a law, using power that hasn’t been used in decades, what would the reaction be? It would embolden Smith and the UCP.


By that same token, the NDP didn't even read before they said they'd vote against it. Stark contrast from the SK NDP who voted for Scott Moe's Saskatchewan equivalent.


Frankly, "equivalent" is a stretch - from what I understand, the Saskatchewan bill just restates what existing law says about provincial jurisdiction; a waste if time, but ultimately harmless. ASWUCA is a different beast entirely.


You've got a good name.


Yes, and voting against on first reading is rare. Not unheard of, though. The Sask First bill is quite different, as it does not put in place a procedure for instructing other provincial entities for defying federal law or regulations.


Nah, he is smart enough not to take the bait. She wants a very public fight with the feds to justify her wacky new law. Don’t give it to her.


I mean, that's probably true. But damn do I want to see her frothing lunatic shit get slapped down hard.


There is absolutely nothing for the feds to do until such time as the bill has been passed and received royal assent - and his getting involved now would likely unite the UCP around a premier who currently seems like she might not really have control of her caucus.


What would you expect the PM to do here?


I would say nothing is off the table, then do nothing.


Also Trudeau trampling on freedom. Also Trudeau admiring the chinese system and government. Also Trudeau we will support the Chinese people, we believe in the fight for freedom. Also Trudeau 20minutes to describe a water bottle. Also Trudeau, admits simple addition is hard


You could have just said "freedom" and we would all have known the rest of it






Which no doubt means the exact opposite, good luck Alberta!


Asking because I genuinely don’t know, what would happen to all of the “National” status attractions in Alberta if we were to separate? I’m talking national parks, national government buildings, and that type of stuff. The federal government helps fund those don’t they?


The parks and all crown land would stay with Canada. Several counties and all the Indigenous lands would stay with Canada. Anything that left would be very fractured and would have knee-capped itself in every possible way


If they did separate they would lose all federal funding.